Page 43 - TheGoldBug1952-53
P. 43
The Gold Bug, March 24, 1953 3 IAtIdeteJ.~eaU I Baseball Squad New Men To Aid Linksfers Schedule Girls' Sports Meets Sixteen '53 Lacrosse Tearn Seven Encounfers by Jim Roach Under the leadership of Coach basketball four outside Playing With the feeling of spring in the Facing a schedule of sixteen games, As a result of vastly increased in- Havens and Captain Ed (Curley) games this season, the girls finished Coffman, our golf team is preparing: baseball team air, the different sports have earnestly Western Maryland's in drills for the terest from the student body, result- for what promises to be the best sea- with four wins. On March 5, Towson has been engaging begun to prepare for their seasons. ing in an astounding number of turn- son of the last ten years. Although came to WMC for two games in Some coaches appear optimistic, while past two weeks. outs for the squad, and the return of the team was admittedly handicapped Blanche Ward Gym. The first game others feel a little down-hearted. Lack The squad, bolstered by several many veterans of last year's unfor- by the graduation of Ward Glasby, was between the two Junior varsity of material, they say. Wei!, who promising freshmen players, hopes to tunate but instructive campaign, pros- Paul Welliver, Don Phillips, and Teams. Playing offensively for WMC knows? improve on last season's eleven won, pects for this season's lacrosse team Maynard Fones, and also by the was Sharon Albaugh, Kay Phillips, Of all the spring sports played on seven lost record. Coach Jim Boyer look happy for a change. No predic- transfer of freshman standout, Dick Jane Konieczny, and Evelyn Hann. the hill, the one with the distinction can start seven of his last year's reg- tion has been made for a winning sea- Hill, the newcomers and returning Together the girls secored 35 points of having had the most consistent win- ulars, with graduation claiming only son in 1953, because a schedule that veterans have a solidness and con. against 20 made by Towson. High ners is the golf team. It seems as two of his 1952 starters-third base- includes such national powerhouses as sistency that was lacking. scorer was Kay Phillips with 14, fol- though WMC has always been en- man Ira Zepp and outfielder Ken Washington and Lee, Loyola, and Returning from last year's team lowed by Jane Konieczny with 12. The downed with some fine linksmen, and ShQok. Washington College, just doesn't are Al Trevethan, Bob Steelman, and Defensive was well handled by Marie this year is no exception. Ed Coffman, Experienced Infield point that way for our non-scholar- Jim Marshall, not to mention the Upperco, Kate Service, and Jo Sieler. a fine golfer, captains the team, and Bob "Lefty" Kaufman, a top hitter ship boys. Western Maryland should number one man, Ed Coffman. New on The varsity team won by a score of has capable players in Al Trevethan, in the Mason-Dixon Conference for win, however, by virtue "Of such the team this year are Denny Boyle, 65-58. Playing a fast passing game, Jim Marshall, Dick Carvel, Bob Steel- the past three years, returns to his standout stickmen as Barry Winkel- Troy Todd, and Dick Carvel. the offensive team was led by Carter man, and Troy Todd. By the way, first base position, and as his record man, Tom Dorsey, Sam Mann, and know who's coaching the team this indicates,' he will again be the club's Skip Berends, against teams of its Time alone will tell, of course, but Bau~ with 35 points, Be~sy Bowen year? Yes sir, Jolly ChoUy Havens. leading threat at the plate. Bruce own size and relative strength, even with matches scheduled against. scurmg 14, and Jo Taylor with 16. The Umm, he's a good one! Mills and Brad Jones, both freshmen, Several Returnees Loyola Gettysburg and Dickinson we defensive j half was handled by Lois Barry Winkelman sends his greet- provide depth for the initial sack. Rounding out the squad are Mal- feel ho~eful in predicting another'vic- ~hl~r, Becky LeFew, and Mary Lou Last year's keystone combination of ings, just like Uncle Sam, to those second baseman, Lou Fogler and lonee, Klein, Collins, Norris, Apple- tcrtous year. The golfers will also try rme. Goucher Beaten who would like to play lacrosse. Wink, stein, Whitehurst, and Hagenbauch for individual and team honors in the On March 9, the girl's basketball the liaison officer for Coach Ferguson, shortstop Willie Pfeifer, is ready for (de/ense); MacLea, Shanklin, Lurie, Mason-Dixon, Middle Atlantic, and teams played for the first time in Gill urgently calls upon all those who know action, but there is a chance that Don and Roberts (midfield) ; and Radcliffe, Western Maryland Invitational tour- Gym. Playing host to Goucher, the anything about the game to join the Hutchinson, another first year man, J. Dorsey, Downes, and Benson (a.t- naments. teams secured two more wins. The team. His squad needs more recruits may