Page 56 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 56
2 The Gold Bug. April 17. 1951 King Solomon's Jewelry Box WeS"e By The Papers Let's take a look in some old issues Ah, come with me, my fearless against monotony or a great desire of the GOLD BUG to-see what was Some weeks ago, we wrote an editorial concerning school spirit and de- friends, to the land of the safari and for individuality in donning a va- happening on the campus at this same fined it as that quality which causes a student body to do that which is "beyond the cobra-let us live vicariously! riety of bones, scars, an~ colorfully- the call of duty." It is with the greatest of pride that we can commend our- Just change yourself into a delightful printed sarongs. Inhibitions seem to time of year way back in March and . April of 1942. selves for the achievement of the last few weeks in over-subscribing onr quota tarantula or anteater and yon will not be lost completely as they twist them; for the Student Drive of the Mid-Century Advancement Campaign. fail to encounter one of the illustrious selves into grotesque positions, with- Dean Bertha Adkins at the seventy- In many cases when students try to personages of my picaresque tale. Or out straining a ligament. Conversa- second annual Investiture Service raise money, it becomes a thankless if you are one of those characters who tion is completely unintelligible ex- urged retrospection and faith in her task for those in charge and a par- has to get into the act"be a snake- cept for one portion which sounds like speech. At this time, one hundred and two seniors made the trip down ticularly disagreeable topic for the almost any African breed will do, for "yon go, I go, we go, ugh." They all students themselves. This was not the our plot jumps from snake to snake. went; so the interpretation is pos- to Alumni Hall in their caps and gowns. case here, largely due to the planning Tom Page The heroine of our narration is no sible. of Harry LeFew, student chairman, less than miraculous in adjusting The witnessing of the film appar- The seniors chose Yellow JfLcket as With the coming of spring, a young and his committee. man's-and a young girl's-thoughts herself to new stimuli--cast of her ently causes great reaction in the the May play. We are told by the pa- the play is known as the per that There is an old saying to the effect often stray from the beaten path. own volition from high English so- audience as.they jump when a snake Chinese Pilgrims' Progress. that where there is a will, there is a Rules and regulations are often re- ciety to the depths of the jungle and strikes, scream at alligators and other Junior class signed Charlie Strong way-a saying proved once again in garded as evils to be ignored whenever becoming a "nature girl" overnight. minor characters. The desert scene is as the band to play for the Junior- this drive. If the students are not in possible. However, to avoid unneces- She retains her l?ale beauty through- extremely effective. Throats become Senior Prom. / suppor-t of a campus move, it as- sary conflict with the college cal- out the struggle, seldom perspiring, parched and there is a mass migra- suredly will fail. In this case, the stu- endar, it is imperative that certain yet taking only one bath. Her crown- tion to the water fountain. Toward In 1942, our tennis team, which was dents saw and realized ·their responsi- rules be followed. Those organizations ing glory is most amazing as it dries the end of the movie, the audience is coached by Frank Hurt, was reported bility to support a nation-wide cam- wishing to sponsor any form of school and curls in minutes. Immediately af- accustomed to surprising events and to be the best in recent years. paign designed to raise money to help activity must first, submit an appli- ter snapping off her long bronze wig, is assured that the hero will always That year our opening baseball the etudenta themselves, and suc- cation to the Activities Committee. In she is seen with soft, natural curls- arr-ive on the scene. Though they sit game with Syracuse went fifteen in- ceeded in their effort. the event that the. activity is to be could this be competition for Toni? tensely with legs doubled under them nings and ended in a 6-6 tie. The A goal of $3500, approximately $5 held in Blanche Ward or McDaniel And the hero is every girl's dream and jump at the slightest touch, there game was pitched by Lee Lodge, who per student, was established for the Lounge, Miss .I'odd, Mrs. Veale, Miss of the ideal-a civilized Tarzan. He is little doubt that they will soon re- went all the way. Student Drive, and each class' goal Parker, or Mrs. Jefferson should be is invulnerable to every threat, except turn to normal. If not, you know what Edna Triesler was picked as May was fixed in proportion to its size. notified well in advance. Only after the female, weakening immediately to todo ... Queen to rule over a court of twelve To date, $3947 has been collected or the application has been approved by the heroine's charm, thongh att{mpt- The end of the story is most ex- attendants. pledged. The senior' class has gone the Activities Committee should the ing to be mercenary and blame it on pected and the only possibility. As First Opera in WMC history was over the top, nine dollars above their publicity for the affair be initiated. In the money. Luckily, he has a son, the hero and heroine have naturally held to