Page 44 - TheGoldBug1951-52
P. 44
4 The Gold Bug, April 8, 1952 ,qep Poll (21 .f5tuJud (2~ • High On The Hill 'Study 10-20 Hours A Week' National Student'Poll Reveals Meet Two Blondes--Queen And GOLD BUG Cartoonist \ By BISsell Thomas By Roland Fleischer, Survey Editm" While sitting in the Grill having a The following is the first of a 81.'I'i68 of artidc8 rC1Jflaling the results of the morning cup of coffee, the conversa- second National Poll of Stttdent Opinion conducted on campus laBt month by tion turned to our dubious futures. the GOLD BUG for the Associated Collegiate Press. I couldn't believe it when I heard Jim say: (ACP) About two out of every three college students say they put in "Well, I'm going to Drew." more than 10 hours of study time during a normal school week, according to "To the Seminary!" 1asked. the ACP National Poll of Student Opinion. . . "Yeah", was the answer. Almost half the student population spend between 10 and 20 hours a week, while more than a quarter spend less than 10 hours. I wasn't quite sure why his desire Students were asked: Aside from mid-term week and final exam week, to be a minister surprised me so much how much studying time do you estimate you spend during a normal week? -but it did. So I began reminiscing ab~ut the time when I first heard of The replies: Jim. We were coming back from a National WMC 1. 10 hours or less _ 28'/0 16% field trip when one of his co-workers 2. From 10 to 20 hours 45'/0 46% from the dining hall, a member of the 3. From 20 to 30 hours 16% 38% fail' sex who was in the ear, began 4. 30 hours or more __ ........._ 5~!" 0% talking about him. 5. Don't know .__... ______ 6% 0% "Do you know Jim Muller 7" she asked. "He's the new guy who is a Those who "don't know" claim a "very irregular schedule." Says one stu- Jim Muller dent, "I've never had a normal week." waiter. Boy is he funny, and he's Graduate students seem to study most. Thirty-five per cent of them put Ginny Hale drawing the cartoons for the GOLD a candidate fOl' the presidency of the in more than 20 hours a week, as opposed to 19 per cent for freshmen and 23 BUG, too." Student Government and was chosen 'per cent for seniors. By Ellen Rudolph Since that time, we've all gotten to by his class to have charge of the "Most of the time you don't know what you're supposed to study for," Virginia Hale, variously called know Jim, at least through his car- decorations of the Junior-Senior Prom. complains a pre-law sophomore at the University of Akron. He studies less "Ginny" and "Ginner", is busy now toons, which bring laughs with each He has played the tuba In the college than 10 hours a week. But a sophomore in music says she studies "whenever trotting off each day to practice teach issue of the GOLD BUG. And if "Hil- blind and the violin in the orchestra. I get a chance," about 15 hours a week. her major, home ec. But Ginner has larity" makes you laugh, you should He is· a member in good standing in Here'are a few of the other comments: been busy all during her stay at see some of them that don't get pub- the Gamma Bets and is secretary of Says a business senior at Baylor: "My courses overlap too much to re- Western Maryland. Bcing sports- lished. his fraternity for this semester. Be- quire extensive study." f minded, she goes out for hockey and But Jim had made a name for him- sides all this and his work on the Says a girl in liberal arts: "College work should be difficult, but not basketball. No Phi Alph will forget self before he arrived here on the GOLD BUG, he was chairman of the enough to keep you forever swamped." She studies from 10 to 20 hours a the fine job she did last year when Hill. He is from Baltimore and a World Student Service Fund this year. week. she was in charge of selling food in graduate of Kenwod High School. He So,. the more I thought of Jim's Says a senior in social work: "I work 52 hours a week and squeeze my the dormitory for the war orphan then attended Baltimore Junior Col- achievements which lie made during studies in wherever I can." the sorority supports. A true home ec lege becoming President of the Stu- his stay here, I could see the creduli- Says a boy attending a teachers college, "I study 10 hours or less-much student, she is a member of the Home dent Government and working on the ty of his desire to be a minister. But less." Economics Club, survived her Man- newspaper and yearbook, utilizing his I'll always ,remember him just as a Who's doing the compromising in the Korean talks? .. agement House experience surpris- artistic abilities. "great guy" who liked to "kid" around. More than half, the nation's college students feel the United Nations has ingly well, and serves on all food com- During his first year here, Jim was He has to; you should see his room- done more compromising than the Communists in the Korean truce talks. mittes for anyone who asks. As if mates. Students were asked: In the Korean truce talks between the United Na- this weren't enough of her major tions and the Communists, which side do you feel has yielded on more points? subject, her hobby is sewing. school was volunteering ("You in the Here are the answers: Last year Ginny was junior repre- front row---come up here!") to lead National Wl'IIC sentative on the Student Government. the Villanova band in front of the en- Good Health 1. United Natlpns 57% 580/0 'The most oustanding contribution she tire school in assembly one day. "As I 2. Communists._ . .__.__~ __ 7% 60/0 has made to campus life, however, am the most un-musical person who To 3. About even _ 220/0 24% has been her participation in the ever lived, it was really rare," she mut- 4. No opinion __.