Page 40 - TheGoldBug1951-52
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On ·The H,ill I College Calendar I SGA Sponsors Wednesday, March 12 LSA Meeting, Me.Daniel Lounge. Reel Cross Drive by Jeok: Lambert Canterbury Club. Baker Chapel, In a world of uncertainty and pain 6:45 p. m. the comforting work of the Red Cross " 'TwaB many and many (L year ago, 'I'r-i-Beta Benefit Movie, Oliver goes on quietly and regularly. It is in In Crisfield by the Bea, Twist, Carroll Theater. the month of March that the Ameri- A lad there was born whom you may know, . Thursday, Marcll13 can public is called upon to contribute By the namw of Millard G- Assembly, Dr. Ott~ Kleinberg, toward the continuing success of this speaker, Alumni Hall, 11:30 a. m. o But, as Herman Melville might have Tri-Beta Benefit Movie, Oliver program, Under the auspices of the SGA, the said, "Call me Les." Twist, Carroll Theater, drive to collect money for the Red You know, before Lea appeared on "Ye Olde College Hill" as a be-beamed Friday, March 14 Cross has begun here on the Hill. The freshman, he did a lot of doing. Al- Chamber Music -Society Concert, goal for WMC is $150; we are quite though he was president of his class Alumni Hall, 8:15 p. m. ... willing to go "over the top", however. all four years at Vienna High School, Saturday, March 15 Solicitors have been ,appointed for and served on the student council, Military Ball, Officers Club, Gill each dorm and they will be seeing you pudgy little Lea found time for extra- Gym. during the time from March 3td to curj-icular- activities such as singing Sunday, March 16 March 14th for your contribution. a lusty tenor in the annual spring operetta. Su~.d: School, ~akel' Chapel, 9:15 ple~h;orR::nt;l~:StSiO~: :;s~IO:d~k;:gth: Upon graduation, Uncle Samuel Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. near future representatives of the sent Lester abroad for further studies. Monday, March 17 Red Cross blood bank will be on the As a result, Corporal Les Callette IRC Meeting, McDaniel Lounge, Hill, and anyone who wishes to con: took the "Grand Tour" during 1944- Millard G. LesCallette 6:45 p. m. tribute to this very important pro- Paul Welliver 1946; visiting England, France, Bel- by Don lffakosky gium, and Germany, and living a year of Pi Alpha Alpha, a member of the sa~;:~:;·v!1c~t~~n2~egins. 11:50 a. m. !:~~o~\::~~n:; :~v:;·b~n~::n~:~:~ in gay Paree, where he picked up a Argonauts and the IRC, and winner As I hurried out of the dining hall "working knowledge" of non-Snader- of the History Excellence Award."'Two donors is spent for the orange juice, the other day, I saw a perplexed look- ian French. After being discharged, of his pet dislikes are term papers Monday, March 31 ham sandwiches, and doughnuts ing freshman approaching, "Hey!" he our "man of destiny" worked for two and organizations with no definite Spring vacation ends, 8:00 a. m. served to the blood donors. shouted, "do you knowvthis guy Paul years for E. L. DuPont; but the shift goals or purpose. Les is all adept Friday, April 4 With a plea of "Be an Unseen Welliver? He's supposed to drive ine work annoyed him so, that he decided organizer, end to him goes much of Junior Plays, Alumni Hall, 8:15 Friend," the Red Cross program seeks to Baltimore today." to rest up a bit, and enrolled at WMC. the "behind the scenes" credit for the p. m. your support. "Well," I said, "his car is parked Les's freshman year was a memor- success of last year's Junior Follies. Saturday, April 5 down there in his driveway. If you able one. That was the year he was Contrary to much public opinion, Iota Gamma Chi, Scavenger Hunt, can fold yourself neatly enough to fit elected class treasurer (until they dis- Les doesn't study all the time. He McDaniel Lounge. into a Crosley, you have nothing to covered that he couldn't add); that spends many long hours in trying to Sunday, April 6 Good Health worry about." was the year some "unknowing" pro- shave Ed Foote's mustache, and satis- Su:d::;: Scho~l, Baker Chapel, 9:15 He gazed in the direction that I fessor gave The Callette a B!! (Per- fying his passionate fondness for the To. was pointing. "Holy Smokes!" he re- ish the thought!) movies at the local cinema. He is a Chapel, Alumni Han, 7:15 p. m. marked. "I didn't know that that Les is a quick and penetrating perfectionist, with a warm, comfort- Monday, April 7 All building was a dormitory." thinker. He has definite ideas on al- able, easy-going disposition-but he "It isn't, That's Paul home. He is moat everything, and a comment for can be aroused, upon occasion, to a IRC Meeting, McDaniel Lounge, From the dayhop with the shortest hop. His every occasion. He loves to talk, and terrible temper. - .6:45 p. m. '-- father is