Page 37 - TheGoldBug1952-53
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Library -,iestern Maryland College Mass· Meeti'ngdOf SGA In Alumni Hall Junior Drama Stud~nts Schedule Proposes Panel D.iscussionFor Tomorrow Trio Of Plays In Annual Event The Junior College Players, under the direction of Miss Esther Smith, The proposed idea of a student-administration numerous times of these- matters.. but no action will present the Junior Plays on Friday, March 20, at 8:15- p.m. in Alumni panel discussion, brought up at the general SGA was taken." Hall. This annual presentation by the Junior dramatic students will consist .meeting in Alumni Hall last 'Thursday night, Moore then threw the floor open to suggestions. of three one-act plays. ' March 5, has been accepted by the Student Gov- The idea for a student-administrative panel dis- Featured in this year's performance will be the production of The Lady evrnment Association and the college body, and is cussion on matters of concern to the college body, of Lark8pur Lotion by Tennessee Williams. This one-act play marks the first by Tennessee drama Williams to be now scheduled for tomorrow night, March 11. previously decided upon as a possible solution in presented here at W.M.C. Laid in Approximately 350 students met in Alumni Hall the SGA cabinet meetings, was restated. This SeA Helps CARE ~:;s~:~:~n~b!~~~~aJa:Sd:r:fc~:tt~~ immediately following Thursday's evening meal. measure met with the general approval of those The gathehng came as a culmination of a long present in the 'auditorium as evidenced by the vol- In Scavenger Hunt the French quarter. True to the form of a blend of Williams, it involves series of events revolving around the expressed ume of applause displayed. _ fantasy and realism. The cast is as need for a revitalized SGA prevalent in, many It was recommended that the administrative The Social Responsibilities Com- follows: Mrs. Hardwicke-Moore, Jane quarters. panel team consist of Dr. Ensor, Dean Schofield, mittee of the S.C.A., under the chair- Hutchison; Mrs. Wire, Jane Logan; Jim Moore, SGA president, opened that meeting Dean Makcsky, Dean Howery, and Dean David. manship of Mary Jane Munson, has The Writer, John Traband. by relating the series of events which prompted Members of the student panel named at a meeting scheduled a scavenger hunt for tomor- His Plays in Hollywood row night, March 11. this action. Posters and letters of an anonymous yesterday were: Mike Pezella, Elmer Richards, Those who want to participate in Tennessee Williams is well-known nature chiding the SGA for a state of impotency Pasty Herman, Charles Wheatley, and Dick the hunt, must meet at the S.C.A. for his outstanding "one-acters", in had been appearing around the campus on the bul- Schaeffer, alternate, Immediate action on this room after dinner at 6; 30. Each pair consequence of which Warner Bros. letin boards. matter was deemed necessary due to the "urgency will be given a list, on which will be Studio is now planning a major ven- the named novelties to be var-ious "These were removed," Moore said, "before of the situation." brought back by 7 :45. They may be ture based on these one-act plays to be directed In addi- by Elia Kazan. most of the students had an opportunity to see Dr. Ensor announced at lunch Monday that the hunted either in Westminster or on tion, Williams' play Ca",~ino Real is them, as a matter of the truth hurts as well the school could not reconsider the proposed-extra day the college campus or both .. scheduled to appear on Broadway this One of the things inappropriate nature which I considered the pre- of spring vacation until the writer of an anony- nickle of a certain on the list is a month. date, not to be sentation to be. mous letter concerning administration policies re- disclosed here. All the nieklea brought Another play on the program is ceived by him presented himself. "I challenged the people responsible for these in will supplement the funds already Playgoers by Arthur Wing Pinero. This play, an amusing domestic epi- The idea of the extra day, Easter Monday, had posters and signs to come before the SGA to pre- been previously turned down, although indication raised to buy a CARE package to be sode, deals with the ever present ser- sent their case. Frankly, I didn't think they would was later given that authorities were willing to sent to a needy famliy in the name of vant problem in the form of a smart the winners. The winners, the couple accept this challenge, but they did. In so doing back first with most on the list will social satire in a London household. The they presented suggestions of a concrete nature. consider the request a second time. receive additional prizes. The cast includes: The Mistress, Master, Thomas Douglas; An assembly is scheduled for the third week of Bar- "Then too," he went on, "I feel that those per- this month, at which time nominations will be This is one of the many activities bara Winters; The Parlormaid, Ann by the sons who came with their grievances also saw the made for next year's Student Government presl-' to be sponsored function, as S.C.A. this Spears; The Cook, Betty Parsons; In well as this year. difficult situation with which the SGA cabinet is dent. Voting will take place at the end of that others, they invite every student to The Useful Maid, Jane CoIlins; The faced, even in matters of a supposedly insignifi- week. join with them in a good time. Housemaid, Betty Norwood; The Kit- cant nature, such as replacing windows and fixing The present SGA cabinet will continue in office chenmaid, Anne NuttaU; The Odd Man, James Dix. the Rec room. Responsible persons were contacted until May, the new one to take over next fall. OF~cers' Club Sets play included is Gmnd- The third Conflicting Ideals '..