Page 57 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 57
... ~h. Gold Bug, April.17, ~95L Terrors Down Nimrocls Win Mounts, 10-1 Season's Finale riflemen beat the West- The Terror minster Rifle and Gun Club for the Phipps Pitches second time, 901-868, in a shoulder-to match on the victor's range. shoulder It was the Green Team's last match Three Hitter of the season, and the victory enabled the squad to complete its schedule Behind the effective three-hit pitch- with an even record of five wins ing of Jerry Phipps, the Terror base- against five losses. ball squad downed Mt. St. Mary's, Bill Rhoads topped the scoring for 10-1, in a Mason-Dixon contest, last the horne squad with a total of 185 Saturday on Hoffa Field. points. Dave Buffington fired one point In becoming the first pitcher to go less, 184, for second position. Tied for the entire route for Coach Boyer, third place were Ralph Gorten and Phipps yielded only three safeties. Dennis Boyle, each with a mark of One of these, a second-inning double, 178. Happy Patchett completed the followed an error and a sacrifice and fu-st five with a score of 176. resulted in the losers' lone run. Along The highest individual total score the way Phipps issued nine free for the season's shoulder-to-shoulder passes but was tough when men were matches was 2691 points amassed by on the bases and claimed eight strike- Dave Buffington. Ralph Gorten shot out victims. Not only did he excel on the second highest total with an over- the pitcher's mound but he also con- all score of 2681. In: third place, was nected for two singles and a double, Dave Rhoads with 2322 points. Thc thus equalling the entire output of his high spot of the team's season was its opponents. In addition he drove in big victory over John Hopkins Uni- three runs, scored two, and stole one versity. base. ' QUl.!st'ionable Decision--Jack Urion slides into third in the lGAlthalf of the ninth against Yale. Jack 1O(l-8 ntled out. A fine performance, both offensively Peg Brown and defensively, was also turned in a Lacrosse Bows To Green Terrors Stop Mounts by Lefty Kaufman, who enjoyed Wins Awarcl perfect day at the plate. He walked Norm Needle and Dan Honemann In Ninth Inning Rally, 10-9 . four times and had a "single and a Williams InOpener joint meeting of the Women's A double in six times at the plate. How- Athletic Association and the Women's ever, credit must be given to the en- tallied as WMC bowed to Williams in Student Government was held to pre- tire team for all-round spirit and A ninth inning rally enabled West- sent the new Women's Student Gov- teamwork displayed throughout the lacrosse, 14-3. ern Maryland's baseball nine to cap- ernment President, Libby Schubert, is coached year's This game. _ Bruce Ferguson. team On the first string by Tennis Squad Beats ture its opener of the season as they and the final honor award in athletics. This was the second victory of the attack positions are Norm Needle, downed Mt. St. Mary's, 10-9. This award was made by Dean How- season for the Green team, both com- Bob Ebert, and Vince Landau, all LoyolaGreyhounds Dick Linton paced the winners with ery to Pog Brown. Selection of the ing at the expense of the Mounts. seasoned veterans. Filling out this The Terror tennis team won their three' hits in four times at bat. student to receive the award is based While the first meeting was a con- position are Carville Downes and first match of the current season on Jack Urion and Lefty Kaufman hit on spirit, service, and scholarship in test all the way, the second game was Perry Levinson. The veterans on the April 11, when they eked out a 5~4 safely twice for the Green-and-Gold. addition to the athletic accomplish- decided in the second inning when the defense are Dave Rhoads and Ed victory over the Loyola Greyhounds. Joe Keenan started on the mound ment. To be eligible a senior must Tenors broke a one-one tie by scoring Crawford, with newcomers Sid Albrit- Ned Brown led the victors in the for the Terrors but was forced to re- have earned 1200 points in the partici- five times. They added two runs in tain and Don Radcliffe working for tire in the fifth inning due to a sore pation of sports. each of their last two times at bat to the job. All four are destined to see a singles as he downed his Loyola op- arm, with Pat Biddle and Bob Bartl Softball practice is underway, di- ponent two sets to one. Captain Bobby insure victory. Along with their ten lot of action this season. In the mid- Talner and newcomer Merrill Trader finishing up. Bartl stopped the Mt. ~t. rected by Miss Parker. Mondays and runs they collected 12 hits and were field spot, we see veterans Dan Hone- were also victorious by 2~1. Mary's batsmen in the last of the Wednesdays practice will start at guilty of three errors, while the Mt. mann and Howard W:!Igenblast, with In the doubles, Hallmark and Tra- ninth to become the winning pitcher. 4:15 and 3:30 is the time set for the St. Mary's team misplayed five times two outstanding newcomers, Chick der won two easy sets. Brown and Trailing 9-8 with eight frames com- remaining days. Assistants in the in addition to its one run and three Silberstein and John Mallonee, fight- Sack had won their firut set, 6-4, but pleted, Western Maryland iced the softball program are Jean Hoyt, Ina hits. ing for the third position on defense. dropped the second 0-6. This was the contest with a two-run uprising. Grice, .Bobbie Davidson, Peg Brown, Filling out the midfield spot are Art match-deciding set. and the Western Kaufman led. off with. a fly l.!alJ'V.hlch Lois Ohler and Jo Kohner. Miss Todd is arranging
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