Page 40 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 40
The Gold Bug, March 8, 1955 Things Mean A Lot ll Times Have Changea! Following is a por- (fditor's Note: by Dr. tion written John of the article for the Nov. 14, D. Makosky upon Familiar Landmarks 'On Campus become a part of our college memo- 1947 Gold 811g. We feel that be glad reading the dances, the grille, Mar- students this, will ries ... garet and maybe even a and Earle's, ReRect Many College Traditions few classes. These are the things we that some traditions early just didn't last!) Back Western in the 20's, from and don't miss until take for granted was still segregated Maryland we do not have them anymore. But By Pat Richter presented by the music and dramatic actuality as a result of-the iron cur- COLD BUG New.-Feature Editor arts department draws many visitors most of all, we will remember the tra- tain of thf Lewis dictatorship, which "Tradition, Tradition, Tradition!" to the campus. The Christmas Dance ditions that help to make WM what it had terminated in 1920. Campus is. As seniors there is one such tr-adi- This theme song of the Junior Fol- is a festive occasion. And what tion that is a little closer than the mores were mid-Victorian: social lies presented by tile class of 1951 French student cannot join in the others. We have participated in the contact between the sexes (still might well be the theme song of West. chorus of: "I1.est 'ne, Ie divine en- lantern chain ever year. Every year termed "parlor") was confined to the ern Maryland College. Tradition fol- fant"! The creche outside McDaniel we have sung the class .song, and felt half hour supper, the girls' dormi- lowed us through every minute of our Hall and the sacred beauty of the that our day was a long way off. tories were padlocked at 7 p- m., college life. The freshman is told, French Club program always serve to we went through the stages-"ver- chapel service was compulsory at "Speak to everyone. You're expected remind us of the universality of the dant freshmen", '''gay young sopho- 7:45 a. m. each day, female students to, because it's a tradition here at Christmas spir-it, mores" and "jolly juniors". Then the were marched to church in columns Western Maryland." And so it goes. Christmas Traditions time came. we were the ~"grand old of squads, no dancing was tolerated Before you've been a student here for Finally comes the last night. before seniors" being ushered out into the on campus, no smoking was permitt- many weeks, you discover many, Christmas vacation, with all its tra- "cold, cold. world J" Somebody's lan- ed in pubttc (exception-the. Wills many traditions. These range all the ditions.' The banquet, with pine and tern did burn up, and was remem- pipe), literary societies staged "ora- way from the big ceremonies such as turkey and cal.pIs and Mrs. Harbaugh bered. Somebody sang a little off key, torical contests" and the current ab- Homecoming to those unwritten social singing "0 Holy Night~'; the SCA and we remembered again. As we filed . sence system knocked a student's traditions, such as the "three dates communion service; the dorrn-partdee ; back to the Blanche Ward steps, we grade down one letter for every three and you're steady" dogma. and then other parties; and everyone Who would hUlie gltcsscd this WM took our places and were grateful for absences. No visible intellectual free- Easy For lIfodern "Rats" trying to stay up all night. a cumpllS tradition? Sorry, fellows, tradition. "We are here to hcnor dom lurked about the campus. Fac- The "rat" tradition probably at- In the wee hours of the morning, you missed your ChQ.11CC, (Lt least tra._ ... "~ ulty opinion had a reassuring, but tracts more attention on the campus the seniors enjoy refreshments pre- ditionally, if yO!~ dUlI1't kiss Iwr thfJ unhealthy unanimity; students had first time yOlt both strolled WIder no opinion at all (at least in public). ftIc1niwial Arch. Cotton and nylon socks of the same Teachers with too sturdy an inde- weight are about equally warm, pro- pendence to conform to pattern sophomore women, and a Halloween vided they are of the same thickness. moved on quickly-fer- one reason 01" patty given annually by the eophc- another; naturally no student secret mores in honor of the freshman class. organiznt.ions, in which uncensored The Sadie Hawkins dance, complete ideas might germinate, were allowed. with outlandish costumes and those The "only college publication was a crazll vegetable corsages, seems to monthly "literary" magazine, de- have been on its death-bed fOT several voted to poems and essays on Beauty years, but it still holds on bravely. and Truth. The possible beginning of a new tradition came this year, when the Women's SPOllSOI' Corps served as queen and court at. the Military Ball. LAUNDROMAT In past years, the officers and their dates entertained visitors with vari- 5 Locust Street ous drills and formations on the dance Opposite Parking Lot floor. During the war years, men bought their dates Defense Stamps in DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 