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Library yl and College COMME~~~~~'l~~l" <'1J _ GIRLS' .. • iIn. SPORTS RADIO RAPPED/ ~ PAGE 2 PA~E 3 Vol. 30, No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 24, 1953 Moore Urges Seniors Look To R~dfield Assigned Charles Laughton Scheduled ' fti T 100 -10 urnou t Anrlual Robing In To N,ew Staff Post In lOne-Man Show' For Hill Investiture Rites his WMC's to "one-man show" Charl~s Laughton brings Collegethese past three years, has Tomorrow the student body will g~ \ P.~~. ~~IZ:~IT~:~e~!e~te~ne~~:~tl:~~ Alumni Hall on Monday, April 13. at 8:15 p. m. when he will pre- to the polls to vote for the candidate The annual Investiture Service will received from the Department of the sent "An Evening with Charles Laughton" under the management and platform they feci will be most be held in Alumni Hall at 8:45 a.m. Army an appointment to the Army of Paul Gregory. effective in carrying out their hopes on April 13. In this formal exercise, War Collegeat CarlisleBarracks,Pa. Since he first began reading from the literary classics before for the school during the forthcoming members of the graduating class will The reassignment will be effective paying audiences, Laughton, already internationally famous as a 1953-1954 academic year. be vested with the ac~demic gowns the summer of 1953. The purpose of screen and stage star, has captivated many thousands of American Jim Moore urges everyone to go to which they will wear to receive their the Army War College is primarily to , the bookstore to cast their vote tomor- degrees at the graduation exercises on train selected officer~ as commanders row. A vice-president will be elected June 1. and general staff officers within the on Thursday, from among the candi- Participating in the procession to headquarters of the Army group, the dates of the sex opposite of that of Alumni Hall will be the students and theater Army, and the Department of the president-elect. faculty attired in full academic re- the Army. A brief summary of the SGA nom- galia. "A Mighty Fortress Is Our inating assembly held last Thursday, God," a Lutheran hymn, is the cus- Peak of Army Education Being the peak of the Army Edu- might be of some help to prospective tomary processional music. cational System, the College includes voters. For over one half a century this in their curriculum, United States Has Had Much Experience service has been traditional at West- National Policy, Organization for Betty Parsons, better known as ern Maryland. When first inaugurated National Security, War Planning, and "Perk", was first nominated by Nell the academic costume was worn in the organization and functioning of Hughes. Perk, from Parksley, Va., any public appearance of academic various echelons within the Army. brought with her to Western Mary- nature made by the seniors. At the Colonel Redfield's sixteen years of land much experience in Student Gov- present, time the class wears the ecu- active service began in 1934 when he ernment and class work. She was demic robes only to each chapel serv- graduated from the Infantry ROTC president of her high school class icc until graduation. at the Ulliversity of Alabama as a second lieutenant. Following his grad- ::~~i:rgye:erl~,::h~v~~r;~.e;i~:~~r~f ~~~ Also abandoned, because of the uation, he attended the Infantry student governmenb" there. At WMC, growing graduation class, was the School, Fort Benning, Va.; the Tank she is Secretary of the SCA, treas- procedure in Smith Hall. In the past Destroyer School, Fort Hood, Tex.; urur of the WAA, and president of the students carried their own caps the Command and General Staff Col- the College Sunday School. Perk pro- and gowns and the Dean of Men or lege, Fort Leavenworth, Kana.; and mised to give "undivided attention to women robed each student. Now, the the Armed Forces Staff College, Nor- Ill'ogress, if elected, according to the Senior Class President, Ashby Col- folk Va. While serving in temporary students' will and desire". lins,~ll be robed by Doctor Ensor in grade of Lt. Colonel in 1!)46, Colonel Pat Rogan was introduced by Ray Alumni Hall. This ayrnbolizea.the rob- Redfield received a regular Army CHARLES LAUGHTON: Book in hand, Charles Laughton, fam,oua scn:en Stevenson, his sponsor. Pat, who is an ing of the entire Senior Class. commission as Captain. and stage star, prepares to give one of his many welL-k1UJwn readings. From Economics Major, was president of Following the investitures, an ad- Speaks Well of WMC the unli7nited variety of his rep~rtoi1'e, Americans come to know and his Freshmen and Sophomore Class. " dress will be given. The speaker is Of his sojourn at WMC, Colonel admire this outstanding actor who hOAl ptrl'sonifi,ed 1UJt only the classics but He is a member of the football and always unknown