Page 37 - TheGoldBug1951-52
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j"r===PL:::::A=~G=F~!llR::tMU:S=-t:c"'"sicient Jeanne. Dixon, an English major, Wagner'~ opera Die lIteistel·singer, in Ed Smith has been elected by the hails from Flushing, New York. She is 1550 lind is typical of his invention freshman class as their first president. a member of Delta Sigma Kappa and and mastery of short forms. This is Ed, who hails from the Eastern Shore, considered one of the most outstand- was president of his Cambridge High ing folk-plays of the sixteenth century School Student Government and German theatre. The script in use is edited both the newspaper and the an adaptation by Alfred Kreymborg. yearbook. A history major, he was The cast consists of the farmer's wife, recently appointed sports editor on Jack Metherell Ca.rolyn Mangels played by Kay McLaughlin, the wan- the 1952-53 GOLD BUG staff. dering scholar by Thomas Douglass, Chosen as vice-president by the Junior Class Elects Metherell, and the farmer by Roland Fleischer. class of '55 was Henry Taitt, another a Liz Kuhn designed the setting. Eastern Shore resident. Henry, Social Satire Chosen Mangels To Head ALOHA enberg has been chosen as the sec- physics major, was an active partici- The Opera Matinee by Alice Gerst- pant in and president of the Radio Club in high school. ond presentation. A social satire, the Elected to the secretary's position Jack Metherell and Carolyn Mangels have been elected by the action takes place at the opera, IIIud- was Ann Nuttall, a Catonsville High Junior Class as editor-in-chief and business manager of the 1953 Butterfly, with conversation be- graduate. A biology major and recent- ALOHA. tween the occupants of three threatre ly-elected provisional member of Tri- Jack, a native of Southern Maryland, resides at present in boxes. In the first box: Narcissa, Beta, Ann was representative to the Washington, D. C. While in high school he was editor of the news- Phyllis Eubank; Edith, Barbara Win- student council and editor of the paper for two years and editor-in- II' ters; Sheila, Marsha Beebe; Sydney, newspaper in high school. Here at Western Maryland, Jack is Co ege Sponsors found: Mrs. Harrison, Velma Hall; by Jim Whitehurst. A Bel Air High chief of the 1949 yearbook. Shirley Jarvis. In the second box is The treasurer's job will be handled well known for his outstanding ar- Mrs. Lysander, Betty Walter; Mrs. School graduate, where he was presi- Jeanne D~on ~~t!~s~~;!:'t~~ea~-~~u:a~oe~~e~o:fChamber Music Murphy, Jane Logan; Countess Jera- dent of the Varsity Club, Jim is a associate editor. of the 1952 ALOHA. McLaughlin. In the third bek, Kay history major. the men's chorus, the FTA, and the Western Maryland College an- box; Mrs. Casper, Nell Hughes; Mrs. Mary Lee Younger was selected Last year Jeanne was junior attend- ant to the May Queen. 1952 ALOHA staff. nounces an evening of chamber music Gardiner, Karin Nowack; Mrs. Ken- class historian. Mary Lee, a chemistry Ginny Hale is making her sixth ap- Mangels Business Manager on Friday, March 14, at 8 :15 p. m., nedy, Ella Maie Edwards; Mrs. Vaie, major, comes from Baltimore where Carolyn Mangels, elected business in Alumni Hall. Keraeley Gates; reporters, Liz Kuhn she was editor of the newspaper and pearance on-a court. This past Novem- per, she was Homecoming Queen. Gin- ~c~n;,~e~~;:li~~m!;;n:vh~:es:e;: w~:g~ The program will be presented by and Ruth Lee. a student council officer. ny represented her class in the Stu- The last production is lle, by Eu- dent Covennent for three years. member of the yearbook staff and ::re~h~!~: ~~:be~:ci:~~U~y B~~t:~ gene O'Neill. The scene is set in Cap- Larry Abel To Nancy Walker, senior attendant at ~::i:i~o~i ~~~i:::lsi~~n~;;ling team chair positions in the Baltimore Sym- tain Keeney's cabin on the steam Homecoming this year, ii$.a home eco- whaling ship, "Atlantic Queen" and nomics' major from Brooklyn Park, On the Hill, Carolyn has coJtinued. ~:;~~iP~~~h:~!r~a~h~:~I,wO~:e:r~o~ takes place about 1895. A thrilling Play for Dance her participation in various activities. . . drama against a sea background, the Maryland. She is president of the A Irl"athmajor, she is Phi Alpha Mu's don. Miller, clar inet ; Jer~y T. Knop, ROTC Officers Club will present Home Ec Club and secretary of FT A. story of Captain Keeney, whose wife its annual Military Ball in Gill 4 newcomer, Kay McLaughlin, !U~::b!~t~;-~O~i~d :::~:~:~::;:~ ~:::;d .~~~~~;om~;:~i:t~lsa.r~~s!:I~~ is the unhappy victim of his uncon- Gymnasium on Saturday, March 15. transferred to WMC the beginning of of the GOLD BUG. ' man, VIOla; Richard Kupueeinski, eel- querable pride, swiftly unfolds and Music will be by Larry Abel's or- her junior year. Since then she has 10; Richard Goodman, piano; and moves to its end. The cast consists of: chestra, and tickets may be purchased been quite active in campus affairs. Dorothy Goodman, mezzo soprano. Ben, Charles Wheatley; Steward, at the door. or from any cadet officer. Patty Ray is making her second ap- pearance on the May Court-last year Captain Keeney, Ken- Noted Psychologist Quintet for the Piano, Oboe, Clari- Pete Warner; Slacum, Paul Dawson; of the dance is Carl for presentation she was sophomore duchess. During The evening's program ",HI include General chairman neth Shook; Sturgill, com- Slated To' Lecture net, Horn and BaBsolYIt, by Mozart. A Mrs. Keeney, Winif red Spencer; Joe, mander of the local unit and of the her stay here on the Hill she has been a cheerleader, Kenneth Ruehl; and the crew, Michael of the Home member selection of Scotch songs by Beethoven as- Hill's Pershing Rifle company, for voice, violin, cello, and piano will Brodie, Michael Troupp, Roland Flei- sisted by Ted Bobilin and Charles Al- Ec Club, and held offices in Phi Alpha Dr. Otto Klineberg, Professor of follow, including Faithful Jolvnnie, scher, and Thomas Douglass. bert. Mu. Psychology at Columbia University, is The Soldier; The