Page 39 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 39
The Gold Bug, March 8,1955 Bask~teers Cpmplete Season JV' s Finish With Two WMC Grapplers Place Fourth, With 4 Consecutive Wins 8 Wins--6 Losses Two Third, In Annual Tournament The Western Maryland J.V. basket- The Mason-Dixon Conference held its annual wrestling tourna- The lopsided basketball seasonIs all over for another year, but ball team completed their fine season ment the 25 of last month on the Towson State mats. The WMC wouldn't it be great if it were just beginning? The quintet Coach of play last Tuesday night at GaUau- grapplers although not finishing among the top three did have Ferguson finally put on the court that could win some ball games det. They boast a .500 plus average, a quartet of men who made excellent showings in their weight 'came just al little too late to do much damage in the Mason-Dixon winning eight of their fourteen games. divisions. Gallaudet was the proud victor of the tournament, hold- Conference, but it did do a great deal towards making us all sit up Of the six losses four were by four ing up to her expectations. and take notice. When a team points or less. In the first round Vitek of puts on a last minute surge like WMC pinned Daub of Loyola in the our Terrors did their last four games, Baseball Begi'ns Season Starts 123 class, and Tafuri was stopped by it makes everyone wonder just what The team began the season by de- Owims of Loyola by fall among the 80-57 score. It was in this first game Nine Teams Meet would occur if our baaketeers had feating Baltimore-Junior College by a 130 pounders. Following these open- the With Light Work another opportunity to circle ing matches Hendrickson, May, and league. With basketball and wrestling on that we got our initial glimpse of Cock all representing the 'I'er.rors Hugh MacInb:ye. Hugh lead the Ter- New Talent In Girls Basketball were each victims of a fall. Heflin, the shelf for another college year the rors as he grabbed 20 points. A repeat Just what brought about the sports minded people on campus now performance was given by Hugh in ~The girls' basketball' season has Euhler, and Engler lost out by de- change of events for the team? In focus their attention to basehall\ Thus the following game against Gettys- been in full swing since Christmas. cieicn. the estimation of most .rens it was far the team has done little in the burg. He tossed in 29 more counters, The WAA has organized an intra- The next series of events found the discovery of new talent. In des- way of outdoor practice. The opening but the team dropped this one 77-70. mural program made up of class Vitek on the losing end as he this peration moves Ferguson hit upon a meeting was last Tuesday and since Seeking revenge in the next game, the teams. The Senior team, Junior A time was pinned hy Hughes of Tow- starting five that clicked. And we then Coach Boyer has been drilling team stopped Loyola in a low scoring and B teams, Sophomore A and .B son. After this 10ss'Vitek came back are inclined to agree 'Y:ith this. For. the diamond hopefuls inside the gym contest by a 58-44 margin. Bainbridge teams and four Freshman teams are to win, by means of a fall, over the entire season the team was lack- with an occasional trip taken outside. turned the tables on the team in its participating. Games are scheduled Adams of Hopkins. Tafuri redeemed ing in depth. Whenever a man fouled This year's schedule was just re- next encounter, getting 72 points to for 4:15 in Blanche Ward gym with himself, winning by decision of the out or became tired his replacement leased nnd will be composed of the our 54. Mt. St. Mary's was our next "A" teams playing "A" teams and refer ree over Catholic U.'s White. was usually not capable of filling in following games. victim falling by a 71-60 tally. After "B" teams playing other "8" teams Euhler and Engler followed up by properly. It was not that the material April this the team met and defeated a Bal- and also "C" and "D" teams. outpointing their opponents. timore U. team in a 96-77 contest. The consolation matches were the ~~gth:a~:t~h ;::I,n~u~a~:~~eu~! p:::; ~b.I~ :~ Team Standing real deciders of the entire tourna- With four Short Losing Streak couldn't fit into the combination of 1~i.g:f The team then went on a short but team standings games left to play the ment. Vitek's loss to Neary dropped are: starting players. Mon. 18 at oyola of the East Senior A 2-0 him to the number four spot, 'I'afur-i'e Th. 21,.t .Mt. SL .Mary'. disliked losing streak. With Mac- triumph over James of Gallaudet Tu. 26 at Washington Events Change Th. 28"t Lo)'olaof theE ... t Intyre out the team lost to Mt. St .• Junior A 2·0 gave him third place in his weight M., Mary's by the very close margin of 3-0 We believe the first change of Wed. 4 Baltimore U. 60-59 and then "fell on the short end ~~~~orAB._:~..-, 1·2 class, Engler captured third also with events took place not with the team's Th. 5 Johns Hopkin. Jer.ey of a 68-66 score with Johns Hopkins. Soph B 1·0 a deciaioned win against Calder of Sat. 7 Rutge,..,. of South first victory, hut in the Baltimore U. Mon. 16 at Lebanon Valley Again the team reverted to the win Fresh A 0·3 Baltimore U., and Euhler completed 17 st Mt St. Mary's 'rc. things with a close loss to Conver of game on the fifteenth of February. column though defeating Baltimore Fresh B -_.. 2·1 Hopkins. It was in this game that Ferguson U. again, this time 74-66. Loyola Fresh C . 