Page 38 - TheGoldBug1951-52
P. 38
2 Th"e Gold Bug. March 11. 1952 How To Write Campaign Managers A Term Paper State Aims, Platforms On April seventh, Blanche DR. R. D. SUMMERS Jim Moore, the tall, friendly head Ward Gymnasium will become a At this time, many students are Another distinguished faculty mem- waiter of the dining hall has now blood-donor station for the day. faced with the problem of writing a ber is Dr. Rembrandt Dewees Sum- thrown his hat into the ring for the This is in cooperation with the term paper. To prepare for later Hfe, mers, professor of physics. A native SGA presidency. Unlike some candi- Red Cross National Blood Pro- every able headed boy or girl should dates who run for this office, Jim's gram which is the official co- compose one of these manuscripts dur- Philadelphian, Dr. Summers is a statement on his platform was "No ordinating agency to provide ing a spare month or two. So it is graduate of the University of Penn- big promise; just say I'll do the best blood and blood derivatives for with a feeling of unselfishness that I sylvania and also received his Ph.D. I can and try to carryon the work of this from taught the armed services. offer this handy guide to writing suc- . physics at the institution. He of Penn- the SGA" and we know without a University The Red Cross has found that cess .... doubt that hilt- best entails efficiency, WMC students as a group are CHOOSING THE SUBJECT sylvania prior to his coming to West- dependability, and real leadership as most generous and sensitive to Although many subjects are of in- ern Maryla~d in 1942. shown especially in his administration His students him characterize , the need for blood. Officials state terest to the college student, the list "one of the most intelligent men on as of the dining room. that when the blood bank is in below provides a comprehensive yet the Hill" and one who "knows a littl~ Ruth bahlander. the vicinity, WMC'ers are quick fascinating group from which to We, the members of the Students' to respond as individuals and choose. bit about everything." His lectures Rights Party, led by Ashby Collins, groups. The fraternities, for ex- 1. Was the Eiffel Tower planted are made very interesting by his nu- believe that a more effective SGA can ample, are to be commended for merous illustrations and demonstra- be obtained by: the i r excellent participation. upside down? tions of the principles involved. Now, the blood bank will be on 2. How the ancient Babylonians Dr. Summers lived in Switzerland 1. A closer understanding between the Hill so that all students will filled their cavities. the students and their SGA represen- have the opportunity to take 3. ~~~g:; neglectint the ~elgian Even if there's no dire need for an tatives. This will be accomplished by: a. Open all stu- where meetings part in this service. extraneous comment, insert one. How- The need for blood is urgent 4. Famous Windstorms in South- ever, for variety's sake, at infrequent dents are given a chance to par- (1902-1906). ~ ticipate. ern Hindustan and evident. We all know the 5. Can Camels Multiply? intervals, compose a line which does Dr. R. D. Summers b. A regular SGA bulletin to in- value of blood and plasma in NOT contain a footnote ... " form the student body of campus field hospitals, but this ..value 6. Now What? for five years and his wife is from the developments. cannot be stressed too greatly. 7. Famous] Bulgarians who have mi~~~\::es:h:~Sre w~~l1:~seW:~~ i~ French-speaking section of that coun- One pint of our blood may be and drowned in the Great Salt Lake. sample story showing the use of foot- try. The Summers speak French in 2. A furtherance of the program will be a contributing factor in 8.. / we becbming a nation of notes. their home so that the children may already launched by former SGA's. saving someone's life-perhaps Alligator kissers? One day,l a young Roman named be bi-lingual. Mrs. Summers is ac- Ed Coffman. someone who otherwise would SOME IMPORTANT DON'TS Fabio Fabius discovered that a tre- Nell has no definite platform, be sacrificing his life for us. How Students are requested not to write mendouea fire was raging in the city. customed to substituting for French though she would like to see the does one pint of blood compare on more than two sides of any sheet. Leaping into aa chariot, he started for professors in the language depart- realization of such things as better