Page 46 - TheGoldBug1951-52
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2 The Gold Bug, April 22, 1952 VieuJJ, ~- p Docs the thought of doing research The grill and the dorms are Australian Trek worry you-puzzle you? Do you have often the scenes for many trouble knowing how to begin-where Then, why information1 to look for When Charles Immler, '52, received iengthly and serious discussions. notice in March that he had been don't you ask for help? For in these situations, WMC There is supposed to be a book on students give voice to their views awarded a Fulbright scholarship to ever-y subject, and although our li- and opinions. It is good that a study at the University of Sydney, brary doesn't have all the books, it group of young men and women Australia, he began to realize that his does have a great many. The question have their own opinions, because days would be busy and interesting is: How do we ka which books con- they should think and formu- for quite a few weeks. tain the inform~n we want? The late ideas. As college students, In the first place, the school year answer is: Ask f~r help. they should not meekly accept begins in March in Australia, which . While school libraries are notortoua, the thoughts of someone else. We is the beginning of fall on the other ly understaffed, and while western do not mean to discredit that side of the equator. The notice of Im- Maryland's library is no exception, knowledge which is the heritage mler's award did not give information we are fortunate in having three of all students. Instead, we mean on transportation, but did report that trained librarians. They are familiar those oppo -tunities similar to such information would be forthcom- with the materials in the library, and those presented by a research ing. This meant being ready to leave particularly with the reference books. paper-a selection of material almost immediately upon notification Their by-word is "service", which and weighing of its validity and of reservations. means that they are ready, willing, and worth. able to help you, if you will only ask for We think that WMC students The Clothes Problem help. If the library holds your answer are most deserving of being anywhere, they will tell you where titled an outstanding, intelligent, He writes, "Have you ever esti- to look, or show you reference books thinging group. However, it does mated Bow much the clothes you that will send you to the right place. seem that it may be said of some would need would weigh ? Packing by Do make the library facilities valu- students that they lack the cour- weight for a year in Australia was able by using them to good advantage. age of their convictions. For ex- not as easy as throwing clothes in a By the way, if anyone comes across ample, in some classes, is not the footlocker. With an allowance of 116 the definition of the word "malarkey", outstanding student the one who . pounds of baggage by air, I squeezed won't you let us know? That one poser "dares" to question that which a total of 114, including my type- we can't seem to solve. The word he reads and hears? Other stu- writer, into a footlocker and suit- doesn't seem to be in any of the dic- dents, although they may think case. As a matter of interest concern- tionaries. as he does, do not follow his ini- ing travel by air, the excess 50 pounds "True, we never win-but then again, we never lose." tiative by experssing themselves over the 66 allowed on the ticket costs also. $112.00 one way!" Student. Librarian Roll On, Thou Ball This is not limited to class- Leaving Baltimore Tuesday, March rooms-that is per hap s the 18, he stopped off at Chicago long One April morning in a very weakest of examples. It is to be enough to exchange his air passage so Relates Hazards springy spring the, sun peeped over , by Marvina Munch found in every aspect of college as to leave San Francisco Friday the horizon, lifted his heavy, yellow life. From a strictly GOLD_BUG I knew the moment I accepted the eyelids and gave a very ill-mannered If SGA plans continue progressing point of view, we feel that one night instead of Sunday, permitting a job the challenge that it would be to yawn. As he shoved a million shadows successfully the student lounge will be of the most effective ways of re- two day stopover in Honolulu. A con- my integrity and loyalty. But I also away with a million beams, he felt a reality by September of 1952 at the flecting current student views is tinuous flight from San Francisco to.