Page 19 - TheGoldBug1955-56
P. 19
Standards Ruling President Outlines Affects '59 Class Future Building At by John D. lIlakosky Western Maryland Dean of Fuulty Beginning with the class of '59, President Ensor answered questions Western Maryland students will meet on proposed bulding plans during a certain new standards, according to meeting a meeting with the students Vol. 33, No.5 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. November 22,1955 action taken by the faculty at the last night in McDaniel Lounge. November meeting. The changes are The location of the new chapel was as follows: explained. It is to be located on the Thirteen Seniors Chosen As Representatives 1. Students will be allowed a maxi- top of the hill facing McDaniel and mum deficiency of twenty points Science Halls. This is approximately from the col- before separation the space occupied by Yingling Gym lege. To Appear In Annual Who's Who Edition 2. F grades count minus one (-1) and McKinstry Hall. This would ne- removal and cessitate gym of the hour. point per semester 3. In order to qualify for gradua- McKinstry and Old Ward Halls. The chapel is to be of Georgian I Thirteen seniors have been selected to represent Western Maryland in the annual publication tion students must have a point Who's Who Among Students in American CoUeges a,rui Univereitiee. These students are Shirley deficiency no greater than fif- Colonial design and will seat about Gootee, Howard Hunt, Kathryn Mehl, Priscilla McCoy, Daniel Moylan, Janet Reck, Charlotte Ridge- teen. 923. The basement floor will be used ly. Kenneth Smith, Andrew Tafuri, William Tribby. Jack Turney, Mary Warren, and Leslie Werner. The first of these rulings replaces for the SeA room, the office of the They were selected on a basis of scholarship, leadership, in extra-curricular activities, citizenship, the sliding scale of hours and points head of the Religion department, and service to the college, and potentiality as future contributors to society. -, printed on page 45 of the current possibly classrooms. The rest of the Shirley Gootee, 21, is a History-education major from Cambridge, Maryland. She is president of Ha.ndbook. The old regulation was floor would probably be used for an the Argonauts, an organization of which she has been a member for the past two years. Offices are no difficult to explain, especially to par- assembly room. will be re- The 'ROTC department novelty to her, however, for Shirley has been secretary of her class for two years, a trial magistrate, ents, and cumbersome to modify. The located in the basement floor of the and on the F AC. Presently, she is occupied with being associate editor of the A~oha and a member of new ruling is much simpler and more Albert Norman. FTA. Besides alhthis, she played in the Junior Follies and was secretary of Phi Alpha Mu in her readily understood. The new boys' dorm is hoped to be junior year. finished and ready for occupancy by Cadet Lt. Col. Howard Hunt, Woodbury, N.J:, is a familiar figure on campus, especially to fresh- the end of the Christmas holidays. man and sophomore ROTC units. Howard does not plan on a military career, though, but is looking The Old Regulation Other buildings may soon be avail- able to the college for use. The Semi.
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