Page 39 - TheGoldBug1952-53
P. 39
The Gold Bug, March 10, 1953 3£ I Shanklin Cops Third Court Team Ends Campaign Terror Nimrods • b J R h In M-D Tourney W'th Tl nree' M ore L osses Oufscore JHU I' . Y ~m oac, . Western Maryland's wrestlers scored I Western Maryland's rifle team be- S came the only Green and Gold sports wh!n y~~~;!~ly~~~n t;~~:g b::k :n~~~~e:oa:s~~ae~o~oo~c~~~~i:n:h~o:~n~:i American ~. 76 • WMC 49 JHU 73 - WMC 61 aggregation to record a victory over well-known lnfir~ary, but we think a Mason-Dix~n Conference wrestling Western Maryland suffered another WMC wound up its basketball sea- Johns Hopkins this year when they few gems of :-V1~do~can be passed tournament February 27 and 28 at basketbaU setback February 24 when son in Baltimore Saturday, February chalked up a 1346·1359 triumph in a ;:;~~E~:o::::::::~1:::a:o::;~~:o~~:~,::;:::t~a~~~~:~~~,;~:I'w121;~:ri:~~;£!~;!~J:~~:;::'~o~';;::~;~'a~~:Yo:u;:~;:~O~k:~,ladngat match held at the losers' range. were McRoberts' charges Sergeant paced by Dave Rhoads, who scored a Its season against Johns Hopkins on Doory in his opening match and also After the first few minutes of play te~~~~e:~~~I~:; :a~~:~tl~e;~~ra ~u;~~ 277-97 prone, 91 kneeling, and 89 the sh~rt ~nd of the score, but for the suffere-d a defeat in the consolation the Green Terrors were never in the fell apart during the second half of standing. SEicond spot for the Green first time in many game.s .they looked semi-finals when Stick, of Hopkins, ballgame. The winners held a com- the contest. The encounter was ex- and Gold went to Paul Lambertson ~:~~usT~:m:o:b:nth:il~~nbo;;~~:~ ~~~:ed him in 3 minutes and 50 eec- fortable 32-24 halftime lead and went" tremely close until the early minutes with a 99 prone, 91 kneeling, and 83 standing, for a 273 total. Top man for well for three periods and then fold Biil Bimestefer scored a first-round ~~etos::~~e~:~e 1:1S:;~ ~!-2!:sur~~! of the third quarter, when the Blue the match was Foresman of Johns ~~et~:i~o;r:\~~eue;o!hg~,C~;~r~v~o~:~ triumph when he garnered a referee's twelfth consecutive defeat that the ~a::ki~:o~:I/a 4:~~:2 ~ee:tZ~\'h::i~~ Hopkins who tallied a 280. decision over Jacobson of Loyola in Western Maryland forces have been way mark The Green Terror gunners have ;t;:ctn:::te:ea~~~~e~:~~:::o;~u~:~ ~~:~ed15b~~:ui:d5~~~t:~, ab~!llh~n ~~: ha;;;d Cone and John Selby, alternat- AI' Bop~t, WMC center, paced the two remaining matches-March 14 at VMJ, and March 21 when they enter- ~z!epr~:ea~h;uS~~;~. and sophomores semi-final by Harold Wright of Gal- ing at center for the Eagles, scored ~=:t:e w~~lehgha:W: \~~it:a~;t!rnli: tain Johns Hopkins in a rematch. The lineup each game listed no ~~~~:1':~l::\ o;e:e;~:,~o;:ci~~n d~ ~~p:n:et~!/~!n:; ;:~:c:h:~i~~e~:O~!: Needleman had Ig-point markers re- Summaries: ~~::~ta ~o~:\nbtc::i~e~~~~s b!~;: the consolation semi-finals. of a Green and Gold attack. Al Bcpet ~:ti;;l~~i:t~b a~i::;'s L:~V~IlE~i~~l~ Western Maryland: Rhoads 97, 91, 89-277; Lambertson 99, 91, 830- with the help of some incoming fresh- ro::~~rA~~a~~:~k~inb~a:n p~~~e:r7: added 14 markers to the cause. with 13, and Mane Margolis, with 11, 273; Boyle 100, 90, 77-267; Herzog 95, 92, 78-265; Broadhurst 96, 88, Wl\1C G , ~ [1~ o ~7;Od;u::;::1:::forwar-d tothat~:i:~~r~~:~~~:~~T:!~'t~::~~~:::~~t~;"If:!~L,!f'! jrparked thoBlu. andCmy attack. " , 80-264. ~~ite · '" '" , ~ ~1i Needleman · '" ,. Johns Hopkins: Foresman 99, 95, , Attention Mr. Harlow and "Smack- with a 3-0 win over Halberg of Gal- ~~:,c i~~,:~=\~.n,g~ ~1~ Pfie!er ··, 86-280; Walter 95, 87, 85-267; Van , Bopst , ~~e:~a~C~!~ ~~:p~:~:~:~a~it~B~::~ la~~:~ inD!~~c::;;!:!:t~nive~~1C in ii!;F~:r 2, ',.', ~rr:~ll~g ~ Glpe ri~i fu~r~urst ·, , , Riper 95, 88, 82-265; Gerwig 94, 92, 79-265; Harold 97, 84, 81-262. for this 12-mile endeavor of his- the Heavyweight class lost his first Greenfield ~~~? that make him a professional, ;::~c!: ~-~t!~v~~~:d C~rI;:: ::ns~~~~ American U .• . 17 15 25 19-16 JHU T201tal:a 182\!~~! l Ipreachers Take er~of:~r::~l;~~n~::ei~t~:::r~~e~~~~ ~~~e~~:~ 7:e;:I~~ ~i:;:~erT~:S~~~~ WMC--DickiU:-~:'~-;~-~~ 6~2 1s-49 WMC .------.-- 22 20 10 9~1 The Red Devils of Dickinson Col- Frosh Goes Twelve ketball league crown with their win out in his bid for third place when Intramural Pennant over the Bachelors in the final game he got pinned by Fiorenza of Catholic lege finished strong and handed West- of the season. The Purple and Gold U. in 5 minutes and 25 seconds. ern Maryland a 76-66 beating Feb· In Marathon Run Delta Pi Alpha, with a victory over seemed to have it when the chips are C F h U ruary 25 as the two clubs met on the Arthur "Buzz" Thomas laid claim the BachlIors ,in their final game of down. GiIl Gymnasium court, to the title of Western Maryland's top the season, has clinched the 1952-53 The intensive rivalries of the teams agers inis P The encounter was a see-saw affair long-distance runner when he