Page 37 - TheGoldBug1954-55
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dOOll<-l J ~'c;. t,ll'lf:i -tr::r, lite COLLEGE ild. VERSATILE TRADITIONS GIPE PAGE 4 PAGE 2 Z28, Vol. 32, No. 10 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER; MD. \ March 8, 1955 Junior Dramatic Art Students Dr. En~or Meets Juniors Elect Tribby, Luttrell To Stage One-Act Play Trio ~~~~ff~~~!o~~~~~~1To Publish '56 ALOHA The Junior plays, under the direction of Miss Esther Smith, structive factor-a in campus life, a Bill Tribby and Charles Luttrell have been chosen to head the will be presented in Alumni Hall on Friday evening, March 18, at meeting of the Interfraternity Coun- staff of the 1956 ALOHA. They were elected at a Junior class meet- 8:15 p.m. ' cil was called by President Lowell S. ing on February 28. ..., George Gipe's, The GnLnny Knot, a one act satirical comedy, Ensor on Thursday. Tonight the fra- Bill will be editor-in-chief, Charles will execute the duties of shows how grandfather Wordsworth Ellingpost, played by Michael ternities will discuss proceedings of business manager. . . Leftwick, ties the Granny Knot around his immediate family. Grand- that meeting . mother Lelia and grnndmother Maxine, Presidents of the four fraternities, The new editor has had previous journalistic" experience at grandfather Ellingpcat's" divorced representatives of each and Dean wives are Janet Seymour and' Nancy Prom To Feature William M. David were pres~nt. Pennypacker, respectively. Others in Lois Wilson; Stanley Brinkley, Frank Shamrock Theme Thc president and the group dis. the cast include: Carole Brinkley, Roles of Frats Pretty :~~E~~;,~:;\~rb)~::':l:::,:.~:~~;~YJ~;,1~;;~~~~-~:£:~J!~\~;n colleens and impish leprech- Benson; Audrey Jean Warfield ; Bob, cussed the role of fraternities in en- higher academic standing, courag'ing- participation and greater in campus activities and in maintaining proper :~:t~~~g~:y ~f ~~;~nt6a;:I~~~he;~n~~~ Senior Prom, though two days late to campus conduct. Dr. Ensor stated his belief that fra- farm run by Lem Adams, William ~)~~:~r~~thWi~~v:r~ ~~~~~;r~Vijl!a~~~; ternities (and sorcrittea f can do much ~~~~~~~.a~~eh~So~:iff::~:~Yfe~~Sa~:t~: his orchestra.. . . . in benefiting Western Maryland by called to preach thus neglecting his Gill Gym, decorated m keeping WIth asking members to join other campus farm and family. Mrs. Jones, played by" Irish theme, will be the scene of the organizations and spread their inter- Irene Pope, ia the wife of thc farm semi-formal dance from 8:30 to 11:55 ests more evenly. A Cooperative not a , p. m. The price will be $2.00 per competitive spirit is needed, he said. NalvinoPredlcts couple with seniors and their dates A C!{P of Tea; by Kenneth Parker, admitted free of charge. Control of Hours is a supernatural drama. The domin- The General Chairman for the Academically, the fraternities could ant character is Madame Nalvino, a dance is Charlie Luttrell. Decking the exercise a control over the hours spent fortune -tcller, played by Margaret halls with shamrocks will be Bob by its members in using valuable Janney. Mrs. Ida Bates, Nancy Kern, Crush and Bill Shelfo, while Gene Paul time in the fraternity rooms watch- mei-er, believes in Madame Nalvino takes care of refreshments. Bill Cook ipg- television, playing ping-pong, etc., his high school in Purcellville, Va., activities, Seniors To Present predictions and everything told her is in charge of the programs, and the president said. He did not sug- where he worked on the year book. seems to come true. I'IIr:.. Bates per- clean-up man will be Howie Hunt. gest curtailment of these Here on the "Hill" his noteworthy suades the skeptical Mrs. Emily Cur- but that they be given a proper place. achievements include the co-author- tis, Janis Stowell to visit the fortune PresiCient Ensor announced to the Organ l Voice Solos ship and directorship of the Junior teller. The only male character is the I College Calendar I council that fraternity sponsorship of Follies, and membership on the television man, Denton Bliss. parties at which alcoholic beverages Barbetha Goeb, senior voice student, Gold B1!U staff as Feature Editor. Mrs. Joy Winfrey is in charge of WednesdaY,'March 9 are sold would no longer be permitted. will give a recital in Levine Hall, on An English major, Bill is also known the scttings and the music for the S.C.A., McDaniel Lounge, 6:45 p.m. Another meeting "is scheduled in the Friday, March 