Page 35 - TheGoldBug1952-53
P. 35
The Gold Bug, Feb. 24, 1953 \(\trestlers Drop Gunners Drop Two Court Tearn Reversed Two More Bouts Of Three Matches By Jirn Roach Fred. Nat. Guard 1352 • WMC 1348 In Four More Encounters Catholic U. 33 - WMC 3 The nimrods of Western Maryland After a lengthly conversation with Art Shanklin's decision victory Feb- were edged February 11 when the Catholic U. 57 - WMC 50 rantland Rice, Bill Dyer, and a few rU81'y 14, averted a shutout as the Frederick National Guard outshot A last period rally by Western ther noteworthy sports writers, this Terror wrestlers were swamped 33-3, them by a scant 1352-1348 margin. vriter has come to the conclusion that by Catholic University in a match held The top man for the winners was Maryland fell short February 11 and thletics on the hill have not as yet in the Blanche Ward Gym. Horine who fired 98 prone, 95 kneeling, Catholic University racked up a 57-50 • eached the epitome of "niceness." Six Western Maryland grapplers and 82 standing for a 275 total. This basketball victory in a game played his niceness has not been attained were pinned while Ray Faby lost a was high for the evening. For West- at Gill Gymnasium. ecause there seems to be lack of hard-fought 5-2 decision to Hulewaki ern Maryland Don Hensler shot 97 The Cardinals center, Joe Della Rat- pirit (a vital ingredient) among stu- in the 177-pound class event. Shank- prone, 93 kneeling, and 84 standing ta, told the difference as he tallied 28 Eddie points for the evening. Guard ents and others. lin's triumph came in the 167-pound for a 274 score while John Clayton Balint swished in 13 markers for the More on niceness and spirit later. contest when he scored easily over was second with a cumulative 271-95 victors. For the Green Terrors Charlie Noticed Arty Press (full court, that Pryfrom by a 6-0 tally. prone, 89 kneeling, and 87 standing. Phipps had his best night of the sea- s) showing his wares on the hard- Summaries: Summaries: son as he scored 15 points while his vcod a few weeks back against the 123-pound: Hallisey, Catholic, pin- Western Maryland: Hensler 97, 93, arsity. Old Arty might be on the ned Preston, WMC, 7:20. 84-274; Clayton 95, 89, 87-271; Hu- teammate Charlie White was rolling hombus side now, but he can still l30-pound: Micale, Catholic, pinned bach 95, 91, 84-270, Rhoads 98, 92, 78- up 10. ink that basketball. Asked Art if he Levay, WMC, 7:12. 268; Adams 95, 91, 84-270. WMC G F P 3410 hought himself better than the fabu- 137-pound: Fabo, Catholic, pinned' Frederick National Guard: Horine ~:~!t~f! ~1~~~~ u , "" " ous Bob Cousy of the Boston Celtics. Ravenis, WMC, 4:18. 98, 95, 82-275; A. Kinsey 97, 96, 79- HOl'<:hll.e all-star team this year, so will refrain 157-pound: Wright, Gallaudet, de- J. R. EVERHART ~~~::~!2: Tull.1I" S.rvlngMaryland,Ohlo,Pennsylvanla, Campbell from doing just that t.hing. cisioned Bimestefer, WMC, 6-0. COLLEGE BARBER WhitehUrSt Virginia and wesr Virginia from The most overlooked squad, outsidc 167-pound: Shanklin, WMC, de- At the Forks Totals Westminster, Md. 19 25 of the rifle team, is the JV basketball cisioned Halberg, Gallaudet, 8-1. ___ _.1915191~8 17 U--ll5 Bus ~pot Phone 199 team. All year long they have gone I77-pound: Flaherty, Gallaudet, de- unnoticed, but have done a fine job. cisioned Faby, WMC, 7-4. They have scrimmaged the varsity Heavyweight: Carlson, Gallaudet, quite often, and helped greatly. This decisioned Duhl, WMC, 3-1. column would like to pay a tribute to Drexel 23 _ WMC 13 Campus capers those fellows. A visiting Drexel Tech wrestling Say, what is' it with Calvert Hall? team tripped Western Maryland by a They cancelled the game with 23-13 score in a match held last Sat- call for Coke the sensational, high-fiying Western urday afternoon in Gill Gymnasium. Maryland ice hockey team. They must The Terrors captured three vic- have found out that AI Hagenbuch, tories. Jim Tone won on a forfeit in the star of the Princeton Hockey the l23-pound class and Art Shank- Parties click when the Club, had assem bled such wort.hies as lin deeisioned Matthews in the 167- LOll (Churchy La Femme) Fogler, pound contest by a sco]:e of 6-0. The mood is right. With Da"e (Goalie) Rhoads, Don (Connecti- other win for the Western Maryland enough Coke on hand cut) Wallace, Bob Mallonee, P. T. squad was scored by Jack Duhl when you can set the scene Bridgeport, the circus bear, and he pinned A. Matthews after four others. minutes and eleven seconds of their for a gay session ..• A formidable outfit in any league. unlimited match. anytime. AI claims they were ready to fly Summaries: along the ice, but the game has been 123-pound: Tone, WMC, won by for- postponed until March. The funny feit. thing about this proposed game was 130-pound: Muir, Drexel, pinned that t.his scrappy 'Vestern Maryland Preston, WMC, 8:10. hockey team was, very cockily, going 137-pound: Taylor, Drexel, won on into the game without one practice a forfeit . session. The gall of those guys. .147-pound: Walton, Drexel, dccis- We'd like to end this by passing out ioned Stewart, WMC, 8-2. orchids and onions. O)'chid8: to Char- 157-pound: Fromm, Drexel, pinned lie Phipps, for trying to become a basketball player, and finally making 16~;~~~~~h!~t;in, WMC, decis- it. He's the team's most improved ioned Matthews, Drexel, 6-0. player. Onions: to those guys who 177-pound: Peetron, Drexel, pinned BOTllED UI'IDER ...UTHORITY Of THE cOC .... COl ... COM' ...I'IV BY play intramural basketball for keeps Faby, WMC, 4:1'6. WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTTLING CO, INC. instead of enjoyment-let's play right, Unlimited: Duhl, WMC, pinned A. "Coke" is a regl'lend Ir"
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