Page 42 - TheGoldBug1951-52
P. 42
2 The Gold Bug, April 8, 1952 I Borrowed Sits I Springtime Symptoms of life---old mystery Oh, sweet There comes a time when we (ACP. The Florida Fambeau cited Mother Nature! are Yes, the symptoms ~t again rampant of springtime cannot think of an appropriate some faculty types which can probab- WMC. All organic matter is awaken- editorial topic, and that time ly be found on every carnpus-c-dnclud; ing from the long winter sleep. On If you talk to one of the Senior seems to come when we are suf- ing Western Maryland. 1 those brave martyrs who stagger out Home Economics majors, sooner or'" fering from a severe case of The Politician: Everybody's friend, to breakfast at 7:00 8.. m., the sun later the conversation will turn to the fa- spring fever. You must admit he gives you the same bland smile beams brightly_ At vari~us and sundry "Hoose." The originator of this House miliar title fOl"the Management that the Hill is most pleasant in when an "F" comes out of the blue. hours, violent torrents of water gush is Miss Daisy Smith, who automati- the spring, if for no other reason from the skies. In front of the rec cally says "hoose" for "house", be- than graduation and summer va- The Smller : Shows all 32 on blue hall, grass roots valiantly struggle, cause she's from Nova Scotia. Miss cation are in the very near fu- Monday morning thinking of all the joining the age-old battle of the sur- Smith is the head of the Home Eco- ture. work ahead. To him, life is a glorious up vival of the fittest. • nomics Department on the Hill, and Probably does setting adventure. Which brings us to the point exercises .. As for the higher phyla of living aside from the time that she's house -c-between us and our immediate matter ... second floor wing of Mc- mother of the Management House, objectives are six weeks during Old Stone Face: To say hello to a Daniel is mobbed with stampeding you can most always find her in the which classes will still be in ses- student would obligate. Operates on human Iernales-c-the Darwinian theory comfortable and homey cooking lab sesion and one week of exams. It the "divine right" theory that an MA of natural selections as manifested in in Old Main. is too easy to forget about such makes you God's right hand_man. the dash for the sunporch! Back on Miss Smith speaks with great pride banalities as term papers and Rates student with untouchables. the golf course bilateral mammals are of picturesque Nova Scotia, where she tests now that the semester is The Dreamer: Breaks off in the strolling in twos during the sunny was born and brought up. Her home almost over. With the advent of middle of sentences with that far- hours. At eventide certain Ceruaos town is Lockepcrt, on the far souther- spring come many distractions away look in his eye. He's supposed have already been detected serenading ly tip of this Canadian mar-itime pro- and a well-filled social program." to be thinking of deathless prose .. abid- locked dorms from the grasses below, vince. She is now, however, an Ameri- Has Charlie: Condescending But, it also means that the final ing faith in the basic stupidity of stu- weather foul or fai r-c-nothing- like a can citizen. Miss Daisy Smith scholastic hurdle is just around dents. . • downpour to wet the vocal chords! Her college days were spent at the the corner. We hope that we are The Cincinnati New8 Record com- And then there is that universal Provincial. Normal College, and after in the outstanding achievement of not too premature with this re- carefree, generous spirit! Take for a few years of teaching, at Arcadia many of the graduates of the depart- minder of exams, but we feel mented on the plight of the potted example Suzy Sample. Like every University. Arcadia is in the heart of ment-her former students-in their that it should be noted that this plant.. , other product of nature on the Hill at the Evangeline country, which Miss respective branches of the field of is no time for students to relax Many a student gets through col- present, she too is gay, energetic and Smith says that Longfellow described Home Economics, and in the fact that and permit their academic work lege only to realize too late that he wcr rylesa. Tomorrow's roster brings most accurately. Miss Smith 'herself derives great to suffer. has been the potted plant. Through two tests, the next day's-a term She is a graduate dietitian of the satisfaction and enjoyment from her the efforts of someone else he found Perhaps we could liken this to himself here four years ago with paper, book report and three tests. Rhode Island Hospital in Providence, work. main interests center about Her a foot race and all students are certain skilled professors and instruc- The spirit of nature is abundant and and because of her work there, she the participants. Now in the tors nearby to pour in the academic unselfish! Suzy's generosity is being has been a long-time member of the cooking. She can't pass up a cook scholastic year the runners are