__ Military Ball Date ma-s-Old. Style by Walter Prichard Eaton. Even though a comedy, the The annual Military Ball, spon- conflict of old-fashioned and modern sored by the Officers Club at Western ideas of the three generations strikes Maryland, will be held on the 21st of a serious note in the play. The spirit March in Gill Gymnasium. of this drama is smilingly satirical of Formal invitations have 'been sent undisciplined domestic establish- Z28. to the P. M. S. and T. of Gettysburg ments. The play is cast as follows: College, of Johns Hopkins University, Grandma Bowdoin, Estelle Zies; Vol. 30, No. 10 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. March 10; 1953 the Commander of the 2nd Army, and Grandma Clark, Carol Bauer; Bessie John Clark Bowdoin, Nancy Bayliss; to each faculty member on the Hill. Ca.rl Snyder heads the Dance Com- Bowdoin, Kenneth Ruehl; Willie mittee, and is assisted by Dave Bowdoin, Jean Willis. Religion Week To NOVice/Frenchmen" Staff Announces Rhoades, Glen Ashburn, and Tom Settings for all three plays are de- Dryden. signed by Donald Bailey. Each cast is of its Feature Wilmore Present Musical Job Openings Advanced Students in Full Dress responsible for the production is open to own play. The performance At the Ball, which begins at 8:45 Reverend Gay Wilmore, an Or- First year French students, under and ends at 11 :45, all advanced the public and there will be no admis- sion charge. made today was Announcement dained minister in the Presbyterian the direction of Miss Margaret J. concerning the numerous and various R.O.T.C. students will be in full dress There will be a promenade uniform. Church, will be the speaker on camp- Snader, gave the play "La Petit us this year during Religious Em- Malade", and a short musical pro- types of reporter jobs available on . of cadet officers and their dates dur- RH Bloocl Types ing the intermission. the GOLD BUG staff. All applicants, phasis \\reek. gram last night in McDaniel Lounge. experienced or otherwise, are eligible The Death Valley Gang, familiar Every year Western Maryland Col- The play, by, George Courteline, is for permanent positions. to upper cl assmen, will give Bob lege has an outstanding speaker dur- a short, tragic comedy about a young and his six piece crches- Topics Assembly i ing Religious Emphasis Week. Dur- boy who had difficulty with his legs as Unlimited Meeting Thursday are avail- Hessenauer" tra a rest while the "Gang" performs opportunities ing this three day period all other a result of a faulty diagnosis of his able for freshmen as well as upper- during the intermission. Patty Ham- Rh Blood Types will be the subject activities are cancelled so that both doctor, played by Bill Tribby. Peggy classmen interested in writing news mersly stars in the group, singing to of the March 17t.h student asembly. time and' leaders will be available in Artigiani played the part of the moth- Dr. H. Bentley Glass, a well-known order to discuss the problem of re- articles. On Thursday 1\ight, March the accompaniment of Pat Biddle authority in Genetics, will bring to ligion which concerns everyone. Singing "Aupres de Ma Blonde" 12, the news staff will have a meeting playing his violin, Soup Campbell on us some pertinent facts that day in a the washtub, Pat Huddle at the piano in the GOLD BUG office at 6:30. Ev- One of Stall' Members were Hugh Howell, Charles Bruno, eryone interested is invited to attend and Ed Coffman on his guitar. combination Tri-Beta and Lecture Reverend Wilmore is one of the Don Roberts, and Paul Farnham. A this meeting. The Officers Club will present a Committee asssembly. staff members of the Student Chris- girls' trio, consisting of Beverly For those people who are more in- corsage to each girl attending the Dr. Glass attended Baylor Univer- tian Movement in the middle Atlantic Reibel', Charlotte Ridgeley and Fairy terested in writing feature articles, dance. sity, and from that institution re- region and was the main speaker last Frock sang "Belle Fruit". humorous or philosophical, positions Decerattena in Military Vein ceived his A.B. degree in 1926. His year at Washington and Jefferson Proverb readings by each member are open to all. Athlete-minded people, Decorations will be strictly in the M.A. in 1929, and his Ph.D. in 1942 College in Pennsylvania during Re- of the class, and dances by the class boys and girls, are invited to submit military vein, with various insignias were presented to him by the Univer- ligious Emphasis Week. Understand- were included in the program. their work for use on the sports page sity of Texas .