help celebrate the Seventy- goal of $700; and the sophomores the future let us keep these few rules which makes this more convincing. The fallen in love, it is a great stroke of Fifth Anniversary of this fair col- have collected $1135, passing their in mind when we are planning some brother is a rather minor character luck that the husband has passed lege. The opera was presented by the goal of $1025. The juniors and rresh, campus affair. acting as a chaperone, but disappear- away. For three is a crowd, and a music department and was called the men are still at work, having reached Somewhat along the same line, it ing at convenient times by climbing a husband would no doubt cause more Soncetreee. $639 of a goal of $900 and $707 of a has been suggested that the various tree. complications than a brother. So as Both Preachers and Black and $845 goal respectively. Citations will organizations on the Hill schedule The supporting cast no doubt num- the safari fades away in the distance, Whites had tea dances with their sis- be awarded at a future assembly to their picnics or spring outings prior bers in thousands and is quite im- we are forced to depart from the ter sororities at spring events. those groups now over-subscribing to the last two weeks of this school pressive upon one with a strong jungle recesses with great reluctance. Students were running down to the their mark: the school, the seniors, year. It is hoped that this suggestion stomach. They display either rebellion Let us hope that the hero finds a Carroll Theatre to see Katherine Hep- and the sophomores. will both increase attendance at the helicopter so that our heroine may burn in 1V0man of tlw Year, and Ab- Many students should be com- affairs and eliminate the conflict that It's Spring! return in one piece and with at least bott and Costello in Ride' En!. Cowboy. mended for their part in this effort, usually occurs when activities are partial sanity. At the State, they had a western whether they served as captains or. held during exam week. Keep this According to the calendar, Spring called Sad4lem.fLtes, and Jesse James solicitors. The class captains were: th1mght in mind when you are sched- officially began weeks ago, but we at At Bay was due for Saturday night. Angela Crothers and Malcolm Meltz- uling that get-together. WMC know that spring is not really The Easy Way Coach Havens started spring foot- er, 'senior class; Millard LesCallette Everybody likes souvenirs, and per- here until: ball drills with thirty-three men- and Jack Lambert, junior class; Jane haps Americans are the greatest the flowers bloom in Robinson Spring is in the air and in back of one of the best team turn-outs in McLeod and Ashby Collins, sopho- souvenir hunters. Evidently, posters Garden ' every senior's mind is the idea of a years. more class; and Janet Cross and Dick from the bulletin board are now to he the April showers bring out all future of success. Yes, this is the time Carvel, for the freshmen. regarded as valued momentos. While the daggone, twenty-feet worms of year that all college seniors start to Organizations on the Hill also have it is agreed that the posters do make which cover the walls to think of- the fU,ture and start which Color, Please passed their goal of $700. The fra- choice decorations for the bedroom couples begin studying together prepare for some occupation ternities, sororities, day students, and walls, once again your Student Gov- on the brow £f the Hill will benefit all mankind and at the The peacock spreads his tail and other groups have offered $757 toward everyone starJs planning for that same time make them multi-million- unfurls a rainbow of gorgeous hues, the drive. ernment would like to request that weekend in-O.O~ ,... .uires, while his subduedc.Ii ttle hen trails students refrain the from removing The Concert of Song was an event signs until the activity has taken ; the stagfparfies become drag Ou·~ advice-·fs to aim· high-c-real meekly along behind him. But, in the prepared and presented by the stu- Mrs. V. and Mrs. J. insist on high. Don't take any old job, look human world, it is the woman who dents solely for the benefit f!.f the place. :~~:; ·h'ouse,; cleaning of dorm around. Be particnlar. If a corpora- gets the contents of an artist's paint campaign. A profit of $139 has been On the 28th and 29th of this month, tion offers you a position as third posts on her Easter bonnet, while her divided among the four classes. The the National Student Government As- the long way home means via the vice-president, hold out for a second husband must be content with the If they offer you a vice-presidency. concert itself was quite successful and scciation will hold a, conference at seventh green dull, drab dregs. Nature lovers make will be repeated in part in Baltimore Howard University. Your Student there are radishes in the dining position as a board member, hold out much of the little brown wren, but to open the regional drive there. Council has been invited to send rep- hall salads until they see that you are just the human women are seldom as drab as man to become president of the board. Benefit movies have also been used resentativea to this meeting and sev- golf-addicts appear with sun- and Yes, you should aim high because you she. The female of the species is used as a step toward the quota. The eral members have agreed to attend. wind-burned faces are now a college graduate, and