Page 33 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 33
1.1bral·~' ·noJJB 1'!estern , NEW RIFLE ADVENTURES OF RANGE "9 FAFNER PAGE 4 '1', PAGE 2 Z28. Vol. 32, No.9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 22, 1955 Ed Smith Granted Editorial Civil Defense Program Nears Army Commission Reserved Tables Gone are the 'days of the shove and the clawing animal-like creatures of Completion;SheltersSpecified \ Col. Robert J. Speaks announced last week that Ed Smith, 21-year-old push into the dining hall-at least a week ago, isn't it? The Civil Defense Program at Western Maryland, which has been its senior frum Cambridge, Md., has re- that was the indication yesterday There was a bit of a snarl at the embryonic stages since the first part of the school year, is progressing rapid- ceived a commission in the Regular when the reserved table plan went men's end. A few of the harder- ly. Char Eggan, with the assistance of Gus La Mar and Priuilla McCoy, has Anny. Sam Mann also received one into effect. headed males (and it was fortunately been in charge of the arrangements. but he declined his. ·Ed is Executive At noon the congregation outside only a few) childishly confiscated a At this time shelter areas have been desig-nated in all campus buildings, Officer of the ROTC. of the south end of the dining hall table they had not signed for. Seems and civil defense officers have been, appointed in all the dorms. The fire, Smith and Mann submitted their was sparse enough to let the profes- like some people won't give anything . wardens from McDaniel and Blanche applications last year. They were the sors who were leaving the building a fair trial around here. Ward will serve in this capacity, while day's trial Pan-Hell Council only cadets to apply for the commis , after fourth period classes pass Despite the slight disturbance boys appointed by the dorm presidents sion, which is comparable to a com- through as easily as walking down the among the men, the first will serve in Old Ward, McKinstry, street. The north end was just a bit can be called a success. and Albert Norman. In Science Hall mere crowded, but not enough to Students may be interested in the Plans Weekend Mrs. Henrietta Essom and Nancy block traffic from the stairs. fact that .at present there nre only Curfman will act as the officers. seven seats in the dining hall not A new weekend, known as the Pan- And at 5:50 p.m. last night there signed for. It was an excellent re- Hell Weekend, has been added to the Lewis Hall has not been appointed was only one person outside the din- the student body and college calendar and will make its officers as yet, but will get them as ing hall doors. The crowd didn't ap- sponse Ifrom can soon as possible. In addition to these, proves that Western Marylanders pear until after the "five of" bell be co-operative. debut on the fourth and fifth of there will be eight boys acting as rang. Murch. auxiliary police for the campus area. We think that the reserved table Previously, the Pan-Hellenic Coun- Students walked in leisurely when plan is going to acompllsh its pur- cil, an interfraternity and sorority Alarm System the doors were opened. They looked pose and we hope that at the end of organization, sponsored the May Day An effort is being adjust and acted like the mature individ- the
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