to a human life? • DON'T use the word RYRHYM the Emperor Nero's castle, in great ment here. is the "repair-man" laundrying facilities, improvement)n Dr. Summers Many students have already (meaning the cadenced flow of sound haste+ On arriving there, Fabi05 the "Rec", "12 otclocks" on Saturday responded willingly and gener- or beats), if possible, for ~HYTMH rushed past the guards.e Mucht has around home. As someone said, nites, and the establishment of an "A physics professor needs no hobby- ously to this need, and we know is a word that can be easily misspelled been said and written of his magnifi- his work is his hobby." Dr. Summers inter-collegiate board. As SGA presi- that many more will join in do- by amateurs. Remember, nothing cents speech to the Emperor: dent in high school, Nell realizes the nating this precious life-giving ri~es with RTHYYM, but it's a ,nice "Esito RanU8 Casa est EtlW1"gentU8 now spends a lot of his time getting need of a clear presentation and firm substance-Such response is indi- thing to have around the house. .. status qlW!"9 Nero was touched. He his recently purchased farm into upholding of the student voice and shape. cative of the spirit of coopera- DON'T spell "dog" with three g's. stabbed Fabio through the ttverw One of .Dr. Summers' interests is opinions in such matters as these in tion here on the Hill and we sin- DON'T use the word, "MerguI." No with a pork knife .. connection with faculty relations. Such cerely wish to compliment those one knows what it means. music and he plays the bass clarinet experience plus excellent leadership who have already donated blood WRITING THE PAPER 1. Just after the night before. in the college orchestra. At home, the qualifications prove the 'potentiality and those who will in the near Before putting the paper in manu- 2. Big. Summers have a "family orchestra"- she has for the office of SGA president. the twins, George and Marie-Andre, futurev script form, one more negative rule is 3. First letter in most dictionaries. play the violin and clarinet, respec- Ernie Green. offered to the student. Unless you are 4. Ibid., e.g., op. cit. tively, and Anna-Mar-ie, a Westmin, A student government with the pow. a transfer student, do not write your 5. His last name was Fabius. ster high school senior, plays the cello. er and ability to initiate and carry term paper in Etruscan, as this is a 6. Is that you, Elsie? (Smith, E. It is a pleasure to know Dr. Sum- through ideas and activities that the very hard language to decipher, and E. "Is the American Flea Devel- mers for he is a gentleman of rare students want is the desire of Jane there are no Etruscans on the college oping an Inferiority Complex?", dignity. McLeod. What could possibly be of by Marmna Munch staff at the present time. 1937). more importance to the students of In the Student Government Gen- After you've ultilized the above 7. Viz., cf., i.e. (Lincoln liked to kid WMC than a leader with the experi- eral Assembly on Friday, the candi- rules and feel sure that your paper his friends by saying this). Formation Of The Tea ence, ability and the desire to do the dacy of five students for the position is ready for the final copying, the most 8. Hal Hal (Killy, John C. "The best job of which she is capable? of Student Government president was important advice is here offered. I Scotch Tape Problem in Eastern Everyone, . including prohibition- Donna Kohl. announced. Since that time, our quote Dr. Eugene Faggler, of the Uni- Siam.",1905). ists, has had their field day on cock- as A candidate must be sincere when them parties, castigating tail campus has been embellished with versity of Calcutta. He says. "Above 9. "In case of emergency, walk, do which you campaign posters extolling the vir- all, the term paper must contain an not run, to your nearest exit." places of torment, from stagger and a he presents a platform. It must not measure emerge with a slight be an expedient appearing tues of the candidates. The student immense quantity of footnotes. 