Page 34 - TheGoldBug1952-53
P. 34
2 The Gold Bug, Feb. 24, 1953 ~ "OVY'J\.eat .... Letter To I "Save Our Cats" Dining H~II Seating BI~sted By Agitator ~ T,.€€5" The Editor Slogan For Week .A,d~ff? .. . woln;;:~~n~t~~~tg~~~~dt;: o~~:eg::~~ odor ~;~lan~i~~a~~~I~~~e ~nh.a~~o;~:ct:! for were ta- tonight, when a voluptuous all of the chan's my error, .This i.s a lette~ of disappointment. me~ /o:n~~v.p;~;; ~:l~;td;::g~~e p::!~ :ue~~e~:rvr~~C~y ~:V~l~i~~ri~ea~h~ ~I~~~~;I:-O:s~~~ S~~d!~~S.more-efficient I.._~~.""",,=-,,,__~- Disappointment; m the students of of view and I can't see theirs, for the WMC-boiled buffalo hump and diced I could visualize the boiled buffalo People have been asking ques- Western Maryland. . human. race is d~vided into two un- pears, topped with creamy vulture hump slipping rrom my grasp, and tions. I attended ~he JOh.ns Hopkins bas- r-econcilable s?ec!es: .cat-l~vers and sauce and licorice meringne pie. that's when I decided to have a chat A number of questions and ketball game ~n Baltimore on Febr~- cat-haters. I hke cats: Can t tell you Emitting a Pawnee war whoop, I with the, shall I say, "head lady." some suggested replies or at ar-y 14, at which there were appt-oxt- why -cats are unfr-iendly, self-sur- surged forward, eager to secure a chair She was a stern faced individual who least partial answers, is the topic mately forty Western Maryland stu- ficient, and rude. and deal directly with my already I sometimes suspect used to be em- for the day. These questions con- dent. Of these forty about, three peo- All of which brings me around to violent stomach contractions. But at ployed in a German concentration stitute a diverse number of sub- jects concerning matters of in- PI;::roen;:~~::~~Elt part of this oth- ~:veto~!~;c!!a~~e o:w~o~r:~~:~~~W~i~~ :e:;;;:at~~r~;:b~~~~~ ~t~~esa ~!f:l~ ca~:le:~:~~gl t~:i~:a~~ politely as my terest to everyone on the Hill. er gronp of Western Maryland rooters felines who have, appropriated in the reserving of tables and sundry drooling lips would permit, "Could First and foremost in the opened their mouths was when one of Blanche Ward lobby. The cats don't amonnts of chairs, with ·the result you tell me where I could sit?" minds of many students is the their friends was sent in to substi- do anything-they just sit in the two that evening meals, generally to the She surveyed me coolly. "Find yOUT- reason for the prolonged delay tute, at which time the Johns Hop- green armchairs and sleep, adding a layman, resemble' a goal line pile-up self a place!" she snapped. "Around in the proposed Mid-Century. kins announcer introduced him to the homey touch to the room. Nobody in a grudge football contest. Each here the rule is the survival of the Building Program. audience with the use of his nick- ever uses the chairs anyway-the table is adorned with a small white fittest. It's dog eat dog." No, the "hard work and scarce name. This nickname is perfectly all sofas really get the wear. Having card appropriately marked in regard "We're having buffalo tonight," I money" of the students, faculty, right for our campus, but as for a artistic souls, no doubt, the cats have to seating capacity. These cards are reminded her. and friends of the college has not public announcement in Baltimore, I even taken the trouble to arrange usnally labeled in one of the four fol- "Yes, that's right. It was dog last been wasted; the funds neces- believe it is most embarassing to both themselves symmetrically on the lowing manners: evening." sary for a new men's dormitory student and school. chairs, each curled up the same way. 1. RESERVED-DON'T SIT "Why do you reserve all of the are available, Dr. Ensor person- I realize that our team is having a 'Cats Are Persecuted HERE. seats?" I asked, "Why can't we eat in ally stated that actual construc- poor season, but they are a group we It has come to my attention, how- 2. EVERY FIRST AND FOURTH pcace?" tion, which was scheduled to be- should all be proud of. They played ever, that a movement is afoot to get ODD CHA IRS FROM THE r could see that she was touched by gin in the immediate future, is their hearts the Hopkins game. rid of the tabbies by foul means, if LEFT ARE RESERVED. the real tears which rolled down my hampered now only by certain It certainly shouldn't hurt anyone to they don't get out of the dormitory 3. STARTING AT THE CHAIR cheeks into a bowl of vultur-e sauce. technical problems beyond the at least give a small bit of applauae and stay out. Being independent crit- DIAGONAL FROM THE PA With magnificent patience, she control of the college. when a player retires to the bench. ters, the cats keep coming back, blies- SYSTEM, EVERY 0 THE R grasped me by tbe arm, immediately These should'=be eliminated I'm sure no one has to lose their dig- fully unaware of the cruel fate which EVEN- SEAT NOT UNMARK- cutting,off all circnlation. shortly. Let us hope that this is nity by clapping if they feel that voic- awaits them. Therefore I am initiat- ED IS SIT ABLE. the case, for no one knows better ing their enthusiasm is too undigni- ing a Save Our Cats Week, and will 4. YOU MAY SIT ANYWHERE Head Lady Spotted that the men presently living in fied. How can we expect players to be start a fund drive for the Preserva- AT THIS TABLE-BUT YOU "My boy," she began. "There are McKinstry and Ward Halls the enthusiastic on the basketball court tion of Feline Families. After all, one WON'T GET ANY FOOD. 650 students at Western Maryland. high priority which this matter when we sit like a bunch of dead of the cats is the mamma who had her In addition to this, nearly everyone Of these, 610 are staying at the school demands, in regard to comfort and are therefore eligible for meals if as well as safety. wOlo~~:st:ey::an~~;ht call it common ~~t!e~~eb~~~~:t:aet~:r~~;o:~i:~.stI:e:~t ~;~:~~:sa:l:a:so:!!