Page 43 - TheGoldBug1951-52
P. 43
The Gold Bug, April 8, 1952 "1J.u (!Jut Locker Room Lowdown Huber Comments eut pring Sports Tilts Terrors Rall~ In BY On Links Campaign Officially RelelS:.;-] Ninth, Win 1st The local Iinksmen were edged 5-4 ~ Scoring four runs in the top of the by Loyola hel'e last Friday in their Baseball ninth inning, 'Western Maryland open- conference opener. April ed its 1952 Mason-Dixon Conference __Away "But still, this should definitely be Kaufman Returns J one of the best golf teams which has 3 Towson State __.. .. __ . _ .Homa baseball season by defeating Towson on 7-5 last Thursday State Teachers Yale __ ....... ever represented the school. The boys M1. S1. Mary's _ Away the loser's diamond. For 3rcl Season; are hustling; ready for their they can 14 Newark College _..__.Home (5-3), Terrors, into trailing final 2 runs by The tough the 16 Penn State _.._Away going schedule and confident that inning, Namecl Captain take it apart." 22 19 Catholic University ... __. _..__Rome drew four straight walks, and cashed in on two fielder's choices and a wild Loyola ..Home Such in brief was the crux of Dr. Meet Robert "Bob" Kaufman, cap- Milton J. Huber's statement concern- 24 Washington College ..Home pitch for a total of four runs and a tain of the 1952 Western Maryland ing the prospects of the Western 26 Baltimore U __ _ Home victory in a hard fought, but wild, ballgame. Away Catholic U .. 29 baseball team. Bob, also, known on the Maryland College golf team. 30 Drew Home Hill as "Lefty", is beginning his third Dr.. Huber, able coach of the links- Pat Biddle turned in a stellar "Joe year of intercollegiate play at first men, indeed is not insensible to the May Page" relief performance as he stroll- base for WMC. abilities of his proteges, which include 1 American U (2) . Away ed to the mound in the third inning . After completing four years of a well-tempered mixture of seasoned 3 Johns Hopkins _ _......_.._.....Home when Zimmerman, Terror starter, fal- high school competition at h'is hom~- veterans and promising contestants. 5 Loyola ..........._.Away tered as the host Teachers jumped to town high school, Merchantville, N. J., Although the team is not by any 10 Dickinson Hom' a 5-1 lead. and several seasons of the diamond means definitely and completely picked, 12 Mt. St. Mary's __..Home True to his usual form, Lefty Kauf- Home sport on the sandlots of the eastern Bob Ko,uftnam some of the stalwarts who will un- 13 Gettysburg ____ -'-"__.._Away man, first baseman and 1951 North- seaboard state, Lefty came to WMC doubtedly make up a large portion of 15 Baltimore U ern Division Batting Champ, collected soon to establish himself as a parma- Campbell's ('53) name from future the varsity are Ed Coffman, Paul 17 Johns Hopkins _..Away three base hits in five trips to the nent fixture on the initial sack for columns. The letters have been turned Welliver, Bob Steelman, Ward Glas- Tennis plate, one of which being a triple and the Terrors. over to the authorities, and I am seek- by, and Don Makosky. The latter, April representing WMC's only extra base Commenting on the chances of the ing the protection of the western however, will not be able to compete knock of the tilt. 1 Towson _.._.._.._.Away Wes ....rn ·Maryland _._. ._ (}(}I 010 014_7_4_3 squad in the oncoming campaign Bob !~::t;~fce.C.ollege Student Govern- unAbll'on"'Xnttmh:ntthh,:kof tho eornpebition 3 Mt. St. Mary's __...._Away Towson Tuche .. ..... _._014 OQO 000.5_5·7 states, "We should make out pretty ., "._ "._ .. 8 Washington .. _ .. __..__Rome well providing the new material holds In an official release from Joe Ra- for the coveted positions on the team 11 Albright .