Page 44 - TheGoldBug1952-53
P. 44
4 The Gold Bug, March 24, 1953 dI«;Jt. (!)"" her head when base 'seems to be Drexel Hill, Pa., and homozygous; the former in that jam sessions. schedules go wrong. Spring or fall, where Jack, of Lambert fame, re- YOU must plan il. You'll wanl p,iva<:y. in b~"ytilyt me"l. 'YHoyndin!)., entidng rain or shine-s-there she was with sides. The latter is a prevalent factor (b,.<>klo.tYntilll:00).variedro".atlonof film bag on her shoulder running af- in the "Life and Times of Kay Gates. YOy, own chao.'ng, and companion. you HIGH QUALITY _ li~e, other <0Ile9io"., .Io.ling life logelher, ter Bill-the photographer that is. -Girl- Girl". (An autobiography like·yo~"el~ ••. Wrile 10 Ame,ko', uniQue WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS hav~n 10' newlywed. only. Mention dale., Her standard comment--or one of "which will soon hit the presses.) ~~NE;~~O~n<~~~~S.~~' h.lpfyl "THREE Calling Cards & Informals, Imprinted Napkins & Matches them-"can you go around' with the In November Kerseley'a dramatic DISTINCTIVE GREETING CARDS for those Special Occasions photographer today." ' talents were applauded by those at- THE FARM ON THE HILL P. G. COFFMAN CO. The "Corner stone" of Blanche tending "Goodbye, My Fancy." This Swlftwater, 95, Pa. Times Bldg. Westmfnster, Md. Ward, is also an avid reader-yes, is not the first, nor will it be the last she's never without a love comic or a time Kay will accomplish the same re- bride's book-ah poor Prunella Bean- sults. In "The Heart of Mary" and "MEET AT G.C. Murphy & Co. "You're Good For It At" blossoms. Her source of boundless en- "Opera Matinee" she proved her ver- DAVID'S JEWELERS ergy in this area she contributes to satility. The College Players claim a her famous calcium pills. All this, of great deal of her time, as well as her PETE'S The Friendly Store 19 E. Main Street course, is by way of collateral for her interest - which has never lagged Westminster. Md. beadstringing-oh, I mean art, ma- since her sophomore year. Dormitory and Clauroom Phone Westminster 1167 jor. Man, can she ever string a crazy Aside from these outstanding at- bead. tributes, Kerseley is a member of Phi To Get Your Eats'~ Suppliea Bulova - Longines - Elgin Letter Writer Alpha Mu sorority and claims to be Benrus - Gruen If you should perchance wander an expert tunaflsh sandwich maker. Main St. - White Neon Sign 6-10 We.t Main Street Wittnauer into the "famous" corner room (and Also eater. She is strongly addictedco if you're on first floor you are prob- naps, small bars (of the candy va- Westminater, Md. OPEN AN ACCOUNT ably wandering) and find Sally's ab- riety) and can read faster than she structing- with a background of soft, can turn the pages. This latter ability and Vic music, a picture before, and is quite profitable, since she is one of It Pays To Look Well pen in hand, don't be alarmed. She is the English majors. not practicing yoga-that comes later. Visit The She is calling upon the muse of letter Dean's Lister writing. The letters are about to wing Between grille periods, cutting out their way via private carrier pigeon paper dolls, and keeping the peer Avenue Barber Shop • Weekday Ma.tinees: 2 p. m. Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- system to the world's gift to the audit- group amused with jazzy jokes, pep- Evenings 7 and 9 p. m. day shows continuous from 2 p. m. ing business, Lucky Loring, better py patter, and clammy cliches, Ker- Where The Students Go Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. known as "Tex", the cowboy of Kan- seley has maintained her status as a Evenings 9 p. m. sas City. Can't vouch for the letters, Dean's Lister, and recently procured Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows but the records and atmospllere are a pair ?f glasses to facilitate turning 85 Pennsylvania Avenue Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and continuous from 6:'45 p. m. Holidays fine. pages. The future--well for Sally it means Kerseley possesses an active imagi- MARCE{ 24; 25, 26 several things: teaching-either in nation and has the ability to enjoy WED., THURS., MARCH 25, 26 elementary school or as a visiting art whatever she is doing. These two fac- LAUNDROMAT SKY FULL OF MOON CLOSED teacher; Marriage-the traditional tors added to her other qualities Carleton Carpenter Jon Sterling white costume, and silver bells, and (space restricts me from further elab- 5 Locust Street FRI., SAT., MARCH 27, 28 she has the guy to go with the dreams oration) assures her of success in FRI., SAT., MARCH" 27, 28 and plans. whatever field she chooses. Opposite Parking Lot CITY BENEATH THE SEA YELLOW SKY Robert Ryan Mala Powers Gregory Peck Anne Baxter DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 (Technicolor) Spring Vacation FRIDAY UNTIL 8 :00 Spring Vacation Closed Wed. Afternoon SUN., MON., TUES., APRIL 5, 6, 7 SUN., MON., APRIL 5, 6 MA AND PA KE'ITLE ON Westminster 1287 VACATION KANSAS CITY CONFIDENTIAL Marjorie Main Percy Kiljarth John Payne Coleen Gray WED., THURS., APRIL 8, 9 APRIL 7,j3, 9 I CONFESS EASTER NOVELTIES Anne Baxter Montgomery Clift CLOSED FINE FOODS FRI., SAT., APRIL 10, 11 FRI., SAT., APRIL 10, 11 A8BOT AND COSTELLO GO MAN BETRAYED TO MARS Bud Abbot and Lou Costello John Wayne Griffin's SUN., MON., TUES., APRIL 12, 13, 14 COME BACK LITTLE SHEBA SUN., MON., APRIL 1~, 13 Westminster, Md. Academy A,\\ard Winner SAN .AN:TONE Bus Depot Phone 199 Shirley Booth Burt Lancaster Rod Cameron Arlene Whelan
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