Page 18 - TheGoldBug1955-56
P. 18
4 The Gold Bug. Nov. 8, 1955 Enthusiasm + Pep_+ College Spirit Equal Library Facilities Frat Ame"dment DeFeated In SGA WMC Cheerleaders And Majorettes Aiel Scholarship The proposed amendment to the America's colleges and universities con- Behind every Terror victory lies the Indeflatible enthusiasm of and sweater made especially for her. are expanding tremendously to meet Student Government Constitution from cerning voting representatives Western Maryland's pep squad---our cheerleaders and majorettes. She made her debut at the Homecom- the ever greater demands for their the sororities, fraternities, and Stu- The group of girls and boys tirelessly give of their time and energy ing game, Saturday. services. Enrollment is expected. to dent Christian Association Cabinet, to root our team on to victory. Often they are criticized is their per- The cry around the campus for almost double in the twenty years be- was defeated in the last SGA as- formance is less than perfect. Often they are not given the support quite a. few years has been for more tween 1950 and .1970. The most rapid sembly by a very small margin. The place, as it mast, in growth is taking school spirit .. Everyone goes around the most important single tool which amendment concerning the election of blaming everyone else, and shirks the scholarship possesses: the college li- candidates 'for SGA officers was responsibility himself. Here is a brary. passed. In the future all nominees cheerleader's opinion on what can be Formerly, a good collection of the will be voted upon by the student body done to improve school spirits Mary classics was substantially all the li- on the Thursday and Friday follow- Jane Davison: "On behalf of the cheer- brary a college was considered to need. ing the second Monday before Spring leading squad, we feel that we have Now, a college library, in order to Recess. and are doing our best to create spirit properly .fulfill its function, requires Just prior to the Thanksgiving Va- on the campus by organizing pep all the varied materials which a stu- cation the Freshman Class will be or- rallys, talking up the different games dent body may need in its work: books ganized. The Student Government, in and cheering for the teams. I believe by the thousands, magazines and co-operation with the Sophomore there would be more school spirit if journals, pamphlets, documents, mi- Class, will guide the election of the we had an adequate interscholastic crofilm slides, recor-dings, etc. class officers and the SGA represen- sports program for girls, but the main To obtain and make use of these tatives. This meeting is scheduled for fault for the lack of school spirit lies materials three' things are needed: Thursday, November 17, in Science in the 8tl.ulent body as a whole, for First, facilities to house these tools of Hall, room 203. ' they have little interest other than the learning and to allow their use. Sec- The Athletic Awards Assembly for outcome of the game. If the students ond, a well trained library staff to fall sports will be held November were more enthusiastic it would in- select the proper materials and super- 22nd. crease the determination of each vise their use. Third, adequate funds A proposal for a student lounge is player, to win for Western Maryland, with which to acquire new materials. before the SGA.· A television set has so you as students, would feel proud Here at Western Maryland College, been offered for use, and a suitable to call them your team. School spirit we are blessed with an excellent, if location is being sought. The Cabinet should not depend on whether a team sometimes overworked, staff. The ad- has definitely decided against using P'ra.ctice mokee per/ect-------and they oret wins or loses - it's letting our boys ministration appropriates each year a any of the girls' or boys' dormitories or the thanks that they deserve. So it co-captains; Helen Boardman, Marilyn know we are behind them all the way 'sum for acquisitions which stands well for such a purpose. Efforts are being is that we now stop a moment to pay Eccleston, Lillian Fowler, Juniors; that counts, for they depend on our above the national average per stu- made by the SGA to obtain a room tribute to the 1955 Pep Squad of Ardy (Low-bangs) Campbell, Nancy spirit. Each year, the Freshman class dent. But our present library building that is situated near the center of the 'WMC. Willis, Lou Dorsey, Sophomores; and carries all the spirit. Why can't this is obviously too small and outmoded. campus. The Majorettes were organized in Charlene Sanger, Diane Deland and spIrit continue through their four According to a report from the 1948, and got new uniforms in 1951. Russ Peitzman, Freshmen. years?" Board of Trustees; a large portion of The uniforms now are short green Previously, the chearleadera wore A new