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Library -.iestern Maryland College 1/;""'"qoU Buy Vol. 29, No. 12 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ,pril 22, 1952 Junior' Class Plans SCA Sponsors Pan-Hel Dance Te Follies Production WSSF Bazaar Climax May Festival week's May Day activi- Women's Council Of SGA Plans are being made by the junior Sponsored by the SeA, the World This year's annual Pan-Hellenic class for the production of the Junior Student Service Fund Bazaar will be Council-sponsored dance, which cli- Follies to be given in Alumni Hall on held in Blarche, Ward Gymnasium on maxes next May 2 at 8:15 p. m. Saturday, April 26, from 7 :15 to ties, and which is the final dance of The Follies are completely written 11:00 p. m. Benefits of the evening the year, will be held in Gill Gym Sat- Organizes May Day Program and produced by members of the will be placed toward a foreign stu- urday night, May 3, at 8:30. junior class. Rehearsals are now in dent scholarship, which covers the The dance will feature music by Annual May Day festivities will be held in the amphitheater full swing with 'Nell Hughes taking expenses of a foreign student here at Baltimore's Bob Hessenauer's orches- on May 3, at 1:30 p. m. under the direction of the Women's Council over the production; Hill Shoemaker, WMC. tra and is under the general direction of the Student Government Association. the lighting; Liz Kuhn and Jack of Pat Huddle. Tickets are $3.00 this This year an international theme will be followed with dances Metherell, the scenery; and Janice Organizations Sponsor Booths year, a reduction over last year's ad- representative of several countries. Osborne, the music. Other committee All sororities and fraternities on mission price, and may be purchased The program will begin with the procession of the May Queen, chairmen are: Jane McLeod, script; campus plus the SGA and IRC will from any fraternity or sorority mem- Jeanne Dixon, and her cour-t: Ginny Beth Witzke, dancing; and Becky sponsor booths ranging from shining ber. Hale, senior duchess; Nancy Walker LeFew, costumes. College Entertains and Kay McLaughlin, senior attend- shoes to analyzing handwriting and Procession to Highlight Dance Four lI1ain Scenes ants; Patty Ray, junior duchess; ~~;~:~~:~~. ~~ote:e:~n~r ~~l~ni:C~U~! Highlighting the evening will be High School Guests Mary Alice Amoss and Sally Fisher, There are foul' main scenes to this junior attendants; Pat Fetcho, sopho- year's Follies: a love scene, a western the Death Valley Gang, several well- !~:~~~~:~~~o: ~~ ~:a~~:y ~~~~~ ~~~ more duchess; Carol Sause and Nancy scene, a fraternity initiation scene; known comedians around campus, sev- 1952 May Queen, by President Ensor High School Guest Day, an annual Bayliss, sophomore attendants; Betsy and a reception scene. eral singing solos, dance routines, and at intermission. event that gives high school students Bowen, freshman duchess; and Meta Skippy Edwards and Pat Biddle ;~a~~~~~i:a:~:y:'th~ o:~~:~, ~~e/ WMC's Pan-Hel Council is com- an opportunity tosee Western Mary- Justice and Sue Dorsey, freshman at- land, will be held on Saturday, May 3. are playing the leading roles in the ~~ei~~;~~;'~~~:; are being extended to tendants. Phil Coombe and Doris Invitations love scene, and Winnie Spencer is the ice cream will be sold to all. i::~ity o~:nec~b=:~ high school students in Maryland, the 'I'uckwood wifl be the heralds, while heroine in the western scene. For both Space Must Be Reserved Council and sponsors the annual May \Vashington area, and nearby Penn- Anna Sharp will be flower girl and the fraternity initiation and the re- Day dance. sylvania with invitations to their par- Arthur Riley, crown bearer. ception scenes, there is a group of The Personal and Campus Affairs Members of each fraternity are Dr. Ensor Crowns Queen minor characters. In addition to the Commission of the SCA is in ~harge taking part in the presentation of the ents as well. Members of the sopho- After the procession, President En- four main scenes there will be an of this affair under the chairman- dance and sorority members are as- more class are in charge of the ar- sor will crown the queen. The corona- opening and a closing chorus plus a ship of Nell Hughes. Her assistants sisting with the 0 vet-all planning t'angements for the day and will be tion will be followed by the dances hosts for tours of the campus. chorus for each scene in which the include Bob Leather, Ken 'Ruehl, Jan- and refreshments. The Preachers are The morning program will include representative of