Page 30 - TheGoldBug1954-55
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K Alfred delong FulfillsMany Duties Mr. Burton. Replies E Seldom has a poem aroused so much philo- E ,As Professor of Music and Voice sophical interest as the poem, Conscientiou.s Ob- which was published in jector, by Pat Patterson, P P By Charlotte Ridgely the Annual Anthology in the GOLD BUG. Last and Poetry of College subsequently reprinted When writing someone, it is about I 0 generally thought a story a short history of the issue we published a reply to the original, writ- that ten by Richard a provoca- Betters and taking NS person's life is in line. But if I were to tell you tively different approach. that Professor de Long was born in Huntington, G T Pennsylvania, that he was a boy soprano and later ton, '58, which, for want of better terminology, Below we present a poem by Charles D. Bur- into a family whose father was a minister; an alto; 'that he studied voice privately five we shall call a reply to the reply. Mr. Burton E years and then enrolled at Curtis Institute of submitted his poem with the request, "If you D ... Music in Philadelphia for night courses "just don't mind, I'd like to join the debate." So it is with prideful that the GOLD BUG satisJaction for fun"; that while enrolled there he sang not only in the chorus, but understudied leads for proceeds to illustrate that it does not mind at all. operas in the Philadelphia Grand Opera Com, Theme And Variations pany, which was previously the Civic Opera; ON LIVING was Benjamin Franklin in 1757 wrote in his pref- that he finished his studies in 1933 but that What prophet's words are these: "Thou called b'nck in '35 to be given a diploma; ace to Poor Riehm'd'8 Almanac, "We can give one year later he came to WMC to teach voice Shalt Not Kill?" Advice, but we can't give Conduct." ...- and become Professor of Voice; 'you'd think it a One among u.s asks in half-felt fear; How well this fits the position of the GOLD bit dry and ordinary, so I won't go into a long He must someday invade the "gook" , he feel$, BUG! We can and we will give service-that dissertation. Instead, I'll- give you a btrd's eye And these arc words he does not wish to hear. has been the policy of this puhlicabion for a view of his life here on the Hill. long time. As part of this service, we feel that "Tell me about yourself, Mr. de Long." Hark not your fear, my friend, but read anew intell~nt editorial comment, some 01 which "Well, I weigh 195 dry." Mr. Alfred de Long ThOBe wis", words to yourself, "I ShaU Not may constitute a form of advice, is necessary. I remember the Thursday night before leaving Kill"t This is where you fit into the picture. This is Deal" Mr. deLong, • for Washington. When I entered the recital And feel the strC71gth that passee into you a student, not a staff, publication. It is designed room Mr. de Long stopped me and said, "CharI, To take, from cowards, Death, and bear no ill. to inform you, to record your activities and Many a new day will dawn but the hap- for heavens sake don't forget to get the music accomplishments, to stimulate your literary py talk about that enchanted evening last Saturday. I woke up in a cold sweat this morn- The meek shall gai1~ the Earth, 'tis also writ; creativeness, to act as a sounding board for your Saturday will still go on. It truly was a ing thinking about our being down there with- And I'd lief be in that far braver van, opinions, analyze campus affairs for you and grand night of singing and we felt young- out any music." Than gain a dastard's world and be unfit er than springtime as we whistled happy to propose new ideas for your acceptance or tunes all the way home! Trying to calm him was almost useless when To rille. I'd 1·ather act a Man. rejection. Your musical proteges proved you are we arrived at Constitution Hall on January You may not agree with us. You may be 29th. He paced up and down the halls that night Charles D. Burton, '58. violently opposed to our ideas or opinions or "a wonderful guy" when it comes to teach- giving everyone his last words of encourage, you may agree with them wholeheartedly. What ing them how to express harmony. Thanks ment. are you going to do about it? Grumble and for sharing your thank talents with them' so "Now you all will do fine. Just don't forget devotedly-and you both for keep- gripe to your pillow or your roommate? You ing us gay in Constitution Hall last week- to "speeeek" clearly and smile." might as well lecture to the hot water pipes. end. People will say we're in love with All listened attentively as he paced around A Glass OF MFA-76 Tell us. It's your co-operation we're seeking. WMC if we don't stop bragging about that with a cigarette in one hand and a half crum- This not only entailS your support in matters event! pled program in the other. "You fell as be sure By George Gipe that affect you, but your condemnation of those to watch the 'out-off in Keep It Gay and Okla- ideas which may not be in the best interests of Merrily, homa. I don't want anybody burping in there!" "I don't mind saying that our toothpaste, the college communit(. After all we are not MARSHA BEEBE, After another good Ipck wish, accompanied with the new miracle ingredient, MFA-76, does infallible. Class of '52. by his broad, warm smile and the wink that a magnificent job on your teeth," said the Man- We might expand our policy to service with an Washington, D. C. only he can give, he disappeared to his box seat ager, who was conducting us on a tour of his eye to prpgress- Our staff stands ready to serve February 1 with us who attended and something sturdy to "lean" on. toothpaste plant. He smiled and his ivories P.S. Had friends you. They'll do their job. Won't you do yours? Choir isn't all of the apple-of-his-eye. His gleamed forth a living testimony. larger colleges in California, Colorado, "Over here we have the basic ingredients and Iowa but when they heard our chorus Faculty, Take A Bow sing they announced "We're impresaad l l !" voice students share the COre. Prof. de Long making the toothpaste," he said, indicating for a claims to know them like a book-and he does. Faculty and students were a little the best and asked to know more about the school. That's what makes one feel so at hom'e around large room on our right where several men "'for wear after the Faculty Frolics Saturday We told them! him. He knows what you need and can usually were tossing generous shovelsful of a sandy- night. This was a party well planned and in prescrib~ the right philosophy for each of the looking substance into a vat. ; every way can be called nothing but a success. many students who share their problems. As "Are all toothpastes manufactured the same . That was a .leadin g ques~io~, and the inte~_ ... he says, "I have a sideline of being father It's a special brand faculty who displays such view was off With a bang. Einding out about hIS fessor." con- way?" asked a small lady at "the head of the thoughtfulness to their students and who isn't early days here proved interesting, and talking group. afraid to shake the ivy from its hair once in with him is just as easy as rolling off a log. The Manager bared his radiant teeth again. awhile. That's the sort of faculty Western You may be interested to know that he met his Letters ... "Well, you see, ma'am, basically they go through Maryland has. Aren't we lucky? about the same processes. We don't claim to be wife here. She was also on the music faculty. the dis- to woo your beloved under very hard "It's A Cruel College Cu,tom the student body's eyes," he said. But he tri- to the Editor revolutionary in the early stages. It's bacteria covery of MF A-76, the new miracle The fatal shooting of a student at Swarth- umphed and married her one year later. Dear Editor: and germ fighter, that reall1l makes our tooth- more College was a form of murder or homicide His jobs are many and number from student After the concert with the National Symphony paste the best." and the unhappy young man who ran wild in advisor to "a glorified hotel manager for the Orchestra a '52 graduate said to me: "The choir My cur-iceity shoved me a few paces forward, the dormitory with a loaded gun will probably summer conferences held by the Baltimore was never like that when I was on the Hill." "Excuse me, sir, but I have a question." stand trial for itt Some others involved in the Methodist Conference each summer". You've Maybe he was right, but I'm inclined to dis- "Go right ahead," the Manager urged. tragedy are on trial in the court of public opin- already guessed his flJ,vorite organization-the agree. During our college days I think we take "I've often wondered, sir-is there a ion. choir. the choir too much for granted and don't really MFA-75, MFA-74, or a MFA-73?" Collegiate persecution is blamed for the break- "Prof", as the choir members call him, is