Page 52 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 52
Th'e Gold Bug, April 3, 1951 Erosion Hill A Young Man's Fancy Turns To .. ? Many people in the past eighty-five peacefully are one dozing You "}jives of g-reitt men all remind us years asked why a college was placed spring afternoon when your sleep is ends. You find a letter three months old from a girl friend that you never We can make our liVe8 sublime, upon this hill. We who have put in shattered by a "Hey, you lazy bum! answered-that must explain why she And departing behind us time at this great inst.itution can give didn't speak to you when you met her Foot-prints on the. sands of1time." many replies. Get off that sack and get to work." during Spring vacation. A mouse evi- We read such famous words as those of the poet Longfellow, and we are The first answer fa. that nothing Work-what a disagreeable word that dently thought your chemistry notes day on especially a balmy stirred by their import. We are inspired! We too will leave a foot-print! would grow on this slope. Then the is, April. You open one eye half-way and in were delicious-he ate half of them. Then we reread the lines. We come to the third and fourth words, "great second would be that nobody in his see your roommate standing over you men"-and that stops us. We are not great, nor even near great; so we right mind would care to live on top threatening to shake a rnopfu l of dust When you finally finish with the decide he was talking- of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, or others of those we of this wind-swept mount. Another is in your face. desk you see that the rest of the room revere for their achievementa. We admire them; and if we feel a qualm of that someone with .an eye for business "Say," you exclaim, slightly start- looks worse than ever in contrast, so conscience, we relax when we consider that they were "old" men when they sold a bill of goods. Yes, let's face it! led, "Where did you find that mop!" you start on the bureau. Before you achieved greatness-that we are still young-c-we still have plenty of time. More than likely, some fast-talking "In the back of the closet, Dope, know it, you are moving furniture, the out closets, disrupting cleaning What we seldom stop to realize is that the greatness of these men was being person painted a picture of what a with all the other books, clothes, happy homes of two families of mice carved out step by step when they were young. school of higher learning- would do for boxes, and trash you've got in there," and sundry spiders. The air is thick Those who have had the good for- Westminster and the youth of the your roommate replies in an acid por- tune to see The. Com1Mn each summer, Letter T 0The Editor nation. crops would not tone. You wonder what's eating him, at with dust. You sneeze! Then you look Glory, the clock. Ye gods! Yes, if the farm cut You've trayed at Williamsburg but decide it is too much trouble to three classes! And look at your clothes can see the young men of our tiny grow on the Hill, maybe students worry about it; so you prepare to go infant republic and how they shaped To the Editor- would. The founders more than likely to sleep again. But your roommate has -your hair is white with dust! Boy, are you tired! You push the pile of its destiny. They were not, as we so Dear Sir: ~::tsh~~~S aOfy!l:n:!n~w~r~~s s:! ;~~~ other ideas. He thinks that it is time dirt out into the hall, stick the mop often err in believing, old and ex- to give the room a good house-clean- on top of it, and turn around to sur- perienced people, but young, even as I would like to present to the fac-' what would pop up. Maybe from the ing. This really wakes you up. "The vey 'your work. The old room looks we are. Mistakes were often made, uity and student body a protest of the slopes of the Hill, a future president room isn't dirty," you protest-"why, but they were corrected, and the present testing standards in regard would grow. it was cleaned just last-uh-guess it half-way decent now, you think with young grew in experience to great- to time. Now we have been on this hill for modest pride. You sink down on your ness. If a period is scheduled for one many a year, and we find that outside i~ ;ol~!~e hd~~iY~o:tr::I~~~~tof bed and bed, with the satisfaction of a job well done. Most of us can without question hour, a test should not exceed that of getting kicked around by the foot- take an old shirt in place of a dust list many ways that Western Mary- time any more than the class should. hills of the Blue Ridge, very few cloth. What to start on first is the Two hours later you are aroused by land has added to our stature. We can In present procedures, however, some would-be famous persons have come question. The sunshine streaming in a crowd of boys tramping into the list academic progress-if we have faculty members countenance as much forth from our garden of students. the window really makes the old joint room. It is your roommate with the made any effort at all, social growth, as an hour overtime. I can see no The most amazing feature of our look pretty seedy. Maybe you could rest of the lacrosse team. Somebody athletic development, moral growth, excuse for such action. A professor story is that the buildings are still on clean out your desk and get that out got a package from home, and they and an indeterminate number of. per- should be able to compose tests that the hill, and that we have always been of the way. Let's see-,\there