Page 36 - TheGoldBug1952-53
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4 The Gold Bug, Feb. 24, 1953 t:AVjh (!)" "11u,. t:JIdL I College Calendar Reel Professors? A(P Poll Asks, aev Rye, Elsie Maytrott Serve Tuesday, Feb. 24 Most College Stuelents Say No Assembly, C&P Telephone, Co. Demonstration. As Dorm Presielents For SGA Trt-Beta, McDaniel Lounge. 4:15 party (ACP) Students are overwhelmingly against members of the in teaching somewhat colleges, but they're in the nation's p.m. Communists. Feb. 25 by Jane Hutchison by "Skirp" Edwards wednesday, Club, 310, Science Hall. teaching jobs for former Opinion. This was learned in a recent National Poll of Student Camera Beverly Jane Rye, ordinarily re- and Nancy McMath Basketball, Dickison, home. Results of the first question-Do you think avowed Comamcniet: party ferred to as Bevr, is a graduate of Saturday, Feb. 28 bel's should be allowed on college faculties?-are as follows: Eastern High School in Baltimore Basketball, Johns Hopkins, home. Yes _.~,,__ 9 per cent (pronounced BALL-uh-mer, you New Sunday, Feb. 29 No __.. .__. 85 per cent Jersey people), and since entering this Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9:15 No opinion 4 per cent. liberal arts institution has, among a. m. Other __ 2 per cent other things, learned to play bridge2 Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. The few students who say "yes" usually qualify it. "Communist and make tuna fish sandwiches. Monday, March 2 should be adver-tised as such," says a junior at the University of Miss Rye has enjoyed a most var- IRC, McDaniel Lounge, 6:45 p. m. But a sophomore in Law at Phoenix college, Ariz., says, "No, they ied and interesting life here at the TUesdny,March 3 shot down like dogs." college. DUring the rain-making cere- Recital, Marilyn Rardester, Music "It would be," declares a coed at Trinity college, D.C., "like mony, formerly held annually in the Hall,8p.m. gangsters to teach high school boys; corrupt ideals would be instilled in vicinity of McDaniel's tiered porches, ·F,iday, March 6 minds ... " she' was once hit on the head by a Wesleyans, Episcopal Rectory, 7 The second question was: Do yOlt think that former 'lnembeTS of the waste basket full of water. During p. m. 1l'mnist party should be allowed on college facll!ties? her junior year she served, and very Piano Recital, Miss Heggemier, Here are the results: capably, I might add, as Social Chalr., Alumni Hall, 8:15 p. m. Yes -----.~._~ ._...__ . __45 pel' cent man and Custodian of the Phi Alph Sunday, March 8 No --.--.... . .._.__ __ 39 per cent Pickle Forks. It. is she who makes Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9:15 No opinion __ ,,_,,_ 9 per cent a.m. Other .. ... ... .. __...__. .. __..__ ......_ 7 per cent Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. "College students are supposedly old enough to judge for th"""",,,,". Monday, March 9 says a senior in Education at the University of Idaho. State A freshman at California college, Pa., states, Teachers "Let's go?" ... "\Vhere to?" . French Club, McDaniel,Lounge, 6:45 like to hear lectures from a Communist, just for interest." She adds, "I ' "OK, let's go." These familiar phrases p.m. a Communist." ' echo through the second floor of Tuesday, March 10 Many students think former Communists would be good teachers Blanche Ward Dorm almost any Sat- Trt-Beta, McDaniel Lounge, 4:15 as one student puts it, "They would know both sides." urday morning, Sunday p.m., nice p. m. spring evening-matter of fact-- against An ACP survey last winter indicated that the majority were: of students loyalty oaths for college professors. Approve, 39 most any time. So saying, Elsie May- The figures disapprove, trott followed by her brood of girlsl per cent; disapproved. 47 per cent. Seventy-three pel' 'cent of the graduate students unlocks her red Studebaker, "Jehu," survey, 60 per cent of the graduate In the present and takes off for FrizeUburg or parts . of college teaching jobs for former Commuuits. students arc in favor unknown. Slides of Trips On all these jaunts, her cameras are never left idle. "Slides shown af- J. WM. HULL, Jeweler "MEET AT ter 10:30." .(\s oneviews these slides one travels with Elsie on her pic- For Over Half Century turesque trips to Florida, Maesaehu; PETE'S Beverly Rye eetts, not excluding Canada and Alas- Expert Watch, Jewelry ka, of course. the annual arduous trek into the near- Upon returning to WMC 'from and Eye-Glass Repairing To Get Your Eats" by metropolis of Baltimore (see note DahliaDel (Vineland, N. J.!