Page 17 - TheGoldBug1955-56
P. 17
The Gold Bug, Nov. 8, 1955 3 Drexel Takes Thriller To Booters Vie For M-D Lead Snap Hemecoming Streak History was made at western Maryland College last Saturday. Drexel Wrightmen Boast Two Wini Tech. of Philadelphia wrote a new page in the annals of football for the Hill. It took two decades, but finally the long Homecoming winning streak is at an end. One Tie Record .In M-D Play The Dragons of Drexel proved to be too much for the WMC Terrors last In the next issue we will run a Saturday on Hoffa Field and walked off with a disappointing 3.1-13 victory. special article on the WMC Jayvees. western Maryland booters are undefeated in Mason-Dixon play, having won The visitors not. only snapped the Last week the team turned back the two games and tied one. As it stands, Baltimore University is in first place f;:;; WMC To Meet Middies of Bainbridge 32-7 for their having 28 1/8 points. Towson is second with a 27 6/7 rating. followed by the ::ni:~iC: ;:~:r:;e~~~C~h~: third consecutive win. Other victories Terrors who have 27 1/2 points. If, however, Baltimore U. loses or ties one also called to a halt the Terrors long include Dickinson and Baltimore of their last three games, Western Maryland could take the Mason-Dixon lost a G-Burg ,Saturday Junior College. Vic Macovitch is at championship, provided they whip the Hopkins eleven. The outcome of this ~:~~ec~n::;r:oo~~a~t~a~:ng the helm of this year's squad, while game will result on the Jay's field November 19, and could mean the first Hundreds of visitors flocked in'to On November 12 the Terrors of helping with the varsity's line. Mason-Dixon championship for the western Maryland soccer team. In the last four games, Coach ~~;hlsi~ah~d:fa~~ ~!n::co:~:g f;:st~~ :~~~ts~i~:~a:a::t c~~:: :net!~:b:~ Uhrig's team has won two and lost !~e~p!: ~:r:\:::~::d t~: ;::~~ ~~ end of a Homecoming loss and is ex- . NevertheLES . tWQ.Easily disposing of Catholic Uni- versity and the Alumni, they lost to the Terrors' day regardless. Banks of ~~~~!~:;e~~~~ ~~! Franklin and Marshall and Bucknell automobiles along the hill, and hun- Last year the Terrors had to jour- University. The two latter schools are Probably many of you Terror fans are wondering why WMC kicked off to not in the Mason-Dixon Conference. ::::: ~f t~::e!~o:hse :!:~i~~ g::\~~; ~:etos~~~ ~:~tY;~~o~gI~o:::e!d oa:e~ Drexel after being scored upon on Satur-day, Most of us are familiar with see- Denny Harmon led the attack ing the team that scores kicking off. But on Saturday Drexel made a after ran down from Gill Gym at th; st~rt sided affair in which the Terrors just TD, WMC kicked off. Why? This is a question that was asked by several fans. against Bucknell, with the only score ~f ;~:l g~::·t Ea:eJY~~;i~V;St~~p;~t;:~ couldn't get moving. The answer lies in the fact that the team which has just been scored upon coming in the first 8% minutes of has the choice of either receiving or kicking. It so happened play. The game was hard fought by eleven were "up" for the big one. tro:~~tTn~~gt~:t~:~;~::~;:e ~~~::r~ that the coaching staff felt that by kicking the Terrors might both teams. Due to the weather, how- The WMC squad was defensively sity of Delaware 36-0, last weekend. be able to hold the Dragons in their own territory. Unfor- ever, the players found it hard to prepared to make a much better show- western Maryland wants to take up tunately the Dragons didn't cooperate. judge where the ball was going. If ing than they did, but a compilation where they left off against Drexel in Inpuriee wefe costly for Western Maryland on Saturday. kicked very hard with the wind it was of costly pass interceptions, an in- the fourth period. Out for the remainder of the season is Gene Jenkins with a usually out of bounds. Woods and tw~n tt:a~;~s~:t~;:~u:gee~~I~: 0; ~~~ roken collarbone. Dick Hclbruner is a doubtful starter Clark are given credit for the suc- '~~~!~s~;edw:~~:tt~::e::~n:~vdee4a:~ against Gettysburg this Saturday due to a hip injury. Also cessful scores in the third and fourth on the injured list is Al Miller. quarters for Bucknell. Thus the cam- ~~~;~t;~:m~n~:~h:!;~!~ a:~~:e:h: ~e;~~~ ~:~t~:i~ ~~a~ec~~:l !:::~e~~ L.._~~_.It! deciding to whom I should give this week's Green and pleted game was a 2-1 victory for Dragons would clamp down or snag tysburg and that was by the margin Gold Sports Award, I ran into some trouble. It seems that there were several Bucknell. an interception. of 13-6. Since 1950 the scores have possible candidates, all of whom were worthy of the honor. This week's award Saturday, the Alumni lost to the Scoring came rather quickly for followed this order: goes to the Pom-Pom girls for providing a new type of spirit for "The Hill." Terrors 6-1. Since "ye ole soccer play- Drexel in the first three periods. The 1950 WMC 0 _ _ _.. G-Burg 19 Honorable mention goes to the band and the ever faithful cheering section. ers" were out of shape it was an easy victory for the college boys. Despite zz: ,~::t ::~~~~ o:y t~rtW~~ 1951 WMC 13 . _ G-Burg 6 their physical fitness they still played Campo. Dick Holbruner, attempting to 1952 WMC 6 __.._ ..