__..Home Local Netmen Open Current up during the season as it has in prac- vents, basketball statistian, the fol- are Don Phillips, Maynar-d Fones, Al 12 George Washington Home tice scrimmages. As you know, we've lowing official averages were given. Trevethan, Jim Marshall, and Dick 18 Catholic U _._ _-., Home Season By Edging Towson lots of freshmen whom we'll be de- Leading the 1951-52 scoring parade Hill. The last three named are fresh- 22 Loyola Home "I pending on a lot, and a lot of our sue- for the Terrors waf Art Press with man candidates. 25 Penn State Home Before one hundred fans, lining the cess will be governed by their per- 20.8 average over a 20 game span' Besides the wealth fJf talent avail- 26 Johns Hopkins. Home hills of the Towson State Teachers formance. for a 416 point total effort. Walt Hart able, another bright factor confront- College campus, western Maryland's "There's Lew Folger out at short, followed with 246 points over the 20 ing the team is that there were no May Catholic U _ Away Green and Gold tennis squad opened 1 and Tom Mabry and Larry Lockhardt. game period. Next wfs Chuck Ham- graduation losses of any importance ~__-!::~ the 1952 season by chalking up a 5·4 on the mound, and lots of others maker who obliged with 207 points last year. : ~:~~ca:_~_~ _"_. victor-y last Tuesday, in perfect tennis scattered around. Also out for his for a 10.4 average. Charlie White, the According to Dr. Huber, the "surest Johns Hopkins __..__ _ Away weather, In winning, the Hurt-coached three lads captured singles matches ::~~o:ol~:gi;!:p:r:~ko ~~sth;i::e~-to~~ ~~~~y~~~t~rdr~;~:~\n ~1 ~e~n::.t~o:ei~; ~:;~~~on~~l~n~~:h~~!~:~ i~~~~tB~~ American U _ ..__ __ Home and two doubles matches. 10 Dickinson __ __..__.._ __ Away PO'o'tVbi,OI"I'lpY.,:itn,.~~.:,heattended spring ;~~e: ~e~: ~~v~hfer;~~;::;~~l~!;;~t.;~~~the positions in back of Ed will un- 12 Gettysburg _ Away With the score deadlocked at 4-all, f • ._ ._" doubtedly be manned by capable 14 Delaware University.. __Home "Chick" Silberstein teamed with Art Saltmarsh, both of whom had bowed m:r~~~i~~~rgin~:~d ~~~~ s~;::;:~ a:eci • :~~ ~o:s~ps;~u~~ll t~:ge:a::e m;o~ke~~ golfers; thus everyone is looking for Lacrosse ....previously in singles matches, to score the all-round outlook does appear pointers. ~~:_li~v~~~i:ngtOr;~;~ t~~ou~~d7t~!~a~ April the decisive victory in the doubles pretty good," In the 20 game season WMC scored Western Maryland spirit. 9 Baltimore U _...._.." ....Away competition, thus deciding the local THIS AND THAT. 1217 points, which represent a 60.9 12 Drexel c... __Home opening match in favor of WMC. average ... Lefty is an Econ major, . proud Division Newcomers Expected To 19 Delaware ....._ _..Away Continuing their winning ways, brother of Alpha Gamma Tau Era- Loyola, 1951 Northern 30 Georgetown .._ _Away Western Maryland's green but aggres- ternity,. . and member of the Class Champs, in prepara tien for Confer- Strengthen Stick Team May sive tennis squad invaded Emmits- of'53 .. ence baseball activity, is again boast- 3 Dickinson ____ ...Home burg last Thursday where they en- Recalling his greatest sports thrill, ing of a strong pitching department. The Green stickmen will tr~vel to 9 Washington College .._....._.._Away gaged the Saints of Mt. St. Mary's Lefty points to last year's game Back for another Ring on the mound Baltimore University tomorrow to and kept alive their young win streak with Loyola, Northern Division Mason is Danny Donohue, who captured six compete with them in the season's 14 Loyola ...•.