11, at 8:00 p. m., and as a member of the College Players, plays. Michael Lef'twick is stage- near future. Dr. Ensor said that he on Sunday, March 13, 1955 at 4:00 the advanced ROTC and as Historian manager and Henry Taitt, electri- Friday, March 11 would also call a similar meeting of p.m., Irma Lee Hohmann will give a of the Junior Class. In addition, he is cian. The production assistants in- Barbetha Goeb Voice Recital, Music. the sororities. senior organ recital in Alumni Hall. a Gamma Bet and serves on the inter- dude Pegg Janney, Lois Wilson, and Hall, 8:00 p.m. She has been organist of St. John's fraternity council. Charlotte Ridely. Sunday, March 13 Mcthodist Church in Baltimore for Bill says, "Speaking for the class of Property Managers Irma Lee Hohmann, Organ Recital, MiIi~ary To Present- three years, and has also been the Glee '56 and the ALOHA we're out to cap- Taking care of the furniture arc - Alumni Hall, 4:00 p.m. Club accompanist. ture the WMC we'll remember. As fOI" Denton Bliss, Frank Benson, 'William ,Monday,' March 14 Harkins As Speaker Barbetha's program will include a Charlie and me, we'll do our best." Tribby, and William Cook. Janis French Club, McDaniel Lounge, song cycle, W01!Wn'8 Life ami Love, Charlie's Activities Stowell, Jean Warfield, Nancy Penny- 7:00 p.m. The Military Department will bring by Schumann, composed of eight In his high school days, Charlie ~:C:::;e~~~s~r~::t~::ee ;~:t~:s;::~~~Tuesday,March 15 Major General Paul B. Harkins to songs: Since ,Thine Eye8 Ha1JC Scen supervised the 'year book staff as speak in an assembly on March 15th. His topic will be' The Role of the Hitn; u«> The Best of All, The president of the senior class. The elude Nancy Kemmerer, Janet S~y- ~:~:~b~:n!~~m;~u~a~. ~~~~i:~:: krmed Seroicee in I1npl.i7nenting the Nobleet ; I Camwt, Dare Not Belie1Je Junior class now claims hhn as their vice-president. One of the Bachelors Help It; Th01.t Ring m°fr~:r~;~ Ir:~;!:~~. and William "Role of the Armed Services in Im- Foreign Policy of the United States. Me. Oh Si.'lfer8; Upon My Finger; Frfrmd, on campus, Charlie is a math major Sweetest Tribby are in charge of pUblicity. The i~:~~;~:d ~h~t!;,~·eign Policy of General Harkins graduated Jrom Thou Viewest Me; Here On Jlfy Bos- and hails from Union Bridge, Md. Junior plays are the special projects the Military Academy in 1929 and om, Her~ Dn Jlfy Heart,' Now Fo)' the The newly elected executives start- of the Junior dramatic art students. Thursday, March 17 served as the Deputy Chief of Staff of Fir8t Time Thou Ha8t Gi1Jen life Pai1!. ed to WOrk immediately after the re- No admission will be charged. Faculty Club, McDaniel Lounge, the 3rd Army in Europe during the sults were disclosed to plan for ne:xt 8:15 p.m .. 2nd World War. In the past Korean Also included are fOlll" spirituals year's ALOHA. Bill released the list Friday, March 18 War he was the Chief of the Staff of arranged by Burleigh: I Stood 0.'11 De of names for the new staff. T1-ials; You Ribber Db Jordf./.n,· Hard Junior Plays, Alumni Hall, 8:15 p.m. the 8thbArmy. He has served in North May B1O"1J Me on De Eaa'; and Staff Membcrs New Reporters Saturday, March 19 Africa, Sicily, France, Germany and Heav'n Heav'n. Field8 Beloved, Those helping out with the editor- Junior-Senior Prom, Gill Gym. I'ome~ to us from the G-3 office in the Rachmaninoff; Vai1!ka Song, Von ial work will be Shirley Gootee and Several new rcporters have C01npare been addcd to the GOLD BUG ~fonday. March 21 Pentagon. At present his cluties ex- Stuzman; 0 Let. No Star Mollie Hargett as Associate Editors, staff and have contributed in LR.C., McDaniel Lounge, 6:45 p.m. tend from the north to the sOIIt.hpole. With Thee, Head; Velvet Shoes, Marilee Hodspn and Fran Chirichillo as Copy Editors, writing the news stories for this Assembly, Alumni Hall, 11:30 a.m., !