Page 31 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 31
" The Gold Bug, Feb. 8, 1955 Court ~upremacy ~nvolv,ed In I NevertheLES , 'Outstanding Letterman Nears AnnualStudent-FacultyGame Two'''::it~':':::n addedto- (ompletior- of Long Success WMe's faltering basketball quintet. " by David Bailey Calling all you sports loving individuals on campus! Bring Coach Ferguson has called up Ray GOLD BUG Sports Editor yourself and your favorite valentine to the sweetheart of basket- Whether it's in his position of looking after his herd of sheep on ball games on February 14. It's that annual clash between the Davis and Phil Jackson from their 'his farm in Laytonsville, Maryland, snagging passes in football, squads, the respective fraternity old timers of the college campus, the faculty, and the energetic, Gamma Betes and The Black and playing backstop in baseball, or' hooping points in basketball, resourceful students. Tickets sell for just 25c"and we guarantee Whites. Both Ray and Phil are ex- 'Charley White has shown taemendous ability in doing a commend- that no place on earth will you be able to find a wider assortment of Matmen Set Back peetedto add to the team somedepth, able job. Now as Charley, sometimes referred to as "Buck" begins versatile basketball players than in the Jack of which has hampered the his last semester here at Western Gill Gym next Monday night at 7:15. Terror Basketeers Proceeds of this strugile go to the First Lose At H~m~ ter;~: ~~~:i;i~l:f~~r~g~o::~~:;b~iJ. ~~:~Y!~~~t!~t:X::;ii:~:e: !~~leso~eh~; WS of the SCA. In Search of Win Gallaudet proved tough competition g:t~ ~i~l~ f~r~:i~h b:g~~~~dJ:i~ hi~:~~~a~i~;s\~~~ fU~~:~. school in Ensor To Coach for Western Maryland's matmen last Hopkins. For Gaithersburg, Maryland, Charley The faculty will be under the direc- Saturday afternoon as they inflicted those of you With victory still out of the reach played three years of football, basket. tion of Coach Enso~, recently pur- the first defeat on our team at home who have never ot our basketball team the hope for ball; and baseball. It was in basketball chased from Philadelphia's (scalped) for a period of two years. Although seen a college one success this season becomes more that he made his best advancements Warriors: Ensor is calling on "Goose" "outpointed 28-8, the Terrors made the r i fie range, and more dim. The quintet has now making ,All.County. His first choice Holthaus to captain the group. OUf match an exciting one with the indi- here's your big played nine of their scheduled nine- fOI' college had been Washington, but only plea to the faculty five is to re- vidual contests very close. The loss c han c e. Sgt. teen games and the pattern of play after they began rearranging their frain "Bouncing Benny" Hurt from gives the team a one 'win, two loss Brouillard has has been anything but inspiring. In sports program he chose 'the Hill'. his usual aggressive tactics on the record for the season, a record which promised cor- their last two encounters, not includ~ court. Numerous other stars will be they hope to bring up to .500 when fee and donuts ing last night's game with Baltimore among the ranks of the faculty so they meet Drexel Tech. tomorrow. for the opening day plus a tour of U., the terrors fell hard to Mt. St. here is your chance- to cheer for or The two victors for Western Mary- the premises. Mary's, 97·55, and then played a eur- against your favorites. land were Vitek, who outpointed his prising good night, losing to Dickin- opponent 4-10 in the 126 )b. class, and son by the close margin of 68·65¥ Student Underdogs Euler wrestling at 147 pinned his Dickinson The showed our game The student team will be composed man. It should be noted that Euler is Green and Gold the predicted losers, of three members chosen from each a new addition to the team and looks of the fraternities. Spirit runs high in as if he will benefit them greatly. The on the bad end of al,l eight game los- the camps of these 1Jhderdogs to winners from Gallaudet were Magnas, ing streak. But it wasn't long after avenge the usual defeats they suffer. Schofield, Wright, and Willis each the start of the game that the Dick- inson It will be a struggle for supremacy of gaining 5 points when_ they pinned hungry five found they had a win team to defeat. Having built the Hill so don't miss it. our men, Jacobs scored three in a up a 30¥27 lead at half-time hopes decision. The heavyweight match was were high on our bench that things There are approximately two birds forfeited to the victors due to the ill- ..