10. See appendix. permanently dented ego. But has any- at election time. Stu Abrahams will council is pleased with the spirited one ever considered the effect of teas endeavor to make the S.G.A. reflect as campaign being carried on because it on the human personality-an effect much as possible the interests and at- is indicative of the interest students which I would compare to the insid- \ titudes of the students and maintain have in their government. Vigorous ious workings of creeping Mongolian withip the student body a real unity campaigns insure a large voting turn- rot. in spirit; mind, and action. Once this out. However, it must be remembered Teas-for the uninitiated-are just spirit of unity prevaiIs-whe~ the that the position of. SGA president is like cocktail parties, only better, be- student body is wholeheartedly sup- one involving responsibility and plain cause you can invite everyone-even porting the student government and hard work. Before voting, each stu- Methodis~! More dep resaing" than when a real collegiate spirit is eeteb- dent should consider the candidates cocktail parties in that you are fully lished-then, ~nd only then will plat- thoroughly and thoughtfully. The best conscious at all times, unless you are forms and promises have meaning. guarantee of a successful student gov- one of the lucky few who can knock Ira Zepp. ernmentis wise selection. themselves with strong tea or weak Voting will be done, as was an- punch. nounced, on Thursday and Friday of Teas come in various kinds and Simile this week. The Constitution of the Student Government states "The Can- varieties, with strong lines of de- Sp'i_ing between them. Your proper marcation didate receiving the highest number tea drinker considers the serving of 18 like a kitten; of votes ahal l be the President; the any other beverage a sacrilege! Tea As it plays with the yarn remaining candidates of the opposite and only tea for him, slightly weaken- That is your heart. sex shall be voted upon for Vice- ed, and tempered with lemon or cream. President." The "polls" will be open Then there are the dissenting sects, tt unra-vels a ball from 9:00 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. each offering the heresy of punch, formed Of anticipation day so that students will have ample of all sorts of soft-drinks, fruit juices, Darting and po~ndng; leaving opportunity to cast their ballots. sherbets, and ice cream. These groups In its path, a new freshness. vary in their straying from the true Quickly 1·t steals, mischie-vously, faith. Some continue to serve tea, tim- In and ou.t of tiny crC1lices idly offering punch on the side; others Until scolded by the angry knittet·, boldly declare that punch is the only Winter! thing to drink. Joan Burrier, But liquids are not the only thing proffered. Your tea hostess, apparent- ly assuming that she is dealing with Pins 'n Points a band of starving Armenians, offers a complete line of food-ranging from Congratulations to Joyce Schmidt sandwiches through cookies, cake, who received her Women's National mints, nuts, and-oh, worse heresy! Official Rating in basketball last Wed- ice cream! EDITORIAL STA!)' Even if you have run the gauntlet nesday night. Bobbie Davison and Edlt.:> ._. __ ._J"ne McLeod, 'S3 Betty Parsons received their local rat- Managing Edit.:>r ._.Bob Wilson, '54 of the tea table and are now clutching ing at the ' same time. Newa Edit.:>.. Barba.a Bankaon, '53 as much food as you could carry away, Congratulations to Mary-Ellen Earl 0","',. Mo.,•• \11 you are not left in peace to munch • your booty. For, de1lr me, how ill- who was recently elected secretary- treasurer of the Tri-Diocesan Confer- bred to be seen eating at a tea! This is not its, purpose or its fuuction! That food is mere decoration, to be BUSINESS STAFF while you may excuse yourself and Du&in.... Manager __ ._._.Glen Aahburn. '68 held-gracefully, please--by you, as hurry away to rest and try to forget Manager._Paul Luubertaon. '64 Circulation Manager __ ._Sue Simpaon.'6S you chat--in a charming manner- -until the next tea invitation ar- NEWS STAFF: Carol Coleman, Irene Pope, with some people wiUJ_ whom you rives. D.S. Shirley Ric!lrd., Nancy Wagner, MaT)' Lee YOUng" •. would prefer to remain strangers! FEATURE STAFF: Joanne Althou"e, Paul Should you escape for a few sec- DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE Farnham. George Gipe, Jane Logan, Ellen onds to some humble corner, your Rudolph. Dorthea Schmidt. , hostess will soon harry you out again COPY: SPORTS STAFF: Tom Dougl""", HRTr)' Gran. der.MarlonnaWine. to meet some "simply delightful" peo· Wednesday, April 2, 1952 COpy STAFF, Dad;e Davis. Martha Anne pie. But don't fret; in just a littla Kohout. Rita Durket. Keoneth Ruehl.
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