Page 23 - TheGoldBug1955-56
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iirrry ]l{appy Olqrtatmaa Nrht Irar Vol. 33, No.6 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER. MD. Winter Fantasy Annual Vespers Mood To Reign Feature Melodies At Frosty Frolic And Pageantry WintC1" FantmJY, sponsored by Delta The traditional Christmas Vesper Pi Alpha, will feature icicles and snow service under the directtcn of Miss especially designed not to melt in the Esther Smith and Mr. Alfred deLong warm atmosphere of Gill Gym. Frank will take place Sunday, December 11 Welsh will be on hand to furnish some at 4 :30 in Alumni Hall. For this event, cool music in tune with the icy motif students win be allowed to 'Sit where- I from 8:30 to midnight on Dece~er ever they wish. 10. The portion of the program conduct- Head snow-man for the frigid frolic ed by the music department will in- is Harpld MacLay. Ronald Strauss is clude: Lullaby for Christmas Eve, in charge of providing refreshments folk melody: Noel NOllwlet, French amid all the frost and snow. Arrang- carol; the Hallelujah Chorus, from ing for the wintry landscape will be Handel's Messiah,' Is this the Way \ Don Tankersly and Dick Hersh in to Bethlekem.i Italian folk song; charge of decoration. The gym is to be ,..., Winds through the Olive Trees; When decorated in blue and white. In- the Christ Was Bon, af Mary Free, Don- center will be a huge Christmas tree, ald Sellew; The Inn at Bethlehem, ~:~~~~O~!~~:e:itl~ew:l:~;n~h:Y~i~~:~. featuring solos by Jack Loacs, Betty of the gym. In keeping with the Ely, and Hugh Howell, and News of Great Jay, Sussex carol. Christmas spirit, white stars will be "Peace I Give Unto You", by Doro- used extensively. The ticket commit- thy Chirk Wilson is the play to be pre- tee is headed by John Kauffman, sented by the dramatic I art depart- while Larry Hall Will arrange for ment. The play has as its theme the publicity. conflict of love and hate set in tbe A special feature will be the presen- warm atmosphere of a pleasant cot- tation of the "Sweetheart of Delta Pi tage on Christmas Eve. The cast is: Alpha" on the night of the dance. Joseph-Richard Graham; Marta-Anna She will be a Western Maryland co-ed Jarrell; Peter-Donald Brice; Alec- elected by the fraternity. Honorary Jack Anderson; and a Soldier-Robert membership in Delta Pi Alpha goes to Christian. Erich Willen i"'Sin charge the selected girl. She will represent Qf the lighting; Bill Tribby is stage the fraternity at all dances. manager, and Mrs. Winfrey has de- signed the set. Students Present French Music ,Choir Sings In "Cantiquea de Noel," the traditional 'Merry Widow' Christmas program, will be presented by the" French Club on Monday eve- Friday evening January 6, 1956, the ning, December 12; at 8:00 p.m. in the college choir will sing with the Balti- McDaniel Hall Lounge. more Symphony Orchestra in Alumni Thirteen soloists will be featured: Hall at 8:15 p.m. Franz Lehar's Mer- Charlotte Ridgely, Vaughn Smith, Jo- ry Widow will be presented in concert hanna Faigenburg, David Balcom, form rather than in the form of a Sam Reed, Natalie Warfield, 'Walt play, with conductor Massimo Freccia Saunders, Quincy Polk, Hugh Howell, directing the performance. Phil Jackson, William Stein, and Mar- Sopranos Helen George and Mary garet VanDyke. Betty Ely will sing Jane Kemp, and tenors. Andrew Me- "Cantiquea de Noel." There will also IDqrOlqriatmaa ~tnry Kinley and Joseph Laderout will be be several trios, and quartettes. featured as soloists. Hugh Howell will The choir will be conducted by sing the role of .Marquis de Cascada, Fairy Frock. The accompanist is ... A nd there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the (i.eld, keeping while Jack Loats will perform the Katherine Chamberline. 'Mr. Philip watch over their flock by night. role of M. p.e St. Brioche. Both are Royer, professor of the violin of the And 10, the angel of the L01'd co-me upon theM, and the u.lory of the Lord shone minor solo parts. music department, will play the violin ronnd ab01tt them: an.d they were sore al,.a,id. A 'piano rehearsal will be held on prelude. "The Naissance de Jesus- And the a,llgel said unto them, Fea,r not: fOT, behold, I b1in.g YOft good tidings of Christ" according to St. Luke will be great joy, which shall be to aU people. Thursday night before the perform- read by Joan Luckabaugh. For unto you is born this da.y in the city of Da,vid a Sa,viour, whicjt is Christ th:e ance, and on Friday afternoon the Neighboring schools and colleges Lord. Symphony will be in Alumni Hall for are invited for the service. And this slwll be a sign unto YOft; Ye slwll find the babe vmxpped: in swaddling a rehearsal. Officers