the foreign court- junior class as-a whole is participat- et Pyrtle, Corinne Schofield, and Skip- in charge of decorations of the gym, general registration in McDaniel tries. Taeko Kamiyama will direct a ing. py Edwards. Faculty sponsors are under Ed Kelly, the Black and Whites Lounge, campus tours, and visits to Japanese dance; Beverly \Varner, the The Junior Follies were started the three House Directors, Mrs. Jeff- are handling concessions,. publicity var-ious departments and classes. All Highland Fling; Paul Farnham and three years ago by the class of 1951 erson, Mrs. Veale, and Mrs. Burtz. and tickets are being worked on by the departments will be open to the guests Dixie Davis, the American Square in order to raise funds for their The organizations are to contact Bachelors, while·the Gamma Bets are and they will be given ample oppor- Dance; Harriet Cooley, a Spanish Junior-Senior Prom. Their production Nell Hughes in order to reserve a in charge of clean-up. Sorority mem- tunity to meet and talk with depart- dance; Sonia da Silva, a Brazilian was called "Tradition". The following bers are sending postal invitations to ment personnel. Tn addition, the min- dance; and Libby Schubert, the Eng- year, the class of '52 presented "Now space. The SCA will put up the divid- alumni. istry, biology, physics, home econom- lish Circle Dance. The traditional May Pole dance will be the last on the And Then". ing wires in the gym on Friday, April Since this is one of the biggest ics and art departments will have spe- program. Because of a heavy activities sched- 25 so that the decorating can be done dances of the "college year, Dean cial demonstrations and films. A combo will provide the music. It ule, the usual date was changed from on Friday evening and Saturday. I_t is Howery has given all women students Lunch will be serveh at 12:30 in will consist of Irma Lee Hohmann the Junior Weekend to the Pan-Hel up to each organization to decorate permission to remain out until 12:45 the college dining hall at which time playing the bass viol; Dorothy Shoe- weekend so that the May Day Festival its own booth. p. m. This policy will be followed for President Ensor will speak to the maker, the clarinet; Betty Parsons, will be one of the bigge~t events of Admission to the bazaar will be ten both May Day and Homecoming group. the violin; and Jean Hendron, the the year. cents. dances in the future. They will be invited to remain for accordion. William Smith and Bar- the May Day festivities, including the bara Summers will be the trumpeters. Baltimore City College Glee Club Schedules Concert crowning of the Queen at 1 :30 p. m. The recession of the court will end the sports events in the amphitheater, and sorority and fraternity open the festivities in the amphitheater, after which there will be sports events houses that follow. and sorority and fraternity opcu houses to attend. Jn case of bad weather, the pro- Annual Eisteddfoq gram will be held in Alumni Hall. Libby Schubert, as president of the Slated For County. "Women's Council is general chairman. Marvina Munch is in charge of mu- Carroll County's 25th annual sic; Dadie Davis, invitations; Char- Eisteddfod will be held in Alumni lotte' Reed, flowers; Jane McLeod, Hall on April 25 at 7:30 p. m. under programs; Harriet Cooley, props; the direction of Mr. Philip Royer, Dottie Brttner, costumes; and Pat music supervisor of county schools. Fetcho, publicity. The admission is by ticket only. The idea of the Eisteddfod origi- Dr. M.kosky Announces nated from the Welsh. The festival, including, for example, dramatics New Major In Music; Baltimore City College Glee Club and -muaic, usually lusted five days. This year two exchange Welsh teach- Summer School Policy Western Maryland's Student Gov- some Valley, lVere You There?, De Brown-eyes, and School Days. Soloists ers, now at Hampstead High School, ernment Association will present the An~malB ATComin', Joshua Fit de on the program will include James will be dressed in native costumes Dr. John D. Makosky, dean of fac- Baltimore City College Glee Club con- Battle, Steal Away, RoUin' Down to Harris, Joseph Quinto, William Hen- and will speak about the origin of the ulty, has announced the addition of a cert in Alumni Hall at 8:15 p. m. on Jordan, and Dry Bones (a number for ning, Donald Biemiller, lrv - Carroll, festival. new major in the music department. Tuesday, April 29. This organization which the club has become famous David Linthicum, Norman Bareham, Some of the performers will be Beginning next year, a major in is a seventy-voice, all