Page 35 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 35
The Gold Bug, Feb_ 22, 1955 -Wrestlers (omp-Iete Season VarsityVictoriousj J.V. Team Shows6-6 Record Fall Hard to Gettysburg Team S~~~g~n~!il~~,~~~~~a~Steals Spotlight in Basketball The cur-tain; was brought down on the wrestling season here at sity basketball team has finally term- In complete contrast to the one sided season of our varsity is WMC Saturday as our team journeyed to Gettysburg for their ina ted. Last night our loss weary Ter- the record now displayed by our JV basketeers. Last night the seventh and final match. Unfortunately the Gettysburg grapplers rors outplayed and outpointed Gal- team ran wild over the Gallaudet juniors, troucing them 91-51. added a dull tarnish to a bright season when they shut out the laudet to the tune of 97-75 at Gill The victory brought the year's total up to an even level with losses Terrors 34-0. The loss gave the WMC men a 2-5 record for this Gym. . as the record reads six and six year's action. It was the first time all year that now. our quintet was in control of the closing DeFeat OF Quintet situation from opening to Against Gallaudet three of the whistles. The half showed an 18 point starting five divided the. scoring difference in the two teams, WMe Marks 14 Straight honors among them. Harmes racked had run up 52 counters to 34 for the up 24 to lead, Macfntyre followed losers. From then on the score ran Defeat struck five more times at close behind with 21, and Kauffman anywhere from 15 points separation to WMC's basketeet-s in the last two ranked third tossing in 20. 28. The Terrors' execution of the fast weeks and thus continued the long Team Leaders break did wonders, along with some string of defeats that have plagued Hugh MacIntyre is currently the top good outside shooting. our squad this year. These setbacks scorer among the junior players. Hugh The scoring was equally distrib- bring the season's total to 14 with not a transfer from Gettysburg is defin- uted among the starting five. Spa ar one win. The record is hardly a clear utely varsity material but is ineligible lead with 22, closely followed by view of what-the season has been like for the senior circuit until next year. Bopst and Martinell who each had 20. though, for the five men Coach Fer- Hugh has an even 20 point average, Hobruner and Tull each tossed in guson has put on the court have been last night's game not included, and their share with 10 apiece. real hustlers and have not been wor- has missed-only one game due to ill- It was good to see the team func- thy of such a disastrous showing. ness. Before being called to the var- tioning so well together even though A brief summary of the games sity Tom Riggin and Dick Holbrunner the competition wasn't too strong. would include these facts. Baltimore had been great assets on the defen- This win may have done wonders for U. inflicted two of the five defeats, sive and offensive respectively. The the squad, but this can be determined one on February 7, 108-75, the other early victories were attributed to the in Wednesday night's game. Bopst a week later, 112-92. In the other clicking of these three. • really looked his old self, and Spear games Mt. St. Mary's triumphed ever kept up his chore of pacing the team. the Terrors 95-62. Dusty Martinel! Other Members Coach Vic Makoviteh gives -oresuere, Ed Heflin and Tom, E17g/,(J-r some co«chi1!g The record, even though still very un- was our top scorer with 24 points. Fol- But the team doesn't stop with these advice in preparation for the Mason-Dixon Tonr7!ament. successful, looks much better with lowing this game the team was de- three. Sharing honors with them that first win. feated by Johns Hopkins 93-67. This Buzzy Lambertson and Denny Har- The first victory for the Ter- ~v~~~~~:\u~~~~~~/~~~:~kh~Riflemen Victorious I I game introduced Bill Spaur who took mon, each of whom have been rotat- to ing back and forth varsity from scoring honors for us with 17 count- ers. Bill's best action was in the sec- InlOtl'a,teNew Range NevbyeLr,t,hwMenL" ES ond Baltimore U. game when he JV. Bob Sandowski, Phil Jackson, and Bob Yocum have John Kauffman, month before they cruised to a .. 28-8. 