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~The Gold Bug, April 17. 1951 High, On The Hill College Calendar Wednesday, April 18 Follow Thursday assembly schedule. Assembly, Baltimore City College Wednesday, April 25 by Angela. Orothers ~i~:oc;~~~oncert, Alumni Hall, ROTC Inspection. Baseball, Gettysburg, away. "Dodie"-this short, catchy little Tennis, Hopkins, home. Tennis, George Washington, away. nickname brings to the mind's eye a Thursday, April 19 Economics Club, McDaniel Hall, 7 clever little gal known formally as Golf, Hopkins, away. p.m. Dorothy Arnold. Her loquacity- and Home Ec Meeting, Lab, 6:30 p. m. Thursday, April 26 constant prattle give the cesual s ac- Friday, April 20 Follow Wednesday Schedule. quaintanee the impression of a giddy' Baseball, Loyola, away. Baseball, Catholic U, away. chatterbox. A closer observation, how- Golf, Gettysburg, home. Friday, April 27 ever, will reveal an unusually verbose Spring Concert, Western Maryland Carroll County Eisteddfod, Alumni conversationalist, thus giving the clue Little Symphony Orchestra, Alum- Hall, 8:15 p. m. to this petite senior's true intellectual ni Hall, 8:15 p. m. Saturday, April 28 faculties. Her ability to learn quickly Saturday, April 21 Tennis, Gettysburg, away. and easily enable her to spend a riNni- Tennis, Catholic U, home. Lacrosse, Drexel, away. mum amount of time on her studies. Lacrosse, Dickinson, away. Sunday, April 29 Before entering Western Maryland Freshman Benefit Movie, Carroll Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9:15 College in the fall of 1947, a year was ' Theater. a.m. devoted to secretarial training at the Sunday, April 22 Chapel, Rev. Dr. T. Guthree Speers, Baltimore Business College. Although Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9:15 B row n Memorial Presbyterian this equipped her for the excellent job a. m. Church, Baltimore, Alumni Hall, which she has done as secretary of the Chapel, Girls' Glee Club Concert, 7:15 p. m. psychology department, Dodte has no Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. Fireside, Me Daniel Lounge, 8:15 desire to perpetuate that "secretary's Fireside, McDaniel Lounge, 8:15 p. m. spread," of which she frequently com- p. m. Monday, April 30 plains. Monqay, April 23 Baseball, Loyola, home. A sociology major with a strong, FTA Meeting, Mcfraniel Hall, 7 Golf, Loyola, away. psychology minor, she has changed P. M. Argonaut Banquet, Reformed her vocational designs again, and this 'Camera Club Meeting, 310 Science Church, 6 p. m. summer will take an Elementary Hall, 7 p. m. Dottie Phillips, Russ Derago?~, a,n4 Dodie' Arnold ========== SMITH &: REIFSNIDER ~c:\~:~n~e~ce~;f;~t~~~t~o:% ::ru~::c~:' Incorporated by Na:m;y Winkelman by Jay EgglY ing second grade in Baltimore County. ALUMNI ~~~~C:~BGE TO THE LUMBER-COAL "Heaven protect us, we'll all be Hi! Got a fe\'{ free minutes? Good. "That's a good grade to get, 'euz at WESTMINSTER, MD. killed." No one has ever discovered Let'a take a look into the future. that age they think you're a goddess just why we're all in imminent dan- It's the year 1963 and we find that or somethin'!" Everybody Is Welcome ger of death but Miss Doris Lee Phil- for the weekly chapel service, which is The College Players have been .J, WM. HULL,J~w.l.r lips seems to be firmly convinced of no longer compulsory, almost every "proud to claim Dodie as one of their To Stop In At the fact. student and even a larger number of members for the past two years.' She For Over Half Century Although a few little jobs such as faculty than usual are present .to hear is well remembered as "Cecily," a Margaret & Earl'. photography editor of the ALOHA, the words of wisdom from an out- ward of "Ernest" in the Homecoming Expert Watch, Jewelry Sigma treasurer, practice teaching, standing alumnus of our college. A pr'ay. Dramatics is a serious subject and Eye-Glass Repairing and GOLD BUG reporting take up man that in just a few years has al- with this' girl and one of her major SANDWICHES- some of her time, Dottie always man- ready received outstanding acclaim in interests. ages to spend a few moments each his chosen field. ' Likes Interior Decorating 105 W. Main Street SOFT DRINKS day with her favorite toys, Buzzy Doctor Ensor. walks slowly to the Next in line to this very favorite FRESHMEN INVITED Bee and Terrence, the seal. /J._nof- center of the stage, lays his Bible on subject of the "theatah" is home dec- ficial member of the Procrastinator's the podium and prepares to start his orating, a course which Dorothy took Club, she' only misses the nightly introductory remarks. As he starts to in her junior year. Since that time, meetings for 11 :00 o'clock-late leaves. talk, we note a deep sound of pride in her conversations have frequently SHEET MUSIC Save Money Miss Phillips, as she's known to her his voice. We hear him saying, "To- been colored with advice from the Save Trouble eighth graders, will expound at length night we have with us an outstanding home eo dept. concerning proper POPULAR~TANDARD on any known aspect of 'China and Episcopalian clergyman, who just a placement of fireplaces, colors of din- CLASSICAL keeps a private list handy of synonyms few years ago was a member of our ing room floor coverings, etc. Could BAUGHER'S special homonyms, and antonyms.