__ 12% 120/0 Homecoming and May Courts, This ters, shuddering reminiscently. Now All 5. Other .._.. ... . _ 2% 0% blond haired, green-eyed beauty has looking forward to graduation and a "It's the Communists who want to continue aggressions," says a freshman graced the Homecoming Court as at- June wedding, Ginny can proudly bear From if there coed in journalism. And a midwest junior in Education declares, "The whqle tendant her junior year, and as Queen the title, Maryland were one, of Miss Western of 1952, discussion is probably a .front allowing future Chinese activities in Burma." this year. And she has been the May REXALL An Engineering student feels "Neither side has done much of anything." Court duchess all four years. No, And another student thinks it's "about even" because "Nobody has yielded an boys, this amazing blend of home- PATRONIZE qUR ADVERTISERS inch." making talents and good looks is net But others feel the United Nations has done "much too much yielding" available. Ginner got her ring last as a sophomore in Liberal Arts puts it. A junior at Northwestern University Christmas from '49 grad, Jack Spick- SMITH & REIFSNIDER says the United Nations is "almost to the point of dangerous compromise." nail. Incorporated Many students, particularly those in graduate school, voice no opinion Lest you should think Ginner is the because they consider their information inadequate. "Newspapers present staid, ser-ious type, it is necessary to LUMBER-COAL Griffin's generally a one-sided picture," says a coed from Iowa. see her in action in the dorm, with WESTMINSTER, MD. A freshman who thinks compromise has been about even, adds, "I see her pink mocasocks with gaping no cause for war in the first place." Perhaps the most dissenting comment holes in. the toes. She is always GOOD FOOD cornea from a medical student in Arizona. He declares, "Neither side has ready to cooperate with Donna and yielded enough, but the Communists have yielded more." Char Reed in some impromptu en- Compliments of EASTER CANDIES The Next President? Students are Changing their Minds. tertainment, a bridge game, pr just Estes Kefauver is gaining favor as a Presidential candidate among col- plain devilment. It is she who is the J. R. EVERHART and lege students, while Earl Warren's popularity has gone down. Students were M. C. for the Phi Alph Follies so dear COLLEGE BARBER CONFECTIONS shown a list of 10 candidates and asked to pick their first choice Ipr President. to all those who have ever attended At the Forks The answers reveal that Dwight Eisenhower is an overwhelming favorite and that rush party. Recently Ginner has has actually gained in strength during the past three months. been quieter-perhaps the steadying Here are the complete results: influence of her practice teaching. National wac Her floor is now littered with-you Eisenhower _.. . ..._,, __._..__._ 42% 44% guessed it-visual aids, and she has Taft __.. .__ 150/0 0% been the last one out of the dining Kefauver ._.. . _ 12% 22% hall-probably stocking up for a hard \Varren ~ ..__._.. .__ 12% 2% day coping with students busy expres- Stassen ...._. .. _ 8% 0% sing themselves. Speaking of food, Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and C.o'ntinuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- Truman . _ 7% 0% Ginner is one girl who eats with en- HolidaYI. day shows continuous from 2 p. m. Fred Vinscn c, _ _ __ _ __ ._._. ._ 2% 10% joyment plain dry crackers. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Walter Reuther __.___ 1% 4% Summer vacations are spent at Matinee 2 p. m.-Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows Hubert Humphrey ~. .._ .5% 2% Ocean City-New Jersey, of course, continuous from 6:45 p. m. Howard Ryan .5% 60/0 for this resident of Wayne, Pennsyl- Howard Ryan, former managing editor of the Minnesota Daily, has no vania. Her most vivid memory of high TUES., APRIL 8 TUES., APRIL 8 Presidential am~itions. Thrown into the poll more or less as a "ringer", he VIVA ZAPATA BOOTS MALONE polled 7 less votes than Humphrey and at one small college got four out of Marlon Brande Jean Peters William Holden Johnny Stewart 50 votes. "MEET AT Here's a rundown of key candidates' positions currently as compared to WED., THURS., APRIL 9, 10 results of a similar poll taken in December. DAVTD AND BATHSHEBA WED., THURS., APRIL 9, 10 . Eisenhower-A six per cent gain. Gregory Peck Susan Hayward CORKEY OF GASOLINE ALLEY Tnit-A five per cent gain. PETE'S (Technicolor) and Kefauver-An eight per cent gain. Regular Prices HURRICANE ISLAND Warren-A five per cent loss. Stassen-LA two per cent loss. To Get Your Eats" FRI., SAT., APRIL 11, 12 FRI., SAT., APRIL 11, 12 Truman-No change. UETURN OF THE TEXAN Eisenhower is the favorite at 19 of every 20 colleges. He is weakest in the Main St. - White Neon Sign (Technicolor) BONANZA TOWN Midwest, where Taft and Stassen are, and has his best support in the South Charles Starrett Dale Robertson Joanne Dru and East. SUN., MON" TUES., SUN., MON., TUES., APRIL 13, 14,15 • APRIL Compliments of G.C. Murphy & Co. Greet Those You Lon With MA & PA KETTI.E 13,14,15 Kilbride JUNGLE MANHUNT :AT THE FAIR EASTER CARDS Juhnny Welssmueller Percy AVENUE LUNCH The Friendly Store of Superior Quality Marjorie Main APRIL 16, 17 WED., THURS., APRIL 16, 17 WED., THURS., and Design Dormitory and Cleesrooen DEATH OF A SALESMAN STORM BOUND l04Yz Penna. Ave. Supplies (rom Frederick March Mildred Dunnock Havanna Rose P. G. Coffman Co. FRI., SAT., APRIL 18, 19 FRI., SAT., APRIL 18, 19 • 6-10 West Main Street West.minster, Maryland STEEL TOWN MY FRIEND FLICK A TIMES BLDG . (Technicolor) Westmimttt, (Technicolor) Md. Ann Sheridan John Lund Roddy MacDowell Rita Johnson
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