'I'here was then p period of" sec-- all added their time and good play in and win. This took place last week as racked up 33. Loyola ran wild as we helping to turn out a winning club. Loyola was shackled 24-6. These were In the initial contest in Western With Spring just around the corner lost 85-62 last Thursday. Spaar and the former dropping in 18, the latter the two highlights of the season as Maryland's new $6,000 six point range and the last of the snow (I hope) melt- Dick Holbrunner shared top positions Final Games far as victories. The Drexel match our Terrors outpointed Johns Hop- ing, slowly hut surely, this young The team will terminate this year's although lost was a real thriller and kins rifle team last Saturday by the man's fancy turns to--track. collected 16. activities on March the first when could have gone either way. The final narrow margin of 1319-1316. The weather prediction for this These recent additions to the var- they meet Gallaudet. Wednesday they score of 19-15 was not decided until Broadhurst was high for the win- sity in the persons of Bill Spaur, Dick take on the Plebes of Annapolis, with Holbrunner, a capital Riggin, have Tom and late in the contest. The Gettysburg' net-s, scoring 268 points. Van Riper year's squad is-hot with is going~to proven valuable moves on the pa!f.t of the John Hopkins game following on "H"_ In fact NevertheLes and Baltimore U. finals were the worst. was top shooter for Hopkins with 275. make the prediction that this season's Coach Ferguson. Each of these three Saturday. Coach Boyer summed things of the year, the latter ran up a 27-2 Other scor-ing was in this order: Hop- nimrod team will take first place in up very well when he stated that man lead. ki ns, Houston, 265, Griggs 262, Kasen- the Mason-Dixon down at Catholic U. have certainly proven their worth and for man the team may not be out- Gettysburg Match off 259, Buchnell 255; WMC, Holter !his May. have provided some competition for standing but it was the tremendous Statistics on the Gettysburg match 267, Halle 263, Adams 263, Graybeal Some campus conservatives may the regulars. The season now dwin- desire to win that carried them dles down to its last few games, in showed three of our team losing on 258. think I've really gone out on a limb fact this Wednesday is the last home through. Congratulations go to Jim decisfcns.c these included Heflin, Eng- The team has a match on Thursday this time but here are the reasons on performance and it is with Gallaudet. Boyer and his quintet for their not- ler and Euhler ; and the other five with Gettysburg away and then a which I am basing my prediction: With the new line-up proving so ben- able showing. We hope the remainder being pinned Converse, Hendrickson, home tilt Saturday with r.s. of West This '55 track and field team will eficial the team may be able to snap of the season turns out as well. Tafuri, Cock, and May. Converse has Virgina. field its strongest squad to date. In the streak. Plan to attend the game. wrestled in the last two matches for the sprints they will be bolstered by Faculty Conguers Vitek, who has been sidelined because the return of Charlie Clark and the of an infected leg. Hendrickson re- Preachers Undefeated addition of sev- placed _Finley at the last minute Sat- eral new fresh- Mason-Dixon Test- Tired Team urday when Finley came down with a First In Intramural men sensations. fever. Needless to say they were both The first half is now almost com- The dis tan c e Within the next several weeks Last Monday night the W.Me rae- missed from the beginners ranks. plete in Intramural basketball and squad, which was three championships will be held ulty led by their captain Ruben successfully Team Improves the standings show the Preachers on sorely handicapp- under the auspices of the Mason- 0' Holthaus by a winless, staved off a Dixon exam-weary ed last season by Confer- late rally Inter-collegiate top with a 6-0 record, thus clinching There is of course a great deal of the lack of depth, ence. Following are the dates and student quintet 22-21. room for improvement in the squad, the first half crown. The initial cir- will have the add- sites of the various champion- The contest was marked by the but it is also very evident that the cuit of the league has shown the ed support of Don ship events: ~ usual comic antics of both squads material is there and it will take just greatest amount of competition in the Stenley and John Hcrt, February 25_26_Wre.Uing_Tow$on which ne~l'theless failed to liven up a little developing. Our hats are off middle group of teams. In close order Jim Sugars will give the pole M;;'~hehe~z_g~l~~ing.Americ&n uet, the Jame. Sorely missed was the to Vic Makovitch, who in his fresh- fall the Bachelors, second place, 5-2 j vault corp a big lift. The high M::~itY3_5_Baaketball_Loyola College prominent cheating of the referee