place of corsages, and a Defense FRIDAY- UNTIL 8:00 Stamp booth at the dance did a rear- ing business. Closed Wed. Afternoon To all of us May Day represents than any other. A cry of "air raid" pared for them by members of the the end of those long, winter "slump" Westminster 1287 is still enough to make some freshmen junior class, then venture out into the months. The queen and her court FREE DELIVERY SERVICE (and upperclassmen, too, we suspect) cold to sing carols at the homes of seem to reflect the freshness and glance guiltily over their shoulders. their professors. They return to have beauty of the spring. The May Day But for the poor, mistreated fresh- breakfast, for once, in a unit, still tradition developed in the early men, here are some consoling (1) singing for the bleary-eyed under- 1920's, is sponsored by the Women's thoughts. First, "He who laughs last, classmen. Everyone staggers through laughs best", and "your time is com- classes, anxious to leave for home, Student Government Association. Wilson's Resturant ing." Second, you've had it easy com- where they observe other traditions. In the spring, too, many traditional pared with students of an earlier day. The wishing well in Robins~n Ga~ activities' in honor of the seniors take in Sub's service place. After the investiture Female "rats" wore green dresses and den seems to have lost its purpose, if April, seniors weal' their robes to hail' ribbons. Male "rats" prayed for it ever had one. No wishing ever Pizza Pie rain under the windows of the girls' seems to be done there, although it is Chapel with a dignity that makes Sandwiches dorms, and all too often their prayers frequently used as a setting for pic- Commencement seem very real to all were answered. Hazing practices for tures. But one need only mention the of us. The juniors pay an impressive Over tribute to the seniors in the Rose Cup freshmen at one time were similar to Mourner's Bench, the Kicking Post Ceremony. frat initiations. or Seventh Green, and everyone with- ~ Aloha Pays Tribute The Hill Homecoming, with all its accom- in heaa+ng distance smiles knowingly. III the 1952 Aloha, there is a touch- panying traditions, was begun by Dr. Albert Norman Ward in 1922. The Many traditions of the past seem ing tribute to the traditions of the parade through town; the game to have been lost in the shuffle. Among college, which we are printing in its these are an ivy-planting (Western Maryland College has never apparently participated, in ceremony, entirety: by the "There are many things which shall lost a Homecoming- game!); the Rasinsky's Pharmacy crowning of a queen by the president; the presentation of the queen's bou- quet to the president's wife; that all- "Reliable Prescriptions" important freshman-sophomore tug- of-war; open house in the sorority and Drugs and Everyday Needs frat(rooms; clean dormitory rooms for 30 W. Main St. the eyes of guests; and the long- awaited Homecoming Dance all com- Weekday Shows 7 and!) p.m. Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- Westminster Md. 2 and 4 p.m. bine to create a nostalgic atmosphere Sunday Matinees: 9 p.m. day shows continuous from 2 p. m. -Let your Evenings for returning alumni. Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Phone 101 The Christmas .season W'ings a Saturday and H~lidays Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows vacation start at wealth of traditional events on camp- continuous from 6:45 p. m. us. The beautiful and sacred program the station' March 8 TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT l'Ifarch9-10 Yvonlle DeCarlo Barry Fitzgerald EXECUTIVE SUITE -more fun. more friends Stationery It Pay. To Look Well William Holden June Allyson, - on the troin! Technicolor and Techllicolqr Visit The Take the train for a fun-filled Greeting Cards March 9-10-11-12 trip back home ... with your at Avenue Barber Shop VERA CRUZ March 11-12 friends along and room to roam. Gary Cooper Denise Darcel LAST TIME I SAW P ARoIS No tough driving to do, and no Where The Studenu'Go Superscope Elizabeth Taylor Vall Johnson waiting for weather to clear. P. G. COFFMAN Technicolor -/ Costs less, too ... you and Times Bldg_ 85 Pen~ylvania Avenue March 13-14-15 two more traveling together can BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK March 13-14-15 each save 25% of regular round- trip coach fares on most trips Walt Disney's Spencer Tracy Robert Ryan THE VANISHING PRAIRIE of 100 miles or more by using Cinemascope· Technicolor Technicolor GROUP ECONOMY FARES!' Flowers For AU Occasions Or, gather 25 or more heading Faith and Corsages home at the same time in same Wedding E!0uquets March 16-17 :March 16-17 direction and you each save 28%, Begorra Potted Plants LAND ,OF FURY THE BIG SLEEP even if you return separately. it's Quality Pottery Glynis Johns Jack Hawkins Humphrey Bogart Laureell BacalJ Artistic Arrangements Technicojor TechnicoJor ·E""'.'l'I!or local Iro." !Iotll".... NBw York- .. , Pa. Wash.nqlo"im.oaslo!L
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