go at short with Pfeifer moving taek). This spring's tentative schedule: varsity team won by a score of 46 to join veterans Winkelman, Don Rad- over to the bag at the Hot Corner. Coach Ferguson will have his hands against 37 scored. High scorer for cliffe, John Traband, Skip Berends, Veteran Howie Zimmerman and new- full this year, with games scheduled \VMC was again Carter Baum, who Carvel Downes, and others. The team comer Phil Jackson are waging a close against Washington and Lee, Wash- made 36 of the 46 points scored. Bet- has been seriously hurt by the loss fight fol' Coach Boyer's nod. Andy ington College, Baltimore U., Dickin- sy Bowen accounted for the other 10. of some pretty good players; some to Tafuri and Danny Moylan probably son, Drexel, Delaware, Lehigh, and The forwards for the game were track, some to practice-teaching, and will grab the utility spots. Loyola. Juniata Tourncy __ ._.JunlatB Baum, Bowen, and Taylor. Guards others just not wanting to play any , Veteran Outfield Team Building M_D Tourney _._ .. ._ _Hopklna were Arnie, Ohler, and LeFew. more. Fergie believes that this year's Jack Urton and Charlie White, who Lacrosse is as rough as, if not The Junior Varsity gained their of New Hurfmen Prepare team will start slow, but by May, w11l performed in center field and left field rougher than, ice hockey, and in and second win by a score of 46 to 21. The be playing fine. lacrosse. He likes the last season, arc reasonably sure of around Maryland and parts scoring was led by Jane Konieczny and completely For '53 Season spirit of the team; feels that it's bet- retaining their outfield berths. The England, it vies with football as the with 16 points, followed by Kay Phil- ter than his past squads, and only other spot on the picket line is unde- most popular sport, lips 11, Sharon Albaugh 10 and Nancy wishes that there were other teams he cided, with Nick Rausch; Lou Jordan, overshadows baseball's Spring popu- With a fifteen game schedule be- Pennypacker 9. Marie Upperco, Mary could schedule, more like his, that are or Bill Stewart drawing the assign- larity. - fore cthem, Coach Hurt's tennis team warren, Kate Service, Harriet Sooley, in the process of rebuilding. Ferg ment. Two juniors, Dick Linton and B"ltimore U. _. "ome has been working out in preparation Ruth Dickson and Jo Sieler held the pointed cut that almost half of his Ed Kelly, are experienced catchers, Delaware ._. away for the 1953 season. The opening en- opponents to 21 points. twenty-seven players are inexperi- with the latter available for outfield WIlMington & Lee __"orne ._home counter takes place at Chestertown, The class basketball games were College Washington enced. duty. Drexel ....:_.. .away Md., April 11, with Washington Col- won by the Sophomore A team, win- He particularly likes the work of The mound chores will be divided Dickinson away lege providing the opposition. ning all their games played. Forwards Tom Dorsey and Bob Mallonee. Over among four experienced hurlers Loyola ._. ._. home Captain Art Saltmarsh heads a list for the Sophomores were Baum, Bow- away Lehigh aU, Coach Ferguson realizes the task backed up by a pair of up-and-coming of nine returning letterwinners. Al en, and Taylor. Guards: Cooley, Arnie, he faces, but with the high spirit of freshmen. Don James, Skitch Hender- Tonelson, a senior, returns for his and Makosky. the players and the use of the knowl- son, and Ray Faby have all seen ac- final year of par ticlpation. Also on edge of lacrosse he gained at Hopkins tion before, and each can start. reliev- April In Paris hand are a pair of juniors, Merrill Sigmas On Top Pat last summer, the season should prove Biddle, last year's dependable Trader and Chick Silberstein, both of The sorority basketball tournament interesting. er, will be on hand when there is a . whom will be counted on heavily. Two ended with the Sigmas on top with 3 Say, when docs Professor Hurt get fire to put out, and perhaps will draw At The Junior-Senior Prom sophomores who performed wel l last wins and no defeats. The Phi Alphs his tennis team into action? Tell us, several starting assignments. Bill spring, Ray Davis and Henry Taitt, were second with 2 wins and 1 loss, Art, is A.T. and T. the number one Clem and Jim Pearce are two good- April 18 - Gill Gym return, and should be improved play- Iotas finished with 1 win and 2 de- man this year? Have Henry Taitt, looking freshmen pitching candidates, ers, too. Ken Ruehl, a junior, will be feats, and the Delta with 3 defeats. Ray Davis, Chick Stlbersdeln, Art and either or both could win starting ready to step in in the event he is Intramural Volley ball games are Saltmarsh, Merrill Trader, and A.T. roles for themselves. needed. The above personnel will form now being played between the class and T. improved enough to become the The following is a tentative 1953 "Save up your pennies and the doubles combinations. teams. The standing of the classes is: scourge of intercollegiate tennis 7 The baseball schedule: come to BENNY'S SophomoreA. __ 3 () B experience the tennis team acquired Despite a tough record last season Freshman A _._ ._ 1 1 () 1 Freshman last year ought to help them greatly ~::':'i:,';'~':eu~' .,::,==-~b;:~~ Conch Hurt is confident that his Senior A _. C ..