~Ste~~v7 ~~~ev:~!~~~ their marks arc high enough. How- Question number two--will we courtesy to applaud when the team motherhood sacred? I suspect the ever, of this amount, about one hun- have our spring vacation ex- completes a quarter or a half of the would-be cat destroyers of Commun- the above narrutlve in order that the dred arc home for the weekend." tended to include April 6, the game, or when a player is replaced in ist affiliations and have called the at- reader might more fully comprehend "But it's Wednesday!" 1 protested. Monday after Easter? the game. There were hardly any tcntion of Senator McCarthy to this why I did not get a seat that night. She ignored me and went on. "That After a recent meeting with To begin with, I had forgotten my leaves 510 students. Ten are in the Dr. Ensor, Jim .....Moore disclosed Western Maryland students showing grave sitnation. Fund Rivaled slide rule. You see. it is necessary for infirmary; of the remaining five this common courtesy at the Hopkins W.S.S.F. that the answer to this question game. At times there were only two To get back to the fund-part of all students to know the innermost hundred, one hundred are either too would be announced as soon as of us clapping for our players when the money will go toward paying workings of this nsefnl engineering absorbed in study to attend meals, or the faculty and administration they came out of the game. cleaning bills for those who get ~at tool; to neglect it is to deal oneself are still sick from today's lunch. That have had an opportunity to dis- I am not really commenting on the hairs on their blue serge suits. The directly out of a seat. Vainly, I tried leaves 400. So, naturally, )ve set 375 cuss its merits and reach a de- attendance at our games, because rest of the fund will be given as a to figure ont the formulas "for seating places." cision. there are times when we all have oth- salary to a reliable person within the eligibility in my head or by ordinary Has the Westminster Theo- er things 1'0 do and cannot attend. I dormitory who will put the cats out mathematical.methods. It was no "But do you think that's e-" logical Seminary been sold? am saying that it is about time we all at a suitable hOUI"in the evening. If "Another thing," she intcrrnpted. Since so many students have started pulling together and getting this plan is followed, I can not really "Suppose the Duke of Buckingham posed this question, mention of more spirit and enthusiasm for our see feasible obje<:tions to letting the February Slumps came strolling in here this moment. it is considered appr_opriate at representative school activities. We cats stay. Remember the unforget- Where would we seat him if seveml this time. No afJirmative infor- are a small school, and the only way table words of Abraham Lincoln: "He Bring On Knitting tables weren't reserved? Have you no mation from reliable source has we can operate to the stndent's satis- prayeth best who loveth best all beasts national and college pride? Pity the been secured to confirm this faction is with eJoser co-operation. both great and small!"--or words to Fcbruary, the month of greats- poor school, the disgrace that would rumor and therefore it is safe CC£1'olHe1·dman. that effect. Washington, Lincoln, thc Ground- be heaped upon it!" Shc probed at my to discount it for the present. Hog, second semester (ugh). It's one chest with a gnarlcd finger. "Ungrate- Further developments along this of those horrible periods of waste- ful lout! Ready to sell your future line, however, if such should be land expanse between vacations with alma mater down the drain, eh? forthcoming, will be published Pins 'n Points nothing to look forward to, and noth- Ready to make it the laughing stock in subsequent issues of the ing worth remembering. No wonder of all collegiana! Oh, misery!" 