Page 49 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 49
The Gold Bug, :March 6, 1951 Terrors Trounce Spring Schedules W rest!e~s Drop re- The Hopkins' Cagers leased Athletic Department for has the Two Close Contests schedules tentative spring sports. These schedules are Two matches lost Avengt: Earlier Defeat subject to revision by the department, in scores, as Western were Maryland's by close and such changes will be printed grap- Primed by the memory of an earlier the GOLD BUG as soon after they plers bowed to Baltimore University, defeat at the hands of Johns Hopkins are made as possible. 18-8, and Catholic University, 19-13. University, the Green Terrors of BASEBALL In the Baltimore University match, Western Maryland College downed April 2 Mt. St. Mary's Away John Mallonee won by decision; and their traditional rivals, 93-80, Febru- 7 Penn State Away Jack RaU, one of the strongest on the ary 24, in GiIl Gym. 11 Dickinson Away team, pinned his men to net Western Art Press and Walt Hart paced the 12 Drew Home Maryland five points. The rest of the victorious Green attack, contributing 14 Mt. St. Mary's Home bouts were close decisions in B.U.'s 24 and 20 points respectively. Com- 17 Baltimore University Away favor. The most exciting contest of bined with these successful efforts 20 Loyola Away the afternoon was the rough and tum- were the 17-point output of Jerry 22 Gettysburg Away • ble nine minutes match in the 167- Phipps and the IS-point score of 26 Catholic University Away pound class with Marv Siegel receiv- Chuck Hammaker. Outstanding in the 30 Loyola Home ing the short 'end of a hard-fought Blue counterattack were Margolis, LACROSSE decision. who scored 24 points, and Berkman, April 6 Williams Home C. U. Wins, 19-13 who netted a total of 16. 13 Penn State Home in the Catholic U. At Washington, Highlighting the game was the mo- 21 Dickinson Away gymnasium, Western Maryland fell 6 ment when Art Press tallied his 28 Drexel Away 1,000th and 1,001st points in his ca- May 5 Washington College Home points short of victory as they were downed,19-13. reer as a Western Maryland basket- 12 Baltimore University Home ball star, thus becoming the first Ter- 16 Loyola Home "Monster" McShane dropped a hard- ror cager to attain such a record in 19 Delaware Away fought decision to his man from Cath- the history of the College. TENNIS olic U. Bob Wilsey and Joe Aronne Connecting for 13 free throws April 6 University of Maryland worked hard for three minutes; and against the opponents' record of 16 Away during the second period, Aronne conversions at the foul stripe, the 10 Loyola _~ Away tried to break a fall with his arm and Green Terror victory of 93-80 was de- 14 Dickinson Home dislocated it. WilseY"won five points pendent mainly on the 40 successful 17 Baltimore University Away by default. Home field goals versus a 32-point tally for 18 Hopkins Home Art Press Scores 1,OOOth Joe Ravcnis, steadily improving as the Blue Jays. 21 Catholic University' a wrestler, pinned his opponent early 25 George Washington Away in the second period, and WM9 took 28 Gettysburg Away Point OF College Career the lead, 10-3. The next bout was for- Loyola Stops April 14 Dickinson Home feited because of an ear injury sus- GOLF tained by John Mallonee in the bout One hundred and sixty pounds of Green Wave 19 Hopkins Away atomic power would be a very good WMC Nimrods Bow To at Baltimore. defeat as The victors again tasted 20 Gettysburg Home 30 Loyola Away description,of one of Western Mary~ of Jack Rall, came out with 6-9 deci- land's greatest basketball players, Art Johns Hopkins By Five Loyola revenged an earlier trounc- (May Schedules will be released sian in his favor. Tom -Douglass, in ing as they downed the visiting West- later) Press. In the recent Terror victory his first bout .ea a college wrestler, ern Maryland cagers, 71-65, last Sat- over Johns Hopkins, Art tallied the The Terror nimrods bowed to the was pinned early in the second period. urday night. The victory clinched 1,000th point of his college career. Johns Hopkins rifle team, 1322-1327, The score was then tied 13-13. third place in the Mason-Dixon Con- Junior Terrors Stop Art came to Western Maryland in a close shoulder-to-shoulder match Ray Faby and Sid Albrittain lost ference for the winners and was the Baltimore U., 68-59 from Brooklyn, New York, via La- on the loser's range. close decisions. The absence of two For the Green squad, Dave Buffing- Green-and-Gold's season finale. fayette High School; however, his ton fired the team's high score, 271 regulars, John Mallonee and Marv The Hill's fast and shifty forward, In a closely-waged contest, Western heart vremains in Brooklyn with his points. Ralph Garten was the second Siegel, was a deciding factor in the Art Press, netted 11 baskets and two Maryland's junior varsity cagers beat br-ide-to-be. He is an economics major highest for the Western Maryland match as both are good wrestlers in fouls for 24 points to take the scoring the Baltimore University squad by a and is now a junior. His Preacher team with a total of 266. John Haller their respective classes. honors of the contest. Chuck Ham- score of 68-59 in Gill Gymnasium. frat-brothers have fondly dubbed him and Dick