is the are dividing up the cake, Suddenly sonal opportunities for the develop- will adequately cover but not run over able to fight the long winter winds. desk? Oh, that's right. It must be 'you scream in fury. Your floor! All ment of individual talents. the allotted time. As part of their Not one student has been blown off under that big pile of books and pa- mud from their shoes-and the dust How long a list can we make of how training, college students should learn the Hill in this long period of time! pers under the window. You start to th~..zyou had swe~t out. in the hall is we are using these opportunities? \Ve to budget their test so as to finish work, tossing old papers and tests out bemg blown back m agam through the thrill when we read of someone who within the hour. The present situation the window-the waste-paper basket open door. Cake crumbs are scattered has achieved wide-spread fame and has many drawbacks. I Pins 'n Points has disappeared. Meanwhile, your on floor, desks, and beds. Big, dirty see that he is an alumnus of Western First, there is the student with a roommate, after giving the mop a shoes are reposing on desk tops as Maryland. What are we doing today, next period class. It is generally not Congratulations to Mitch Tullai and couple of passes over the middle of their owners are tilting their chairs what steps are we taking that will advisable for him to remain overtime, Libby Schubert, our Student Govern- the floor, mutters something about la- backward, calmly eating cake. At your make Western MarylaIl(l a better but at the same time half of the class ment leaders for next year. crosse' practice and .unobtrusively frantic protests they only laugh at school because we have been students probably will. Second is the student you .and drawl, "\Vhy, honey, we here? What foot-prints are we mak- who has budgeted the period so as to How about all those sun tans on ~~:~~:.~hi~i~~et::'t I~ยท;::~t~~h::ti!o~ didn't know you-all were such a tidy ing now that years hence our children finish within the hour. He must turn the campus 'now! Seems that quite a shout "Hey, you scrounge! Come back person. You'll make some gal a fine and grandchildren can point to with in a brief account while his classmates number of \VMC'ers spent their here!" to an empty room. It is too husband some day." pride? have time to include details and spring vacation in Florida-including late. And since you've started with You look at your roommate with Young people today do not have material which, if he had added, John Edwards, Ken Childrey, Dick the desk, you might as well finish scornful eyes. "Shirker," you say. less courage or less character than would have detracted from the coher- Durst, Bill Bartgis, Bud Earhardt, that much, anyway. "Sucker," he replies, and offers you a those of the past. They do not have ence of the paper. Third and perhaps Joe Eline, Jack Rall, Joe Luperini, Cleaning the desk is no easy job, piece of cake. You take it, scattering less integrity or less wisdom. The the. most important is the faculty Myron Brodie, Dick Carvel, Vince either. The drawer is stuck because it more crumbs on the floor. What the problem lies in the fact that in the viewpoint. Students who had to leave Landan, Sid Albritten, Sam "Zarita" is jammed full of books and odds and heck. You'll have football practice early days of our country there were or who finished on time mqet have Winston, and Ed Coffman7" next fall when it's his turn to clean only a very few older people who held thaiz- papers graded along with the the room. the reins of control. The young of the tests of students who were allowed Among the most recently engaged WMC's Best Friend . country determined its policies while more time. The paper is graded by are: Miss Grace Murray and Mr. Wil- a few elder statesmen advised, coun- what each student had done with a liam Tribert; Marilyn worden, '53, Though with your load or wires Diding--A Virtue! seled, and challenged. As the years certain question; but at the same time and Jack Frank; Dadie Davis, '52, bowed, passed, these young' people grew older whether consciously or unconsciously, and Dave Sartorio, '50; Mickie Rems- You stand so straight, so tall and Let it be understood that I have no and did not surrender their esteemed the professor compares answers. For burg, '52, and Carl Shea, '51; Bev proud, particular admiration for bulgy hips positions. As the years have continued the most part, the student who has \Varner, '53, and Paul Thronburg, Accepting peacefully all our blows, or double chins, but I think it is high to pass, each generation of young pee- had time to think and correlate during '52: Sue Besecker, ex-'54, and Michael And listening carefully to our woes. time for someone to dispute the im- ple has felt increasing inferiority as and beyond the hour's time will have a Graso. portance of slimness above all other the country has been governed by the more complete and unified paper. First one who fears she failed her characteristics. To be fat, or even "old and experienced." youth will The whole principle of testing rests The vocational testing and guid- test, comfortably upholstered in this day never get another chance to show its on the need for unified and standard ance service offered by the college But on you now bestows her best. and age labels one a slacker, a greedy capabilities unless we and all other testing conditions. There is a lack of will be available again this spring as Then he who thinks his