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.( The Gold Bug, March 6, 1951 High 0" The Hill Wednesday, March 7 LibJIrY Accepts Gift College Calenclar presented was recently The library with a set of the Yale Shakespeare. Bachelor Open House, Club Room, the volumes in Department presented by Malcolm L. Meltzer Wrestling Tournament, Towson Mr. Dean Hendrickson of the English 7 p. m. Bouvivant extrodinaire~that's Jim memory of his son, Milton Humphreys Hendrickson. Each volume contains Culhane; freely translated that means Thursday, March S 'roume- an entire play with commentaries by Mason-Dixon Basketball -c-one heck of a nice guy. The class of ment, Washington, D. C. well-known authorities in the field. 1951 was almost denied the friendship He also gave the library a partial set and leadership of this genial, smiling, Friday, March 9 of Shakespeare's works edited and Irishman, because Jim first matricu- Mason-Dixon Basketball 'I'ourna- noted by George L. Kittredge. The lated at Western Maryland in 1944. ment, Washington, D. C. books are expected to be used widely But Uncle Sam had other plans for Saturday, March 10 by students in conjunction with the Jim; so, donning his khakis, Jim was Military Ball, Gill Gym, S:15 p. m. Shakespeare course offered by the off for a short stay in Korea. (Al- Mason-Dixon Basketball Tourna- English Department. though Jim is the instigator of many ment, Washington, D. G. movements, he had nothing to do with Sunday, March 11 The Doubleday Publishing Com- the present situation in Korea.) Sunday School, Musical Worship pany has also recently presented the Nevertheless, Jim's perseverance pre- Program, Baker Chapel, library with a number of fiction books. vailed, and he returned to the Hill in 9:15 a. m. They are to be used on a service basis 194'7, passing first year Spanish five Chapel, Reverend Haskell R. Deal, since the company is experimenting years after he had begun it. To keep Speaker, Alumni Han, 7 :15 p. m. with a new binding technique. Al"Q-ong the record straight, however, Jim is Fireside: McDaniel Lounge, the 24 books are many of the popular an excellent student, majoring in 8:15 p. m. best sellers by Daphne du Maurier, economics and minoring in mathe- Monday, March 12 Thomas B. Costain, Frank Yerby, matics. This staunch Eastern Shore- French Club, McDaniel Lounge" and Elizabeth Goudge. They should man first saw the light of day in Den- 6:46 p. m. be good recreational reading. ton, but Federalsburg now claims him Camera Club, 310 Science Hall, as a native son. by Peg Kerns by Russ Deraeon: and Dave Heiberg 7 p. m. In Many Activities My first Impression of Pat dates "Get your fudgic1es, banjos, and Tuesday, March 13 "MEET AT Without meaning to cast aspersions back some ten years ago and even half pints of rocky fudge." This fa- Assembly, Dr. Robert Cook, on his proboscis, Jim has his nose in then her creative nature was operat- miliar cry, heard in the men's dorms Speaker, Alumni Hall, many activities on the Hill. Winning ing furiously; she and her pig-tailed after 10 p. m., heralds the approach 11:30 a. m. world-wide fame as the blind soccer coterie were flitting about on a neigh- of "01 Dad" as he hawks his wares. Wednesday, March 14. player, Jim has been a member of the bor's lawn, wearing gauze suits and For those who are uninformed Lutheran Students Meeting, Mc- varsity booters for three seasons. dancing to the tune of the "Nut- "Dad" is the nick-name for Jay Eg- Daniel Lounge, 6:45 p. m. Journalistic talents have been evident cracker Suite" played on an obsolete gly, one of the campus humorists. AI- Student Concert of Song, Advance- To Get Your Eats" from time to time as Jim .contributed Victrola. The occasion . . . a lawn most any social event on campus can ment Campaign Benefit, Alumni to the GOLD BUG and to the ALO- fete! Pat reflects that it was a "mas- be assured of success by engaging the Hall, 8:15 p. m. Main St.