Page 48 - TheGoldBug1951-52
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The Gold Bug. April 22. 1952 Music Maiors Ilep PoJL (jl St.ui-i (j~ •.•• Sturgill, Bobilin Head ROTC Battalion To Give__.Recital Collegians Air Views On Taft, Two music majors, June Lambert, by Chuck Hammaker soprano, and Beverly Warner, mezzo, Kefauver, Classroom Smoking will present a voice recital in Levine Have you ever watched the R. O. T. C. drill? Have you ever visited Hall at 8:15 tonight. By Roland Fleischer, Survey Edito)' covers a wide range The program Gill Gym when some activity is about of music style from classical arias to (ACP) Estes Kefauver has a slight edge over Robert Taft as Presidential to begin? Have you ever been to a lighter contemporary songs. Each choice among college students, according to results of the ACP National Poll Preacher function? If your answer to girl wiI! sing two sets of songs. of Student Opinion. any of these questions is yes, then Beverly Warner will give the first The Poll indicates that Kefauver has his best support from students in the you havg seen our "hill-topper" for group, which will include "Art Thou South, and that he and Taft are about even in the Midwest. this issue in action. Ted Bobilin, or Troubled?" from Rodelinda and "Si- In the West neither candidate seems especially strong, with students in officially, Theodore C. Bobilin, was lent Worship" from Ptolemy, both by that section casting more "no opinion" votes than students anywhere else in born in Brooklyn, N. Y., as a belated Handel, and "Che Faro" from Orfeo the nation. Christmas gift in the year 1930. All by Gluck. As a senior from New Mexico Western College puts it, "Anybody but but six years of his life have been June Lambert will sing Spohr's Taft, but not particularly Kefauver." Students across the nation were asked: spent on Long Island, in a small Rose Softly Blooming, Le Violette by If Robert Taft and Estes Kefauver oppose each other in the coming Presidential burgh known as Mineola, N. Y. election, which man would you prefer to win? Scarlatti; and 0 Had [ Jubal's Lyre, Ted matriculated at Hempstead by Handcl. The results: High School, coming to WMC in Following the intermission, Beverly National WMC 1948. Since his arrival on "the Hill", will sing Chadwick's 0 Let Night 1. Kefauver 450/0 60% Speak, The Three CavalicI's, arranged 2. Taft __ ________ 38% 32% by Schindler; l',u Wea)in' Aiva by 3. No opinion _ 17'70 8% Foote; and Jewel Song from Fallst, "Taft, T think, is too radical in his views," is what a pro-Kefauver fresh- by Gounod. man at Kansas City University says. And a sophomore coed at Mundelein Col- June's second group will consist of lege, Illinois, declares, "Taft's isolation would ruin the country in two years." Haydn's My Mothe)' Bids Me, The Freshmen Say No To Classroom Smoking Uttle Shepherd's Song, by W,atts; If you are a freshman coed, you are the least likely among students to Docs your television antenna sadly • Swaying Wil101v by Hamblen; and approve of smoking in the classroom, according to results of the ACP National need "epai)'? Colontbetta, by Buzzi-Peccia. Poll of Student Opinion. Calling Carl Stul'gill! The program will conclude with a Students in general disapprove of smoking in the classroom two to one, For want of a, fiT8t baseman, do y01t duet, "Sous Ie dome epais," from but freshmen and women are muoh stronger in their disapproval. Most frequent- wildly tear your hair? Lakmii, 'by Delibes. ly mentioned reason of those who oppose classroom smoking is consideration Calling Carl SturgiU! They will be accompanied by their for non-smokers. Or, [or a, rousing gonne of golf, do yott teacher, Miss Fernanda Doria. "It's downright irritating to the people who don't smoke," declares a senior nIJed chum? coed studying to be a teacher. CoUing ca-t Sf:!(rgill! Students across the nation were asked: In general, do you approve or Do you need a few instrucf.iQ1ts in I College Calenciar I disapprove of students smoking during classroom sessions! The results: deer-killing with- a gun? National WI\1C Don't call Carl SturgiU! (He's Thursday, April 24 1. Approve _ 29% 56% still trying). Baseball, Was h i n g ton College, 2. Disapprove 58% 38% Who's Carl Sturgill? Home. 3. No opinion _._._.