of the French Club are: On Saturday night, January 7, the President, Margaret Artigiani; Vlca, CWlth;:;:Y~~; ;:;::8 with the al!ge[ a, mltltitude of the heavenly host praising choir will again sing with the Sym- president, Joan Luckabaugh; Seers- God, and saying, phony at the Lyric Theater in Balti- tary, Carol Burton; Treasurer, Jack Gwry to God in the highest, and on 6a,rth peace, good will towal'd men. more. The presentation will be en- Fossett. Miss Margaret Snader is the And it ca17W to paBS, as the u,ng61s were g01W away [rom: them into heaven, the titled "Operetta Night,", and will sponsor. shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem; and. sec this thing begin at 8:30 p.m. which is C01M to pass, which tM Lord hath l!Ulde klWwn unto us. Class Registration And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a TrumpetersSponsor manger. To Begin Monday ~ST. LUKE, CJ{AP.2 :8-16 Traditional Banquet Registni.tion for second semester The traditional Christmas banquet, courses will take place on Monday, sponsored annually by the Trumpet- December 12 through Wednesday, De- ers, will be held on Wednesday, De- cember 14. To facilitate matters, stu- cember 14, at 6:00 P.M. in the dining dents should report to their advisers hall. The meal, which will be eaten by as early as poselble. Advisers will be candlelight, is one of the most formal daily available during free periods P.M. or Seniors To, Sing Dr. Whit~eld To Head FacultyReception dinners sen'ed to the student body from 8:00 A.M. until p:06 during the year. by appointment. After choosing his On December 17, at 4 a.m. the mem- Local Historical Society President and Mrs. Ensor will be at courses, the student mu'St have them bers of the Senior Class will bring Dr. Theodore M. Whitfield was home to the members of the faculty The theme of the banquet this year listed on his Semester Course Co-rd to a close the pre-Christmas activi- elected president of the CarroJl·Coun- and their wives on Thursday eve- is to be a surprise as is the content of and on an Assignment and Program ties on the hill with their traditional ty Historical Association during a ning December 8. This is an annual the menu. However, the Trumpeters Slip. If a student wishes permission to caroling. As in the past, the carolers meeting on Thursday, November 17. guarantee that the menu will be a carry an unusually heavy or light will sing at the homes of many of the He will take office in January. event and usually occurs some time good one. during the Christmas season. program he must obtain it from the members of the faculty, at the Pres- The Historical Association was An effort is being made to bring Dean of Women or from the Dean of ident's home, and at the girls' dormi- founded in March of 1939, and has as especially fine entertainment for the Men. Next the student should go to tories on the campus. its purpose the gathering and preserv- occasion. An octette and a g)'OUp of the departments offering the courses ing of historical records of Maryland SCA Communion waiters will render several selections. and WUS Bazaar he has chosen in order to have his with special attention to the records However, most of the program will be name placed on the class rosters of Carroll County and the Battle,of Baker Chapel will be open to the kept a secret until the evening of the to have scheduled periods initialled on The annual World University Serv- Gettysburg. student body on December 14 for the dinner. the Assignment and Program 'Slip. ice Bazaar will be held on Ja.nuary In 1949 the Association received an traditional S.C.A. Communion follow- The Ti'umpeters, an hono)" society When his program is completed the 14th in Blanche Ward Gym. All majol' award from the National.,Association ing the Trumpeter Banquet. Dr. En- Qf senior women, is composed this student needs to make copies of the organizations on campus are expected for State and Local Histories for out- sor will administer the Holy Com- year of Charlotte Ridgely, Mary War- Student Program Card and take all to have booths. At the WUS Bazaar standing work in collecting veterans' munion and Dr. Crain will assist him. ren, Priscilla McCoy, and Janet Reck. cards to the Registrar's Office. For last year, WMC raised $600 which was records of the county. Counties of The chapel will be decorated with These girl'S, and their advisor, Dr. late Tegistratwn a fee of two doLlars used to help foreign students help nine southern states participated in candles and pine boughs. I3peciai"mu- Isabel hanogle, have charge of all the will be charged. themselves. the competition. sic will be provided. dinner arrangements.
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