Page 47 - TheGoldBug1951-52
P. 47
The Gold Bug, April 22, 1952 Penn State Rallies Brengle Announces Green Win Three Locker Room Lowdown To Score Victory Intramural Schedule Make Clean Sweep BY With left-handed swinging Bill by Marionna Wine In Weekend Events Hopper blasting the way with a triple, Penn State came from behind in the In winding up the winter girls in- Western Maryland College made a third inning to score four runs and tramural sports, the Freshman Class clean sweep in its sports activity of annex a 9-4 victory over the visiting A team won all four of their games to the past weekend, defeating Catholic Gold Bug Lists land's Easter a Monday lacrosse op- Western Maryland Terrors last April take the volleyball championship. The University 011 the baseball diamond ponents scrimmage, practice in 16. followed with a record of 3-1; Juniors 6-3, University Dental of Maryland inning third Hopper's 2-2, came triple Majors' Final trounced the University of Delaware with two men on board; later he con- Sophomores B 0-4. Seniors 1-3, and School on the links 7-3, and Mount as they stopped off at last Tuesday Freshman Saint 7-2 on the Mary's tennismen Del. university the Newark, on their return to Hempstead, N. Y. after com- nected with one of the offerings of The Intramural tennis tournament rectangle. fill activity took place here With the baseball wars but one Terror pitcher Don James for a has already been. posted and. matches on the Hill. week old in the major leagues, ever-y- pleting their Easter tour ... homer. started last week. Archery began last Playing before the largest crowd of one has been, and still is, speculating Johns Hopkins soundly whitewashed Western Maryland, scoring two week and is scheduled fifth period the still infant baseball season, the on just who is going to finish where. the Franklin and Marshall diamond runs by Ira Zepp's first inning single, every afternoon for those who wish to Terror diamondmen came from behind Of course, the cry of "\Ve're going to nine 6-0 last week at Homewood .. took an early lead in the game. In the learn and for those already skilled. 3-1 to hang up its third straight be better in '52" has been echoed all Winning all eight matches before third they added another tally and Joan Brengle, softball manager this Mason-Dixon Conference victory. over the diamond battlegrounds and rain forced cancellation of the con- concluded their scoring by adding one year, has already posted the schedule With Hank Jordon and Jack Urion argued about in every general mer- eluding doubles test, Loyola College in the sixth. Meanwhile their hosts for various practices during the com- leading the way with a pail' of singles, chandise store in the country, but still scored an 8-0 tennis win over Baltl- grabbed four in the third, one in the ing Weeks. The schedule is: Freshmen Ken Shook drove an offering of Mick- it seems we're nowhere. With all the more University last week at Ever- fifth, and four in the sixth. every Monday and Wednesday, at ey 'I'r-epp, youthful Catholic Univer- new faces, new managers, new hopes, green. Bob Kaufman and Jack Urion, both 4:25, Sophomores, Juniors, and Sen- sity moundsman, to deep center for and new goals in the majors and Delaware University, WMC's la- garnered a pair of binglea in four iors every Tuesday and Thursday at a triple and three runs. neither manager admitting that his crosse opponents of last weekend, is trips to the platter. Both teams got 3 :25, and everyone at 3 :25 on Friday. Skitch Henderson, with Pat Biddle team might NOT bake out as well in just back from their Easter-spring seven hits. Intramural games will start about in relief, turned in a good perform- '52, one must draw the conclusion that vacation lacrosse tour of the Mid- In winning, the northern opponents , May 5 and will be played in the after- ance on the mound and registered his there will be NO second division clubs. West where they won two of the kept alive their win streak, now noon and after dinner. first win of the '52 campaign. But here again this is absurb, and Indian ball games and lost one. In stretched at four, and this marked the Scoring their fourth win in as since it is, I, like other followers of winning, the stickmen of U. of D. Terrors' first loss of the '52 campaign many days, the Huber-men of the local our national pastime, will list my defeated Oberlin 13-12 and Ohio State to date. links downed visiting U. of Md. Den- predictions. In the American League 14-3. They tied Keynon College 7-7. Flashback In Sports tal School golfers 7-3, as the "18 hole" it'll he: Netmen To Complete Terrors continued their scourge of Cleveland Indians Gettysburg edged Hopkins 4-3 last Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware New York Yankees Wednesday as pitcher Sam Mowery Home Stay Saturday One Year Ago .. _ and the District of Columbia competi- Boston Red Sox dropped a successful "squeeze play" April 20, 1951, Western Maryland tion. Previously this week they turned Chicago White Sox bunt down the first base line. Discounting the Loyola match that College, behind the effective pitching hack American University, Dickinson, Philadelphia Athletics Baseball, unlike most other sports, was played today, too late to print in of Pat Biddle, scored a very impres- and Baltimore University (a dispatch Detroit Tigers has its own colorful vocabulary of this issue, the Hurt-coached netmen sive 12-7 win over Loyola College in a of this match appears elsewhere on St. Louis Browns words and phrases used to describe of WMC hope to boost their record Mason-Dixon Conference tilt on the the sports page.) Washington Senators