__ 9% 2% Slender Southerner Friday,AJlril25 4. Other _ 4% 4% Why you see him every day on the Carroll County Eisteddfod, Alumni For men the figures are: Approve, 32 per cent; Disapprove, 54 per cent. campus. He's that tall, slender math Teq Bobilin Hall, 1:15 p. m. For women: Approve, 24 pel' cent; Disapprove, 65 per cent. and physics major with the soft south- Ted has devoted much of his energy Golf, Loyola, Home. "It's all right if there's propel' ventilation," says a student at La Crosse Tennis, Penn State, Home. ern accent. I think he was born in and time as Public Relations Officer Saturday,.ApriI26 State College, Wisconsin. Norton, Virginia. Came here about for the athletic department. His jobs WSSF Bazaar, Blanche Ward Gym. Makes It Uncumfnrfable For Non-Smokers three years ago from Johns Hopkins in that capacity are various, such as And a coed majoring in physical education at Michigan Teachers College night school. You can tell by his walk programs for football and basketball Baseball, University of Baltimore, declares, "For safety purposes I don't think it would be wise. It might also that he's an ex-GI. You know, like he games, operation of the press box dur- Home. make it uncomfortable for non-smokers, although you can get used to it." forgot to take the hangar out of his ing football games, and all press rela- Tennis, Johns Hopkins, Home. On the national level, there, is an unmistakable trend toward "approval" coat. He was with the 38th Infantry tions associated with athletics. Ted Sunday, April 27 from freshman to graduate students. Here's the way it stands: in New Guinea and the Philippines. also sets up the schedules which are Sunday Fellowship, Bakel' Chapel, . He's the guy who's always collect- printed for the convenience of stu- 9:15 a.m. 1. Freshmen . . _ Approve Disapprove Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. 25% ~ ing souvenirs for a future scrapbook, dents and faculty. Tuesday, April 29 2. Sophomores . ..._.._ 28% 63% 58;70 and he's plumb crazy about fights on BCC Glee Club, Alumni Hall, 8:15 3. Juniors _ 31% 56% television. Last year, he organized the Shows Leadership Ability p. m. 4. Seniors 34% 55% Pershing Rifle company here on the He has shown his leadership ability Friday, May 21 42% 46'/0 campus, and he was vice-president of by being appointed to the post of Ad- Junior Follies, Alumni Hall, 8:15 5. Graduates Pi Alpha Alpha. He's got the prettiest jutant for the R. O. T. C. Battalion. p. m. wife you'd ever want to see. I hear This job requires both technical and Saturday, May 3 EARN $1000 THIS she's just been elected sponsor of the practical knowledge of military Pan-Hellenic Dance, Gill Gym, 8:30' SUMMER Pershing Rifle Company. Oh yes, last science procedure. p. m. Compliments of Here's your opportunity for week he signed a super contract to Other extra-curricular activities in- Baseball, Johns Hopkins, Home. pleasant, profitable Sum mer work for the Engineering Research clude being team manager, lacrosse Lacrosse, Dickinson, Home. work with a Marshall Field Corporation when he graduates, and manager, and membership in the Sunday, May 4 AVENUE LUNCH owned organization. Openings he plans to attend night school at the Sunday Fellowship, Baker Chapel, for College men and women to University of Maryland. Rifle team and Pershing Rifle Frater- assist the director of Childcraft_ nity along with Delta Pi Alpha par- 9:15 a. m. 104!1t Penna. Ave. Shines Brass ticipation. Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:~5 p. m. work in your home state. A group interview will be held On Tuesdays and Thursdays, he As one of Dr. Townsend's most Monday, May 5 Wednesday, April 23 in Science wears a uniform. He's commander of promising Economics majors, Ted is IRC, McDaniel Lounge, 6:45 p. m. the ROTC. Shines his buttons so much extremely interested in adver-tisfng- Tuesday, May 6 Hall, Room 20·1 at 1:30 P. 1\1. that the brass is almost gone. They and Public Relations work for which ROTC inspection, Hoffa Field. Personal interviews will follow. tell me, he's pretty strict out on the he is highly qualified. drill field-always threatening to Hazards Of A Librarian "bust" somebody on the spot. Knows a "Good Deal" What! You know him! Why'd you Ted is characterized by a ready Continued from page 2 