Page 38 - TheGoldBug1952-53
P. 38
2 The Gold Bug, March 10, 1953 -. f/~"-eat- A All II ~~: ~;~~~~:itE-E~~;:'::~: .l;;ne;- ~~:~1~;:~the ~ ~ ~,~~~~;~ \.lL~'·keS>;::a·-do:::-:n ,.........t -vo"""""'ca-::--that HaUowed Halls a small, timid mouse strained situation that developed here for oral questions from the students. (7) Why segregate the sexes in ''''''"'' ~ ''''"' named Throckmorton, affectionately on the hill during the past two weeks. The SGA went to work immediate- el? suddenly oaookene 'With an ex- known as "Throcker." Throckmorton I feel that the condition now existing Iy, arranging for this panel discus- (8) Let the student have the plosive surge of action, the SGA was a different kind of mouse. Oh, to is a culmination of many little things, ston. By the time this issue of the ative at the beginning of the on the Hill has erupted, hurling be sure, he outwardly resembled all all brought to a head at once. GOLD BUG appears, I feel safe in of declaring whether he expects to itself into the campus spotlight. other mice in his physique. He was First of ali, I would like to explain saying that the discussion will take ~:~~,,!a:;o:' ~i~\fl~. not, let it be ha;!eb~~~g~e~:d t~~~i03i;:I~; :i~~::et ;7;a;~!~J~;~:n~:~0~0 ~~~ !~:;t:ha:b~~tt~:!U~~e~sk~b:;!: ~:h:~ ~~~~ei~V1~::~;~!~I~morrow) at 6:45 (9) Because there are few throughout the year but the real an education! He had traveled many my attention was called to several Students, now the rest is up to which allow co-mingling why rumble became apparent as the mouse-miles from the place of his inappropriate, anonymous posters you! (when warmer weather approaches) immediate result of the work of birth just to live in the Hallowed which had been placed on various bul- Notices have appeared on the bul- have Saturday- dinner back in Harvey an interested group of students. Halls, because he had heard that it letin boards. These posters did not latin boards and announcements have Stone Park in the form of a picnic. The methods through which was a place of the highest cultural depict the Student Government in a been made in the dining hall urging Also have street dances. Because of they precipitated their results value. Surely this was the place for very favorable light; as a matter of you to turn in your signed questions the natural curiosity of the students ~~~en:ed~o~ib~u::~~r:i:~h~~~~ ~ii:dtoat~~l ~;:c:o:~! t!he~a~I:::d !~~e ~~:ian:::.e downright crude in ~:n~o~~! ~::b~~~ ~e~p~~:e~7I~'b! he~eh:~:Ya~:~o;:I~u~ui~ r:~~~;Vt~~~e Although their anonymous Halls, he found many other mice who concerning all this. But you have in- are the more urgent. manner of presentation may not greeted him warmly. "Hello!" they Posters Came Back dicated your desires-now it's up to Awaiting your response .... be condoned, the mere fact that cried. "You must be here because I removed these posters and signs you to follow through. CONCERNED. the SGA, formerly a seldom you've heard what a fine time we before many of the students had a (Names withh.eld upon reque8t.) used name, has become a focal have! chance to see them. This action only Things Can Be Done point of conversation, attests to We get all we want to eat, but the caused more signs to appear on fol- I would like to add a most im- the success of their venture---- greatest fun is when we all get to- lowing mornings. These, too, were re- portent final point: if enough, inter- Curious March 4, 1953 ~~r~~~the SGA a living organi- ~~t~~r t~:e::;~~h:~?S C;:~I~:r::~~t ~e~v~~db~~t~~e::~~ !:so~ht:eB~:~~ ~~n~s ~:~;: ~~ ~~e,~:~~~~~ :f ::~:~ Fellow Students: f01?~t;i1~:;~t!~~y sg~ff:~~~:~ Nickname Announced sib~~:a:t?~w that brOke' the camel's ~~~~;ss~~n~l~~g~~fi;nl~~~~; t~:t ,::01: nouncement listening to the forceful an- on After Moore made by Jim ly ..publicize ..thei1· ..projects "Throckmorton", the shy mouse re- back came when the SGA received an rowdy "beef" and "gripe" session. We March 4th at dinner, I wanted to find sU1'eLy in order. Yet the case plied. "What are yours?" anonymous letter congratulating us now have an opportunity. to really out just what the big uproar was all cannot rest here. It is equally "Eenie, Meenie, and Meinne", they on the "underhanded" manner in get. things done for the benefit of all about. I had heard some stories about the failu1'e of every student on answered, "and if 'the high-priests which we had disposed of the posters concerned here on the hill. And these some posters that had been put up the Hill to examine those means around this place don't start giving before they could be seen. Whether things can be accomplished withMtt and were causing a lot of trouble. of explanation which have been us more attention than they have, or not this was underhanded is not a the mob tactics advocated by some. To Frankly, I wanted to see these post- at his disposal (e.g. Spotlight they'll never get any Mo!" point to discuss here; the fact remains do this, however, we must enter into ers, and see who the people were who SGA and open meeting of the "What else do you do here", asked that they were removed. the thing in the right frame of mind, were behind them and what they had SGA cabinet) as well as to de- Throckmorton. • At this point, I became quite con- realizing that there are always two in mind. Most of all, I wanted to see mand further explanation if "Oh, we sing and dance and have a cerned; not only about the posters sides to every question. 