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Miss' M1\1'Y~"iror W. Y. C. LETTER TO ATHLETES' EDITOR FEATS PAGE 2 PAGE 3 Vol. 30, No.9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 24, 1953 Hopes For Lounge Yale Man Listed Business Concerns Juniors Select Hutchiso~, Abandoned; 'Rec' For Chapel Talk Interview Seniors Taylor '54 ALOHA ChieFs Renovation Slated William Harvey Edwards, a 1952 For the past few weeks Western graduate of Yale University, wm- Maryland's campus has been the Jane Hutchison and Chuck Taylor The hope of a student lounge was come to Western Maryland to give scene for representatives from busi- were appointed Editor-in-Chief and abandoned this year by the Student the first of a series of talks to Ameri- ness firms throughout the United Business Manager of the 1954 Government because of insufficient can Colleges, at the March 8 evening States. These firms are here for the funds, no available room, no furniture Chapel Service. purpose of interviewing any seniors ALOHA in a recent junior class meet- 17. ing held February and no television set. The funds left Mr. Edwards has been active in the who might be interested in obtaining in a trust fund for this purpose by Dwight. Hall Christian Association, positions with these companies follow- Jane, a 1950 graduate of Maryland last year's Student Government may having been Jast year's vice-president. ing graduation from college. be drawn upon for the express pur- He is a member of the National Stu- Many of the positions require only pose of a student lounge. This plan dent Council of Y.M.C.A., and of the a liberal arts education. Physical and was found to be impractical for the New England Student Christian social sciences, biology and a business present. Movement. ' course are other requirements. For Need Has Diminished A member of Phi Beta Kappa, Mr. those skillful in talking, there are Approximately one hundred dollars Edwards feels that his most bene- many fields open in salesmanship. was raised in last year's drive for the ficial experience has been the work Also, even though many of the men lounge. This would have been used to he has done with the Y.M.C.A. Camps will be called into the service soon cover a television set, furniture, and in Hartford, Connecticut, for the past after commencement, some firms are repairs for the room. It was recog- few years. still anxious to interview them in or- nized at once as a hopeless cause During the last five months, Mr. der to prepare them for future work when so much money would be needed. Edwards has spent time in Turkey, after the service. Used furniture belonging to the India, and Pakistan. His itinerary The Good Year Rubber Company school could 'not be found for this PU1'- was planned by' the Y.M.C.A.'s in has openings for young men with a pose. A television set is so expensive these three countries, with which he liberal arts cducation and who 'have that it would take all funds which worked in several conferences. Mr. had business administration; they Hood Welcomes could be collected. Edwards is now in England, prepar- are interested only in selJing. Proctor in selling, while the Male Glee Club At the present time, there is no ing to return to the United States. and Gamble Manufacturing Company room which would be available to A trip throughout this country has is also interested men and women students. The organ- been planned for Mr. Edwards to Upjohn Company is looking for peo- The Men's Glee Club of the college, izations are crowded and there are no visit American Colleges. and Univer- ple interested in biology. under the direction of Professor empty rooms to be used for a lounge. sities. It is thought that he will speak The Great American Insurance Oliver Spangler, will be both the guest Park High School has proven to be a The Student Government Cabinet has on his experiences abroad. Company and the New York Life In- and the performer at Hood College, co-ed of many interests and abilities seen Dr. Ensor about this situation, This fall Mr. Edwards plans to surance Company are seeking people Friday evening, February 27. since she entered Western Maryland. and it is hoped that this problem can enter the Yale Divinity School. to sell group insurance. Anyone inter- In exchange for the evening of Being a member of the Argonauts, be solved before more money is col- ested in being an outside adjuster can music which the club's members will of Tri-Beta, and Dean's List is suf- lected. find employment with thc Aetna Fi- present, they will be entertained at ficient evidence of her high academic Cause A Hopeless The need for a lounge of this sort Argonauts Sponsor nance Company, while a brokerage dinner and dance by the Girls' Glee standing. firm would like any men or women in- Jane has taken part in several dra- ha} also diminished recently. This terested. This group is not holding Club of Hood. matic