• ing the religious problems of a col- of the paper. These people are also adorning the walls and the bandstand After- receiving his doctorate, Dr. lege community, Reverend Wilmore requested to attend the meeting an- in an emplacement "setting with sand Glass taught at the Kaiser Wilhelm will be in charge of the Student Drugstore Plans nounced above. bags and barbed wire. Institute, and from there went to Gou- Christian Conference this spring. and Typing Positions Tickets may be purchased from any cher College, where he was a member fall. 22, Reverend Delivery Service In addition to writers, typing posi- cadet officer or in Blanche Ward Hall of the faculty for ten years. He has On Sunday, March tions are available for any persons office or McDaniel Hall office for $2.00 been teaching at Johns Hopkins Uni- Wilmore will open Religious Em- who have had typing instruction and a couple. versity in Baltimore since 1948. phasis Week at chapel service. His Jt has been recently announced that who are interested in using this ex- A discussion period indicative to topic will be "Essentials of Chris- a to-the-door service will be rendered perience for a useful purpose. the assembly topic will begin at 4 :20 tia~ity in Relation to the College by the Westminster branch of the Meetings of the GOLD BUG staff Club News p.m. that afternoon in McDaniel Campus." Later, he will conduct a Read Drug and Chemical Company to are announced regularly at the noon Lounge. discussion group at Fireside meeting. students here on the Hill. meals. seA On Monday and Tuesday mornings, According to the manager, Mr. Jos- A member of the staff was quoted WMC was represented atHood col- he will hold devotional services in eph Papiermeister, the store will de- as saying, "This is a paper for the lege last Saturday at the SCA con- Fourteen Accept Baker Chapel and on both of these liver any item which it has in its students and by the students. It is up ference held there. Among those pres- evenings he will address the students large and varied stock. to those interested to make a deter- ent were Kay Poch, Bobbie Smith, and in McDaniel Lounge. All orders are to be phoned in to minded effort to lend their talents to Mary Jane Munson. Fraternity Bids Assisted by Young Woman the store, at Westminster 9 or West- keep the GOLD BUG at a high stand- Reverend Wilmore may be assisted minster 392. In the case of routine ard so that they may have a college Trt-beta Mid-year fraternity bids Were sent by a young woman who will aid in the purchases, delivery will be made at newspaper they feel is worthy of the Mr. Richard Harlow was the guest out recently. Those who accepted the discussions. They will both be avail- 5 ;00 p.m. daily to the individual school." of the club, this afternoon when he bids were listed as follows. able to any sorority or fraternity rooms of the male students and to the presented a series of slides on birds. New brothers of Gamma Beta Chi which would like to have a discussion offices of the girls' dormitories. Im- Tri-beta is hoping to sponsor a are Pete Posey, Don Wallace Charles on religion. In addition, he will prob- mediate delivery will be made of pre- NOTICE forum in McDaniel Lounge March 17, Clarke, George Gipe, and Barry ably address the SCA cabinet mem- scriptions and other emergency pur- with Dr. H. Bentley Glass as speaker. Pickus. bers and the faculty. Reverend Wil- chases. Jim Moore, President of tbe S.G.A.. Dr. Glass is scheduled to speak at the The Preachers have welcomed into more is also expected to speak in sev- No payments will be made from the reminds students that tomorrow, assembly that morning. their midst Arnold Needleman, Ru- eral classes. campus. Systematic trips to Read's at March 11, is the final day to submit Spanish Club ben Bard, Jack Snover, George Sipe, Western Maryland students are 15 Main Street will be made accord, nominations to him for next year's The Spanish club sponsored a and Thomas Mabry. eagerly awaiting Reverend Wilmore's ing to the extent of individual pur. Student Government officers. The ap- movie abotJt Mexico, entitled "Es- The Black and Whites have taken arrival. His purpose in coming is to chases. plication should contain the name of tudiamos" February 25. The club is in Donald Hensler as a new member. aid the students with their religious This service will be offered to the the candidate, spon]l;or, and publicity also working on a going-away nesta Those who have joined the Bach- problems, regardless of denomina- students here as long as sufficient manager. for one of the members, who plans to elors are Bob Jackson, John Dewey, tion. patronage warrants its continuance. visit Mexico. and Ira Wagonheim.
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