lore. gratified-today the Red Cross is re- American Dietetic Association. She book, and she loves to work with foods. approaching the last lap, and, All kinds of advantages are here, lieving her of one pint of blood. In the took her Master's degree at the Teach- In the short Nova Scotian summers just as in an races, a final burst but he has not reached out to use lamentable echoes of the immortal ers' College of Columbia University, she raises a garden, and thus pro- Miss Smith of speed is needed to win. them. bard-"Spring is here, the grass is where she was on the teaching staff duces her own ingredients. Ships from collects glassware. also How can this final burst of To everything about him he is riz. I wonder why the classes is!" for five summers and two academic many countries come to Nova Scotia, speed be achieved? There are apathetic. Student government is con- years. and Miss Smith has managed to ac- many ways to reach this goal, trolled by cliques anyway, campus a Broadway success, olZiginated on the With this rich background of Jearn- quire a rather complete collection, but we will mention only one- publications aren't as interesting as campus of Carnegie Tech. Many of ing and experience, Miss Smith came representative of all parts of the a careful budgeting of time. others, and who wants to listen to a the faces in the entertainment world to western Maryland fourteen years world. Without a prearranged schedule free lecture? He probably has joined ago. Her success here can be gauged Fellow teachers and students all re- one tends to leave studies unat- at least one organization, maybe a de- are alumni of its drama school. in many ways, but it is most apparent gard this department head highly for tended. This neglect leads to last partmental club, but he never attends In his last Washington press inter- her gracious generosity and thought- minute cramming and the com- the meetings. view, Robert Walker stressed the ex- fulness. Students find her a very hu- plications that accompany it. .... But the potted plant gets en- perience and training he received in The ,Literary -Column man person, understanding of their This is a well recognized tend- thusiastic occasionally. He pledged college productions .. A Paramount mistakes, and a most sincere and ency, and we hope that by bring. to give a pint of blood the last time Studio official also cited 'the impor- Much fine fiction has been written interesting teacher. In the words of ing it to your attention, some the bloodmobile was here. There is a tance of college theatre saying, "It is in recent years in this country. In an a member of the Sophomore cooking good will be accomplished. noble cause worth his effort he said. the proving ground of talent!" effort to stir up new interest in some class-"J've learned an awful lot from of the more aesthetic. books, the pub-" He forgot to keep the appointment. An example of an outstanding col- lie library has placed on sale the fol- that course!" The saddest part of the story comes lege group which has been successful And now, a tip to the gentlemen on Homer, Hamburgers after graduation. Failing in the bigger on its o~vn is seen at the University lowing novels, all abounding in pro- the Hill. If you are fortunate enough and many of them found adventure, where Pose Apt Problem trials of life, the potted plant sees of Texas, O'Neill's the Texan reports even readable. to receive an invitation to a dinner nine-act only that his leaves are wilting, and drama, house, or to tea in Eugene at the management After the ten o'clock hour strange he tirades against the shortcomings of "Strange Interlude", will be pre- ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS Smith the Home Ec lab, be wise and accept by Socrates things happened on the Hill. The last his alma mater. to note how sented. The group was organized in Weird things happen when, one quickly, else you may miss out on It might be interesting lad had barely completed the nightly many plants of the potted variety 1950 to operate independently of the morning, Sam Shingle awakes to find something good! ritual (shaking hands of course) with could be found here. drama department and has presented that it is the day before. his favorite lass before a fleet of cars such shows recently as "Biography", I WAS A CUP CAKE SERVER stormed down the road leading from In the George Washington College "Measure for Measure", and "Arsenic FOR THE SALVATION ARMY Pins 'n Points I the campus. This was phase one of paper, The Hatchet, we found an and Old Lace!" by John Jones "Operation Eat". article that might be of interest to the Which all goes to show that a talent The true story of what goes on be- The Red Cross drive here on campus Every night this mighty exodus members of the College Players, as scout may be watching you this min- hind the sinister doors bf cup cake was very successful. The goal we were crowds the local eating emporia in a well as those who merely practice the ute, so smile beguilingly, and hope for