Page 53 - TheGoldBug1950-51
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., The Gold Bug, April 3, 1951 WMC Cagers Win Onej There'll Be Some Girls'Teams Ousted In Second Round Changes Made Go Into Action Peg Brown and Jean Hoyt received Here are a few corrections and ad- the highest possible score in the N a- ditions to the spring sports schedules tional Officials Rating Tests for bas- Terror Foul Shooting Wins we published in the last issue. To the ketball supervised by the Baltimore baseball schedule, the Yale contest on Officials Board in Gill Gym, February In Mason~Dixon Tourney April 6 must be added; and change 13. Both girls ~re now nationally game to April 25. By the Gettysburg qualified referees. the way, that Yale game is this Fri. Of the ten girls taking the test, four With Art Press scoring 33 points, Western Maryland edged day and it is here; so be sure to see it. more, Charlotte Janney, Alice Year- Hampden-Sydney by a margin of 72-67 in the Mason Dixon Con- Golf and lacrosse schedules are cor- ley, Dorothy Dalgleish, and Joyce ference Tournament held at Catholic University on March 8. rect as they were printed, but in ten- Schmidt, received Local Officials rat- Following Press in the Western nis, ,"vehave a cancellation and an ad- ings. Maryland scoring were Walt Hart, . dition. American University has been Women's A t h l e tic s Association with 17 points, and Jerry Phipps, added to the Jist of Terror tennis op- president, Peg Brown, has announced with 10 points. Highlighting the ponents, the contest to take place on the WAA Board's choice of an Honer- ,counterattack were Adams and John- April 13 at American U. The match ary Basketball team. The team is son with 20 and 18 markers respec- with Baltimore University has been made up of forwards Bobbie Davison, tively. cancelled.-Ed. I Ned Brown Janet High, Pat Fetcho; alternates, Western Maryland sank 29 success- Ma.y Schedule8 Mary Alice Amos, Jean Hoyt; and ful field goals as did the Hampden- Baseball guards, Jane Babylon, Becky LeFew, Sydney quintet, but connected for 14 May 1 Johns Hopkins home Tennis Telm To Face Peg Brown; alternates, Lois Ohler out of 21 attempts at the foul stripe 3 American U. home and Joyce Schmidt. against the opponents' nine out of 18 5 Baltimore U. home U. Of Md. In Opener The girls' extr-a-mur-al basketball free throws. The five-point foul mar- 12 Catholic U. home season was terminated when the team gin was also the five-point margin 16 Johns Hopkins On April 6, Western Maryland's dropped a third game, February 17, meaning Terror victory. Golf tennis squad will take the court to St. Mary's Seminary. The sched- During the first half, the lead May 4 Baltimore U. home against the Terrapins of Maryland uled game with Towson State 'I'each- changed hands frequently; but when 8 Dickinson away University in the first Terror match era College has been cancelled. the whistlc blew at half time, the Ter- 10 U. of Maryland away of the current season. Western Maryland girls participat- rors held an advantage of five, 38-33. 11 Loyola home Playing his fourth year of tennis ed in a Sports Day held at Hunt Col- Hampden-Syndey's move to the lead 16 Gettysburg away for the Green, Bobby 'I'alner will be lege, February 24, along with students in the third period was\ineffective as 18 Lehigh home the team's captain. Ned Brown, a from George Washington University, Western Maryland surged ahead to 19 WMC Tournament transfer from Swarthmore is slated to Goucher, Hunt, and Towson State win, 72·67. Tennis be the top man on the squad. Last Teachers College. Activities in which In the semi-finals of the tournament Pop Spf'i"llsel' May 1 Catholic U. away . year, Ned distinguished himself when Western Maryland participated in- at Catholic University on March 9, Dickinson away he defeated Lust, Colgate's star cluded basketball and a ping pong Western Maryland was beaten by 4 8 Penn State home player. Much improved over last year tournament. American U., 97-6l. Baseball Squad 11 Gettysburg home are Phil Sack, George Tsouprake, Art In brief basketball skirmishes, the Pacing the futile Green Terror at- 12 Johns Hopkins Saltmarst, and Pat Huddle. Western Maryland team i;losed out tack was Art Press, who contributed Strengthened By 15 Delaware away New this season are Bill Hallmark Goucher and George Washington. 