• (he letters start, Then from were going to take a change for the per acre in the United States. . all over the free world come ~uch ness of our contenders. better. It was not until the closing {'ommenl$'" Ihese from readers of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE seconds of the last period that the Fresh! MONITOR,an international daily contest was decided, and in the usual POPCORN newspaper: fashion lady luck turned her back on "The Monitor is must read- us and with the score deadlocked 65¥65 CARAMEL CORN ing for ~!raighl·thinking Visit The people .... " Dickinson with a foul shot and goal PEANUTS "I returned to school after a clinched the victory. Bill Spam-, re- tied with our varsity, Avenue Barber Shop HOME-MADE CANDY Japse of 18 years. 1 will get cent for for scoring honors, each get- Al Bopst my degree from. the college, Salted Nuts and Home-Made but my education comes ting 15. wayne Hess was a close sec- Mints To Order for Pa:ties Irom. Ihe Monitor •••• " Charley White Where The Srudents Go "The Monitor gives me idtat ond with 13. TH9TREAT SHOP for my work.••. " varsity and JV went up to play Rut- of Since coming to WMC Charley has a combination Saturday night 85 Pennsylvania Avenue "I truly enjoy iu .com- seen action with ten different Terror opp. Carroll Theatre pany.•.• " gers of South Jersey and came out teams. With the exception of sitting You, 10(1, wjJJ find the Monitor on the short end of a 76-72 score. out football in his freshman year he informative, with complete world has not missed a season with the news. You will discover a con. three major sports. At present he is Stationery Rasinsky's Pharmacy struetlve viewp(lint in every new. G.C. Murphy & Co. offering top performance as guard in story. and Use the coupon below lor a ape- basketball. Introduc(ory 8ubscriplion_ dnl "Reliable Prescriptions" 3 months for only $3. The Friendly Store Future Plans Greeting Cards Th. Ch.;,Ii •• Sci•• ,. Mo.;'o. With ~lans being almost impossible at Drugs and Everyday Needs One. No.w., St.. 80.lon 1>. M..... U.S.A. Dormitory and Cla5lroom to make these days Charley has only PI.. ,•• end m•• n lohodudo'l' .oh.ulp. lion ,. Th. ""I••• U. SoI•• co M•• i'ot- Supplies the Army to look towards come gr-ad- Chd,,; •• 30 W. Main St. P. G. COFFMAN Westminster Md. (n .... ) uation. With a R. O. T. C. background 161"u ••••• he will enter the service with a com- Times Bldg. Phone 101 6·10 Main Street mission. One thing is very close to to his march being definite though Weatminater, Md. the altar will come this summertbe- fore his Army marching. When Uncle Sam is finished with him he wants KEEP SMILING smart cook will serve some spaghetti Buy Your Love A Heart to enter the insurance business. the appetite Charley's To satisfy All W.M.C. Jewelry and Accessories Reduced at or lamb in "any form." Charley has not been the type of athlete. in college For Clearance "If More People Knew About who leaves a lot of records behind, but People Chiropractic-More he has been the productive, hard-work- HAMILTON HOUSE Griffin's Would Regain Vihrant Health" ing sort of guy who keeps a team moving. Our thanks go to Charley for giving his extra time here at WMC (Facing The Post Office) DELICIOUS FOOD E. A. Schmall, D:C. for foul' years and in being the type' Westminster 340·1\1 Open Fri. & Sat. Evenings of ball-player that makes for good . teams. Baugher's Restaurant \ JUST OFF THE CAMPUS F()R 1\ MEAL OR SNACK Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes OPE~ EVERY DAY RONNIE JONES will bathe the drooping spirits 103 Old Ward in delight, CAMPUS AGENT beyond the bliss of dreams Milton's Comu.t Modern G. I. Laundry Milton must have peered into a crystal ball to write these lines. How else could he have foretold the delicious, 223 E. Green St. Westminster 1478 refreshing goodness of Coca-Cola 1 All Laundry and Dry Cleaning Work/ IOTILfD UNOER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA CO.Y.PANY BY is Guaranteed WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC_ \9l 19':;1, me COCA_COLA co .....PANY
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