factories. striving to reach was $150 in contribu- futile effort to appease their mounting art of the drama\ in the seclusion of the best! RETREAT??? Certainly. Let's Go! tions; we collected $177. Congratula- appetites. A diversified menu was en- their -rooms. Part of the article is by Ramses II tions are in order for the splendid joyed that included everything- from quoted below. An intriguing novel by a well-known work done by the solicitors and the hamburgers to hot cakes, dependent "Casting directors and production Watch ThoseC'ats! contemporary American writer. It is fine cooperation received by them. only upon the two "C's" of the individ- managers are going to college for the story of a coward in the American The spring vacation period brought ual---cash and capacity. Variety in fresh, exciting talent to supply the J thought I could spot a Revolution. After gaining a reputation a diamond to Clare Dewey. Our best beverages was also observed with a many mediums of entertainment. On Lion, for being a turncoat, Benedict Arm- wishes go to her and to any others we milkshake or a few bottles of ice cold a recent tour the Philip Morris Play- Even without half hold 'makes a fortune by selling re- might have missed. "coke" the usual order. house selected drama students from trion. put your life in versible jackets. We are in the process of compiling But, Alas, they'll For those scholars who wished to various universities to appear oppo- jeopardy, SECOND ENSIGN FROM THE a wedding calendar for those who remain in the quiet, unbroken solitude site established stars. "Lend An Ear", LEFT FROM CASTILE expect to take permanent vows after of the dorm, an undistracting, effi- If they appear even slightly Leopardy. by Augustino Larb graduation. If you'd like to have your cient, to-the-door service was in op- Thrill to the heroic adventures of name added to the list (provided you eration. Nothing was more gratifying ruthless broccoli smugglers along the have a mate in mind), please let us than the call of the hawker on those Swiss Coast. know. close-to-zero nights as he bellowed GONE WITH THE HOUND DOG forth his "popaicles, creamsicles, and of a boy THE GOLD BUG half-pints of rocky fudge". by Flavio Gatch Following a short interval, the in- The touching narrative tense silence of this scholastic atmos- who elopes with a bloodhound. Find- phere was again penetrated by the ing that he has St. Bernard blood in him, Xna Poliyt, who makes a living soft dulcet tones of another salesman by selling one-way train tickets from with "Get your red hots, ham and Iceland to Philadelphia, sets cut to cheese and cold cokes, only a few find a suitable mate. left." Twenty-one hot dogs, three ham Member and cheese sandwiches, and fourteen THE CASE OF THE HAIRY Auocilted Collegiate Press cokes later, the normal bedlam of the ,FLAGPOLE by Sir Walter Scat Member dorm had returned. Another yarn about those two fam- Intercollegiate Press From this discourse one would be ous sleuths, "Kentucky" Jones, and led to believe that the feminine mem- "Tennessee" Walsh, who track down .. ~ers of the campus do not P?rticipate and convict a Siamese cat for strang- In these nocturnal fetes. This fallacy ling a truck driver in cold blood. (This '.. was quickly dispelled by the results is a sequel to "The Case of the 'sa of a recent survey. Bludgeoned Beefsteak.") '., Every night these acts are propa- FOR AZTECS ONLY by Monty Zuma f'eahre Editor ._ .. __ -es '53 _._______ gated with unerring consistency while Culloggixy1 C_unzeaau eulixver nez- Sports Editor F.diwr____ '55 '54 News_Feature Homer patiently waits to be trans- ahua yy Locotyl Ezl .. Ogyl, Ogly Copy Editor _~... '66 lated. Is it possible that King Appetite Xuh! T!'JIing Edltor _ . Ernie G,....,n. '53 '53 Photographer has won out over Dame Study; is it A translation of the above for Cartooni~t _. . Jim Mullar. '52 possible that students of WMC have English speaking students may be BUSINESS STAFF become slaves to their stomachs; is obtained by addressing a post card lIu.inees Manager . Glen Ashburn. '53 Advertising Lambert.ooll.·54 MBnager._.__.Paul it possible for me to go further into to: Cir~ulBtion Manager _~._Sue Simp.oll.·53 this discourse before I finish my ham- Xloztyl Potxuzl N~~';~e:Tt~!d._CN':~lc~Ol~.:~~~~r~rM:rYP't:.; burger ? Numozxlptotualae (12) Younger. C. w. E PLURIBUS PITCHFORK FEATURE STAFF: Joanne Althou&C. Paul by Aristotle Green ~~:k.f~':'·D~~h:: ~:~::;id;~ne Log~n. Elleu The gripping story of a normal DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE American girl, who, driven by a mad SPORTS STAFF: Tom Dougl ....... Harry Grall_ der. Marlonn .. Wine. COPY: desire, enjoys sneaking up on people COPY STAFF: Dadie Dav; •• Martha Anne Ruehl. Kohout.. Rita Kenneth Wednesday, A~ril 16 and stabbing them in the appendix CONTRIBUTORS: Burket. BaTTY Winkelman. "Take it easy on the public display, Smithers." with a pair of sheep scissors. Taiu. All~n Upton. Dad;e Davis.
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