'if they had the .guts to show up and these are insufficient. gay old time. Don't your friends call themselves, but about the anonymous I hope this letter clarifles things a defend themselves. After the an- All of these matters, however, you something besides Throckmor- manner in which they were presented. little more, but even more important, nouncement, I didn't think they are "water under the bridge" so ton?" The SGA does not object to criticism I hope it reduces the tension that 1 would, but by golly, they were there!! to speak, the real question now "Well, dad calls me 'Throcker' ", he when it is offered in a constructive consider to be dangerous at this point. They represented an interested being not what has been said or ventured." I rather like that. Tell form. But I felt that measures could JIM MOORE, part of the student body, and they done in the past, but what is me,' is that really all you do here? not be taken until we knew who our President, SGA. had a lot to say. This group had two going to be done today. A golden Isn't there anything else?" critics were; hence, my open chal- strikes against them when they went opportunity for the students to "We just wish there was", they Jenge in the dining hall last wednes- in the door, BUT, they didn't strike put themselves, the SGA cabl- wailed. "This darned town is really day night for the person or persons March 3, 1953. out-not by a long shot! net, and the administration to dead! They 1'01\ up the sidewalks at to appear at the cabinet meeting that OPEN LETTER TO THE S.G.A.: As the meeting progressed, it was the test is at hand. ten!" evening. You have undoubtedly been aware evident that a lot of this group's ar- What is this test? "But don't you study? Isn't this the Frankly, I did not expect anyone to that for the last few weeks various guments were well founded ... that No, it is not a revolution to greatest. cultural center for miles appear. posters and letters have appeared on they were really interested in the effect radical changes in the ad- around? Isn't that why you're here?" the bulletin boards which have tended S.G.A. as an organization represent- ministration of the college. The -o», what he said! Throckmorton, Group Showed Up to point up the laxity of the S.G.A. ing the students. They had made a lot thesis is simple and clear and' who ever heard of such a thing! But 1 was mistaken; the group You are to be congratulated on the of people mad, but that's what they may be stated quite concisely. That's just a rumor the high-priests responsible did appear. I would like to effective manner in which you dis- wanted to do. They felt that by put- The students of Western spread, so they can get more of us add here that I feel that a lot was posed of them before any reached the ting it on a personal basis the issue IVr.arylanddisplayed an unusual here for their sacrificial rites they accomplished that night. The cabinet eyes of the student body. However would become urgent. Strange to re- degree of interest when they enjoy. But we're too smart for them! listened to the grievances of the_ in- underhanded these measures may late, that is exactly what happened! turned out heavily at the polls They never catch us!" dividuals, and they pointed out to the have been there is marked feeling About the posters: They were in March of last year to elect a SGA where we ha1 failed in several that you fall far short of the position passed around and I had a good look president and vice-president of Came For Culture places. which you should uphold. By this we at them. They were very original, but the SGA. Since that time they "But that's why I came here! To However, it was not a one-sided don't mean that you are expected to quite critical. I can't say that I agree have chosen in various elections get an education! I want to be cul- affair-I think the visiting group left be our watchdog in the sense that' you with the methods these fellows used, the other members of the SGA tured! I want to have fun, surely, but the meeting with a more clear picture bite back at the hands which guide but their effectiveness was unques- cabinet. These persons are rep- my goal comes first. If reaching it of the job the SGA is trying to do, us but instead to at least snap at tionable. resentative, therefore, of the 650 means my being sacrificed on the and of some of the things that con- their heels where infringemellt on our Incidentally, these posters are to be odd members of the student Cultural Altar, then I guess that's front us in our efforts to accomplish rights as students is concerned. sent on to the Administration. I saw body. . the way it shall have to be. Above all, these tasks. We pointed out to this Students Interviewed