••::= ••••••••.: ~;:~ in the still infant net season by scor- Lehigh _ 17 Dixon winners, when WMC scored a wins against two losses in nine con- opening lacrosse game. ing an impressive, promising 5-2 vic- decisive 12-8 upset as Pat Biddle ference tilts last year, and Bob Mat- Faced again with the problem of tory over their more experienced thews, 3-1 log during who annexed ~~~~~din an excellent moun,d perform-_ rebuilding, Coach Bruce Ferguson for hosts. last year's campaign .... The netmen returned to the rec- Not to be overlooked are the sea- Lehigh University of Bethlehem, the past three weeks has been con- in tangle this afternoon as they encount- ditioning his 30 stick candidates sons of junior varsity and varsity Pa., with whom the WMC' lacrosse preparation for the season's opener. ered Washington College of Chester- basketball that Bob has also enjoyed team closes its season on May seven- town, Md. Results of this match, too Early scrimmages at the Hill. teenth, is, according to their student improvement on last point toward an late for this issue, will be printed in 1-8 log year's Kaufman's most outstanding publication, the Brown and White, in as interest for the stick game con- the April 22 release of the GOLD achievement of the past two intercol- the process of a "rebuilding job", With BUG. I('giate seasons was accomplished last 56 varsity candidates, however, they tinues to reach a new peak. year when he captured the Northern shouldn't have too much of their "so- Division bntting ,crown, hitting .486 called Trouble" .. nttheplate .... - The University of Maryland rifl.e It Pays To Look WeU The Hill was glad to welcome back team defeated West Virginia last J. WM. HULL, Jewel.r last weekend Robert "Bobby" Talner, Monday to complete an undefeated ]951 tennis squad captain, who has season. Following their 1439-1417 vic_ For Over Half Century Visit The tory over the Mountaineers, Maryland !~~~p.recently completed Navy boo; Expert Watch. Jewelry sported an 11-0 record. Av£!'ue Barber Shop Vince Landau, Norm Needle, and With 12 veterans returning, Head and Eye·Glass Repairing . Bob Ebert---,WMC's '51 lacrosse team Coach "Howdy" Myers, Jr., of Hof- Where The Srudenu Go m!'instays-seem' to be. out of the stra College, Hempstead, N. Y., re- sport this year. While Norm and cently announced that his lacrosse 105 W. Main Street 85 Pennsylvania Avenue Vince are attending law school, Bob, squad "was looking up and would Ed Coffman, Captain of the 1952 last year's ROTC Battalion Comman- be ready for their southern tour dur- WMC Golf Squad der, is now in the U. S. Army .. ing Easter vacation." Western Mary~ ELSEWHERE AMONG OUR land plays host to Hofstra here, OPPONENTS .. Easter Monday, where the ..two la- IPortUworllz Johns Hopkins University rifle crosse squads will tangle in a prac- squad -overwhelmed the Baltimore tice game. ., .WITH WHICH Junior' College team recently 1341- The netmen of the University of 1115 on the losers' range. , Maryland, WMC's May 1st tennis op- The writer of this column has re- ponents, overwhelmed Maine Univer- THOU DOST REFRESH cently been the recipient of several sity 9-0 at College Park last March "out-of-state" threatening letters from 31st. In scoring their decisive victory an "interested reader".. . The epis- the Terps collected seven love sets. THY THIRSTY LIPS tles mention that J may wind up a fa Sch'uster if I continue to omit Soup Playing their first intercollegiate Th~ E;ttUrJIOfi tennis matcr. last Tuesday were two promising young freshmen, Henry With which? Why, with Coca-Cola Taitt and Ray Davis. Both Henry and of course, for this delicious ' JANE'S GIFT SHOP Ray saw 'action last fall with the soc- refreshmen t is the answer to thirst, cer squad while Ray also competed on Have a Coke. the Junior Varsity basketball team EASTER CARDS during the winter athletic season. , Clifford's Jewelers FRESH! EXPERT REPAIRING Pop Corn Exclusive Agent for STIEFF SILVER Caramel Corn 51 East Main Street Peanuts or Home-made Candy Compliments of WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. THE TREAT SHOP I Wine's Sport Shop "Cob"iu ragiduedfrvd~ © 1952. THE COCA-COLA COMI'AN't
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