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Library - '-1estern 1bryland College 71o~tDlinster, l'ild. rr=====~ ACP STUDENT THE LITERARY POLL RESULTS COLUMN PAGE 4 PAGE 2 April 8, 1952 Vol. 29, No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Hughes Elected College Symphony Juniors To Present Senator Q'Conor Slated To SCA President' Orchestra _Plans IIPenthouse Prom ll Speak At ColJege Assembly Almost 54 per cent of the student Concert Program The annual Junior-Senior Prom will Maryland's senior senator, Herbert R. Q'Conor, will address body voted during the elections for be held in Gill Gymnasium on April the student body at an assembly in Alumni Hall on Thursday, Student Christian Association officers Western Maryland's Little Sympho- 19, from 8:30 to 11:45. The junior class April 10, at 11:30 a. m. which were held yesterday in the ny Orchestre, under the direction of has chosen "The Penthouse Prom" as Senator O'Conor has chosen a topic the theme of the dance and the gym bookstore from 9 a. m. to 2:30 p. m. Mr. Philip Royer, will present its an- will be converted into a penthouse for especially timely in light of current Nell Hughes was elected president, nual Spring Concert in Alumni Hall the evening. The decorations will con- Moore, Mcl~od conditions: The Crime Problem in and Pete warner will serve as vice- 'on Friday, April 18, at 8:15 p. m. sist of a dark blue sky filled with American Communities. He is highly president. Betty Parsons was chosen Brandenburg Concerto Featured glittering stars and a backdrop de- secretary and Ashby Collins will re- For the first time in twanty-one picting a New York skyline. Ele~ted To SGA main treasurer. years the Orchestra is featuring on Nell, a sociology major, has been its program the Brandenburg Oonaer- Rentko is General Chairman Jim Moore and Jane McLeod were quite active in the SCA. She is chair- 10 No.2 in F Major by Johann Sebes- Mike Rentko is the general chair- chosen as Student Government presi- man of the Personal and Campus Ai· tian Bach. This number contains four man of the dance and Sally Fisher is dent and vice president, respectively, fairs Commission at present. She is solo parts; a trumpet solo by Barbara in charge of publicity. Art Shanklin by the student body in the elections also president of the Canterbury Club Summers, an oboe by Eugene Macht- is handling decorations, and Fred held on March 13 and 14. and has held offices in religious or- ly, a violin solo by Karl Yount, Jr., Burnside heads the refreshment corn- Jim, a history major, is head waiter ganizations off campus. Nell is an and a flute solo by Don Griffin. Mr. mittee. The clean-up committee is led in the dining hall and vice president of graduate a active member of Sigma Sigma Tau. Griffin is who has performed Western by Pete Warner and the ticket com- of the junior class. He is also a mem- bel' of FTA and Gamma Beta Chi. Maryland with The viee-preaident-elect, Pete War- the Little Symphony Orchestra for mittee chairman is Connie Weisen- Jane, a math major, is editor of the ner, hails from Baltimore. He is a the past twelve years. ' bach. GOLD BUG, junior representative in pre.ministerial student and a member Following the Brandenburg Con- Tickets will be sold for $2.00 per the present SGA, and historian of her of Delta Pi Alpha fraternity. In this ee+ro. the Orchestra will play the Eg·· couple and can be obtained from any class. She is also a member of IRC, organization, he serves as chaplain. mont Overture and Symphony No.1 member of the junior class. Special LSA, and Phi Alpha Mu. Pete is a very active member of the in C Majo)', both by Ludwig van solicitors have been appointed for Statement Presented each dorm so that tickets will be readi- junior class. Beethoven. l~' available. Jim and Jane present the following Betty Parsons, a music major, is a This year marks the twenty-first At this dance, the senior class is statement to the students: member of the college choir and or- presentation of the Spring Concert. cordially invited to be guests of the ""\Ve thank you for the honor con- chestra. She is also the chairman of In addition to this annual affair, the junior class and each senior will re- ferred upon us by our election to the the Christian Heritage Commission of Orchestra has already given its first ceive an invitation to the Prom. positions of president and vice presi- S{lnatol' Herbert O'Conor the present SCA. "Perk" is,a member concert of the year at the end of the dent of the Student Government As- of Sigma Sigma Tau sorority and first semester conducted by the stu- sociation. qualified to speak on this subject due 25, the claims Parksley, Virginia, as her members will take part in the twenty- I College Calendar I "The fact that such a high per- to the vast resources of information Orchestra On April dents. from which he had to draw while serv- hometown. centage of the student body voted in ing recently as chairman of the Sena- Remaining in the position of trees- fifth Carroll County Eisteddfod, an Wednesday, April 9 the recent elections is indicative