-Red Neon Sign HA. But dearest to his heart is the sacred version of the Midsummer services of our modern joke encyclo-~ Saturday, March 17 Alpha Gamma Tau Fraternity, of Night's Dream on the Gilbert and pedia. His talent was a substantial Spring Recess Begins, 12 Noon which he has been a member since his Sullivan level" and yet it typifies the aid to our winning team in the- TV Tuesday, March 27 sophomore year. After serving as the annual McLaren lawn fete of which Talent Tussle, and his knack for .Sprmg Recess Ends, 7:50 a. m. minutes-reader the first semester, Jim she was composer, author, producer, writing snappy dialogue played a sig- Faculty Recital, Mr. Oliver K. IF YOU CAN'T GET IT has stepped ably into the drivers seat choreographer, stage designer, actor, nificant part in the popularity of the Spangler, Alumni Hall, as the president of the Bachelors. manager and publicity agent. An as- Junior Follies. 8:15 p. m. AT THE BOOK STORE Along with this honor, Jim assumed sortment, but none of them the less To be sure, Jay's accomplishments Friday, March 30 the presidency of the Interfraternity suited to her abilities. are not limited to frivolous pursuits. Apollo Boys' Choir Concert, TRY Council and now guides that organi- The most concise way of describing A veteran of Army service with con- Alumni Hall, 8:15 p. m. zation and the Pan-Hel Council. her- is to Isay that she is an artist, aiderable duty overseas, Jay is major- Sunday, April 1 COFFMAN'S Nevertheless, these positions do not actress, musician, and dealer in fan- ing in economics here at WMC. He Sunday School, Baker Chapcl, restrain Jim from .soliciting for the tasy, ~ imaginative pursuits in gen- puts his theoretical knowledge to good 9:15 .a. m. ALOHA and the Mid-Century Cam- eral. Pooh, Peter Church Mouse, and use as Keeper of the Keys of the sen- Chapel, Rabbi Abraham Shaw, Bal- Oheb Shalom Congregation, paign fund or from doing odd jobs Stuart Little found their way to her ior class treasury and in operating a timore, Alumni Hail, 7:15 p. m. Stationery Store for the senior class or Student Gov- because she's on the look-out for such lucrative business at Ocean City, New ernment. western Maryland is about creatures that most would overlook, Jersey. The .GOLD BUG has laid Fireside, McDaniel Lounge, 'rimes Building to graduate a fine citizen and an ex- unless they too like to walk at night claim to his services in the circulation 8: 15 p. m. cellerrt leader. in the rain; sfudy strange people, eX4 department, and his pleasing manner Monday, April 2 CREPE PAPER The only thing ever known to plore the realm of the extraordinary has served him well in the capacity of Assembly, Dr. Felix Morley, GREETING CARDS frighten Jim CulhanerIe to wake up and pet every dirty "animule" on the advertising manager of the ALOHA. Speaker, Alumni Hall, in the morning and see His roommate, streets. Jay's administrative ability has been 11:30 a. m. SCHOOL SUPPLIES Mole, flexing his muscles. But Jim, There was rumor once of a couple of often used in various offices in the IRC Meeting, McDaniel Lounge, better known as the Walking Bible, people who took a caterpillar to Ford's Gamma Beta Chi Fraternity, and he 7 p. m. undaunted by this worldly display, theater in a matchbox, but Lem would is president of that group for the Baseball, Mt. St. Mary's, away carries his message of salvation to all know more about that than I. After semester. the rooms of McKinstry Hall. This all, he's the one who gave her the Whether he aspires to a career in wonderful sense of humor is his silver Band at Christmas time ... the the business world or to a prominent Auldridge' 5 G.C. Murphy & Co. major-forte, and will undoubtedly as- one that means engaged, not married! place in the field of entertainment, sure his success in all his ventures. The state of being engaged affords Jay's sparkling humor and keen judg- The Friendly Store He is repeatedly called