until the time of the Redfield says: "This duty at Western American life as well. track varsities, and became a member service'. Maryland College has been highly in- listeners and has won for himself the of the Preachers in his sophomore formative, interesting and valuable undisputed leadership in a new form year. II elected, Rogan says he hopes to ·me. The record of graduates of the Orchestra Plans of public entertainment. to bring about a "workable organiza- HOTC of this college in serving their Memorizes Repertoire is unsurpassed. To have had tion of student voice". Club News a hand in the formative stage of some Spring Musical Laughton, who appears to read country Charles Wheatley, introduced by from the books spread out in his Spike Dennie] was optimistic in his Canterbury Club of these officers and to have been as- hands in full view of the audience, interpretation of the SGA problem. Rev. John Peabody, the Rector of sociated with the faculty that has Mr. Philip Royer has announced actually does not read at all. He re- He pledged "energetic leadership" in the Church of the Incarnation of Bal- guided their development has been an that the twenty-second Annual Spring cites; for he has committed to mem- his efforts to promote "hearty coop- timore and Chairman of the Depart- unparalleled privilege in my experi- Concert will be held in Alumni Hall ory the entire vast repertory of clas- eration among the student commun- ment of College Work in this diocese, ence. The men who come to Western on Friday evening, April 17, 1953. sical excerpts with which he enter- ity". "wheat" was recently appointed spoke to the Canterbury Club on Maryland as students typify Ameri- The Little Symphony Orchestra, com- tains audiences. . Editor-in-Chief of the GOLD BUG March 4, in McDaniel lounge, about ca's best. The college and the student posed of forty-seven players, will be He can recite the entire Book of after three years of work on the pub- "Beliefs of Today." body call be rightfully proud of their under the direction of Mr. Royer. Job, the Song of Solomon, the story lication. He has participated actively Argonauts contribution to the welfare of our The program will be highlighted of David and Goliath-one of his more on the Student Government this year, The Argonauts have scheduled the country both in civilian and military with two soloists. One will be Mr. captivating "numbers"-the story of first as a representative and later as annual banquet to be held on April life. When I leave here, it will be Richard Weagly, a graduate of West- Genesis, and several other long Bib- president of the Class of '54. 27, at St. Paul's Reformed Church in with many fond memories and a fuller ern Maryland College. Mr. Weagly is lical passages. Also, he has memorized now the choir director of the River- deal of Dickens' Antones Transfer Student Westminster. understanding of the problems con- side Church in New York City. The a great and whole chapters "Pickwick the small college and the tre- Papers" fronting of novels French Club George Antonas is a transfer stu- Dr. Bachman of Gettysbprg College mendous job it accomplishes in spite other soloist will be Miss Shirley by Thomas Wolfe, notably "Of Time dent from Baltimore Junior College. will be the guest speaker of the of these problems. J guess, too, that Woodruff, now a junior of WMC and and the River", besides much of Mark He has played on WMC's foqtball French Club on April 13. Aided by 1've renewed an insight of my own a pupil of Professor Oliver Spangler. Twain, James Thurber, and Stephen varsity for two years, and was cap- illustrative pictures, he will talk on college days. J remember the flow of The orchestra will open the concert Vincent Benet, whose "John Brown's tain of the Bachelors' basketball his recent trip to France. gripes, dissatisfaction with school with the Overture, Lee Petits Riens Body" he edited and prepared for team. George says he .reets he can The annual French Club spring play policies and the general horseplay by Mozart and the Symphony No.1, stage presentation in this current serve the students, as well as make is scheduled for May 18. Weather per- which emanated from that student The Clock, by Joseph Hayden. Mr. theatrical season. WMC a place students will want to mitting, it will be held in Robinson body with the advent of spring. I've Weagly will then sing Orphee, a Loves Young People call their alma mater. Jim Roach is Garden. seen it repeated here quite a few years French cantata for tenor and string Paul Gregory is the man who orchestra by Nicolas Clerambault. his sponsor. Wesleyans later. I think it's a healthy sign and Miss Shirley Woodruff will follow, launched Laughton on his reading "Next year, if elected, I shall do The Wesleyans visited the Eptsco- an expression of the spirit and ener- playing Felix