Page 39 - TheGoldBug1951-52
P. 39
Spring Schedules Locker Room Lowdown The Athletic Department has re- BY leased tentative schedules for spring sports, These schedules are subject to CtJ g"..u. revision by the department, and such changes will be printed in the GOLD BUG as soon as they are made avail- Overhokzer I...ead. able. Tennis Freshma'l Men On April Washington College Home 8 11 Albright Home College Rine Team 12 George ?Vashington Home 18 Catholic University Home "Showing the best progress among 22 Loyola \ Home the freshmen members of the rifle 26 Hopkins Home squad is Fred Overholtzer who cur- Golf rently is the 'twIder of the team's high April scoring record in kneeling. Fred,. who 18 Dickinson Away No, Professor Hurt: i8n't playing speedball! It's just a shot from has shot in all the intercollegiate 22 Hopkins Home the faculty·student game. matches this year, promises to be one 25 Loyola Home of our best shots next year if he con- tinues to improve at the rapid pace he May Gettysburg Away Girls Sports Faculty Five Rallies 5 has in the past several months." 8 Maryland Home Speaking was Western Maryland's By Marionna Wine Scores 20-14 Win rifle team coach, Sgt. Pierre La Voy. 12 Mason-Dixon Conference Away Westerl.l Maryland's girls' basket- Tournament Overholtzer, in his' first year of col- 16 Lehigh Home In one of the hardest fought (and legiate study, came to Western Mary- 17 WMC Invitational ball squads closed their 1951-1952 sea- most hilarious) basketball games ever 27 at Goucher College land after completing his secondary Tour-nament Home son February of victories over their staged at Gill Gym the Faculty's a pair with school training last June at Mt. Airy Fred Overholtzer hosts. Ferocious Five trounced an ill-star High School, Mt. Airy, Md. lege .... Johnson captured the l\1-D Lacrosse group of cagers 20-14, March 4. While in high school Fred won let- scoring championship dropping a 24.8 April The Jayvees got WMC off on the The annual affair staged as a bene- ters in soccer, basketball, baseball, and average for a 10 game season .... 9 Baltimore University Away right foot by winning the preliminary fit of the World Student Service Fund Home Drexel track and field. He also served II year 12 (Practice) game. 23 to 6. Bobbie Davison again drew an exceptionally large group of as president of the Student Govern- I March's entrance like a lion put 14 Hofstra Away was high scorer, caging 11 points. ment Association. a damper on the spring sport activity 19 May Delaware Jean Hoyt and Audrey Boyer followed enthusiastic stu den t e and faculty expected to get underway with seven and five, respectively. the first members. The He points to hunting, fishing, roller- of the month. With snow covering the 3 Dickinson Home skating and, of course, rifle shooting ground the spring athletic hopefuls 9 Washington College Away game was highlighted by the stellar Thc first half featured not only a as his hobbies and continues by say- took to Gill Gym in an effort to loosen Loyola Away play of the local defense. Sue Dorsey, close, tight competitive duel between ing that he has never previously com- up their muscles for the coming cam- i4 Home Marlonna Wine, Marion Murphy, and the two squads but it also displayed peted in a rifle match and enjoys the paigns. Tennis rackets, baseball mitts, 17 Lehigh Joyce Schmidt handled the backcourt the officiating ability of the game's college matches very much. and lacrosse sticks have been sported Baseball duties. competent referees, Jim Butts and Admitting that while he is not too about the gym recently .. April In the varsity contest, Western "Kaiser" Wilhelm .• familiar with past records of the 3 Towson STC Away Maryland took an early lead and was The student aggregation took a Yale WMC nimrod squads, Fred believes Through the kindness of Ronald L. 5 Penn State ~ Home never topped. With Carter Baum hit-. commanding 9·5 lead in the first half that this year's team has measured Keit.h, Class of '49, the following press 16 Away ting for 36 and Betsy Bowen dropping only to see this vanish as the faculty up to the average. story from the February 10 issue of 17 Dickinson Home in 10, the WMC squad easily rode to a returned after the halftime rest period This and That ... THE STARS AND STRIPES was 19 Newark College Home 53-24 victory. Becky' LeFew, Lois refreshed. In