Pulse of an Irish- In keeping with military organiza- Making her debut on a court is scheduled to speak here at Western man; Enchantress,....Farewell; Bonny tional policies, the chief job, decora- Mary Alice Amoss. She is a language- Maryland in an assembly in Alumni Laddie, Highland Laddie; 01. Might I Charles lmmler Receive. tion of the gym, is being handled by education major and has participated Hall on March 13. Psychology and but my PatrWk Love; and Sally in U. S. Government Grant small subcommittee units of the dec- in many campus activities. Internatio'lWl Tensions will be the our Alley. Concluding the program oration committee. Each of the small- Hailing from Baltimore is Sally topic under consideration. will be Brahms' Piano Quartet No.1, Charles lmmler, February gradu- er units is headed by a senior, with Fisher who has represented her class as freshman duchess and sophomore A physician and psychologist, Dr. Op.25. ate, has been awarded a United States several juniors and sophomores. attendant on preceding May Courts Klineberg received his B.A. and M.D. Tickets for all seats, which are re- Grant under the Fulbright Act to of Decorations green degrees from McGill University in served, are available, at the McDaniel study in Australia for one academic _with sabers and national, and white and was on the '51 Homecoming Court. in art and belongs state, and Sally is majoring Canada, his M.A. degree from Har- Hall office. year. ROTC flags In prurmnence arc to many campus organizations. vard University, and his Ph.D. from The grants authorize the Depart- planned, and according to Bobilin, a \ Pat Fetcho represented her class Columbia University. Military Department To ment of State to use certain foreign display of infantry weapons is being on the Homecoming Court this year In addition to holding the office of currencies and credits a c qui red discussed by the officers. as well as in the SGA for the past Professor of Psychology at Columbia, Present Demonstrations through the sale of surplus property Highlighting the formal evening two years. She is also active in sports Dr. Klineberg is also chairman of the abroad for programs of educational will be the traditional officers' prom- and has been on the WAA board. U. S. Interprofessional Advisory Com- In accordance with the theory that exchange with other nations. All pay- enade. Invitations are being sent to Carol Sause, a native of Baltimore, mittee of the World Federation for a student learns more rapidly and mcnts are made in the currency of the members of the local Military Depart- is a member of the choir and octet. Mental Health, and is a member of the more readily with the aid of training foreign country. rnent and to military personnel and She also belongs to Phi Alpha Mu.... so-called "Flying Seminars." These devices which stimulate the senses, Chuck chose the University of ot\.lers interested in ROTC activities The other sophomore attendant, seminars were organized by the Na- the Military Department is presenting Sydney in· Sydney, Australia, where in the area. Nancy Bayliss, is an art major from tional Association for Mental Health a series of periodic demonstrations of he will do graduate work in the field Chuck Hammaker is in charge of Mount Kisco, N. Y. She is a member in connection with the Fourth Inter- instructional aids for the benefit of of economics. He developed an interest publicity for the affair, Edgar Shat- of Delta Sigma Kappa and other cam_ national Congress on Mental Health the Western Maryland Education De- in the Far East during previous stays tuck and Paul Peshkof'f are handling pus organizations. and it is in this vein that he is com- partment. in Japan and visits to China. There- the refreshments, while sophomore Betty Bowen was freshman attend- ing to Western Maryland. Lt. Col. Redfield, assisted by Capt" fore, he felt by studying in AustraUa and freshman Pershing Rifle members ant on the Homecoming Court this Dr. Klineberg holds a place of high Thompson and M(Sgts. Quarles and he would be in close contact with the will form the clean-up committee. year and hails from Salisbury, Md. esteem among the most widely and Brouillard, is currently staging a economic problems of that section. The attendants, Meta,Justice and Sue favorably known of the national and series of "country fair" type demon- The grant covers round trip trans- . Dorsey are both making first appear- international authorities in these strations for student teachers in portation, maintenance, books and in- Club News jl-nces. . fields because of his publications on Yingling Gym, especially emphasizing cidentals, and local travel. race, national characteristics, and the practical classroom value of such .Since graduation, Chuck has been Tri Beta \ members. will sponsor Oliver Twist, Tri:Beta social psychology. His new book in visual aids as motion picture pro- studying French and German at the Tri Beta Fraternity held its meet- starring Robert Newton and Alec social psychology is expected to be jectors, Vu-graphs, charts, and graph- Berlitz School of Languages in Balti- ing at the home of· Dr. Isanogle Guinness, on March 12 at the Carroll completed and published soon. icaids. more and plans to continue there until (ill Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock he receives notice of his sailing date. March 10 to initiate new members. Theatre. Tickets may be purchased there will be a meeting in McDaniel Klineberg wiII speak briefly on the . It will be sometime this month, since Fourteen new members were added, from any member of Tri Beta. All are of whom were provisionals ten and urged to attend this very entertaining Lounge to which all students and fac- topic, Per80nality and Prejudice,. an the academic year starts in March in ulty are invited. At this time, Dr. informal discussion period will follow. Australia. four of whom were initiated as full picture.
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