27 points. Aiding the cause were 17 Loyola home and Allen Tonelson, a Baltimore Uni- First place was awarded Western Ernie. Makowski, who netted a total Several Additions versity transfer student. Tonelson will Maryland in the ping-pong tourna- of ten aud Walt Hart, Chuck Ham- not be-elig-ible to participate in any of ment. Ina Grice, Charlotte Janney, maker, and Jerry Phipps, who each Spring is here, and every young the Conference games, but will be ac- and Mickey Rupert led the team to This Spring Football tallied eight points for the losers. man's fancy turns to baseball. tive in the non-conference battles. victory. Merrill a freshman>! is a Trader, Sharing the scoring laurels for the year's, Western Maryland squad looks strong addition to the team and will The Board has announced the honor- of such fine Training Underway opponents were Ronnie Garshag and as though it could be one \of great probably hold down a varsity position ary volley ball team. The members Leroy Ishman, each with an output of achievement. The return this season. Also out for the squad is are: Pris Laramore, Jane Babylon, 16 points. players as Pop Spencer, Jerry Phipps, Spring football practice is again in Peg Brown, Joyce Schmidt, Charlotte Western Maryland scored 24 field Bob Bartl, Joe Keenan, Lefty Kauf- full swing here at Western Maryland Robert Dashiell Ebert. Bonneville, Joan Kellogg, Gilda Hin- goals and 13 four shots out of 24 at- man, Paul Tereshinski, Lowell Haines, College; and though it is yet early, Only Losing Season-1939 man, Bobbie Davison, and Audrey tempts, while the winners sank 42 Kenny Shook, Jack Urian, Dick Durst, the squad appears to be another chip Tennis as an ~rganized sport hegan Boyer. The alternates are: Alice Year- baskets from the court and made 13 and Maynard Fones will be a de- off the old Terror block. Heading the here at Western Maryland in 1935; ley, Pat Fetcho, and Lois Ohler. Three of the WAA members are go- out of 22 conversions at the foul termining factor as the Terror' slug- list of line stars to return from last and since that time, the team has only ing to a conference of the Eastern stripe. gel's enter another season. season are Vic Makovitch, Ot15 Shear- had one losing season. In 1939, it lost District Association of the American Also this year the squad will be er, Mike Chirigosc James Marsh, Ira one more game than it won. Accord. strengthened by the addition of a Zepp, Jack Molesworth, Bruce Rudi- ing to the very able coach, Professor Health Physical Education and Recre- Wrestlers End Season number of new members. Among: them sill, Dick Hockstein, Andy Rusinko, Frank Hurt, the team this year seems ation Association which will be held in are Dick Linton, Pat Biddle, Happy Walt Hart, Ted Samakouris, Roy to be in top notch form and may stand New York City from April 23rd to the In Mason Dixon Tourney Patchett, Lee Cissel, Bill Pfieffer, Jiw.,_ Rhyne, Hugh Ward, Paul Welliver, a chance for the title in the Northern 26th. In addition to attending meet- Gordon, Jack Acuff, and Bill J ohn- Jack Rail, Ashby Collins, and Don division of the Conference. The tennis ings, the girls, Peg Brown, Jean Hoyt, Three men placed in the Mason- schedule consists of 15 rugged matches and Bobbie Davison, plan to see some Dixon Wrestling 'I'ournameqt for the son. Phillips. including Getysburg and Loyola. of the latest hit shows. Green and Gold on Tuesday and The squad will be under the fine su- Among the backfield veterans of ..Wednesday, March 6 and 7. pervision and coaching of ex-Ameri- the victorious 1950 team are Mike PITCHER'S LAMENT Terror Grapplers Bob Wilsey, team captain, won his can League umpire, Jim Boyer. The Rentko, Mitch Tullai, Joe Renaldi, and first bout, which placed him fourth in season will open on Friday when the Harlow Henderson. One of the main- Baseball season's Here again, the tourney in his weight class. How- Western Maryland team will face the stays of last season's squad, Dwight For some it holds its charm; Down Towson ever, an injured knee prevented him Yale "Bulldogs." Scott, has undergone two serious op- But all it ever has for me, 'Western Maryland's grapplers won from going on to beat his next op- erations on his shoulders and wiIl not Is a sore and aching arm. their first