( knew that it would make a better very bored indeed. "Here am I," he latest. However, the initial furnishing through publishing student let- Sydney, beginning Sunday night at adjusted individual of me. It's a pro- thought, "the center of the universe- of the lounge depends on the success ters-but we find that this is 11:59 p. m. would end in-Sydney on ven fact that an honest day's work the source of energy for life itself- of the SGA sponsored concert by the difficult. Men and women say to Wednesday morning at 8:20 a. m., never harmed anyone. \Vhy look what and how many of those humans real- Baltimore City College Glee Club on us, "Surely, this I believe, but allowing a total of five hours for stop- splitting rails did for Abe Lincoln; ize me? How many of those daffodils April 29. This Glee Club has been .. .' Perhaps they have the de- overs and refueling. _Since the flight what selling ties did for Harry S., nodding their complacent yellow widely acclaimed throughout this area sire to express themselves pub- overseas crosses the International and what working in the library may heads understand that they only re- and never fails to present a varied licly, but have not the nerve or Date Line, the Wednesday would be do for me-in fact, it already has! flect my color? And those conceited and entertaining program. Funds fortitude or. as we said above, Tuesday in San Francisco. I'm a complete nervous wreck! Split- lilacs and hyacinths with their per- raised by the concert will be used exctu- the courage of their convictions. ting rails is relatively simple and al- fumed breath !-I'd like to stop it sively for lounge furniture. To state Citizens of this country are After arriving at the University, most anyone can sell ties, but the just once and see how they'd feel. the situation plainly, if you want a fortunate enough to have free- Immler hopes eventually to be housed occupational hazards accompanying Every single living thing, frol1l the lounge that will meet your needs, it is dom of speech--one means by in a building with other students, but working i~ Western Maryland's Ii- grass blade up to that self-centered necessary that you support the con- which thoughts may be convey- all these details are yet to be worked bra'ry are enough to discourage even creature, man, should' be down on its cert. ed. This freedom also extends to out. He will be met in Sydney by a the most ambttioua member of our so- knees. For I am The Sun, the light- The Women's Student Government WMC's campus. We urge all stu- representatives of the U. S. Educa- ciety (which excludes me from the giver, the lifegiver!" has been making plans for the annual dents to let us know what.fhey tional Foundation and plans will de- start). Now these thoughts were very May Day festivities. In an attempt to are thinking. velop after his arrival. The Balcony Adventure strange for the sun-for centuries and' make May Dayan even more memor- The first hazard is the bakony. Gin- eons, he had spun around, enjoying able event than it has' been in the gerlY'I tiptoe up the skelton stairs the variety on earth and finding spe- past, the WSGA is planning an inter- fully aware of the absence of every cial pleasure in bringing the spring national theme that will utilize dances other rung. My right hand with after a hard winter. He hadn't left of other nations in addition to the DR. JAMES P. EARP whitened knuckles gripping the rail, many shadows--only enough to make traditional May dances. It will be a my left arm wrapped about the pre- it pleasant and cool. Why he wasn't beautiful event. Don't miss it! Although the name "Earp" cannot be found in the American College Dic- even veTY moody, he cried only once tionary, most of the students who scurry about the Hill could give an outsider cious biographies, and my eyes glued in a while when his axis got a little some phrases which have become almost synonymous with the name. To quote to my objective, I somehow make the tired-and then he really helped the Club News a few, (gathered from a recent Ear-pian Poll), his indeatr-uctable sense of ascent only to be jarred by the buzzer. re- earth; for the plants and animals At this stimulus one automatically humor seems to rank foremost on the list. His lectures, which even inspire sponds by dropping whatever one is loved and needed the rain. Yes, he English majors to sit up and take notice, and his interest in his students (which had been a pretty happy and efficient Canterbury Club docs not terminate with their diplo- doing (the biographies) and dashing sun-just about as good as any old Election of officers of the Canter- ma) are just a few of the character-is- to the lift so as to receive the orders sun in any old universe. bury Club were held at the Apr-il 16 tics of thc man who is again reviving for the day (rule 16A). On one of the Comes The Revolut.ion meeting. Bob Leather was chosen an interest in the family budget. now restful afternoons, these may But came the revolution and the president; Mary Ellen Earl, vice Dr. Earp attended the University consist of rearranging the 973's to sun was really getting in a sweat president; Barbara Davison, secre- of Pennsylvania where he was a the position of the 137's which are to about it all. Fiendish plans began to tary; and Laura Lee Kline, treasurer. member of the Lombda Chi Fraternity replace the 240's which are to be roll around in its burning mind: A retreat is being held at Claggett and participated in fencing. Although thrown out the east window (so as "How about dimming my rays a few Center in Buckeystown on April 26 swimming was another one of his in- not to injure an innocent bypasser-) , degrees and making an eternal twi, and 27 with the Reverend Rex Wilkes opening the new set of encyclopedias, terests, he did not find