'she GOLD BUG. Our most current additions to the Orchids to Miss Smith, the cast, and Georgie cut down the cherry-tree. He wailed, hcr arms extended in at atti- What happened to the idea of diamond polishing league include Jan everyone who worked so hard to make was probably bored to tears! And do tude of languid expression. a student lounge championed by Spatz and Don James, Bobbie Plaskett the Baltimore production of Goodbye, you honestly think Abe would have And She's Stm There last year's SGA? and Ed Toman, Lee Gongloff and My Fancy such a success. This op- walked ten miles to return a few "Hold it. lady. All I want is a seat!" A complete report of this topic Clark Callender, and Nancy Lane. portnnity was a milestone in Western cents if he had anything better to do? I showed her my semi-dehydrated has been given elsewhere in this Congrats and best wishes to all of you. Maryland history and we should all He probably leaped at the chance for tongue. issue. Any constructive com- The faculty basketball game. a fav- be very proud of tMs group. The dra- a little diversion. Anyone would tire Abruptly her emotions changed. ments or questions on this mat- orite among Western Maryland tradi- matic art department's next produc- of lying on his stomach in front of a "And--confidentially,". she raged, her ter, however, will be greatly ap- tions, lived up to all expectations last tion will be the junior plays which fire all the time. Let's face it-it's preciated. night. It was a huge success both in promise to be as god as usual. jnst one of those months. One could voice reaching a hysterical pitch, "I How is our "school spirit" the excellent attendance and the en- Wedding bells rang for February pray for a redecoration of the redee- love to put those signs on the tables. holding up? thusiastic spirit shown by rooters for oratiOl} of Alumni Hall for some- I love it! I love it! Tee hee. It gives This vital yet elusive question both sides. graduate Ruth Lowe and Jerry Phipps, thing new, exciting, and different, but me a feeling of power!" is discussed on this page by an Variety shows to boost worthwhile eJass of '50, quite appropriately on this would entail originality as what "Look," I urged. "Thel'e's lots of interested reader. in a letter to drives such as the polio drive and the Valentine's Day. Nancy Kroll was the to do on Sunday night and isn't worth desks upstairs. Why don't you go up the editor. However, it is felt flood relief for Europe campaign have attendant. On Saturday, February lS, the trouble. there and put a reserved sign on each that a question of this scope can- become a real part of life on the hill. Mary Alice Amoss, class of 'S3, was one? Wouldn't that be fun?" not easily be answered or discus- Those planning and participating in married to 'Varren McFague, who is Spend Time Wisely "Yeah," she giggled. "That's it." sed in this short space. There- these events are to be commended. slated to go overseas in the near fn- To help pass the time dnring this She ran out with a bundle of signs, fore a more detailed and com- Special recognition, of conrse, goes to ture. Esther Rice and Sammy Sarna· nondescript dark age, most of the and I could hear her clicking her heels plete examination will be pur- our own incomparable Dixieland band. koris were married between semes· girls have taken up the finb art of as she raced upon the steps. sued in the near future. Your This Thursday in McDaniel ,Lounge ters, and are now living ill VetviJIe. knitting. This not only develops their That's about the end of my story, ideas concerning this situation a series of sorority teas given for the Sammy is a member of the class of minds, but jabs the heck out of the and if you think, I solved anything, can be expressed in letters to freshmen will begin. These occasions 1953, and Est.her, 'S3 also, is now poor soul nnfortunate enough to be you're wrong. 1 still eat off of the the editor and will be acknowl- are always looked forward to by all. teachi"ng at Laytonville. placed, by fate, next to them in chap- floor-when I can find a spot that's edged as far as space permits. el. A committee has recently been ap- not rese~ed. It is a good sign that we are qIIqtu, q. II. q. pointed to write to the next chapel Let's keep asking questions. telling him not to forget his speaker "alive and kicking". knitting. Why should he waste time just talking when he too could be get- THE GOLD BUG ting his knitting ont of the way. Non- Personal Service knitteTs, of course, take to logic problems at this point, and can be observed muttering incoheTently to themselves in any corner. February Confusing Alloci.ted Member P,ess Collegiate FOIt SALE-Booka: Phynoal Sei.","",~, 3n:! FeLruary was undisputedly design- ed.. New T""tRment Bible and teIt book. ed to confnse the general public. With Subscripj:ion Pric~ $2.00 a Year Gloria. Dunting. a new semester there is seemingly little to do and the majority is com- EdiWr·in·ChieL EDITORIAl" STAFF Wheatley, '.';( ._ ..__ Charles pletely foxed, wasting it away with Associate Editor._ ...__ . Gus LaMar, '55 one of the above hobbies until comes ~:~:g~~to~i.~~:::~.:::===-:r:'~;~~ g~~!~~~::~~ the first testing splurge. If Febrnary wonldn't insist on being sneaky about the whole thing, this wouldn't ::::eEd~:~=~='-CarD!COleman.:: :.::i,::i: come as quite snch a blow. But you're New.·Feature Erlitors __. constantly being thrown off the track COpy Editor_. Manager _ Production -if it's not Valentine's Day it's that Typing .._.__ ._.._.__ _ Photography simple ground hog. BUSIN DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE Personally, I'm insuring myself of Bu.iness Manager __ ." ." Man"ger COPY: a brighter future by tricking the Advertising Manager __ ." Exchange Easter-Rabbit into bringing some- Circulation .. _ ." Tuesday, March 3 thing besides those horrible marsh- Come on, Ha.rry, tonight it's your tnrn to put ont the light. mallow chickens.
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