Page 20 - TheGoldBug1955-56
P. 20
K The Weird Case Of A Sculptor And I Circling The Hill E By William F. ilfuhlenfeld E A Girl Who Strangely Disappeared Feature Editor is the Well now, who prowler mysterious P P One of my chief pflhrch 8, 187'. if the game is played just right . . . it takes one, and why it does not necessarily imply a precedent. Read, "Bye-Bye Booze." eleve_nsturdy men . t • to form a football team Member ... each with a special job to do ... each part We present a look at a new sports column, which will become a fixture in the second semes- Associated Collegiate Press ter. Next week conducted by a guest columnist, but eventually written by an author yet to be of one big scheme. . the linemen must know Subscription Price $2.00 a Year named, "Looking at Sport" is to serve as a supplement to a sports department which will grad. how to block ... the backfield has to run . ually broaden in scope and comprehensiveness. the ends must catch that forward pass ... and EDITORIAL STAFF hold it if they're spun ... the center snaps the Editor_in·Chi"f .Kay Mehl, 56 Also, a report on the progress of the Christmas Dance, this year sporsored by Delta Pi Al- ball in pJay ... and must be extra quick ... to Mana.iinl!" Edit.:lr~ .. . L"" Werner, '56 pha, and a preview,of the Christmas Play, staged as always by the College Players. Sportswise, New. Editor8_. Nancy Willis. '58 answer signals that entail ... a running play or Flo M.,hl. '58 GOLDBUG reporters probe the basketball picture, and forecast prospects for the wrestling team. kick .. this sport is packed with thrills and Feature Editor William Mublenfeld, '51 Sport8 Editor .__ . .. Dave Bailey, '51 You can read the final results of the Intramursl Football L~ague, more competitive than ever spills . . . and unexpected things ... enjoyed News Feature Editors ._ .. Violet Fonner. '58 this year. Charles Burton. '58 by young and old alike ... for all the fun it Car1ooniat . Georll"e Gipe, '56 brings ... yes, football is a rugged game . Typin.i Jeanne Good, '57 You'll find all this and more in the December 6 issue of Copy Editor _ Nancy Bank .. '68 with that we all agree ... it takes eleven men Pbotolrrlpby Mrs. to play . but coaching is the key. BUSINF;SS STAFF THE GOLD BUG BEN BURROUGHS, Bu.lnl'A" Manl, __ . .__ ._.Ik>b Cru.b, '56 Advertisinll" Manall"er ._._ Jlek Fos"ett. '68 ~~~~~~~~~.~ THE BALTIMORE NEWS-POST. Cireulation Bud Holland. '57 f.">
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