of torial Crime Investigating Committee. urer is Ashby Collins who has been annual spring music festival. On the LSA, McDaniel Lounge, 6:45 p. m. your interest in the SGA. We hope It is still not known exactly what taking care of the SCA money for the first Wednesday in May the Orchestra Canterbury Club, Baker Chapel, that this interest will be continued approach the senator will follow on "past year. He has also been president will also take part in the Mar yland 6:45 p. m. next year so that the SGA will be as such a broad and controversial sub- of the class of '53 for three yean. Casualty Concert in Baltimore. The Thursday, April 10 effective an organization as it has been ject. A recent appearance in West· Ashby is a member of Gamma Beta Little Symphony Orchestra will bring Assembly, Senator Herbert R. 0'- in the past. We shall remember at all minster made by Senator O'Conor Chi fraternity and the WMC football the year to a close with their perform- Conor, Speaker, Alumni Hall, times that this is a stndent organlaa- at the local Kiwanis Clnb at the' team. ance at Commencement exercises. 11:30 a.m. tion and it is OUI' wish to reueet etu- 'Maryland Day Celebration on March Nell Hughes has prepared the fol- Friday, April 1] dent views. We shall also strive to 27, however, proved highly enlighten- lowing statement for the students: Music Students Give Tennis, Albright, Home. preserve the excellent student-admini- ing and appreciated. stration we feel which relationship I wish to thank all of you who made I Afternoon Program Saturday, April 12 now exists. Senator O'Conor is the final sched- my election to the SCA a reality. Lacrosse, Drexel, Home. "To be most successful next year, uled speaker of the semester. The considered it an honor to have been This afternoon at 4:25 o'clock in Le- Tennis, George Washington, Home. the SGA needs your continued eup- public is invited to attend the college nominated, and now that you have vine Hall another in the series of stu- Sunday. April 13 port and cooperation. "\Ve shall work assembly. displayed your confidence in me by dent music recitals was given. Easter Sunrise Service, Hoffa Field, to the best of our ability to serve you." the election, I promist you I will do Piano solos were played by Jo Kom- 6:00 a. m. Junlo-s' Elect Representatives delong To Sing my best not to let you down. The sue- panek who did Beethoven's Sona.ta, J\londay, April 14 The junior class elected their- Stu- cess of the SCA depends largely upon cp. 10, No.1, adagio; Joan Gruby, Assembly, Senior Investiture, 8:45 dent Government representatives dur- you, for as in any organization, it is Bach's j\{'inllet and Mozart's Sonata a. m. ing the class meeting on April 2, and Schubert Work the active participation of its mem- in C 'lImjor, andante; Karin Nowack, French Club, McDaniel Lounge, Mike Rentko and Connie Weisenbach Professor Alfred deLong will sing bers which establish its true worth. Sonata in F lIfajor by Mozart; Shir· 7:00 p. m. were chosen. "The Winter Journey" by Franz Schu· Baseball, Newark 'College, Home. Wit hall of us working together seek· ley Woodruff, Scenes from Childhood Tuesday, April 15 bert Tuesday evening, April 15, at ing to make Christian principles a by Schumann; Paul Dawson, Hinde· Recital, Mr. deLong, McDaniel 8 o'clock in Levine Hall. necessary part of our college life, we mith's Sonata No.2; and Marion Mar- Lounge, 8:00 p. m. This cycle of 24 songs is one of can prove that religion occupies a tin, Six Roumanian Dances by Bartok. Wednesday, April 16 Club News Schubert's most famous and most dominant place in the normal well· Marilyn Hardester, mezzo-soprano, beautiful works, and concerns the balanced college life. It is then that sang Col Mis Sangue by Stradella and Canterbury Club, McDaniel Lounge. French Club wanderings of an adolescent boy who the SCA will have succeeded in its Lippe's arrangement of How Do I Friday, April 18 On Monday night, April 14, in Mr· has been jilted. It is seldom that one purpose and I in mine. Love Thee? Orchestra Concert, Alumni Hall, Daniel Lounge, the first year French has the opportunity to hear this com· 8:15 p. m. will present the program for Tennis, Catholic U., Home. students evening. They have planned a pletecycle. The songs will be sung in English, the 19 Campus Music Organizations Saturday, April Prom, Gill Gym, 8:30 skit entitled Le Controlle-r Est Un Bon as and Mr. deLong will comment on sev· Junior·Senior George eral selections as an aid for the audio Daviglus with Enfant p.m. Plan Baltimore Program In May Baseball, Catholic U., Home. enfant, Duvall Jones as M. MaTtin ence. Professor Oliver Spangler will Sunday, April 20 and Milly Eckhardt as the airhostess. be the acco,mpanist. . Sponsored by Western Maryland's of the program with Brahm's How Sunday Fellowship, Baker Chapel, Following the skit, Doris Makosky Baltimore Alumni A:;sociation, the Lovely Are Thy Dwellings, Matthews, 9:15 a. m. and Mimi Whitfield will sing a duet, College Offers Vocational various musical organizations on the Praise Be Thine, and the "Gloria," Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. Wes Stone will do a solo with chorus and Meta, Justice will Te,ting, Guida'"ce Service Hill will present a program al: the from the Twelfth Mass, by Mozart. Monday, April 21 accompaniment Maryland Casualty Anditorium in Secular Numbers Selected IRC, McDaniel Lounge, 6:45 p. m. sing a solo. The program will con- The vocational testing and guidance Baltimore on Wednesday evening, Three folk songs by the Men's Glee Tuesday, April 22 . clude with the reading of poetry selec· service offered by the college is avail- May 7, at 8:30 p. m. This is the first Club will introduce the second part of Baseball, Loyola, Home. tions. able to students again this spring. year that such an extensive program the evening's program. They are Tennis, Loyola, Home. IRe Students interested should see Dr. has been planned for the Baltimore Rose of Tralee, an Irish folk song, Golf, JHU, Home. Last night, April 7, raembers of the Ridington not later than-April 21. area. the rhythmical Negro spiritual, Ok IRC saw two technicolor sound The service is designed to assist stu· The two·hour program has been Won't You Sit Down, and Kem.o Kimo, movies, Desert Venture, concerning dents in making choices of desirable divided into two major categories, the a Tennessee Mountain song. Next will Annual Senior Class Saudi Arabia and 1I1aryland, a film of vocational a'reas for their particular first half being devoted primarily to be the Octet; the group has selected points of interest in the state. abilities and interests. Since the choice by sacred and classical music and the Softly As in a Morning Sunrise to tke Investiture April 21 Plans for the banquet were dis· of a major department is often based second to secular numbers. Sigmund Romberg and Listen cussed and the date has been set "for on some pattern of vocational ob· 'Western Maryland's Little Sym· Mockingbird, an American folk song. May 6 at the New China Inn in Balti- jectives, the guidance service can be phony Orchestra opens the pro· Bill Schneider will sing the universal_ The Annual Investiture Ceremony more. of assistance by giving a student more gram with Beethoven's Egmont Over· ly known "Toreador Song" from Bi_ for the Senior Class will be held on On Monday evening, April 21, Ed information about himself on which to ture and will be followed by the Girls' zet's Cal'men; the Girls' Glee Club Monday, April 21, in Alumni Hall at Early will show pictures of his trip base his choice of a major. The service Glee Club with four sacred numbers. will sing Now is the Month of Jlfa,lIing 8:45a.m. from the United States to Hawaii consists -of tests and interviews based These are Non Nobis Domine by Byrd, by Morley, The Silver Swan by Gib_ This has been traditional at West· and the Pacific, while on Wednesday, on the individual needs of each stu- Bach's chorale .]esn, Joy of Man's De- bons, Dichmont's .ua Little Banjo and ern Maryland for over half a century. April 23, plans have been made for a dent. siring, Mozart's Jes~t, Holy Spirit and Noble Cain's Little David; and the At this ceremony, the seniors will be joint IRC and History Department Now Tha-nk lYe All Our God by Muel- Male Quartet, Mosquito Song by Bliss vested with the robes that they will trip to the Gettysburg Battlefield. Dr. turkey dinner served by the women of ler. Betty Parsons will playa... violin and the barber-shop quartet arrange- wear to receive their degrees at gradu. Whitfield will act as guide and every- th church. Officers are Henry Ernst, solo, and the l\Ien's Glee Club will ment of I Had a. Dream, Dear. The ation. Following the faculty proces· Olle who is interested is urged to sign president, Karin Nowack, vice·presi- follow this with three selections, program will conclude with two folk sion, invocation, and lI:ddress to the up for the trip as soon as possible. dent, Joyce Clark, treasurer, and Now Let E'Very Tongue Adore Thee songs by the Choir, Sow"Wood Moun· class, the senior class president, Jack Argonauts Beverly Warner, secretary. Following by Bach, AdOl'a1nus Te by Pales- tain and Clementine, and the finale, Lambert, will be robed by Dr. Ensor. The Argonauts held their annual this, Dr. Carl Bade, Executive Secre- trina and the Welsh hymn Once to the Alma Mater. This tradition symbolizes the robing banqet on Monday evening, April 7, tary, American Civilization Program, E'VerjJ Man and Nation. Chopin's well· The College Choir is under the di- of the entire senior class. at the Westminster Methodist Chnrch. from the University of Maryland, known Polonaise in A Jlfajor will be rection of Mr. Alfred deLong; organ Following this ceremony, the class Installation of the 1952-53 officers and spoke on the subject "The Calibration played by Shirley Woodruff and the and piano accompaniments will be by will wear the academic robes to each induction of new members followed a of the American Character." College Choir will close this section Mr. Olive!' K. Spangler. chapel service until graduation.
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