productions, including Miss year has not caused any outstanding Annual Student Tea interviews and their only requirement Baritone Soloist Snader's F'rench Plays, and the Col- In addition to the below listed num- problem along this line to be called to is an A.B. degree. bers by the club, various WMC solo- lege Player's Goodbye IIfy Fancy. The the attention of the Cabinet. There The Argonauts, wester-n Mary- Two companies requesting inter- ists will perform. William Biddle, 1954 Editor is also a violinist in the arc four fraternity rooms which are land's Honorary Scholastic Society, views next month are the Grown Oil baritone, will sing Mendelssohn's "0 Col!ege Orchestra. well furnished and have television gave a tea last- Wednesday in Mc- Company and the Chesapeake and God, Have Mercy", from Saint Paul, Class Secretary which is available to men students. Daniel Lounge for 13G students from Potomac Telephone Company. Fur- and "Hangman, Hangman", by End- An Art Major, Janie was elected The sorority rooms are all open to each of the four classes eligible for an ther announcements of the time and ers. Charles Bruno will be heard in secretary of the Junior Class this women students and Iota Gamma Chi associate membership into the so- da te will be anounced. an accordion number. Don Stanton, year. Last year she became a member has a television which all women ciety. Anyone who is a senior and who bass, will sing O'Hara's "I Walked of Phi Alpha Mu Sorority. thereby may view. Even this conven- Dean Helen Howery and Mrs. Wil- wishes an interview, may contact Today Where Jesus Walked", and Chuck Taylor, as Business, Manager ience is not heavily patronized by Ham R. Ridington, wife of the organ- Dean David. Anouncements concern- "The Friar of Orders Gray", by of next year's ALOHA, has had con- large numbers of students. ization's faculty advisor, poured tea. ing this matter will be read in the Shield. siderable experience along this line To alleviate the problem somewhat, While enjoying tea and cake, those dining hall and posted on the bulletin. Miss Shirley Woodruff, accom- which will prove invaluable to him in the Student Government hopes to im- invited to the annual affair were eu-' board of Old Main. panist for the Glee Club, will offer this job. prove tbe recreation hall so it will be tertained by some talented students. After his graduation from Saint more enjoyable and therefore more Bill Schneider sang "Come to the Brahms' "Rhapsody in G Minor". Paul's School in Baltimore, Chuck widely used. The lounge fund will be Pair" and "Shortenin' Bread". "Go Student-Faculty Program In Two Parts , went to the University of Virginia, kept in trust until it can be used for Away From Me" and "Love Is Meant The program, divided into two where he was the assistant art editor parts, consists of the following num- ac- Basketball Revived a beneficial purpose. to Make Us Glad" was sung by Bar- bers: of the Spectator, a student humor betha Goebe. Shirley Woodruff "Praise My Soul, the King of magazine. In this position he was a companied the two soloists at the The Student Christian Association Heaven" and "Morning Hymn", by car-toouiat, among other things. Club News piano. trio, comprised of Shirley sponsored the annual Student-Faculty Clokey ; "Salvation is Created", For the past few years, Chuck has Worked In Advertising A string Game last night. Basketball Twenty _Third Wesleyanettes Woodruff at the piano, Betty Parsons The admission fee of .25 per person Tsehesnokoff; "The Lowry's "I Need worked for various advertising Malotte; Psalm", In their February 20 meeting, the with violin, and Ann-Marie Sommers goes into the World Student Service Thee Every Hour"; and the Welsh agencies in Baltimore. He has held Wesleyanettes met at the home of playing the cello, played "Moment Fund, from which a scholarship will hymn, "Once to Every Man and Na- such jobs as copy-writer, artist, and. Mrs. Welliver, their sponsor, to dis- Musical", "Calm as the Night" and be given to a foreign student attend- tion". production-worker. cuss the elements of "Free and For- "Oriental." ing Western Maryland College. "Dedication", by Franz; "Once I As for his activities at Western mal Worship." Elsie Maytrott, in her Kay Nowack was chairman of this The game, played in Gill Gym- Loved a Maiden Fair", arranged by Mar-yland College, Chuck says that talk advocated free worship, while year's Argonaut Tea while Joyce nasium, was won by the Faculty, Matthews; the Andrews' arrange- the only thing he has been consistently Nancy Walton took the opposite' Clark served as co-chairman. 