1·2 shifted the line-up and started two Racqueteers Open stopped the short win streak, setting Fresh D -- 0~4 new comers to the varuity, plus a us down 66-64. Gallaudet next felt the High scorers have been Juniors: Golf'; ·55 Schedule second etrmgor. To those uf you who At American U. ""impact of our anger as we netted 91 Rill and Albaugh; Sophomores, Nuttel recall that game, you'll remember points to their 56. In a thrilling con- and Weber; Freshmen, Robertson and It will be the sixteenth day of April seeing this rearranged group hold Although the opening match IS test against the Navy Plebes the Senior, Baum. before our golf team enters its first their own the first quarter, andl not still over a month away it may be of Green & Gold team fell short of the The officials, timers and scorers competition, but already the enthu- yielding until substitution began. The interest tc see just what the schedule mark, losing 91-73. The Terrors did for intramural games have been se- iaats who follow this spring time sport starting line-up that night was com- will consist of this year in the field of go on to win their final two contests lected from ,the coaching class and in- are expecting another great season. posed of Tom Riggin, Dick Holbrunn- tennis. Following are this spring's of the year, defeating Johns Hopkins clude: Siehler, Reek, Service, Rill, The first contest will be with Gettys- er, Chuch Smith, Dusty Martinell, matches as they now read. 74-59 and winning over Gallaudet Albaugh, Upperco, Angell, Davison, burg at their course, following this and Bill ~Paar. 95-82. Hutter, Taylor, Bowen and Arnie. game will be a twelve schedule. Other dates include: So there you have a recap of some Last Victories iM!";:~::.'.'!~1t~ very well played, well fought games. Outside Games Sharon man- In those last four victor-ies the If you got to see our juniors play ag.!;! has Albaugh, basketball outside three announced scores ran; WMC 97, Gallaudet 75, we're sure yOU'll agree they have games. On Thursday, March 3, WMC WMC 83, Catholic U. 67, WMC 87, given us something to look forward plays at S1. Joseph's 'College at 7:15. Hopkins 84, WMC 98, Gallaudet 70. 1~~f~g~~~bu~ to when they reach varsity level. Mac- Notre Dame came to WMC on Sat- Quite a change ovef the team of the 11 John. lIopkins Intyre's offensive work was tremen- urday, March 5 for two games, the opening four games. They actually Sat. 14 At Delaware dous, he h\p 280 points on the season, first beginning at 2:30. WMC jour- had a 91 point average, while hold- " and was a real spark to the team. neys to Towson State for two games ing their opponents to a 74 average. Track Shows 8 Mods Coach Boyer did an exceedingly good on March 17. Compare this to the 82 point average joh in turning out a winning team, The team which will represent Compliments of of the victors against our 66 plus of This season Coach Harlow and his the record they tallied is a tribute to WMC is selected from the intra- the initial four contests. trackmen show an eight game sched- him. mural teams on the basis of partici- J. R. EVERHART ule which will get underway on April pation in games, skill, and sports- COLLEGE BARBER Spaar Asset 1 at Gettysburg. Other-meets will be manship. At the Forks in this order: Correction Bill Spaar was certainly a tremen- dous asset to the Terrors. He joined ~~~iI In the last issue of the GOLD the team on February third. In his Sat. 1& At Bridgewater BUG the JV's record was er rone- opening game he scored 15 points, Fri. 22 At Wa.hington eusly printed. It then stood 6-5 f'rL 2~ Loyola of the E.."t ¥~.y . then he fell off and had four the next Sat. 30 At Olympic Club of Baltimore Meet and not 6-6 as printed. game and three the following one. Sat. 7 At Catholic 11. But after this short slump he really Fri. S..t.13_14 Magon_Dixon Conference Meet came alive. In his last seven games at Catholic U. he averaged 20 points a night. Here is one reason for the change. G.C. Murphy & Co; J. WM. HULL, Jew.I., Riggin and Holbr unne r Then there came the addition of For Over Half Century The Friendly Store Holbrunner and Riggin during the Loyola battle. It has been commented Expert Watch, Jewelry Donnitory and that Holbrunner is the real demon of and Eye-Glass Repairing Suppliu the fast break. He was like a flash when taking off for those much need- ed points. Riggin served the duel pur- 105 W. Main Street 6_10 Weat Main Street pose of rebounder and point man, al_ W~tmimkr, Md. tr.ough he didn't come into promip- ence in the latter aspect until the last two games. The clpsing two "Save up your pennies and events showed him with 22 against Freshl come to BENNY'S Hopkins and 23 at Gallaudet. POPCORN CARAMEL CORN Martinell And yet we cannot possibly fOTget PEANUTS Dusty Martinell. Dusty played really HOME· MADE CANDY marvelous basketball during the sec- Salted Nuts and Home-Made When you pause ... make it count ... have a Coke ond half or-the season. His scoring Mints To Order for Parties antics certainly wowed everyone. His I 20 plus point average contributed THE TREAT SHOP greatly to the squad's final blast of opp. Carroll Theatre 'kI~MJ.. speed. "A distinctive re8taltrant" And so we do wish it could begin again. Yet it is not a season to be completely unhappy with. The start- ing men like Bopst, Tull, Harmon, Baugher's Restaurant Davis, Lamhertson and Kauffman all played hard and with some more JUST OFF THE CAMPUS breaks would easily have altered the loss column much earlier. It was dis- COUl'aging that Ferguson could not FOR A MEAL OR SNACK have found the winning combination sooner, but that is one of the biggest Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes tasks of coaching and sometimes comes only through trial and error. OPEN EVERY DAY Let's hope for a much better go of it WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOITLING CO., INC. come n6."(t December. "CM."Io.'-I!I_H ....... _k. 0 if'S, Th. c""....(cI. C-PUft1
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