· After college family. Before coming to West- you enjoy your dinner in a room with RECORDS spending three weeks trying to teach ern Maryland Cbllege as a student in anything but soft tones? MEAL TICKETS the aforementioned, she has now de- 1948, our speake'r served in the U.S. Among other things, Dodie was sub- Choose from a Large Selection 1 Now On Sale veloped a passionate love for tran- Navy and attended Champlain Col- scription agent and copy editor of the sitive verbs. Practice teaching also lege in Plattsburg, New York for one ALOHA. The Delts chose her for their Stu'. Music Shop includes library work for Dottie. At year. On our campus, our speaker-In- secretary the first semester this year, 34 W. Main St. - Phone 585 Worth $5.50 - Cost $5.00 Catonsville she is known' as "the in- itiated the Canterbury Club move- and as roommate to the present prexy; teresting new addition to the library." ment and at the same time became an she's an unofficial V.P. of this organ- Enjoys Traveling active member of the Gamma Beta ization. \Veekend trips are Doris Lee's spe- Chi fraternity. As a member of the One of Dodie's major attainments ciality. She travels in a broadening Gamma Bets he held the office of of which few persons are aware, is her MURRAY CLEANERS Good Health circle anywhere from Baltimore to Chaplain for one semester and was aquatics ekill-c-swimming, that is. To' Philadelphia, occasionally including secretary in his senior year. Summer is eagerly anticipated and it. the hometown, Hurlock, Md. It was to "In 1~5_O-51he waselected president goes without saying that this is her Pick Up and Delivery this small spot on the Eastern Shore of SCA. We believe that he was the favorite sport, and as she herself Every All that she once lured ten unsuspecting first Episcopalian student to hold this would be quick to say, really her only Western Marylanders, who returned office, and needless to say, he did an accomplishment in the sporting field. _Monday and Thursday From to campus several pounds heavier and outstanding job. Dodie'e "amiable, generous per- sadly in need of sleep. It seems that "Our guest majored in both sociolo- sonality and volubility will continue to \ Phone REXALL parties in thp.t neck of the woods take gy and philosophy and also did exten- endear her to all whom she contacts. Reisterstown 371 on the aspect of banquets; and on the sive work in the Greek language. Yes, Her success is. imminent and at teach- occasion of a 21st birthday, her mother he was a shining campus personality ing she will undoubtedly excello But was not to be outdone. Dottie harbors and today is a bright star in his field. pity the poor little children who will a secret longing to spend a vacation find her continual chatter stiff com- at her favorite place-Mount Zubu, "It is with great pleasure that I petition! Mongolia. Thus far, she has settled give you our speaker, the Reverend for Ocean City, Md. Russell Lelan Deragon." Dottie has a par-ticular knack for DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE puns and sprinkles them liberally COPY: Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and through her rapid conversations. She Compliments of Thursday, April 25 Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Holidays. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 is also fond of sleep and has a set Holldeya. p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Week- speech for those who carouse before Everhart Barber Shop , Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. dayahowa continuous from 4:30 p. m. 10:00 on Sunday morning. Her spe- Matinee 2 p. m.~Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. cial love at this time, however, are At The Fork Westminster', SUN., MON., TUES., people who inform her "My, how TUESDAY, APRIL 17 APRIL 15, 16, 17 much weight you've lost!!" , New Modern Drug Store THE MATING SEASON THE GREAT MISSOURI RAID An ardent W. M. fan, this one-time Gene'Tierney John Lund Wendell Corey Ellen Drew cheerleader saves her brightest smiles G.C. Murphy & Co. DRUGS for those who share her enthusiasm SCHOOL SUPPLIES WED., THUR., APRIL 18, 19 WED., TRUR., APRIL 18, 19 for all Terror teams, the Drexel week- COSMETICS PAYMENT ON DEMAND end, surprise parties, dorm bull ses- The Friendly Store Bette Davis Barry Sullivan ANNIE GET YOUR GUN sions, Blanche Ward and particularly SODAS Betty Hutton Howard Keel Bachelor parties Dormitory and Classroom FRI., SAT., -APRIL 20, 21 FRI., SAT., APRIL 20, 21 THE MAGNIFICENT YANKEE Supplies Bixler .and Guild Louis Calhern Ann Harding CAUSE FOR ALARM IF YOU CAN'T GET IT . Drug Co. Loretta Young Barry Sullivan 6·10 West Main Street SUN., MON., TUES., AT THE BOOK STORE APRIL 22, 23, 24 SUN., MON., TUES., Westminster, Md. APRIL 22, 23, 24 TRY. John and Main Sts. MA AND PA KE'ITLE BACK VENGEANCE VALLEY ON THE FARrtl Percy Kilbride COFFMAN'S Marjorie Main APRIL 25, 26 Burt Lancaster Robert Walker THURS., APRIL 25, 26 WED., WED., THUR., GAMBLING HOUSE Stationery Store Griffin's ''l\IEET AT Gertrude Berg MOLLY Philip Loub Victor Mature Terry Moore Times Building PETE'S FRI., SAT., APRIL 27, 28 FRI., SAT., APRIL 27, 28 MOTHER'S DAY CARDS TARZAN AND THE AMAZONS DODGE CITY . CREPE PAPER Johnny Weismuller Brenda Joyce Errol Flynn Olivia de Havilland NOVELTIES GREETING CARDS To Get Your Eats" SUN., MON., TUES., SUN., MON., TUES., SCHOOL SUPPLIES GOOD FOOD Main St.-Red Neon Sign APRIL 29, 30, MAY 1 APRIL 29, 30, MAY 1 SAMSON AND DELILAH AIR CADETS Vietor Mature Hedy Lamarr Stephen McNally Gail Russell
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