~\:;~~ti::s\~::~~ f~:n~~~~hdee:e~ns.cih;;:::~n~V~~ea;:~:::~:~:/1::~ Andy Tafuri, and as Sports Edi- Peg tors, John Batista, issue. They are: Betty Lou Reel, Student Government Elections Artigiania, and Mary Warren. On the Lori Jones, Jean Lambertson, Students at this assembly wHi hav,' Let U8 Sinu Awhile Longer, O'Hara lookout for pictures will be Mary Mary Hotchkiss, Phyllis Cole, Club News a chance to vote for May Quc,en and will complete thc program. Angell and Bill Cook as Editors of Caryl Jean Ensor, Winnie her court. Irma' Lee's repertoire will consist Walsh, ana Robert McCormick. of: Sketch in F Minor by Schumann, Photography, and drawing herself in- will be as Art Editor to the picture Home fc. Dept. Host At Meeting Chorale Improvjsati~ on Je8u8, Still Pat Ellis. Di1Jfwti.'le- by Karg-Elert, On Lead 1nellt by Vierne, Chorale in B .Minor On the Business Staff, Gene Gall has Miss Rebecca LeFew, who graduate.f Commission will be presented in a by Franck, and the and been chosen to be Associate Business Bailer Completes from WMC in 1953, will be the gUt:!lt movie sponsored by the Argonauts on Fnglte in G J. S. Bach. Manager, and Bill Shelfo has been demonstrater at the Maryland State March I-f, at 4:15 p.m. in Sciencc Hall, - selectcd as Advertising Martager. Ph.D. InPhilosophy Home Economics Meeting to be l,eld Room 203. Tri.B~ta Patron Manager will be Dorothy Roch, on March 19, 'at 2 p. m. Miss LeFew subscriptions for and nosing around has had special training in a cake de- - SCA Conducts Services will be Gcne Paul, Marie Upperco, Mr. Joseph R. Bailer, head of the corating course from a Minnesota Tri-Bets. heJd their aIlJ2..ualcandle- 28, Throughout Lenten Season Mike Leftwick, 'and Bobbie Sheu- Education Department, received his school. She will decorate a ten inch light induction service February brooks. degree as Doctor of Philosophy from cake for the meeting; also cupcakes at the home of Dr. Harwell Sturdivant. The Student Christian Association New York University on February 18, baked by the home economics depart- 'Phose taken in as full members in. is conducting its annual Interdonomi- 1955. ment. clude Phyliss Johnson, Howard Gene- national Communion Services on Wed_ Fourteen Members Dr. Bailer, a member of the faculty Special guests invited for the meet- dason, Jack Morton, and Barbara Zepp. nesday mornings at 6:30 a.lll. from since 1949, has been working toward ing are Miss Madge Holloway, presi- Provisional members participating now until the end of the lenten season. Accept Frat Bids his Ph.D. for about twelve years with dent of the Home Economics Associa- in the national ritual were: Elaine Dr. Lowell S. Ensor Officiated at n,.., the e:xception of three and a half tion; Miss Evelyn Miller, state super- Pawelek, Peggy Conover, Ethel Von- first service, and Dr. Charlcs C. Crain Fourteen new members pledged to derheid, Beverly Garcia, Mary Louise years during World War II while he visor of home economics education in at the March 2nd Communion. The Alpha Gamma Tau, Delta Pi Alpha, was in Egypt. Maryland; and Miss Elisabeth Amery, McClay, Robert McCormick, Marge S.C.A. plans to have several ministers Gamma Beta Chi, and Pi Alpha Alpha., Additional Studies former state supervisor of home eco- Hull, Louise Clark, Caryl Ensor, Mary from the local churches take charge and became members on February 25. In addition to his work at New York nomics in Maryland. Hotchkiss, arid Sue Davidson. Mem- of the remaining services. The three new Bachelors are Tom University, he has completed addi- Home economic clubs of Hood Col- bers to be included today are; Florie Braun, Craig ·Phillips, and Charles Willis, Lori Jones, Jean Grenzer and tional studies at Columbia University, lege, St. Joseph College, and the Uni- Harry Loats. A week·end workshop is bcing Wainwright. John Scott and Bob the University of Pittsburgh, Un i- versity of Maryland have also been· planned by the S.C.A. It involves work- Truitt are the new members of the vcrsite de Grenoble, and Cambridge invited. Refreshments, made by thc Thursday, Mareh 3, the chapter ing with the Brethren Pilot Center in Preachers. The Gamma Bet's new University in England. He received home economics department, will be plans to meet with Gettysburg's Baltimore by painting houses in the fraternity brothers are Stanley Bice, hill Bachelor of Science Degree at the ~erved. chaptcr at Gettysburg College. On attempt to help conditions in blight Paul Ensor, and Carlos Gosnell. Dave University of Pittsburgh, and his Argonauts Saturday, March 12, Beta Beta also areas. Anyone interested in spending Bailey, George Douglas, Bob Garrity, Master of' Arts Degree from New plans a field trip to the Army Medical a week-end in this service should get Howard Gunderson, Jim Reeder, and York University. Edward R. Murrow's interview with Museum and other important places in touch with LeRoy McWilliams or Henry Waah are· the new Black and Oppenheimer of the Atomic Energy of interest in Washington, D. C. Martha Nicholson. Whites.
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