grievance gourmand, a lazy indulgent person of college students begin now to believe, such standards and unity at Western it was last fall. Students should ece slight no pride, principle, or intelligence. think, and act in such a fashion that Maryland at the present which could Dr. Ridington in room 206, Lewis And simply comes to. rave and fight. So, periodically, I diet. I have sev- words will not be needed, that our be remedied by setting and' adher- Hall, not later than Thursday. .... eral medically-prescribed diet lists in foot-prints will be visible even now. ing to definite limits. A file of authoritative information One by one we seek your aid, my desk. I drag them out. The banana 'Phen and only then will we have Nancy Winkelman. in a wide variety of vocational fields Often frightened, or afraid. and skim milk list I toss into the merited the confidence of those now in is available for students use in Dr. You quiet us 'and calm our fears, waste basket. Never again can I see a control. The experience gained in col- Ridington's classroom. And send us home, no more in tears. bunch of bananas without remember- lege-here and elsewher~will then 1~~~Hgqlll ing the ten pounds I gained with their be valuable stepping stones into the Now to our friend so strong and true, assistance. I choose the most rigid life of our communities and our ria- We offer homage long past due. list; I am going the limit this time. tion. Tom Pa1Je In times of troubJe you help the most, Conscientiously I begin the diet. A It is so much easier to walk in the Our Western Maryland Kicking Post. head of lettuce, glass of unsweetened tracks others have made than to forge Wh-e-e-w! ! The posters have been -Shirley Woodruff. fruit juice, crisp toast without but- new ones of our own; and yet until removed, the votes have been tabu- ter, lots of skim milk, unflavored we do, we can expect to be considered lated, but the SGA election .will linger green vegetables, bJack coffee for din- "young and inexperienced." Let us in our memory. To our new SGA ner. I watch my roommate eat gener- each attempt to make at least one president, Mitch Tullai, and the vice- ously of roast beef, potatoes, and ineradicable mark upon our school president, Libby Schubert, we extend gravy. Finally the meal is. finished. that years hence we can note with our heartiest congratulations and I've been told that an empty stomach pride. Let us each strive to make foot- hopes for success in all'their endea- atimulatea the brain cells so here's prints that will bring success and vors during the coming school year. my chance to catch up on European glory to our Alma Mater, and in ~o It has been some time since the stu- history. I sit by the radio with the doing bring success and honor to our- dents have shown such active as well opened book before me. Through the selves. as artistic interest in a campus issue. air comes the mellow voice of Miss In the previous years, the number of Florence Brown of the Deelicious Sal- THE GOLD BUG students voting in this election has ad Dressing Company. of whipped "Add half pint been below fifty per cent of the stu- a dent body. We are happy to report cream," says Miss Brown in a pleas- that this mark was passed in the ant tone. I switch off the radio and last election. firmly return to Europe and her Prior to the spring vacation, a mem- troubles. ber of your. SGA was asked why the After a week of more or less polite lattice screen was never installed in torture, I am ravenous. My mind re- the Rec hall. Contrary to the opinion fuses to think of anything but food- of some few, this project has netbeen no matter what my occupation, I sit forgotten. When the plans for the staring into space acutely conscious ." -project were completed, they were of the ,,;acuum which is my stomach . -sa ." presented to the administration for an My roommate looks at me and frowns . -sa estimate of the cost involved. Surpris- "What in "the world is. the matter ." ." ingly enough, what seemed to be at with you! You've been cross as a _ '53 first a simple project has assumed the bear for two weeks. For Pete's sake, ___ ~udrey Groom. '53 __ BeUyWalter,'53 proportion of a major construction do something. I can't live in the same Photol!"rBpher Maurice Cubberley, '51 Cartooni.L __ . Jim Muller, '62 insofar as the cost is concerned. It room with you any longer." BUSINESS STAFF seems t;hat the price of the lattice I grasp at that straw. I try to Busin .... ManBl!"er Jack Loper, 'fiZ screen will be in the vicinity of one rationalize my behavior. Why do I Advertiaing Manage .... .Mary Hawkins. '52 Ward Gl""by, '52 hundred dollars. At this time, your want to be slim-in order to capture Circulation Managertl Peg Brown, '61 Glen Ashburn. '53 SGA is unable to finance such a' proj- the course of history, biological science has been furthered by the envy of my friends, who I must ect. It is hoped, however, that some courageous individuals who. refusing to tender obeisance to the limitations of admit are pleasingly plump? That arrangements can be made whereby social taboos or pseudo-scientific dogma upon comprehensive study of human strikes a bell. They're plump, I starve. the screen will be installed before or anatomy, have been willing to go to any sacrifice to secure subject material for It seems to me I saw a delicious piece during the next school year. their untiring elfortiJIn the field of disectomy. of strawberry shortcake somewhere.
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