-her on the pronounciation above) to do home) this' lass is invariably ladened 105 w. Main Street McDaniel's Christmas shopping, doles with Tastycakes, Fruitcup _ and Main St. - White Neon Sign out the cookies at teas, and tacks the Flowers. Naturally this initiates a notices on the bulletin board. party in 202 for all hungry femmes A Friendly Word fatales. As one enters this room, EI. One might suppose that these activ- ste's masterpiece, the striking yellow "y 01~'1-e Good For It At" ities would leave our heroine little headboards, lend a home-like atmos- time and energy to develop culturally. phere. DAVID'S JEWELEI;tS One had better suppose again. Miss Dorm "Lceker-uppar-" FINE FOODS AT 19 E. Main Street Rye collects pictures of squir rels.a This 5 feet 7 dynamo is well-remem; Westminster, Md. Although not the real go-getter fered for ingenious decorations, er. "Hello Girl",type, Beverly can usual- fig'iea, and similar pranks by all her Phone Westminster 1167 ly manage a smile and a friendly 160 prodigies. You see, she is the "of- Griffin's Bulnva - Longines - Elgin word for anyone, even as early as nine ficial locker-upper" of Blanche Ward, Benrus - Gruen in the morning. This has never ceased otherwise known as dorm president. to amaze me.! It is indeed a pity that This job also entails much of her time Wittnauer the study of soeiology5 doesn't have as an efficient member of the Worn. OPEN AN ACCOUNT this same effect on everyone. en's Council of ,the Student Govern. Inhabitant of Grill ment. Well, if you've read this far and Along with this, she may be seen still don't know who Beverly Rye is, any place from the dorm office to the Greeting Cards for all Occasions there's nothing I can do for you ex- gym to-the athletic field to Dr. wellf, cept suggest that you check the sec- vee's home for \Veslyanette meet- YOUR FA VORITE MAGAZINES ond table from the left in the Grill, ings to Baker Chapel for SCA and HopHome ST, PATRICK'S CARDS FOR MARCH 17 or else wait until the '53 ALOHA MSM meetings. T'imes Bldg. P. G. COFFMAN CO. camea out and look up the Who's Who In spite of these time-consuming Westminster, Md. pagae. activities, as one of Dr. Earp's Sect> ology majors, "Else" finds a place on 1. In this article you will notice that the Dean's List. ThisSpring we use the tel'm "Miss Rye." Is it any wonder that she is truly ef:i/I/W/L ~h~ $tc.k ~heatte 2. She also plays canasta, samba, "High on the Hill?" jacks, and Dirty_8's, knits argyles, SYIIlAIN! 'kI~, M~ 'kI~, M~ and embroiders ver'y nicely. of McDaniel Hall, and participa. 3. And bunnies. tion in Student Government 'Vom_ Weekday Matinees: 2 p. m. Continuous 1 p. m. SattIrdays. Holi- 4. She likes stray cats and dogs too. en's Council, and so on. Evenings 7 and 9 p. m. day shows continuous from 2 p. m. 5. Miss Rye has been known to study 0..·.... Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. sociology. SMITH 1£ REIFSNIDER YIlUwoN.rH[[DARA8BtT'sFllllr 6. Our girl was elected to Who's Who Incorporated to be sure of getting home Continuous Evenings 9 p. m. and Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows 2 p. m. Saturdays from .6:45 p. m. continuous on the basis of some of her less LUMBER-COAL as planned ... and getting Holidays important activities: _ presidency ~ back promptly after vaca- WESTMINSTER, MD. tion ... in a comfortable, de- WED., THURS., FEB. 25, 26 pendable train. And you can be WED., THURS., FEB. 25, 26 THE JUNGLE LAUNDROMAT equally sure of vacation fun ... Olivia de Havilland Richard Burton also l\lY COUSIN RACHEL your friends .. traveling with 5 Locust Street enjoying swell dining-car meals AS YOU WERE Opposite Parking Lot ... with lots of room to roam FRI., SAT., FEB. 27, 28 FRI., SAT., FEB. 27, 28 around and, visit. THE REDHEAD FROl\! WYOMING BLACK HILLS AMBUSH DAILY-7:30 • 5:00 Maureen O'Hara Alex Nicol Rocky Lane; GIVEEAR.TllrHESESAYtN&S! FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 You and two or more of SUN., l\ION., TUES., MARCH 1, 2, 3 your fnends can each MISSISSIPPI GAMBLER SUN., MON., TUES., MARCH I, 2, 3 Closed Wed. Afternoon save 25% of regular BLACK BEARD THE PIRATE ~ Tyl'onc Power Julia Adams round-trip coach fares Piper Laurie Robert Newton Linda Darnell Westminster 1287 by making the trip home and (Technicolor) (Technicoior) back together on Group Plan tickets. These tickets are good WED., THURS., MARCH 4, 5 generally between points more ANDROCLES AND THE LION WED., THURS., MARCH 4, 5 G.C. Murphy & Co. ing home at the same time in Robert Newton AFHICAN TREASURE also It P.y, To Look Well than 100 miles apart. Jean Simmons Victor Mature THE ROSE BOWL STORY Or, gather 25 or more head- Vi,it The The Friendly Store the same direction. You each (Benefit Tri Beta) FRI., SAT., MARCH 6, 7 save up to 28%, even if you re- tum separately. FRI., SAT., MARCH 6, 7 FEU DIN' FOOLS Avenue Serber Shop Dormitory and Oal5room Rosalind Russel Paul Douglas also NEVER WAVE AT A WAC Suppliu CONSULTYDURLDCALR.l.JLRDADTtCKET Marie Wilson WACO OF DEPARTURE AGENT WUl IN ADYANCE Where The Student. Go DATE FOR DETAILED INfORMATION 6-10 Wat Main Street SUN., MON., TUES., MARCH 8, 9, 10 SUN., MON., TUES., MARCH 8, 9, 10 8' Penmylvan.ia Avenue EASTERN THE JAZZ SINGER Watmirmer, Md. TROPIC ZONE RAILROADS Danny Thomas (Teehnicolor) Peggy Lee Ronda Fleming (Technicolor) Ronald Reagen
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