Page 32 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 32
The Gold Bug, Feb. 8, 1955 High On The Hill Colonel Releases T~,o New Units Included In LaMar And Marshall Complete ROTC Promotions Colonel Robert J. Speaks, Professor Western Maryland ROTC Important Gold Bug Staff Duties of Military Science and Tactics, pro. by Lou lI1ana?-in' moted 28 military students to non- Cadet Lieutew.tnt-Colonel commissioned officer status in the Two new units have b~en organized this year in. the Western Cadet ROTC Battalion. Maryland ROTC. One, the Women's Sponsor Corps, was organized The following named cadets are ap- prior to the war but was discontinued in the latter thirties. The pointed to grades of Corporals: David Sponsors' uniforms are an addition to the old Corps. Dressed in Autman, James Crowley, David Downes, Paul Ensor, T. Stanley Ent- white jumpers, a band cape, and a white garrison cap trimmed in wisle, Jr., Richard Hersh, Byron Holl- inger, T. Carter Hughlett, Jr., Delbert Kohl, G. Eugene Krantz, Harold Me. Clay, Leroy McWilliams, David Os- good, Buddy Pipes, Frank Robey, Mar • • tin Spatz, Harris Waxman, Gordon Weiner, and Dale Wood. The private first class appointments include: Edmund Baxter, Charles Cock, Hugh Correll, Lycurgus Grif_ fith, Hj, James Hayes, Paul Hice, Jr., William Higgins, Richard Rockwell, and Robert Schwartz . ..Gus Lalltar and Jim lIlarshall shawn d~tri1!g rare 1nonwn1 of inactivity by George Gipe by Smith and Schmall \ On Feb. 21, 1933, "Gus" (maiden A transplanted Catonsville lad now Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. name "Jay Donald") LaMar was residing in sunny Charlotte, and the thrust on the world with two strong, boy most sacrcasticalJy referred to as Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. Drill team passes in re-view on Westmimter's lIfain Street healthy parents to support. "Hairy"-That's Jim Marshall. Evenings 9 p.m. gold, the young ladies participated in -, These were the depression years, Sputtering frequently (when at- Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. the reviews and in decorated cere- entire cadet battalion as Queen of the Military Ball, while the others served and jobs for newly-born babies were tempting to appear mad) particularly Saturday and Holidays monies. as attendants on her court. not easy to obtainr.yet, with unquaver- when demanding Gamma Bet cur. The sponsor of the winning com- The Drill Team is new on "The ing heart, the young Gus grasped a rency, "Blondie" has held down the -pany passing in review places the Hill" this year. Organized for the nearby copy of the Jacksonville (Fla.), position of fraternity treasurer since Feb. 9-10.11.12 prize company banner on the company purpose of putting on drill and march. Daily Post, fingered his way to the May 1954; And in this capacity as THERE'S NO BUSINESS guidon. "B" Company under Cadet ing exhibitions and to act as Honor "Help Wanted" section, and set out "Watchdog of the Fraternity Wall LIKE SHOW BUSINESS Captain Gus LaMar and Company Guard, the team has participated on to apply for a job. Street" he has forced defeat to such All Star Cast Executive officer Charles White has sever-al occasions this past semester. For years success eluded his path. crucial frat matters as whether to Cinemascope and Technicolor taken first place twice, while "A" These included marching in the pa- Gus' warm, sensitive nature rendered purchase EBONY, REAL, and TRUE Company under Cadet Captain James rade in Westminster, acting as Honor him ineligible for work in the hard. magazines, or whether we can "af. Marshall has achieved the honor once. Guard for Coach Harlow, and march- boiled sales industry; his desire to ford" to renew our frat .insur-anee Feb. 13·14·15 The sponsors were chosen by the ing in the Homecoming Parade. Also "give the other fellow a better-than, policy. THE VIOLENT MEN commanding officer of the units they during half-time an exhibition of pre- .even break" quite naturally acquitted Politically this econ major knit Glenn Ford Barbara Stanwyck represent. The Battalion Staff Spon- cision drilling was shown. him from entering competitive busi- together a well coordinated machine Cinemascope and Technicolor sor was chosen by the Battalion Staff. Membership in the team is limited ness; and he was far tob intelligent to (of at least three guys) which last The sponsors are: "A'\, Company, to volunteers who qualify to become withstand the monotony of common fall swept him to power as "Boss" of Janet Perkins; "B" Company, Carol members. The members are Lou labor. Albert Norman Ward Dorm. By vir. Feb. 16-17 Coleman; "C" Company, Jeanne Manarin, Captain; F. Robey, C. It was indeed a sad day, then, when tue of the authority vested in this TROUBLE IN THE GLEN Blair; "D" Company, Jean Wantz; Hughlett, M. Spatz, P. Ensor, J. the employment manager placed his office, lie became "Father" to ap , Margaret Lockwood Forrest Tueker Band, Naomi Bourdon; Drill Team, Goetts, B. Weiner, D. Autman, D. hand on young La Mar's shoulder, and proximately 170 males occupying the Joan' Backhaus; Battalion • Staff, Shreeve, H. Waxman, D. Kohl, B. Meta Justice. said: "Young LaMar, I'm sorry, but high rent area, and voting rep'resenta- Technicolor Pipes, E. Finley, J. Hays, D. Rock. I can do absolutely nothing. Society tive from this group to the SGA con- Aside from participating in mili- well, H. Correll. has rejected you-there is no respect- fabs. tary activities, one of the sponsors, The team is equipped with special able place, no way for you to make an Up through the ranks from street Feb. 18-19 Joan Backhaus, was chosen by the uniforms, white helmet liners, and honest living" .. salesman to business manager, Mar. SIX BRIDGES TO CROSS special .03 rifles. "You mean ... " asked Gus. shall assumed the financial leadership Tony Curtis Julie Adams of the Gold Bug under the La Mar- -- "Yes," answered the Manager." The editorship regieme. J. WM. HULL, Jeweler Stc.k ~/uu;i.u only two things you can do are write Anxiously awaiting the spring and Feb. 20·21-22.23 or teach." the coming golf season (his fourth as THE FAR COUNTRY For Over Half Century 'k/~, M-,I-t At first, young La Mar was crushed. a varsity member) he has been found But he later resigned himself to the at various times inspecting the golf Technicolor Expert Watch. Jewelry Manager's analysis and actually de. course--it's greens, fairways, and ap- Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi., cided to pursue the two gloomy and proaches. His deep-rooted interest in COME TO and Eye-Glass Repairing day shows continuous from 2 p. m. frowned-upon professions. the links game has spurred him to ae- Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. In my opinion, he's come a long cept the chairmanship 'of the Ed Coff. 105 W. Main Street Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows way. Who's Who In Ame1"ican CoUeges man Annual May Memorial Week. DUTTERER'S continuous from 6:45 p. m. claimed him several weeks ago looking End Golf Tourney. - at his outstanding record on our cam- A Distinguished Military Student, 114 Pennsylvania Ave. pus. In the fall, Uncle Sam will greet he currently serves as commanding Westminster 350 another side of the still young LaMar, officier of Campany "A" in the local Compliments of T\1o GUN~e~~~o A BADGE that of the ROTC "B Company" Com- ROTC Infantry Batallion crganiza- FOR THE FINEST Wayne Morris Beverly Garland mander and distinguished military tion; at the same time still claiming IN CORSAGES AND J. R. EVERHART student. After that, the teaching pro- allegiance in the now defunct local COLLEGE BARBER fession has p,riority on him for at chapter of the Pershing Rifles Society. FLOWERS At the Forks Feb. 11-12 least two years. Having'lived through the successful DUEL IN THE JUNGLE Gus has gone a long way, too. An performance of these many honors Dana Andrews Jeanne Crain ardent traveler, he has explored prac- and accomplishments, he has not, Tcchnicolor tically the entire United States, as nevertheless, allowed it all to affect well as many parts of Canada and his scholastic efforts, which most reo WILSON'S RESTURANT 13-14.15 Feb. Mexico. Pretty soon, he'll need to cently resulted in him being elected HANSEL AND GRETEL / start on another continent. a me~ber of the Argonauts. SUBMARINES - 3 KINDS - Electronic Puppets - SPAGHETTI & MEAT BALLS Technicolor PIZZA PIE $T(JDENT$-(!I!; 711;$ NDWl HOMEMADE BAR-B-QUE Feb. 16·17 ALL KINDS OF Edmund SHIELD FOR MURDER Maria English O'Brien $1,000.00 IN CASH PRIZES SANDWICHES I For the Best Essay-(2S0 to SOO Words) I"f OUTPOST On The Subiect I ~~~~~' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HELLS Feb. 18·19 Rod Cameron Jq_an Wesley "How I Would Increase nAA the Popularity PRESENTS THE STORY OF JOHN WESLEY Feb. 20-21·22·23 of Cigarillo~" English Cast ~~~~~~~~~~ THE HEART BEAT R U L E 5 3. Only one entry auepted from each LAUNDROMAT I. Only b~nDfide ~tudents of accredited"(01. student. 5 Locust Street leges are eligible 10 (ampere. 1st prize 4. (onlest now open.(1~5esApril30, 1955. Opposite Parking Lot $500; 2d, $200; 3d, $JOO; plus foar $50 S. Mall entry to lIo~ 3091, Jocksonville, MUSIC BY - CHES KELLAo'VI prizes. Florida. D_ecisionof jud!les will be final. DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 2.bsoys mast be Clt(ompanied by one!!) All entries betome ihe propetlyof ..• SEMI FORMAL FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 KINGEDWARIlClGUIUObond,o(ruson. JNO. H. SWISHER & SON, INC. NON CORSAGE oble fa(simile thereof. Makers of King Edword Cigarillos Closed Wed. Afternoon "You don" have to inhale to enjoy a Cigarillo" Feb. 19, 1955 8:30P.M. Westminster 1287 FREE DELIVERY SERVICE
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