and man year as coach proved his capa- the Gamma Bets next with 4-3; a tie and the broad jumps will be pugilist Hurt's sparring contest. bilities. He felt the team was exceed- for fifth between the Black and about the same as last year with ' '-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~==~:;';';:";;;:;';';~:;';';;';;;= ingly competitive and looks forward Whites and Vets, which was played Jack Duhl and his weight men "" to a superior season come next year. off last night, each of these sported a showing considerable improve- pos- 3-3 record; the Rebels had full / ment. Two To Graduate session of fourth place, having 3-2 j This, coupled with the loss of Next year's squad will miss the and the Seminary, along with outstanding ..stars .from ..other services of two veterans who have Scratch's Batch, are holding down the Maryland schools, gives the Ter- turned out fine performances during bottom slots, the former has 0-6 and rors that added incentive to push the past season. the latter 1-6. themselves ,over the top. Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- Ed Heflin and Tom Englar will be Hauch Leads Scorers Coach Harlow and his team Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. day shows continuous from 2 p. m. lost to the Terror grapplers through The leading scorer in the league is have recently completed work on Evenings 9 p.m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. 2 p.m. from graduation. Ed wrestled in the heavy- the Bachelor's Rauch, who has an an indoor practice track located Gontinuous Shows and Holidays Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows Saturday weight division while Tom met the even 100 points in eight games. Other under Gill Gym_ Here the continuous from 6:45 p. m. requirements for a lower weight class. leaders are Urkhart for Scratch's sprinters and hurlers will be able As the squad enters the Mason- Batch, 85 j Douglas for the Vets, 90; to work out during bad weather. Feb. 24-25-26 Dixon tournament this weekend down Etzler is_.,_highon the Gamma, Bet's, Ersewhere around the sport Feb. 25-26 at Towson, the boys will be trying to showing 86; the Preachers Phipps has circle we find that the racquet PRINCE OF PLAYERS BOWERY TO BAGDAD improve on last year's record. 84; Snyder of t)le Black and Whites boys are holding secret workouts Bowery Boys Brant Vitek will probably turn in has 79 j Stenger of the Seminary has on the tennis courts downtown. Richard Burton Maggie McNamara his usual fine performance and score 77, and Sansone in just two games is It looks like Coach Hurt's boys Cinemas cope- Technicolor high in the finals. Andy Tafuri won't . high for the Rebels with 44. are really in earnest. Isn't there Feb. 27-28, March 1 surprise anybody if he wins his weight some rule regulating late winter BLACK TUESDAY division and brings that crown back to practice sessions, Professor? Feb. 27-28, March 1-2-3 'Edward G. Robinson Jean Parker the Hill. Compliments of On the feminine side we find the Brooks Euhler and Ed Heflin will Jo Ro EVERHART sororit_i;s battling it out in traditional BRIDGES OF TOKO-RI undoubtedly score points in their clashes. Last night saw the scarlet William Holden Grace Kelly March 2-3 class, while Earle Fi'nley and Tom COLLEGE BARBER and silver banner of Sigma Sigma GOLDEN' MISTRESS Englar might prove to be t.he dark At the Forks Tau triumph ove! Phi Alpha Mil 61-41. Techincolor horses of the tournament. Rags Baum lead the way for the John Agar Rosemarie Bowe victors ~i~h defensive assistance from Techincolor Kate SerVice. March 4-5 Flowers For All Occasions Basketball took a turn for the GREEN FIRE night Corsages Wilson's Resturant better last out-manned when the terrors March 4-5 swamped Gallaudet. The Wedding Bouquets Sub's boys played like they were really Grace Kelly Stewart Granger JESSE JAMES' WOMEN Potted Plants - starved for this one as ,they went out Cinemascope- Tedmicolor Don Berry Peggy Castle - Quality Pottery Pizza Pie Techincolor Artistic Arrangements to win 97-73. NevertheLes predicts that Charlie Sandwiches DUTTERER 'S Over White will win the athletic award for March 6-7-8-9 March 6-7-8 athlete of 1954-55. the outstanding JONES CAHI\IEN As it stands 114 Pennsylvania Ave. field a lacrosse now Wl\lC. will not VERA CRUZ Dorothy Drawbridge team this year. Westminster 350 II The Hill up with a new scoreboard in the Fall. Gary Cooper Techincolor Burt Lancaster Cinemascope-Teehnicolor Harry Bellefonte Look for Hoffa Field to be dressed
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