the last half rally the Overholtzer is a day student, com- made available to the GOLD BUG 22 Loyola Home Ohler, Mary Lou Arnie, Dixie Davis, Ferocious Five dumped 15 points to muting daily from his home in Mt. Sports Department: 24 Washington College Home and Nancy Neel were in the defensive their opponents four. Airy .... Good luck in the coming "An outstanding performance by 26 Baltimore University Home positions. The brunt of the faculty attack was matches and in the years ahead. Douglas Beakea in the 2% mile cross- 29 Catholic University Away If you happen to go by the girls' carried by "Hopping" Huber who fre- In a playoff tilt at Loyola College, country. run featured the opening of 30 Drew University Home gym around four o'clock every after- quently dribbled through the oppos- individual battalion March 3, Johns Hopkins defeated. the USAF championships and which got May American University Away noon you will no doubt hear these ing team to score. Huber dropped in team ski Washington College of Chestertown to underway here yesterday. 1 Hopkins Home words - Rotate, Point, - Side. Out- three action shots as well as three nail down the final berth in the Ma- 3 Away Kelp that ball over. As you have charity throws to walk away with the son-Dixon Conference basketball tour- The 28 year-old Delta, Pennsyl- Loyola Away probably guessed already, all of these scoring honors of the evening. "George ney. The Jays led all the way in an- vania, schoolteacher, educational ad- Hopkins words add up to vollcyball, which has Mikan" Armstrong and "Joe Fulks" nexing the victory ... viser at Camp St. Johann, traversed 15 Baltimore University Away been going on for the last two weeks. Thompson of the Military Depart- the grueling uphill climb in 21 min- 17 American University Home ment, teamed in the front 'Court, to The football Terrors had their win The regular tournament started yes- streak broken last week, but not on utes, 59 seconds." . terday and will continue until spring score seven and four points respec- the gridiron. Yes, the envious record Mr. Beakes was a Western Mary- Rille Squad Tops Temple vacation. This year's manager is Betty tively. of 13 straight pigskin .victorjes goes land College student.j eompleting his Parsons who is going to have a hard The defensivc ability of those pro- untouched; however, the gridders of studies here in 1947 •••• And Frederick Guard Uni' time picking out the various teams. fessionals 0 f world wide renown, the University of Maryland managed Gene DiMena's lone basket of the The nimrods of Western Maryland As it looks now the freshman class has Holthaus, Straughn, Uhrig, and Crain to edge our Green team 50-27 when game, swishing the cords with but College trounced the gunners of the largest turn out and should floor with such promising young hopefuls the locals turned eager-a and took the two second remaining on the score- Temple University 1841-1800 in a some excellent players. This tourna- as Ensor and Hurt just up from the floor against the Sugar Bowl champs board clock, awarded Baltimore Uni- four-position postal contest. A postal ment should be a toss up, and at this minors, was well displayed through- in a basketball contest preliminary to versity a 41-40 verdict over Roanoke match is one in which the targets are point it is hard to pick the winners. out the tilt. the Baltimore Bullets and Rochester College and brought Baltimore U. its fired on the home range and the scores The offensive attack of the victors Royals main attraction .... first Mason-Dixon playoff champion- mailed to the opposing team. in their rallying last half well estab- The Mason.mxon Conference all- ship title. In winning, the Bees scored The rifle team record thus far this PATRONIZE lished the balance of their squad. star basketball team was recently their third straight upset in the tour- season stands at five wins against OUR With Armstrong "sleeping" in the of- chosen. Appearing on the select first new, having pre v i 0 u sly tumbled four defeats. ADVERTISERS. fensive court, the double pickoff plays, team list along with Western ?fIary- Wil8<>n __.__.. ._ __ 376 and the out-or-bounds plays all pro- land's famed shot and playmaker Art American U., and Hampden-Sydney. Clayton .._._ .._ 311 ducing scores, the Collins-tutored Press, were Ed Moffatt, American ... Action took place at Loyola Col- Boyle _ ._ ..