Page 40 - TheGoldBug1952-53
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4 The Gold Bug, March 10, 1953 tAiy4 (!)n a:O~~i~~!s:t~~~~r~Ut~:~om~:~ Assembly, Dr. Bentley Glass, their dates. with er, 11:30 a.m. by Stu Abrahamur by Spike Dennie Students were asked their opinions on dormitory drinking rules. Here are Friday, March 20 the results: 'Junior Plays, Alumni Hall, 8: Should be allowed ..._ ... . .. ._____ 16 per cent p.m. Should not be allowed .__ _. 75 per cent Saturday, March 21 No opinion _.__.. _ 6 per cent Military Ball, Gill Gym, 8:30 p.m. Other ._. .. .... 3 pel' cent Sunday, March 22 01\ly 12 per cent of the women are for dormitory drinking; 82 per cent Sunday School, Baker Chapel, are against it. "I don't believe in drinking, period," exclaims a sophomore coed a.m. from Geneva College, Pa. Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7 :15 p.m. A freshman in Engineering at Southeastern Missouri State College thinks Monday, Mafch 23 dormitory drinking should be allowed, because it "would keep them out of Argonauts, McDaniel Lounge, trouble in taverns." p.m .. And a business student at Richmond Professional Institute, Va., declares, Assembly, Religious Em p has i "The more restrictions that are imposed, the more people will want to break Week, 11:30 a.m. them. College students should be treated like adults." One a.m. appears to be the most popular hour for getting a girl.back to her dormitory after a Saturday_night date, with 2 a.m. being a not very close second. Students were asked: In your opiniim, at wha-t holt)" on a Saturday "MEET AT night should tL coed be required to get bcctc to her dormitory? George Van Nodrano. Jim Roru;k The answers: Do you remember June 3, 19491 Do "I'll say," ... "Me too," ... "And By midnight or before _ _ __ _... 14 per cent PETE'S you recall that for a month following how," are the proverbial sayings of By 1 a.m._ __ .. _.._ 45 per cent that historic date how many deser- Western Maryland's good will ambas- By 2 a.m. ... .____ 24 per cent tions there were from the United sador, gentleman Jim Roach. "The After 2 a.m._____ 8 per cent To Get Your Eats" States Coast Guard? How the moral Bloffer" (another one of Jim's m~ny No opinion ...--_._. ...._:_._._ 4 per cent and the efficiency ratings of the men nicknames) is a prominent figure on Other ----._. __... ._. .. 5 per cent Main. St. - White Neon Sign dropped? How the USO spent mil- the campus with his exuberant salu- With the men, 2 a.m. is just as popular an hour as 1 a.m., both choices lions of dollars, just to restore the tations and roliing sense of humor. getting 33 per cent of the male vote. But the girls are 54 per cent in favor men's will to live? At that time the of 1 a.m. ani! only 17 per cent in favor of 2 a.m. reasons for this internal military dis- Avid Sports Fan Another 17 per cent of the girls would just as soon be returned to their turbance were labeled "secret" and New England's gift to the college dOrmitories by midnight or before; eleven per cent of the men feel the same way about it. were kept from the public. But today hails from Medford, Mass. o;ming it all can be told in tqree simple from the area, Mr. Roach is an avid words-(Georgc WM released.) fan of the Red Sox, the Celtics (with Harbingers of Spring Bob Cousey, of course) and other sun- BEAUTIFUL EASTER CARDS Television Star dry groups and clubs. Now on Display As I recall, George's first major Your illustrious friend is en- at appearance as' an outstanding per- tangled in activities that amount to P. G. COFFMAN CO. ' sonality was when he represented ,WMC Ice ~1~TI:.m:ee=B:ld:g.======;=;=====w: ee:t:mi:"':te:';:M:d:.~. WMC at a boxing match with West being a founder the number one M.C. the of Hockey Team, Point. Since that particular contest on campus at pep rallies and things was televised, aU of us had the oppor- (a combination of Arthur Godfrey tunity to watch him in action. After and Marlon Brando), warming bench- It Pay. To Look Well "You're Good For It At" the count of ten, Van said a few es wherever vacant, the fastest wait- words for the millions who were er in the dining hall, and entertaining DAVID'S JEWELERS watching: "I didn't see that left hook stray young damsels in the grill. In The 19 E. Main Street coming. I guess my nose got in the a more serious vein, Jim is a member Westminster, Md. way." of Delta Pi Alpha, a Future Teacher Avenue Barber Shop Phone Westminster 1167 Well, from that day forth. he ac- of America, a history major, and Bulova - Longines - Elgin quired a nickname which has stuck sports columnist for the GOLD BUG. Where The StudentJ Go with him like the nose on his face- Deletes Food Supply Benrus - Gruen .....fhat. is "Van Nose." George is the When Jim is not inclined to reside Wittnauer only guy on campus who offers any horizontally within his humble abode 83 Pennlyl~ania Avenue competition to Jimmy Durante. OPEN AN ACCOUNT at 114 ANW, his booming, bathroom Ardent Gamma Bet baritone voice usually resounds Having attended WMC summer throughout the dorm. This is when he school prior to his enrollment as a is passing off his words of wisdom, LAUNDROMAT regular student, George accumulated bits of criticism, or advice to his FINE FOODS AT enough hours to become eligible for room-mates when he is not studying, 5 Locust Street fraternity membership. Now presi- of course. One of Mr. Roach's hobbies Opposite Parking Lot dent of Gamma Beta Chi, he has (strictly in the line of duty) is to sur- Griffin's worked hard and diligently, in aU vey and help consume various food DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 phases of fraternity life. A party is supplies throughout the dorm. not complete without his imperscn, To Jim Roach with his winning Excellent Assortment of FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 atlon of Sam Spade or his newly personality, the art of making friends contrived act of Marlon Brando. is a natural trait. His ever-present Greeting Cards Closed Wed. Afternoon Whether the party be stag or mixed humor and outstanding character Hop Home George always manages to add a have definitely contributed to bright- Westminster 1287 touch of his apropos humor. ening the campus life on the hill. As you all know, George has re- peatedly displayed his talents' of wit SMITH & REIFSNIDER ThisSpring and originality at such school events Incorporated eaIWJ/J Q) 6Y Dan Dailey -_'_ Constance Smith HA WK OF THE WILD RIVER turn separately. , 8W£ R/f)C£ UNES Smiley Burnett Charles Starrett CDNSULTYOURlOCAlRAILROAIITICkET AGEHTWfLLIHADYAHCfOfDEPARTUR£ SERVING MARYLAND, OHIO, PENNSYLVANIA" SUN., MON., TUES., DATE FOR DETAILED INFORMATION MARCH 22, 23, 24 VIRGINIA AND WEST VIRGINIA FROM THE STARS ARE SINGING SUN., MON., MARCH 22, 23 Westminster, Md. MONTANA BELLE EASTERN Bu Depot Phoae 199 ~ Rosemary Clooney Laut-it.... Melchior Jane Russell Scot Brady (Technicolor) (Trucolor) RAILROADS
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