appreciate the commendable job they do. Every down of Robert Bechtel; and it is not denied more like a father in his neverending devotion Western Marylander should be very proud of "Why no." that his fellow-students made life rather miser- to its success. This year brought the usual wor- their choir and rightfully so. The job they did "Then why ·do you call the new miracle in- able for him. One is quoted as saying that the ry over a sufficient chapel program in music, at Constitution Hall was excellent and the ova- gredient MF A-76?" I asked. annoyances he endured were "just day after day and numerous others that seeped into his already tion they received from the capacity crowd The Manager smiled unctiously. "No absolute parlor pranks." Another name for it is hazing, crowded mind. Finally the preliminary worries proved it. reason, of course. . that is ... " though the term is more commonly used for the were over (those of the first concert of Rogers Hats off to Professor deLong and the College "You just thought up that high-sounding for- organized mischief associated with fraternity and Hammerstein with the Baltimore Symphony Choir! mula to impress the public, didn't you? Come initiations. Orchestra) and just as Prof. de Long started to FREDHUBACH, '54 now, admit it!" Hazing is an obsolete custom, or should be. take a deep breath, he was asked to send his George Washington University "No, that's not true!" the Manager hissed. Many educational institutions forbid it, though choir to Washington. The cycle of digging prac- School of Medicine. But his hands shook and his lower lip began ttl not always effectively. At worst it used to be tice and all that fellows was reborn, and so Washington, D. C. twitch nervously. far more violent and dangerous than now. At were his nerves. January 30. best it is a cruel and thoughtless sport, unworthy Decay Fighter of the mentality and maturify of those who call - "Then what is MFA-76?" asked another themselves college men. member of the group. Students can learn much of tolerance, self- "It's a bacteria and decay fighter ... new ... control and good manners by living together in a dormitory, a lesson more important 'than znany miracle ingredient." given in the classroom. Consideration for the "We don't mean that," I said. "What is its frailties and idiosyncrasies of others is essen- chemical composition, if it even exists at all." tial to civilized behavior. The chill hand of "Oh, it exisits. I swear it does!" the Manager tragedy has touched those young men who failed gasped. "Here. Follow me." He led us to an to learn this lesson at Swarthmore. isolated office, and pointed to a desk with a ~ (Reprinted from the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin) large jar plainly labeled: MFA-76 on it. "There!" he said, "Now you know it exists- THE GOLD BUG so if you're all satisfied, you can just get out Offioi"l .tudf.n1o neW"paper of Western Maryland Col_ of here. The tour's over." His voice was hysteri- cal. I,,¥~, publi"hed "emi_monthly on Tuesday, during October. November J"nuary, February, Manh and April,. and "Wait a minute," I said. "Let me taste that monthly during September, December, and May. Entered all ueond 1'1.... matter at Westminster P""t Office, under stuff." the Aetot Much 8,l819. "NO!" the Manager shrieked. "No, you med- Member dling idiot! Stay away from that jar!" He Associated Collegiate Press whipped a revolver from his pocket. "I hate to do this but I can't have. the world know our precious MFA-76 is nothing but sugar water." He turned to me. "Because of your curiosity, ss -ss none of you will leave this room alive." 'M "Oh, no?" I asked, "WeB, look here, Mister: ." You can't have more than six shots in that gun 'M ." ." but the world will still Carloonist . ._Ceor.l\"e GiPff. -sa '56 and there are at least a dozen of us. Shoot whomever you might, Typinl!l Dot Snyder. '57 COpy Editor __ ~ __ ._._N ..ney Bank ... '58 know your secret by nightfall." Exeeut.ive A"siata.nt.......__ ._Jean Kulhman. '58 The Manager's face twisted in frustration. Photography~~~ __ .__ M"". Th""m BUSINESS STAFF The revolver dropped weakly from his grasp. Business Manager_. ._.Bob Cru.h, '56 Advertising Manager EBrle Finley, '~7 When we last saw him, he was sitting on the Ciroulation Ron WilBon, '67 "But We J~t Finished Exams!" EJ[chang" _Lynnda Skinner, '51 factory steps, weeping softly.
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