how inflamed the S.G.A. became over Their prestige should be com- my goal, my lightest plume!" group that we have had difficulty in them; I wonder what the Adminis- 1nensurate 10ith the group which "Throcker, you must be off your getting things done around here, even After fruitful discussion with a tration will think! they are 1·epresentative. This rocker!", they exclaimed. And softly in the way of maintenance and re- number of students about the campus The main purpose of this group . has not been the case, the SGA at first, but rapidly building to a pair. (even though they were not openly was to goad the S.G.A. into action. cabinet declares. crescendo they took up the spiteful The '''poster group" said here that aware that thcy were being question- The meeting closed with the S.G.A. Now the SGA is the ball car- chant. "Throcker's off his rocker!" the SGA had fallen down; they 8aid ed on issues which seemed important excited at the prospects of some stu- rier but a few blocking backs They darted off a short distance, the student8 sholtld know about the8e to them) we come up ,,)vith a list of dent interest being shown in their are needed. An interesting and picked up stones, and were about to thinglJ 80 that they could 8ee fol' them- proposed questions deemed worthy of work. constructive pan e I discussion fling them at the solitary figure when 8elves what the SGA gOBS through to your study. Too many students feel If such a few students can do so has been arranged for tomorrow a loud bell rang above them and re- get anythi1!g done. that you are being satisfied too fre- much, I cannot help but think what night in Alumni Hall. Only sounded through the Hall. Frightened, quently with the patent responses of would happen if the whole student through the utmost cooperation they scurried for their beds. Meeting Called the administration, such as: "It is not body got behind the S.G.A. and gave of the students, faculty, and ad- Throckmorton slowly, reluctantly By then, the snowball had really our policy . ; insufficient funds them the support they need. ministration can the venture be turned, and with a smile on his started to roll; the SGA began to re- . ; Dr. Ensor says ... and a host a success. mouth and a tear in his heart, he ceive more numerous complaints_ of others." The majol'ity of the stu- Respectfully, This is the test. Will the pres- walked slowly down the Hall that why this couldn't be done and why dents now feel that the S.G.A. is David HQrton. ent revival of the lethargic body towered above him, to find the' source that hadn't been"accomplished. It was nothing' but a group maintained by of the SGA p1'OVeto be a "shot of the bell, and the beginning of his 'decided that a general meeting could the administration and appointed by DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE in the arm" or a "shot in the long climb toward the goal. be called, at which time everyone hav- the students for the conveyance of head?" ing complaints or ideas could be messages. The S.G.A. on its own has COPY: heard. initiated no ideas of its own. We hope TUesday,March 17 of this sort was called Easler Services --~1953 in A meeting Hall, the next night, that you will at least appraise these suggestions. Alumni Thursday. I am still not quite sure Nine Points Outlined what effect this meeting had, or will THE GOLD BUG have, but I feel sure it served its pur- (1) Permission for the girls to be al- .~ pose in that many complaints and lowed ill the clubrooms on Saturday night. ideas were heard. And I am quitc certain that, as a result, something (2) Partition off thc Rec Hall into concrete will come. two rooms: a game room and one bet- I realized that there was an in- ter furnished for dancing. Later (3) creasing desire on the part of the weekends. hours for the girls on M.mber students to have the administration (4) Urgent improvement of facilities Anoclated Collegiate Press answer certain questions concerning in Old Ward, specifically the shower certain matters of coll~ge policy that room and plumbing. Subscription Price $2.00 a Year they have a right to,know. Therefore, )5) Let the heat stay on later so that ." ... r proposed that a panel discussion be the students can study. held, so that these ideas, views, ques- Establish a grade standard for ... ... tions, and complaints could be brought (6) the teachers. This way a student will ... ... out into the open. ." ... The SGA suggested that one side know where he stands. (70-80=C; ... of the panel be composed of a repre_ 80-90 = B, etc.) When a student can ... sentative group of students, and the have a 99 average and still get a B ." other side consist of members of the .;:: administration. Thought for Today • '~4 I asked that anyone having a ques- tion he wanted answered write it People who lie around the dormi_ down, 8ign it, and place it in my tories have to be at least 500 feet hands no later than today. These long. questions would be given to the stu- _Alexander Rope dent panel, who in turn would direct
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