Page 36 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 36
The Gold Bug, Feb. 22, 1955 Attenti~n Sharpshooters I This Snooze IsGood News Begin To Plan for wa~At~~~;~t~sOli:;:~b;=y~Ot~~e~a;s~~~ SGA Elections of the University of Detroit. 1 News A. W. Turnbow, a 1954 Nebraska Western Maryland Rifle Team. college graduate, boasts that he ,by Henry President Taitt SGA "slept his way through." This admis-' On March 21, 1955, the student Performs On Improved Rifle Range sion stunned professors who once pre- body of WMe will once again have dicted Turnbow's college career would the chance to sit in an open assembly end in failure. and select their student leaders for An incessant racket under the floor of Gill Gym means one thing: The rifle team is at it again. The team now consists of His secret? He had been "sleep- the coming year. It is not too soon to thirteen men: Bill Adams, Carl Halle, Martin Broadhurst, John learning." start thinking about this. Candidates Dewey, Ronald Graybeal, Bill Smith, Wayne Holter, Jack Turney, "I'd read many articles of the for the office of president and vice- Wray Moubrey, Bill Slade, Craig Phillips, James May, and Michael theory of sleep-learning," he said, president will have a chance to pre- Leftwich. The manager of the team is Ronald Graybeal, and the captain is "but none toldcme how to go about it. sent to the students the shortcomings Martin Broadhurst. So I made my own sleep-learning de- of the preceding year and their hopes Installed in the new jsurroundings, the rifle team members now have vice and experimented. J was. working and aims for improving the situation. practically ideal shooting conditions. The new range is a big improvement full time and trying to carry 19 credit It will then be the job of each of over the old one which often was hot in summer and cold in winter. Hot air Martin B'roadh1~1'st, captaint of the hours at college. I was told I was yuu to decide for yourself which of \ failing, so I figured I couldn't lose the candidates you think best able to rifle team!-, cleans his rifte prepa?"(1.tOl'Y anything." represent you. You will find many to winninuseoring honors against Turnbow, now president of Sleep- posters, slogans and lots of helpful Johms Hopkins (see article 011page 3). Learning Research association, in advice which may serve to confuse you Omaha, said it was hard thc first few and leave you in utter turmoil as to the second, third, and fourth high weeks. "But anyone can lear-n while the candidate to support. scores. Other awards include the he sleeps if he sticks to it," he said. Right To Vote Rifle team lctter, the Sergeant's Turnbow first read 2,00'0 Russian Your right to vote stems from the' Medal for the Outstanding Fresh- vocabulary words into a machine, democracy under which you live, and man, and the PMS&T Medal (Pro- then gave tho. English meaning to has its strength in the belief that you ~cssor of Military Scie~ces and T~c~ each. "Results were so successful that will think for yourself. If you find it lCS). In January, the team oarttct- I started reading notes frol(! all my easier to let others think for you, you pates in an Army area shooting match. courses into the device." forfeit your right to complain in the This i!
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