__ .. G-Burg 28 Seventy-eight per cent of vehicles Hockey-ettes ~/in a hard game and came close to scoring get the Terrors rolling, had a pass 1953 Wl\IC 7 __ ._ ..__.. G·Burg 46 involved in fatal accidents in 1954 many times. Even niter the game was intercepted by DeCampo, who sped 33 ]954 WMC 0 .. G·Burg 27 were traveling straight ahead. InitialTiltOfSeason completed the Alumni wanted to play yards for the initial TD. another five minutes, but due to the Homecoming festivities this was im- Before the half came two more Western Maryland's Hockey-ettes touchdowns and conversions were col- gained a 4·1 victory over Towson possible. lected and Drexel maintained a 21-0 Yearley's Restaurant Last "week Western Maryland was advantage. With this stae.margtn they State Teachers College last Saturday. defeated 4-1 by F & M on the Engi- .....roared back in the third quarter to Due to intramural games, the girls neers field. Don Seibel kicked a suc- together as a are unable to practice score..again twice. HOME COOKING team, but Saturday's game showed ce;sful shot on a pass from Roger Pass plays once more set up the signs of a successful season. Wolfe in the closing moments of the scoring attack. Leppinger snagged a Submarines A Specialty On the first few minutes of play, game. The Terror defense sparked by short aerial from Zador and then con- Route 7 - Tam;ytown Road Towson scored their first and only goalie Bob Crush disposed of many ~tinued 19 yards for the. fourth score. goal. They threatened on· several oc- plays, starteci' by the F & M players. The Dragons' final tally came on a Formerly Wilson's casions, but each time our strong of- Catholic University went home with six·yard pass from Lonongowski to fensive team was able to hold them another loss as the Terrors stepped Spadding. Zador kicked the four con· back. out 4-2. Denny Harmon scored three versions. Captain, Mary Jane Davidson, times and Tankersley once. Using a If the fourth quater could have been quickly tied the score by driving the four man line, \Vestern Maryland was played a little sooner the Terrors may ball into the goal on a long pass from never behind. have closed that gap in the scoring BUll Holland and Boh Radcliffe Joanni Hutter. Before the half, Da- column. For the final period belonged vidson scored again. the second half the West- Bachelors First As to Western Maryland. 331 A.N.W. 234 During With Fred Walker in the key pass- ern Maryland team was full of fight ing role the Terrors collected two TDs and· determination to finish the game League Nears End in the closing quarter . Walker hit CAMPUS AGENTS victoriously. On a corner hot, Ardie Frank Novak on the first one, and Campbell sent a hard ball through Once again we look out across the then fired another score to Joe Spring- For The the goal and came back a few min- campus to "Fraternity Field", where er. Novak also booted the one conver- utes later to score again. the frats are still fighting for the sion. On Saturday, November 12, they intramural football championship. Up until the final moments of play Modern G. I. Laundry take on St. Agnes on our own home Well as Sgt. Friday would say, "let's the game looked like an entire loss, field at 10:15 a.m. ha"ve the facts," so here they are. but finally WMC was able to get roll- 223 E. Green St. Westminster 1478 The last two weeks seemed to be ing. It was rather a discouraging way nothing but postponements. The Neat per cent of the deaths Thirty-nine to break something that had become All Laundry and Dry Cleaning Work and 35 per cent of tIle injuries due to Guys-Seminary game was postponed tradition, but there are still many motor vehicle accidents last year oc- as was the Bachelor·Gamma Bete years of football ahead and many tra- is Guaranteed curred on Saturdays and Sundays. game, the Neat Guys-Preacher game ditions and records to still be made and the Neat Guys-Gamma Bete game. What's wrong with the Neat bYOUrT:~:'O:"~' _:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~ English Bicycles for Rent Guys? However, the Bachelors did (Men's & Women's) add ·two more wins to their credit by Heagy's Sport Shop defeating the Seminary 20-0 and the 46 Penna Ave. Gamma Betes 12-0. At this time the Phone 1350W Bachelors are still undefeated. The New ARROWGabanaro .•. Black and Whites also won two more They downed games. Seminary the 20-0 and the Preachers 26-6. styled for campus wear It Pays To Look. Well The overall league standings are as follows: Visit The Bachelors 4 wins and no losses. A campus style survey produced this Black & Whites 4 wins and '1 loss. Preachers 2 wins and 1 loss. Avenue Barber Shop Gamma Betes 0 wins and 3 losses. The Seminary and the Neat Guys Where The Students Go are not counted in the frat standings. Yesterday the Preachers were sched- 8' Pennsyivan1aAvenue uled to play the Black & Whites, and the Preachers were to take to the field again today against the Gamma Betes. Baugher's Restaurant JUST OFF THE CAMPUS FOR A MEAL OR SNACK CASUAL WEAR Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes -first in fashion OPEN EVERY DAY
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