wrestling match of the ponent on the ladder to the champion- be able to train this spring. Next fall, season on Friday, March 2, against ship. Ray Faby also won his first Terror Rifle Squad however, Scottie will be ready to Towson State Teachers College, 20-15. match to get fourth place in the 177- swing back into action in his backfield Nimrods Stop In a see-saw battle all the way, the placed Downs Gettysburg lb. class. In the unlimited, or heavy- position. Terror matmen showed a great deal Warren McFaque Local RiRemen weight, class, Sid Albrit.tatu There are two new additions to the of class in this, their last bout. fourth. The Western Maryland rifle team Terror aggregation, Beginning the match, "Monster" , Gallaudet won the tournament, hav- and Ray Stevenson. Coming up from McShane put in a good nine minutes The Green Terror rifle team downed ing champions in four weight classes. outscorcd the Gettysburg victory five, 1314- last year's freshman grid squad are the Westminster Rifle and Gun Club, to draw, and the score was two to two. of the 1197, for its fourth A lot of talent was shown throughout season, in a shoulder-to-shoulder Ends Dusty Martinell, Pat Rogan, 488-479, on the loser's range. Bob Wilsey then lost a hard-fought the matches, and the caliber of wrest- match on the victors' range. and Skip Berends. The backfield hope- decision, and Joe Ravenis was pinned. ling was at its best for most of the fuls are Ed Kelly, Howie Zimmerman, Tied for the lead among the Terror This put the score at ten to two, in Mason-Dixon ;chools. Fred Hubaclc led- the scoring for the and Arnie Needleman, with Al Tre- nimrods were Dave Buffington and favor of Towson. The twin aces of The wrestling team this year made Green team with a mark of 271. In vethan and Ray Faby in there as Ralph Garten, each with the high WMC's matmen, John Mallonee and a rather fine showing, and should be second place in total-points came Dave linesmen. scores of 99 out of a possible 100 Jack Rail both pinned their men. The shot a score of 98, commended for their work. One great Buffington with' a 270 score. Ralph The effort these boys are putting points. Patchett than the two leads. Terrors were in the lead again, twelve- less one point help to the t~am at. the beginning of Garten fired 262 for the third posi- forth now is an. investment in the Wilson and Boyle rounded out the ten. Marv Seigel looked as if he the season was Bill Kern, heavy- tion; and Bill Rhoads' score was 261, future, the very near future. Next fall would continue the winning streak in weight of a few years ago. But Bill fourth high on the squad. Dave the success of their venture will be first five with identical marks of 96 his bout, but a fast reverse from his was inducted into the army, and ·that Rhoads rounded out the Terrors' scor- tested. points each. opponet put him in a pinning hold, fact considerably hurt the team. ing with a total of 250 points. putting the Green behind again. Tow- The regulars this year were: Don - son, having no heavyweight, had to Me Shane, 123-lb. class; Bob Wilsey, • forfeit to "Big Sid," so this, put it 130 lb.; Joe Ravenis, 137 lb.; John Everybody Is Welcome Save Money MURRAY CLEANERS squarely up to Ray F'aby, 177-lb. Mallonee, 147 lb.; Jack RaU, 157 lb.; Save Trouble grappler, to win the match. This he Marv Siegel, 167 lb.; Ray Faby, 177 To Stop In At did in fine style, with a decision net- lb.; and Sidney Albrittain, unlimited BAUGHER'S .pecial . Pick Up and Delivery ting three big points to bring WMC class. Margarel & Earl's Every in to its first and only victory on the 10' MEAL TICKETS Monday and Thursday canvas this year. The score was 20-15. SANDWICHES- Now On Sale / IF YOU CAN'T GET IT SOfT DRINKS Phone AT THE BOOK STORE FRESHMEN INVITED Worth $5.50 - Cost $5.00 Reisterstown 371 Westmiruter'. New Modern Drug Store TRY DRUGS COFFMAN'S A~ldridge' s G.C. Murphy I Co. SCHOOL SUPPLIES \ Stationery Store Laundromat . The Friendly St~re Griffin's COSMETICS. SODAS Supplies . Times Building Locust Street Dormitory and Classroom EASTER CARDS Bixler and Guild CREPE PAPER Convenient \ NOVELTIES Drug Co. GREETING CARDS Inexpensive 6.10 West Main Street SCHOOL SUPPLIES Westminster, Md. GOOD FOOD John and Main Sts. Laundering
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