upon to act as time for Pat to decide how irregular ment should assure eventual success Laundromat master of ceremonies, and perhaps his meal hours can be, how time can be in any activity that may lure him in best known performances were his budgeted to allow for frequent excur- its direction Locust Street Dormitory and Classroom nomination speeches (7) in the Stu- sions to the book stores about New Suppliea dent Government meetings. Unforget- York City, and how talent can be di- Greeting Cards Convenient table to say the least. And that is a verted in the tasteful eccentricities of Antiques good way to sum up Jim Culhane--- interior decor-ation-c-f there'Il be hand- Gifts Inexpensive 6·10 West Main Street one of the most unforgettable charac- painted murals on the wall, you can Laundering Westminster, Md. ters I've ever met! bet). Georgianna Galliher When it comes to adaptabilities, I think Pat must be hoarding. She's an Everybody Is Welcome art major, holds up the bull fiddle in 164 W. Main St. To Stop In At orchestra, plays "Penthouse Sere- Conveniently nade" on the piano among other Located near the M.rgard & Earl's ' things, beats a path between home Hill Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and (she's a day-student) and Alumni fo, Hall in behalf of the College Players Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Holidays. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 and rehearsals. p- m. Evening show 9 p. m. Week- HoUday•• SANDWICHES- During first semester Pat engaged Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. day.shows continuous from 4:30 p. m. SOFT DRINKS in practice-teaching ~ (she will no Matinee 2 p. m.~Evenings 7 &: 9 p. m. WED., THUR., MARCH 7, 8 Weltmiruter'. FRESHMEN INVITED doubt be an art teacher j c-cthe experi- New Modern Drug Store ONCE A THIEF ence wasn't altogether new for her. WED., THUR., MARCH 7, S Caesar Romero__ June Havoc She was spirited away to Camp Loch- .THE MUDLARK FRI.'R~AZUEM~W:R9, 10 earn again last summer where, on the DRUGS Irene Dunne Alec Guiness s)te of a New England.' lake, she SCHOOL SUPPLIES Rory Calhoun __ EIIye Marshall Griffin's little ones. COSMETICS Mark Stevens Alex Nichol SUN·'lA~~ls~~~~C Luez FRI., SAT., MARCH 9, 10 learned the psychology of coping with ~i~8rN11,13 TARGET UNKNOWN Laurette SODAS Not even the bits I're mentioned are among the greatest of her deeds: SUN., MON., TUES., MARCH 11-13 w~~"iI~~\{~iJr~~~~A~E15 EASTER CARDS Pat was nigh on to drowning once Bixler and Guild CALL ME MISTER Forrest Tucker Adel Mara when she up and saved herself and Dan Dailey Betty Grable all because, as she says, "I'm mad Drug Co. FRI., SAT., MARCH 16, 17 NOVELTIES about life--couldn't do without it," as WED., THUR., MARCH 14, 15 SPOILERS OF THE PLAINS a matter of fact! It's a good thing MR. UNIVERSE R~y ~oge:s GOOD FOOD 'cause otherwise the senior class John and Main Sts. Jack Carson Janice Page might not have a historian and there FRI., SAT., MARCH 16, 17 SU~TfGOENT~~~~~d~' 26 would be one less artist in the world. TOMMYHAWK Wayne Morris Yvonne DeCarlo * * Van Heflin TUES., WED., MARCH 27, 28 Double Feature Tomorrow - March 7 - Is The Big Day SUN., Mr?:MO~UEJRJ'~A~i~5, 26, 27 DEPORTED A "BACHELOR DAY" A Bob Hope MARCH 28, 29 THUR., Double Feature GIRL UNDERCOVER Lucille Ball IT'S FRI., MARCH 29, 30 WED., THUR., HENRY 1 Help Us Celebrate Our Twenty-seventh Anniversary 1 Laurence Olivier V Robert Newton PRIDE OF MARYLAND WOMEN MISSING Everyone Invited to the Big Party in the .FRI., SAT., MARCH 30, 31 SATURDAY, MARCH 31 THE GROOM WORE SPURS T CLUB ROOM - WEDNESDAY NITE - 6,30 - 8,30 P. M. T Gingers Rogers Jack Carson LAW OF THE BAD LANDS Tim McCoy Refreshments - - Students and Faculty Welcome SUN., MON., TUES., APRIL 1, 2, 3 SUN., MON., TUES., APRIL 1~3 LULLABY OF BROADWAY THE ENFORCER Doris Day Gene Nelson Humphrey Bogart Zero Mostel
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