Mendelssohn's Con- tours, which have proved a highly everything in my power to make pal Rectory of Rev. Austin Schild- gies which make this country of ours interesting and profitable sideline to progress the key-word of the Student wachter on Ma~ch 6. Since the wes- tops in all its endeavors." certo No.1 will in G l'.11.1wT. The closing which the star devotes some ten weeks Fin-- familiar be the selection Government Association." This state- leyana meetings lately have been con- landia- by Jean Sibelius which will be of every year. Gregory commented of ment was made by Pasty Herman, cerned with the increased understand- Laughton: "He loves young people. who has 'been active in various organ- ing of the various denominations, the I College Calendar I played by the orchestra. On tour he looks forward to seeing izations since 1950, when she entered meeting of April 10 is scheduled with and talking to them, especially' as a freshman. Pasty, a Phi Alph, the Lutheran Minister of Westmin- Wednesday, March 25 young college students. He started was class treasurer her sophomore ster. Camera Club, 310 Science Hall NOTICE a Shakespeare class here in Holly- year, and this year is Secretary' of the Wesleyanettes Argonauts, McDaniel Lounge, 4:15 wood and invited talented youngsters SGA. She is sponsored by Kay Gates. On March 6, the Wesleyanettes p. m. (Tentative) All students are reminded that Sat- to join it and help their careers. gathered together at the home of Mrs. Thursday, March 26 In this class he trained girls like Program, Not the Individual urday, March 28, and Monday, April Suzanne Cloutier and Shelley Win- Welliver to hear Dr. Hazzard, a pro- Tea, Phi Alpha Mu, Lounge, 4:15 Arnie Needleman, who hails from fessor at the Seminary speak on I)·m. 6, are five dollar qays. Those who live ters. He started the vogue of en- Brooklyn, N. Y., was president of his "Basic Beliefs." Saturday, March 28 too far from Westminster to get back tertaining wounded servicemen in senior class at Abraham Lincoln High Miss Margaret Bailey, was the Spring Vacation begins, 11:50 a. m. Sunday night should see the Absence hospitals and endeared himself to SchooL Needleman, a recent addition guest at the most recent meeting. She Sunday, AprilS Committee if they wish to be excused thousands of them." to the Preacher Fraternity, has played is the director of Youth Work of the Easter Vacation ends. Patrons of the Laughton "Eve- the two major sports each year he Baltimore M. Y. F., who came to in- Monday, April 6 from the $5 penalty. nings" all over the United States has been here. Dick Schafer, his spon- terest the students in working with IRC, Lounge, 6:45 p. m. The student body, in an eleetion have invariably elamored for a re- sor, summarized Arnie's platform by young people. FTA, Ed. Workshop held on Thursday at noon, voted turn engagement of the star's one- saying that if he is elected, the SGA For the past two Sundays the Wes- Wednesday, April 8 against the proposed extra day, which man show, an indication of what a president would be representative of leyanettes have sold cocoa and dough- Camera Club, 310 Science Hall would have necessitated Monday's popular entertainment feature the the student body, and that the pro- quts in the girls dorms. This "break- IRC, Alumni Hall, 8:00 p. m. classes being held on the two Satur- readings have become. Laughton is gram, not the individual holding the fast in bed" luxury will send its pro- Heme Economics Club, Lounge, 7:00 credited by Life magazine, Time, the job, would be the all_important fac- ceeds to the Winnebago Indians in p. m. (Tentative) day afternoons following Spring Va- Atlantic Monthly, and other publica- tor. Wisconsin. Sunday, April 12 cation. tions, as well as by well-known news- Nominated from the floor was Arn- seA Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. This decision came about after sev- paper reviewers, with having created old Hayward, by Charles Calary. A On Saturday evening, March 14, the Chapel, 7:15 p. m. eral weeks of debate. Following this a new trend in entertainment with his Black and White, Arnold is a native SCA sponsored the much publicized Monday, April 13 announcement, Jim Moore stated that readings. is open to both This presentation of Trenton, N. J. He stressed the need "Scavenger Hunt." The winners of the Investiture Service, 8:45 a. m. the SGA considereu the matter to be students and public. Seats are reserv- of a plan for bringing in more desir- small prizes-against keen competi_ Charles Laughton, 8:15 p. m. ed and tickets may be obtained in Mc- able freshmen orientation in order to tion were Barbara Hoot and Bill Tuesday, April 14 closed. enlh-:en student spirit. (Continued on 1Ja(Jc 4) Tri-Beta, Lounge, 4:15 p. m. Daniel Hall office.
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