__ ._._ ..~__ .__ 869 SMITH &: REIFSNIDER quintet soon became a demoralized 863 Hubaeh _ •... _.__ . University; Nap Doherty, Loyola; lege last Saturday before a packed Gwynn ~ .._ 862 Incorporated bunch, falling apart completely in the house, and climaxed an- the twelfth Emerson Johnson, Hamden-Sydney; nual cage event ... The Western Maryland rifle team LUMBER-COAL final minutes of the tilt. and Nick Scallion, 'Washington CoI- was victorious in their third shoulder- Keeping alive the spirit of the game Johns Hopkins r iflevteam scored its to-sho,_ulder match with the Frederick WESTMINSTER. MD. were the faculty and student cheer- fifth win in six starts Saturday when National Guard team as they beat the WMC Netmen Train it defeated Gettysburg 1348-1312 on losers 1349-1319 at Frederick. This leaders as thcy cheered their teams the losers rangc. . . ..... was the Terror's second win in the For ~pring Campaign Art Press closed his Western Mary- three match series for this season, the Compliments of land College cage career in a blaze of only loss being a one point defeat As the winter weather of the past glory that drew much attention from J. R. EVERHART week subsides and spring begins to all Mason-Dixon Conference cage early in the year. COLLEGE BARBER Compliments of __ 'shQw forth, Western Maryland's enthusiasts. Against Towson State Hubaeh ..• ~ . ..__..._.._ . 276 269 At the Forks WUoon - ._. 269 Doyle capable tennis mentor Frank Hurt, Teachers in the home basketball finale Titlow _ ~_._._ ..__ 268 Wine's Sport Shop will again organize and train a group Press ripped the cords to the tune of Gwynn ._ .• _._ ~7 of promising racqueteers for the com- 29 points, while in Tournament play , ing campaign. In fifteen years of in- Iast Thursday he rallied in the last Clifford's Jewelers ter-collegiate competition the WMC half scoring 18 points as against his Tri-Eeta Benefit Movie net men under Mr. Hurt's guidance 5 points of the first half. It was in this EXPERT REPAIRING have compiled the envious record of game that the locals, faring miserably (@1turr Wmiat Exclusive Agent for It Pays To Look Well 143 matches won and 78 matches lost. in the initial half, returned from thc with STIEFF SILVER Visit The Aspiring for positions in an effort halftime intermission to throw a scare 51 East Main Street to fill the gaps left by the graduation into league winner, the Loyola Grey- ROBERT.n~EWTON Avenue B.rber Shop GUINNESS ALEC of Ned Brown, Phil Sack, Bobby Tal- hounds, before losing 58-50. Hart, too, ner, Bill Hallmark, and George in his final game at home consistently Wed., Thur., March 12, 13 Alamedian Light 'I'souprake-from last year's squad are found the range and mes?ed 27 points; at the Opera Company Where .The Students Go Merril Trader, Allen Tonelson, Ar- CARROLL THEATER 85 Pennsylvania Avenue thur Saltmarsh along with freshmen Many thanks to Tom Douglass for Get Your Xickets Now presents Henry Taitt, Ray Davis, Gordon his accurate coverage in the past Rudolf Friml's Horsburgh, and Bennett Boulden. The months of the varsity wrestling expected return of senior Pat Huddle schedule as well as the intramural <71.e V~ /:.iwf will also bolster the team. competit.ion .. Friday and Saturday To date, in only one season have the By winning the Mason-Dixon Con- March 21-22-8:15 p. m. Compliments of local Terrors lost more matches than ference Tourney last Saturday Balti- Faith & Begorrah Its Baltimore Polytechnic they have won. The locals have more University brought home its Auditori'ftm brought back to the Hill five Mason- second major sports honor of the Tickets: $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 AVENUE LUNCH Dixon Conference championships. year. Earlier in the year the Bees an- Griffin's In their efforts to top last year's nexed the M·D Conference soccer title BONNEY CONCERT l04Yz Penna. Ave. 8-8 log the Green Team will meet also .. BUREAU George Washington University, Dela- Varsity baseball drills have begun 327 N. Charles Street ware, Dickinson, Albright, Gettys- under Coach Boyer in Gill Gym. Be- For GOOD FOOD or Box Office • burg, Hopkins, Washington College, cause of Jack of space at this time For Tickets, see Loyola, Catholic U., American U., more particulars will appear in the Paul Thronburg and Towson. next issue.
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