addition to the pep section the funds needed for a new library LAUNDROMAT skirts with yellow vests worn over a heavy green sweaters, but four years Uiis year are the porn- porn girls. They are available. Supplements to this 5 Locust Street white long sleeved blouse. This year's fund may possibly come from other majorettes are Jean Lambertson, sources. Opposite Parking Lot Florie Willis, and Mary Lou Maddox. One thing is clear: Western Mary- DAILY-7:30 • 5:00 Their initial performance of the sea- land needs a new library and the son was last Saturday, when they per- sooner the better. FRIDAY UNTIL 8 :00 formed as a part of Homecoming Closed Wed. Afternoon Activities. Some disabilities which_ have been The person in charge of organizing Westminster 1287 the majorettes this year is Jean Lam- attributed to old age may be caused FREE DELIVERY SERVICE by scurvy a study made in Glasgow, bertson, sophomore. She is from Dor- mont, Pennsylvania and was a WMC Scotland, indicates. majorette last year. Jean first started throwing the baton around at the tender age of 12 years. Rasinsky's Pharmacy Florie Willis, also a sophomore, has been a baton-twirler officially "only ."Reliable Prescriptions" since September." Her first appear- ance before an audience was just last Drugs and Everyday Needs Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. Z and 4 p.m. Saturday. She did pretty well, don't Sunday Matinees: 9 p.m. Evenings you think? 30 W. Main St. Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on The lone freshman of the trio is Saturday and Holidays Mary Lou Maddox from Camp westminsterv Md. Springs, Maryland. She is not, how- Win or I08G-they'1l be cheerinu. Tuesday Nov. 8 LADY GODIVA ever, new at the game and has four Phone 101 Maureen O'Hara George Nader years of high school majorette ex- ago all this was changed. New white are composed of 17 girls from the Technicolor perience behind her. During this time, sweaters were purchased and green Sophomore and Junior Class. They she also twirled for USO shows. skirts made. also debuted on Homecoming, and pro- Wed., Thurs., THE SHRIKE Nov. 9-10 Starting Monday, November 11, at Practice is from two to three times vided the band, majorettes, and cheer- June Allyson Jose Ferrer 4 :15 p. m.; instructions in the basic a week in preparation for the big leaders with colorful support. methods of marching and twirling will weekend games. And, so to all the people behind the Fri., ~::t.vEN CITIES OF ~OLDl1-12 be given by the three majorettes. This year, for the first time, the teams of Western Maryland, we ex- Richard Eagan Rita Moreno Everyone interested is urged to attend, cheerleaders have a mascot. She is tend' our thanks and a well-earned CinemaScope _ Technicolor as next year's majorettes (with the April Adkins, and is attired in a skirt "well-done." exception of the incoming freshmen) Sun., Mon., Tues., Nov. 13-14-15 will be chosen from this class, Compliments of John Wayne BLOOD ALLEY Lauren Bacall And now on to the cheerleaders. As J. WM. HULL, Jewel., CinemaScope - Technicolor far as we have been able to ascertain, J. R. EVERHART For Over Half Century the cheerleaders started in 1930. At COLLEGE BARBER Expert Watch, Jewelry Wed., Thurs., Nov. 16-17 this time, the squad was composed of and Eye-Glass Repairing Our New Addition THE DECAMERON NIGHTS Joan Fontaine 6 men ... one of which was the At the Forks 105 W. Main Street The Colonial Dining Room Technicolor father of the present eo-captain, Les Nov. 18-19 'Verner. Just when the girls were' Fri., Sat., THE SCARLET COAT added is also aomewhet of a mystery, Cornel Wilde Anne Francis but that they were is certainly true Michael .. for here they are today. CinemaScope _ Technicolor "They", the 1955 cheerleaders, are Campus capers Sun., Mon., 'I'ues., Nov. 21-22-23 Mary Jane Davison and Les Werner, Jane Wyman Charlton Heston LUCY GALLANT call for Coke Technicolor Delicious Foods Parties click when the mood is right. With AT enough Coke on hand Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- you can set the scene day shows continuous from 2 p. m. 2 and 4 p. m. Sunday Matinees: Griffin's for a gay session .•• Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows continuous from 6:45 p. m. Fri., Sat., Nov. 11-12 THE GUN THAT WON THE WEST Dennis Morgan Paula Raymond Technicolor I Stationery Sunday Nov. 13 ESCAPE TO BURMA and Barbara Stanwyck Robert Ryan Greeting Cards CinemaScope _ Technicolor at Fri., ~E~NESSEE'S P AR~~'R 18-19 John Payne Rhonda Fleming P. G. COFFMAN BOTHEO UN DEi 'UTHORITY Of THE COCAo·COLA COMPAoNY BY CinemaScope _ Technicolor Nov. 20 Times Bldg. WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. Sunday I BENZOZI Mala Powers Richard Conte "Co","lso registered trade·mark. © 1953, THE COCA-COLA COMPAoNY CinemaScope - Technicolor
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