of gaudier than the male. sophomores presented Henry V Iest The primary purpose of this organ- •there is a dash for the tennis course you're no more than any of Men did not always dress in quiet month, and the freshmen- have slated ization is to help improve the effec- courts on Saturday afternoons your future employers. grays and muted browns; once they the seniors ate invested The Magnificent YankeI.' at the Car- tiveness of all student councils for the Now I know you are asking yourself rivaled their wives and sweethearts roll Theater this Saturday. Downtown social and economic betterment of the the steps of Old Main are crowd- just how to go about obtaining such a in the use of color. Those were the cooperation has been exceptional. The world. Membership in the association ed position. There are a few short cut good old days, when men wore red townspeople have once again rallied will'enconrage a constant exchange of Dr. Earp stops wearing his plaid methods which will work 98 per cent velvet breeches and blue satin waist- behind the College on the students' be- tested and approved ideas between the hat of the time. You must carry out our coats and silver buckles on their half. various schools. The results of, this sororities start planning rush proven rules to the letter. It is im- shoes. And a man wasn't a man, with- Finally, but none the less, congrat- meeting will be announced in a later - parties portant that you do just as told in this out his claret hose and his pale ver- spring fever attacks ulations should go to you, the students issue. including the profs. everyone- • brief outline which follows. million ruffles! who have so ably supported the drive. Method number one is to find out But, somehow, through the years, Without your help, no campaign can just what company you would consent men's clothes have become more sober and first more your until somber, succeed, even with clever planning. It to have as an employer. Then start to thought is where are they laying out is to be hoped that outsiders and al- date the president's beautiful secre- •the body1 There is still a little color umni will observe this student reac- tary--or better still, his daughter. in our modern scene. Little boys are tion to the advance and will let our success serve as a model in each fu- After a week or so, when she falls in dressed in pastels, bigger boys wear ture regional drive as Western Mary- love with you, let her propose mar- loud ties and gaily striped socks, col- land strives on toward its goal of riage. Before you consent to marry lege boys cling to blazing sweaters and bright coats; but when they be- her, lovingly force upon her the re- $1,500,000. sponsibility of getting you a job with come men,· they put away childish the firm. This not only helps you get things. a fine position, but a wife with a large There are a few brave souls who income. defy conventions; but these are classed It is hard to see why method num- either as geniuses (those who have ber one will not work for everybody, made their million) or as Bohemians but just in case you have some trouble, (those who don't want to make a mil- here comes number two. In number lion and probably couldn't). The first two, you find out a little something are conceded to be eccentric, and the about the future employer's past. second arc always expected to do the Walk in his office and threaten to ex- unconventional. pose a juicy piece of information to But the average man hasn't va the world unless he makes you a chance. His clothes are dictated for member of the firm. every occasion. And he will go Number three is only to be used if through life wearing the same dull the first two have failed to bring the fabrics his grandfather wore. Clothes -ea desired results. This time you tell make the man-very subdued. Per- -ss -ea your future employer that unless he haps someday men willjrise, and he -sa '", hires you at once, you shall shoot, will have a Rainbow Revolution. Till -sa kill, or kidnap one or more members then, to the women belong the colors. 'sa __ ur~y room. '53 of his immediate family. If by some __ Betty Waiter, '53 Photograpber__~Maudce Cuhberley, '51 chance this method does not work, pull C8t1.oonist_~ 11m Muiler, '62 out 11forty-five pistol, hold it to his that unless he signs over the entire BUSINESS STAFF head, and let him know ' that you'll corporation, at once, you shall leap to Bu.iness Manager_. J"ck Loper, '52 blow his brains out unless you get your doom. Tell him that he shall be M"n"gers Mary Hawkins, '52,'52 your way. your murderer, that he will have your CIrculation Managers. peg Brown, ·51 Gl~n Asbburn. '53 Don't wander away, seniors, be- blood upon his hands. cause we have one more little trick See how easy it is to opta.ln the job Dndi~ Arnold, Angela Croth~rs, Tom Dr),den, left up our sleeve. In method number that you want with the firm you have Tom Dougla.s, Jay Eggly, Harry Grsnder, five, you run to the top floor of "the chosen. \Vrite in care of this paper Nell Hugb"", Jan .. Logan, Betty McWiIHams, Malcolm MeIner, Cbri$ Miller, Lee Saunders. building, open the window, and in- and let us know just how our method Dorothea Sobmidt. Bob Schnitzer, Ed Shat.- form this very dull, stupid executive has been able to help you. tuck, Paul Tbronbunr. It's -Ed. He wants to borrow your styptic. ... --~-=-~'"='-~ ....=~ .... ""'"'"'~-.,.-
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