male chorus, and which is requested on all of its Thomas Hemmick, and Richard Figitt. James Richards, Arlene Guyton the history of music will be offered. trained and led by Mrs. Blanche Ford programs). The Baltimore City College, third Runkles, and William Simpson. A This is described by the NASM as Bowlsbey, '27, now chairman of the A group of folk songs will be pre- oldest public high school in the coun- combined elementary chorus of 81 one of their approved majors f0r the music department at the Baltimore sented: Cool Water, The MQuntain try, has had a glee club for over half voices and a junior high chorus of 90 AB degree. In order to comply with City College and the Baltimore Junior Girl, Eight Bells, and Brmnbasken / a century; but the present club or- voices will participate. Each school the major requirements, five ncw College. Bumba. The latter is a Norwiegan ganization was established by Mrs. practices individually and does not courses are being added. These in- folk-song arranged by Dr. Kenneth Bowlsbey in 1935. The Club performs clude courses in opera and contem- Extensh'e Repertoire Hjelmervik, director of public school regularly at school assemblies and sing together until the performance. The Club has gained considerable music in Baltimore; and it was first commencements and has recently pre- Each of the senior high schools will. porary music which will alternate recognition in and around Baltimorc performed from manuscript by the sented many concerts for noted civic present various numbers under the with romantic music of the 19th cen- tury and a course devoted to Beetho- for its many engagements. The cur- City College Glee Club before it was and religious groups in the state. direction of their own music teachers. ven. The fifth course is orchestration. rent repertoire of the Club includes published. The present officers of the Club are: The finale, Bohemian Gi1'l, will be Credit Transfer Policy all types of music from the early William Henning, president; Richard sung by a combined chorus of 350, ac- By action of the Admissions and church music of Bach and Palestrina, l'tfodern Touch Added Fugitt, vice_president; Oscar Jensen, companied by the Western Maryland Standards Committee, courses taken through the classic period of Beetho- A modern touch will be added by secretary; Donald Clayton, treasurer; College Little Symphony Orchestra in other su~mer school ,viII be counted ven, Wagner, and Handel, to the spir- "You'll Never Walk Alone" from and Richard Kuenkier, librarian. The under the direction of Mr., Royer. Bill That credit. transfer ituals, popular songs, and novelty Carousel, Deep Night by Rudy Vallee. Club makes no charge above expenses Simpson, '51, will be featured as the as regular graduation such courses will is, toward tunes of today. and Charley Henderson, and Ths Syn- for its concerts, but accepts donations soloist. be counted' in hours and points as C The concert on the Hill will open copated CJoc/.;by Leroy Anderson. toward the purchase of new music. work; toward :;'ank in class qualifica- with a series of early church compo- The program will conclude with ~ tion for honors, etc., such courses will sitions, including Subdue Us With The Holy City (by request) by Adams Student Lounge Benefit GRADUATE RECORD EXAMS be given points according to the Thy Kindness by Bach and Ye Watch- and A Mighty ForllrCS8 /B Our God, Thetconcert at Western Maryland SLATED FOR SENIORS ers and Ye Holy O'IWB, an early seven- arranged for double male chorus by is being presented by the SGA as a Graduate Record Exams in major regular system of double points for B's and triple points for A's. teenth century hymn. A ve Verum by OIds. benefit to obtain funds for the student subjectlO.will be given on the afternoon Students who are planning to enroll Mozart, and two other numbers in this :Wallace Dobry, accompanist, will lounge. Tickets are now on sale at of Wednesday, May 14, for all seniors at other summer schools are advised group will be sung in the original playa piano solo, the "Gavotte" from $.50 each. They will be sold in the who are candidates for graduation on . to consult the Registrar or the Dean Latin' text. Bach's Second Sona,ta for Violin,' and dorms and also at Murphy's on Fri- June 2. of the Faculty before completing their Included in the program will be the City College Four will present day, April 25 from 7 to 9 p. m. and serious and secular spirituals, Lone- three old-timers, Evaii1W, Beautiful Saturday, April 26, from 2 to 4 p. m. plans.
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