the tempera- light?" No, that wasn't good enough. of Grace and St. Peter's in Baltimore ture of the water to his liking and str-aightening the car-d catalog, and "Then maybe I could burn up every- as leader. Approximately twenty mem- hastily withdrew himself from any scrubbing the floor (this, of course, thing ill a split second. But then there bers are going to this retreat, which aqua acrobatics. develops one's mind). wouldn't be anybody left to appreciate will conclude the Canterbury Club After graduating from the Univer- Aside from the treachery of this me. No, I'll just sleep late tomorrow. year. sity, he attained his Masters Degree vocation, there is the sacrifice to be In fact, I think I'll sleep a week!" in Sociology from Columbia. This was considered. One gives up such neces- And so, the next morning, instead of old sun just rolled THE GOLD BUG sary as afternoon pastimes naps, preceded by a job with a box ma- rising early, that chinery company for four and a half cheese and cracker parties, and right over and went back to sleep. He years. During this time the name movies. On the other hand, however, slept soundly for three days, but on Earp was connected with the "James one develops much respect for a man the fourth day, he got so restless he Crate" which he invented and pat- named Dewey. The Theory of Evolu- didn't know what to do. He squirmed C01/tiw,lCd on page 4, cOlumn 3 ented. and wiggled and stretched and ho After another semester at Columbia, wondered about the lilacs and the lit- M.mb., he received his Doctorate from North- Dr. Jomee P. Ear-p chests-a and the town band. tle blond-haired boys that he used to Anoel.ted Collegiate Press western and then found himself Another activity which demands his shine on. Wonder of wonders! That teaching at Drew University and After arriving here in 1938, he in- attention and interest is the Rotary old sun was lonesome! So on the Member Morris County Junior College. In troduced abnormal and social psychol- Club, of which he is president. He fifth day he peeped timidly over the Intercollegiate Press case you think this fete borders on ogy into the curriculum. About 1940, speaks with pride concerning Bill horizon and smiled a most bright the improbable, his classes at Drew he concentrated on the Sociology de- Simpson and his Rotary Scholarship and shadow-shaking smile. Then he Subscription P-riee $2.00 a Yea-r were held during the day and after a partment and has been head of the and feels that this has been his main laughed right out loud-every living few minutes break, he hustled over to same ever since. accomplishment so far. thing joined in his gaiety-there was Morris County Junior College to dis- The Earps (four of them, to be ex- Somehow Dr. Earp also finds time the shy laugh of the violet, the wild course on contemporary civilization. act) now live on New Windsor Road, to be a member of the American laugh of the little boys and the weep- Next Stup-e-Dickinson or, if you prefer, "\Vindy Hill". Be- Sociological Society, the American ing willow just lifted up its arms and Dickinson was the next stop on the fore building their house, they lived Academy of Political and Social roared. They were so glad to haue the road to Western Maryland. During on Ridge Road and in Vetville. (At Sciences and the Maryland State Con- old sun back. Everything went on just the three years he spent there, he the mention of this, Dr. Earp leans ference of Social Work. as it had before and soon they forgut taught sociology, economics and po- back and indulges in a few moments Western Mar-yland rilnks first on the sun had ever been gene. But the Busin_ Manager ~Glen Ashburn, '53 Manager litical science. In regard to the non- of silent reminiscing.) his list of preferred colleges and he old sun just kept on smiling because Advertising Manaloter . Paul Sue Lsml>ertl!on, 'u '53 Simpson, C;ronla~ion academic aspect of his career, he When he is not busy teaching, Dr. considers his appointment her' the he knew now that he needed them NEWS STAFF: Carol Coleman. Shirley Rick- found himself waiting in front of the Earp is either at home puttering in best wedding present he received. His more than they could ever know. ards. Nancy Wagner, Mary Lee Younger, Martba altar one month before leaving Dick- the garden, dabbling in masonry or students and friends agree with him FEATURE Anne Kohout. .Joanne Althouse, Paul STAFF: inson and on the same day received perhaps picking out a tune on one of and when Dr. Earp says that one of DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE Farnham, GeoJ"!,teGipe, Jane Logan, Ellen the news from Western Maryland the three instruments which he plays. his favorite pastimes is "Wasting COPY: Rudolph. Dor~bea SchmidL Tom Donglass, 1t6'at he was the new assistant pro- This brings to mind the fact that he time with students", everyone knows SPORTS STAFF: Wine. Harry Cran_ der. Marlonna fessor of psychology and sociology. has been a member of the School Or- that it is a mutual pleasure. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30 CONTRIBUTOR: Dadie navis.
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