__ ._. () 1 2 1 Freshman this campaign. Tennis, anyone? Yes, charges, with their experience in- Soph. & Juniors A__ 0 2 Arthur. ~f;k~n.~;,a~:::=:.--:-.:::::::=::::; home creased, can't help but improve on On March 16 the WAA selected the Mt. _._. st. Mary'a The boys could take a lesson on the Tow.on home last year's showing. Their only prob- Girls' Honorary Basketball team fOl" art of winning from the girls. The Loyol .. U.. ...._aw home ..y lem now is warmer weather and dry Western Maryland College. Baltimore girls' varsity basketball team de- American ~ U. _. home courts for practice. Forwards: Davison, Bowen, Baum, Hopkin6 home feated Goucher College, 46-35 the The tentative schedule: Albaugh. other night. The remarkable "Rags" Gettysburg . College __ ._away home Guards: Arnie, Ohler, LeFew, W ... hington Baum gathered 36 of the points scored, ~~1'!iC~-=====h:'::~ "'" Wuhington College _~.~ ~w., Seiler. CathOliC U .. ....way while Betsy Bowen sank the other 10. Hopkins _ .. ~w., 'kJ~Afrl. Maryland Nell Hughes qualified for a Na- Jo Taylor, playing a fine game, went Mt. St. Mary's awQy Mt. S1. Mary'a .._. _. home tional rating in refereeing girls' bas- home __ Tow.on for the collar. The girls playing on Ilopk!ns . __ . home ketball games. aw"y Loyol!, the defense-Lois Ohler, Becky Le- Dick Lint.on and "Bulldog" Kelley Compliments of Ametlcan U. away Few, and Mary Lou Arnie-were sen- fight it out as catchers. Andy Tafuri, Catholic U. home sational. Bill Stewart and Nick Rausch will try J. R. EVERHART Hopkins __ .__ ..__ .away SMITH & REIFSNIDER "way Delaware The Gamma Bets and the Phi AJphs to take an outfield position away from COLLEGE BARBER LoyOla ._.__ ._._. home Incorporated engaged in a basketball game (girls' some veteran; all three hit that long At the Fotks Dickinson ~home &... ay LUMBER-COAL Gettl'llburg rules) the other night in Blanche ball. M1. St. Mary's __ . --"w ..y WESTMINSTER, MD. .Ward (the gym, not the lobby). The Don James predicts he'll win 50 or Towson . &wa,. Gamma Bets won, 26-17, but to this 60 games this year but Ray Faby reporter, they were outplayed, out- claims he'll win only 40. Pat Biddle hustled, and outfought all night. On feels good for 40 himself. Mr, Boyer top of that, the referees were decided- said the pitching staff will be Campus ly pre-Gamma Bet! The girls had no strengthened this year with the help luck whatsoever; only the Sterling of Jim Pearce and Walt Sanders. play of "Peck" Carter saved GBX Speaking of Walt, we'd like to give capers from defeat. He and Soup Campbell a Tough Luck award to him. He has hit for six points each. The whirling sprained his ankle so many times this dervish, Joan Kellogg, was high man year. His most recent one developed call for (oops! I mean woman) with nine from a collision at home plate with points. Both teams, however, had a Bulldog. All in all, Jim expects the very good time, as did the spectators. t.eam to do very well, and the spirit Coke I'm telling ya, the girls were robbed. will help make it a snccessful season. Coach Jim Boyer feels that the ball- Orckide : to Dwight Scott and Bob players on this years club are the best Langrall, who tried for years to have of all the players he has worked a track and field team at WMC and with since his entry into the coach- finally succeeded. Nothing but the ing lines at WJ\lC. Jim claims that best, boys. t.he boys really know how to play, Onions: to those guys who persist and that t.he club may finish on in breaking pool cues in the ree hall. top this year. Last year they came Nuts to you. in second. Old Jimbo really likes the work of third baseman Phil Jack- son, whom he claims is a ,'ery good hitter and a fielder with a fine pair J. WM. HULL, J.w.l er for the big Glee Club of hands. He says Harold "Pete" Posey and Don Hutchinson look good For Over Half Century tour is ahead. \Vork and worry call at shortstop. Bill Pfieffer, the leading for a pause-so, relax ..• batter last year, will be fighting for Expert Watch, Jewelry his very existence at second base, as and Eye-Glass Repairing ~ refresh with ice-cold Coke •. the pressure Danny lIIoylan exerts is great, Lefty Kanfman finds two BOHlEO UNOER AUTHORITY Of THE COC"'·COl" COMPANY 8Y capable first basemen, "Buster" Mills 105W. Main Street WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTILING CO.• INC. and Brad Jones, trying for his job. 'is a registered t,ode·mark. © 1953. THE COC"·COl"'COMPANY Charlie White (a consistent hitter),
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