President.of the Seminary." once he gets his "mellow monotone" His future plans center around Blood Donations, Blanehe Ward' REXALL Gym. "Oh, 'zat so?" he mumbled. Then, under way, there is no stopping him, graduate school and an eventual "But how the heck can I find him? unless it happens to be time for one teaching career. You can bet your I don't even know what the guy looks of his frequent naps. "bottom dollar" that no matter wheth- like." Lea is a "Who's Whoer ," past Prexy The Honor of Your Presence is "Paul Welliver is a big, handsome, er Les is practicising "professor-ing'", Requested to Inspect Our Lines blond fellow, about six-three. He or managing the beach party syndi- of cate at Ocean City, he will be doing a played on the football team last year, Magazine Sponsors great job of it. Wedding Invitations and "MEET AT second string end." Announcements "Is he the guy that goes with that "lIfany and 11W.ny 0. yeal' from now, little girl-what's her name-Rosalie? Journalistic Co~test y (l.17!.8 will be 8pnn by you and me, Informals and PET E'5 I knew I had seen him somewhere. A ltd in those yarns we will mention Calling Cards Tell me more about him," he request- MADEMOISELLE recently an- the ed, "something that I can use in con- nounced its sponsorship of the seventh Of a lad ca.lled Millo.rd G-" P. G. Coffman Co. To Get Your Eats" versation." annual College Fiction Contest,' with But "Call him Les." Times Bldg. Westminster, Md. So I began. "Paul is as friendly a five hundred dollars to each of two Main St. - White Neon Sign fellow as you will ever meet. He al- collegiate winners. ways talks sense in simple and sincere The contest is open to women under- language. 1 would say that he is graduates only. Stories are to run JANE'S· GIFT SHOP humble. You might talk to him about :from 3,000 to 5,000 words and con- G.C. Murphy & Co. camping; he used to spend his sum- testants may submit more than one EASTER CARDS mers pulling pike out of an icy Cane- entry. Publications whi~h have been J. WM. HULL, J.w.l.r dian lake. Now he is assistant scout- published elsewhere are not accept- The Friendly Store master of Boy Scout Troop 380 in able. All entries are to be typewritten, For Over Half Century Westminster. He likes the rough and double-spaced, one side of paper only, Dormitbry and Clallroom Expert Watch, Jewelry simple life, with no fancy trimmings. accompanied by contestant's name, FRESH! Suppliu "If you are interested in joining a home address, college address, and and Eye·Glass Repairing fraternity next year, 'Hacker' (as his college year. Pop Corn golfing buddies named Paul) can Editors of MADEMOISELLE will 6_10 West Main Street 105 W. Main Street give you the low-down on the Bachel- serve as judges ?nd all d~cisions are Caramel Corn We.tminster, Md. ors. He was their President last se- finaL Only those manuscripts accom- Peanuts mester." panied by stamped, self-addressed The freshman interrupted me. "I'm legal-size envelopes win be returned. sorry, but I have a class now; must Entries must be postmarked by mid- Home·made Candy be running along." night April 15, 1952. As he left he hurled "Thallks for For further information see Dean THE TREAT SHOP the information': over his shoulder at Howery or a member of the GOLD BUG staff. Continuou. 2 p. m. Saturday. and \ Continuou. 1 p. m, Saturdays and Holiday.. HoUday.. Sunday Matlpee.: 2 and 4 Shakupeare ofCribed- Sunday Matinel!ll: 2 and 4 p. m. p. m. E.,..ninll' .how 9 p. m. Week- Matlne. 2 p. m.-Ennlnll'l 7 & 9 p. m. day .hom continuous hom 4:80 PI m. There's not a minute of our lives WED. & THUR., MARCH 12, 13 WED. & THUR., MARCH 12, 13 OLIVER TWIST DANGEROUS GROUND should stretch Robert Newton Alec Guinness Ida Lupino Robert Ryan without some FRI. & SAT., MARCH 14, 15 LAS VEGAS STORY FRr. & SAT., MARCH 14, 15 pleasure Vido; Mature UTAH WAGON TRAIN Ant""n!! and Cleopall'fl Jane Russell Rex Allen Penny Edwards A minute's enougb to stop at the SUN., MON., TUE., familiar red cooler for a Coke, Pleasure 1 MARCH 16, 17, 18 SUN., MON., TUE., Certainly ... and refreshing, too. THE AFRICAN QUEEN (Technicolor) MARCH 16, 17, 18 Humphrey Bogart THIS WOMAN IS DANGEROUS Katherine Hepburn Joan Crawford Dennis Morgan WED. & THURS., MARCH 19, 20 PHONE CALL FROM A STRANGER WED. & THUR., MARCH 19, 20 Shelly Winters Betty Davis WHIP HAND Gary_Merrill Carla Valenda Elliot Reid FRI. & SAT., MARCH 21, 22 FRI. & SAT., MARCH 21, 22 BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY Of THE COCA.-COLA COMPANY BY BUGLES IN THE AFTERNOON WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. (Technicolor) TRAIL GUIDE ©1952,T1iECOCA-COlACOMPAN't' Ray Milland Helena Carter Tim Holt Linda Douglas
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