let me go shooting off my mouth? humor, quick wit, a sharp eye for a tion once left me in complete awe, but "good deal", and a warm, friendly since I have become .acquainted with Interview To Explain personality. Sailing and boating arc the decimal-system I consider Darwin Continuous 2 p. m. SaturdaY8 and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- Ted's sparetime hobbies complete with day shows continuous from 2 p- m. He failure. Holiday •. probably a complete Work In Chilcicraft his own boat, "Red Rascal", which he wouldn't even have the coordination Sunday Matineea: 2 and 4. p. m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. ties up on his "yacht basin" on Long necessary for my job. Did you ever Matinee 2 p. m._Evenings 7 " 9 p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows A group interview will be held on Island. try to stamp the date in the small continuous from 6:45 p. m. Wednesday, April 23 for the purpose Future plans include a brief time rectangle provided for same on the of explaining the opportunity await- with the Army of the United States, card! WED., THURS., APRIL 23, 24 ing those interested in doing summer then into the business world with per- All this I do without complaint or STREET CAR NAMED DESIRE WED., THURS., APRIL 23, 24 work assisting the Director of CHILD- haps an interlude OJ' two to Pitts- belligerence toward those who attend Vivian Leigh Marlon Brando COUNTRY PARSON CRAFT in Maryland. This will be held burgh for a change of scenery l John ,Eeal in Room 204, Science Hall, at 1:30 Good Luck to "The Pride of college without participating in such FRI., SAT., APRIL 25, 26 p.m. .Mineola". work. It follows logically, therefore, JUST THIS ONCE FRI., SAT., APRIL .25, 26 The story of Childeraft began at a that the money I earn should be left Janet Leigh Peter Lawfol'd MY PAL TRIGGER White House Conference which was entirely at my own disposal. Why, I Roy Rogers the first few said to myself during called to study the problems of child Compliments of weeks, f could buy a new formal, a SUN., MON., 'l,'UES., WED., training and guidance. Experts at the J. R. EVERHART hairdryer-but no, my mind flashed to APRIL 27, 28, 29, 30 SUN., MON., TUES., conference agreed that parents should SINGING IN THE RAIN APRIL 27, 28, 29 be helped in rearing their children to COLLEGE BARBER the Good Samaritan, Joan of Arc, (TeehnicolO1:) THE BIG TREES become happy, successful, well-ad- At the Forks Captain Marvel-what would they do Gene Kelly Debbie Reynolds Patrice \Vymore Kurt Douglass in such ~ position! if placed So I justed adults. made my decision. I'll put the money Donald O'Connor As a result, a new child-guidance toward my tuition, greatly helping THURS., FRI., SAT., MAY 1, 2, 3 WED., THURS., APRIL 30, MAY 1 plan called Childcraft was developed. my parents and benefiting my own AAREN SLICK FROM ANGELS IN THE OUTFIELD It was prepared by more than 50 lead- Clifford's Jewelers character. PUMKIN CRICK Paul DougJas Janet Leigh ing child specialists in 35 great Amer- (Technicolor) ican universities and child-guidance EXPERT REPAIRING The librarian eventually called me Dinah Shore Robert Merrill FRI., SAT., MAY'2, 3 Exclusive Agent Cor centers. STIEFF SILVER over in a hoarse whisper (we always Alan Young ROAD AGENT Childcraft is endorsed by churches, 51 East Main Street whisper in the library, rule 34B) say- Tim Holt schools, libraries, and the press. At- ing, "Honey, you call pick up your SUN., MON., TUES., l'tIAY 4, 5, 6 tend this group interview and learn cheek on Monday, $.45 an hour, $5.40 SNOW WHITE AND SEVEN SUN., MON., TUES., MAY 4, 5, 6 how the executives of this company, for the month." . DWARFS THE TIME AND THE HORSE too, worked during their summer va- FOR AN EVENING I tried to get the stricken look off Walt Disney (Technicolor) cations doing this type of work. OF PLEASURE my face and murmured, "Thank you." Steve Cochran Sherry Jackson ATTEND BCC GLEE Well, at least I'll buy my own pencils, WED., THURS., MAY 7, 8 CLUB CONCERT a notebook, and maybe even an ink FLESH AND FURY WE·D., THURS., MAY 7, 8 ALUMNI SUBSCRIBE TO THE APRIL 29 . 8,15 P. M. Tony Curtis Mona Freeman THE GREAT CARUSO GOLD BUG Anno Nuttall. Jan Sterling Mario Lanza
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