incidents, plays, and individuals of when they take on stiff competition losers home ground .... WMC stick- Rounding out the weekend activity Meanwhile in the senior circuit they'll the game. In an effort to acquaint the last of this week in the Penn State men were edged by Dickinson 8-7, the Green netmen, under Coach Hurt, any "sports rookie" with some of the and Johns Hopkins racqueteers who April 21. ... American U. netmen beat- Brooklyn Dodgers jargon and slang, the following choice invade this campus April 25 and 26, were trounced 6-3 as Ned Brown and bounced back from their Friday Mount under invading ing, by turning New York Giants baseball colloquialisms are printed. respectively. Phil Sack led the way .. Philadelphia Phillies A la carte-playing the ball with Following their 9-0 loss to George Two years ago. St. Mary's, 7-2. Again the netmen pt. Louis Cardinals one hand. Washington and their los's to Catholic April 15, El50, the WMC golf team came through in Mason-Dixon Con- Boston Braves Around the Horn---side-arm curve University, the locals are' hopeful of trounced' Baltimore University 6-3. ference activity, bringing their cur- Cincinatti Reds to batter when count is 3 and 2. getting back into the win -column in The baseball squad fought on even rent league performance record to a Pittsburgh Pirates Big Bertha-the club's clean-up the coming matches. terms with the University of Mary- 3-2 log. Chicago Cubs hitter. Throughout the season to date, the land for seven innings, then Terror Anybody disagree with me? If so, Coop-the dugout. squad has looked impressive, but pitcher Russ Shivers faltered and Host Terror Golfers Top Jook me up next fall here on the Gonfalon-the league pennant. green, and a good showing this week- the Terps tallied nine times to score Baltimore University Easily campus and point out my mistakes. Jesse James-the umpire. end would close out a fairly successful a 14-4 win, April 21. ... The stick- Well, anyway, it's a lot of fun, but Take the blood off it---advice to a home stand. men of WMC traveled to Hofstra Col- Led by Ed Coffman, the Hubermen I guess we'll just have to wait until batter who just got a lucky hit. Beginning the first of May, the ten- lege, New York, and scored a 17-8 win of the WMC links took all six matches October and see. Ukulele hitter-a hitter who can't nis squad encounters in successive over their hosts .. and best-ball honors last Wednesday hit very far. two day intervals, Catholic U, Ameri- HERE AND THERE .... In an Wood player-a good hitter but and scored a decisive 9-0 win over. official release from Gett.ysburg Col- poor fielder. can U, Loyola, Johns Hopkins, and F'ive years ago .. _ visiting Baltimore University. In scoring a 8-1 tennis victory over lege, Art Press was listed on the Bul- Nuthin' Ball-slow ball. American U. \V ashington College, the local netmen The summaries: let all-opponent basketball second Rabbit ears-player who tries to came up with seven love sets. , Coffman over Fogel, 8-6 team. Howie Landa of Lebanon Val- hear everything said about him. Schedules Changed Glasby over Renbaum, 8-7 ley, well remembered for his trieky Leg hitter-fast man who beats out April 14, Leo Halesbeek dropped a Best Ball, 9-7 here in this year's season's infield hits. The following schedule changes have 10-foot put on the eighteenth hole Welliver over Ketven, 7-6 opener, was named to a first string Bill Klem-person who is never been released by the athletic depart- giving Loyola a 5-4 golf triumph over Hill over Knoblovich, 5-4 berth. Other choices on the first and wrong. ment: the Hillmen .... WMC finished sixth Best Ball, 7-& second squads were composed of play- Lacrosse in an eleven-college track meet April Steelman over Henry, 5-4 o ra from Bucknell, F. and M., and April 29-Geol'getown.. Away 15. .. Curley Coffman's 163-foot jav- Fones over Kelley, 2 up 'Muhlenberg. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS May 7-Delaware _ .__Home clin throw brought Western Mary- Best Ball, 4-3. Hofstra Collegc, Western Mary- land's lone first in field events. Ten years ago. SMITH &: REIFSNIDER April 20, 1942, the trackmen of For the big events in your life Incorporated Good Health WMC edged Johns Hopkins 561h-51'h Compliments of LUMBER-COAL on the Hoffa Field track thus win- CALLING CARDS meet in six second track ning their Wine's Sport Shop WESTMINSTER. MD. To years; their first since 1940.... The INFORMALS All local grapplers of the '42 campaign WEDDING INVITATIONS took second place in the Mason-Dixon and ANNOUNCEMENTS From Conference Tourney held recently. I FRESH! • WMC had three M-D individual P. G. Coffman Co. . The Terror Jinks- Pop Corn REXALL weight champs.. 17, defeated Baltimore TIMES BLDG. April men, Griffin's Caramel Corn University 4-2 nt the Country Club of Westminster, Maryland Maryland. Peanuts or Diony.riu.r Calo pre.rcnbed: Home-made Candy "Mingle your cares -with pleasure THE TREAT SHOP . now and then" Duticha D~Morihtu Make that pleasure an ice-cold G.C. Murphy &'CO. Coca-Cola and you'll tip the scales Irorr- care to cheer. It Pays To Look Well The Friendly Store Visit The Annue Barber -Shop Dormitory and Cla .. room Suppliee Where The Students Go 6·10 West Main Street 85 Pennsylvania Avenue WeatmilUter, Md. "MEET AT J. WM. HULL, Jeweler PETE'S For Over Half Century Jewelry Expert Watch. and Eye-Glass Repairing To Get Your Eats" eomee UNDER AUTliORfTY OF TIlE COCA·COLA COMPANY BY Main St. - White Neon Sign 105 W. Main Street WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTTLING CO.• INC. @) 19.52, THE COCA·COLA COMPANY
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