47 to 38. The game proved to be ment of the Old English hunting song, in is Doctor Makosky's hair, but upon method 0.1; formal worship as the sub- an entertaining affair this year as in "John Peel"; watt's musical adapta- further investigation it is found that ject of her talk. Millie Eckhardt sup- previous years, because of the. utter tion of Stephen Vincent Benet's Chuck is in the College Choir, is Pro- ported the middle path between the Hardester Slates abandon of game rules, and uncon- "American Names"; and "Red River duction Manager of the GOLD BUG, two extreme methods. ventional attire worn by the players. Valley", as arranged by Tom Scott. and is the Chairman of the Decora- HomeEe from the Senior Musical Pat Biddle and Charles Calary Closing the program will be "A Fan- tions Committee for the Junior-Senior Seniors and Sophomores were co-coaches for the student team. -tasie of Sea Songs", arranged by Prom. first Semester sewing class modeled Marilyn Hardester, a senior music Pilots for the faculty team were Milton and Arthur James, and com- (from Music Maiors their hand work to a music accom- major here on the Hill, will give a Charles Havens and Bill Kern. prised of such favorites as "Sailing", paniment last night, in McDaniel recital Tuesday, March 3, at 8:15 p. Taking a short leave of absence "We Sail the Ocean Blue", Lounge. m. in Levine Hall. from the Music Department was Miss H.M.S. Pinafore), "Blow the Man I.R.C. Mar-ilyn, a soprano, will sing four- Evelyn Smith who lead the faculty Down", and "Rocked in the Cradle Present Concert Morg-an College visited WMC for a teen selections that evening. Included cheering section. Several members of of the Deep". debate with the International Rela- on the list are: 0 de mio dolce ardi)1' by the varsity cheering squad were on This is the Glee Club's second.m a The music majors of western tions Club recently. The debate was Gluck; Danza, dilnza, fanciulla gentile hand to bring out the best in the stu- series of off-campus performances. Maryland College will give a concert on the McCarran Immigration Act. by Durante; Fcldcninsa1n keit: by dent team. Future engagements have already in Levine Hall on Tuesday, February Charles Callary served as mediator. Brahms; Der Erlkonig by Schubert; Dave Rhodes and Ed Landefeld of- been accepted by this club, one of the 24 at 4: 15 p.m. This is the first of a Refreshments followed the lively dis- Dover Beach by Samuel Barber; Turn ficiated the contest. younger organizations on the campus, series of recitals to be continued for cuaeion. Fe to Me, an Old Highland Melody; having been organized in the 1951- the remainder of the school year. S.C.A.• I.R.C. and IVhether D",y Dawns by Tchai- 1952 academic year. Those participating in the recital The International Relations Club kovsky. Notices and their respective selections are: and the Student Christian Associa- Elizabeth Adams, Sona.ta in F Major, tion have joined forces in an effort to SGA nominations for next year's Smith Elected Freshman by Mozart; Carol Herdman, Scotch raise money for the flood victims in Straughn Named Editor president must be turned in by the Poem; by MacDowell; Aileen Gong- Holland. A benefit show, starring the candidates' sponsors to Jim Moore Representative To SGA loff, Sonata Op. 10, Number ]3, by Dixie Land Band, was enjoyed by all. Dr. J. Lloyd Straugh~, professor before March 11. The election of Bruce Price to the Adagio and Beethoven; June Lam- Kvng of Kings, one of the classic of Chemistry here at Western Mary- The Advanced 'Tests of the Gradu- freshmen class presidency left the posi- bert, Baglweeki, meree, by Tanagtia, films of all times will be shown in land College, has been named Editor ate Record Examination will be of- tion of the male Student Government and Ckanson de Marte Antoinette, ar- McDaniel Lounge February 25th, of the Chesapeake Chemist, a scientific fered March 7, 1953, to all senior representative vacant. In a' class ranged by Jacoby. courtesy of the Canterbury Club for publication of the Maryland Division students at western Maryland. meeting on February 17th, the Fresh- Also participating: Marian Martin, interested students on the Hill. The of the American Chemical Society. Students are requested to report men elected Kenneth Smith the new Sonata Op. 53, by Beethoven; Patri- movie, which will begin at 6 :45 p.m., Dr. Straughn, who is a member of for the tests at 8:30 o'clock, Satur- representative. cia Hammersly, Vale of Dreams, by is a full length teehnicolor film witb the Executive Committee of Maryland day mOrning, March 7th. Each of the Kenny graduated from Wicomico G;iffes; June Parker, Rondo Capicci, an appropriate musical background. Division has been a member of the tests is three hours in length except High School last June, where he was by Mendelssohn; and Beverly War- King of Kings is particularly suitable college faculty and a resident of Fine Arts, French, Home Economies, president of his Senior Class. He was ner, lrisk Folk Song, by Foote, and during this Lenten Season. Westminster since 1942. and Music. also a member of the student council. Segridilla from Carmen by Bizet.
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