circled Intramural Basketball League Cham- made this year's league standing all the way. The Hillsmen led by fOUl' pionship. mighty close, and made for exciting With 4-17 Record points at the end of the ..first period the Hoffa Field track forty-eight The Preachers final season record games. No team need hang its head in of play but the visitors came back times last February 25. showed twelve wins against a pair of This adds up to twelve miles~the shame for not winning the title. Ev- Despite their dismal four won, sev- and took a 34-32 advantage at the track is a quarter of a mile. setbacks. Alpha Gamma Tau and eryone concerned deserves a pat on enteen lost record for the 1952-53 intermission. A third period rally by Managed by Gene Funk and Bill Gamma Bet Chi were deadlocked for the back for making it a successful campaign the Green Terror basketball the Green Terrors put them in tern- "Dumplin'" Cook, the freshman second place, each showing an eleven season; and that includes the fresh- team will go down as a fighting out- porary command at the three-fourths from Towson undertook ,the job on a win, three lost campaign slate. Pi man teams. fit. The team, composed of one junior mark but they faltered under a de- dare from some of his fellow McKin- Alpha Alpha scored nine victories in Bilt "Tony Galento" Kern often. and the rest sophomores suffered from termined attack in the final session of fourteen engagements and ~halked up found his wrestling team on the short the lack of experience and an even play and this cost them the ballgame. stry Hall residents. the fourth spot. The various independ- Showing his confidence by placing end of the SC01·e. Wrestling never has more important dearth. of capab1'e re- Center Dick Johe of Dickinson was several wagers on himself, he covered ent teams rounded out the standings. belm emphasized on the h.ill too m1wh, serves. the evening's top point getter with 24 the distance in 1 hour, 23 minutes, Final Standings so we can understand wh.y the team The team was young, being com- and his teammate at forward Neil and 55 seconds. Pd_ didn't do better-especially when they posed of one junior while the remain- Graham sunk 17. For the vanquished Buzzie says that a chubby freshman ~:~t~~~;:~~~-=---=.::=W~T .858 faced schola1'skip boys practically del' were all sophomores. This inex- Arnie Needleman was high man with football player and a native of York, Gamma Bets __ _. __ 11 L:',::::,' 0 ~m Black .Cj)cry ,(Ilatch. Co-captain Art Shank. perience plus a lack of capable reo 18, Al Bopst had ~5, George Sipe 13 Pa., has written home recently ask- Gentc"" and . Whit ._ 9 6 Hawks _.__ lin, the mainsUt.y, of the team, looked serves was the team's main weakness and Charlie Whiten: ing for cash. Metchants .___ 3 3 ::U 'Very good aU yea?' long. BiU BimeK- during the campaign. This was evi- WMC G FP Seminary , .072 tefe1', co-captain Ray Faby, and Jack denced by their usual good first half 'IiIi Individua]Se<>rinll: '" Dnhl d'id well in. the hea'Vier classes; performances but definite sub-par ~~rem.n Jackson. Gen~ry" _. .__ ". Walt P1'eston, Jimmy Tone, Jim Le. play during the second and final ~~f~;:~~1~ Compliments of Davi •• Gamma Bets ._ Yay, Joe Rammis, Bill Stewart, and halves. Time and again the squad fal- Tull.1I: 0 3 watched Pat "Glass Lettermen Ed Kelly, Jack Urion, Dick antics. And when there's Ja1v" Biddle try to cltrve a "red hot" Linton, Charlie White, Lou Jordan, a quick need for refreshment past the waiting hands of Larry Bill Pfiefer, Lou Fogier, and Howie ... have a Coke 1 "Sal'cophayus" Lockhart. Pat ga'Ve Zimmerman are returning to help clear indication that Spri1!g'S in tlw make coach Jim Boyer's days a little air. brighter. Jim has the problem of build- Ray Faby and Don James were try- ing up a winner, and with a little ing to perfect their fast balls enough luck here and there, he might do it. to be able to break a pane of glass. Who knows? At least Jim gives it a very good try. ~~~~~:; d~:~~~P~~ aca~~; i~~~Chw~~~~ Well, here's one way to end a col- should wow opposing batters. Skitch umn: with our customary flowers and Henderson will be firing them in, too; vegetables. Orchids.- to coach Bill but from all we hear, the pitching Kern, who unselfishly gave of his time staff will spend the entire season try- and energy, even on Sundays, to help, ing to catch up to the ·batters. Any not only the wrestling team, but the pitchers who want part time work boys themselves. Onions.- to the poor ,onuo UNOER AUTHORITY OF THE (OCA.-COLA COMPANY BY can report to the Terrol' bullpen and sports who are rapping the SGA, and WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTrLING CO., INC. ask for Ray, Skitch, Pat or Don. refusing to look at both pages of the "Cok,"ilo regiltered tfode-mark. © 1953. THE COCA=COLACOMPANY They'll see to it that they get all the score book.
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