Titlow each fired 262 points maker sank 13 markers for the West- Neither team was able to build up "Artful Art." to tie for the third scoring position. ern Maryland cause. much of a lead in the first quarter, Fred Hubach rounded out the first five Mounts Down On the Loyola squad, it was Ed and the period ended with the score Scores 41 Against Mounts Doherty who led the way to victory deadlocked at 13 all. However, the Press' greatest scoring effort for with a score of 261. ....ith seven field goals and two foul junior Terrors outscored the visitors one contest was his total of 41 mark- WMC/73-64 shots for a total of 16. Vince Galla- 26-17 during the second quarter to ers against the Mounts· of St. Mary's gher, a forward for tfe Baltimore lead 39-30 at half-time. College and this score placed him in Mount St. Mary's thwarted West- . squad, dropped in a total of 14 points. In the second half, the Baltimore a four-way tie for the scoring record ern Maryland's valiant attempt to ob- Loyola took a 34~32 half-time lead; U. five matched the opponents point of the Conference in points scored in tain a last-period victory as they but with 12 minutes to go, the 'I'er- for point but could not cut down the downed the Terrors, 73-64. rors fought back and took a 50-43 ad- nine-point deficit; and the Western A set shot by Press put the Terrors vantage. At this point, the Grey- Maryland squad was on top, 68-59, in the lead at the start, but the con- bounds rallied and tied the contest at when the final quarter ended. test was soon tied, 5-5. The visitors 50-50. Press sank a long set shot to led at half-time by a wide margin, make the score 52-50, but after this 39-22. Loyola boomed back to win by six "Western Maryland roared back af- points. ter the intermission and came to with- in seven points, 43-36, of the Mount- Terrors Trounce ies; but this gain was short-lived, as the winners proceeded to chalk up an even greater margin. The trailing los- Baltimore Bees ers rallied desperately in the final period and managed to come within In their second contest with Balti- five points, 65-60, of the Mounts, with more University quintet the Terrors a minulj to play. At this point, how- roared to victory, 76-54, as they ever, an all-court failed; defense by the Green-and-Gold and the Em- downed the Bees for the second time mitsburgers took advantage of sev- this season. Playing fine basketball, the West- eral personal fouls to ice the game. ern Maryland team gained the advan- Aft Press led the. losers' ~coring tage immediately and held the losers with a total of 27 points. Ernie Ma- at bay throughout the contest. The kowski netted 12 markers for the Ter- half ended with the Terrors ahead, 37-28. This was a Mason Dixon Confer- By the end of the third quarter, the ence game which gave Mt. St. Mary's Terrors began to freeze the ball, Swimming Team the loop leaders an eleven and two coasting to victory on their 20-point record, while Western Maryland has victory. Makes History eight and six. In the Terror scoring column, the The Western Maryland College top man was Art Press with a total of swimming team made its debut last 29 points. Walt Hart tallied 21 mark- Saturday in the Mason-Dixon Confer- ers, turning in a fine game on the of- ence Swimming Tournament. This was MURRAY CLEANERS fense as well as on the defense. Jerry the first Terror venture in the sport Phipps, driving hard, netter 19 more of swimming because of the lack of for tbe Western Maryland cause. facilities at the College. Pick Up and Delivery MacKenzie was top player for the los- Loyola accumulated 66 points to Every ers with a total of 10 points. win an easy victory over the other Monday and Thursday colleges represented at" the meet. WMC J. V. Squad American University was second with Phone a friendly gathering of DePaul 43, Catholic U. totaled 15, Randolph- Downs Mt. St. Mary', University students in Wangler Macon got 12, and Western Maryland Reisterstown 371 netted one. The Terror's single point Paced by Dusty Martinell, the Hall on the campus. And, as in was scored by their 300-yard rlledley Green Terror junior varsity routed universities everywhere, ice-cold relay team composed of backstroker the Mt. St. Mary's squad, 79-53, on Coca-Cola helps make these get-to- Bob Wilson, breaatatrcker Lee Cissel, the victors' court in its last home and freestyler Joe Ravenis. Save Money game of the current season. gethers something to remember. As Western Maryland's entries were: Save Trouble The contest was a close one only in a pause from the study grind, or Lee Saunders, 220 yard freestyle and the first quarter. At the end of this 440 yard freestyle; Nick Gwynn, 200 period, the Terror five led by one on a Saturday night date-Coke yard breaststroke; Art Shanklin, 50 BAUGHER'S special point, 15-14. This margin was in- belongs. yard freestyle and 100 yard free- creased to ten points in the second style; Roger White, 50 yard free- MEAL TICKETS quarter, and the Western Maryland .. ooth style; Lee Ciseel, 50 yard freestyle Now On Sale team leit the court at half-time on • and 200 yard breaststroke; Bob Wil- the long end of a 38-28 score. son, 200 yard backstroke. The mem- Coach Boyer emptied bis bench in BotnED UNDER AUTHORITYOF THECOCA.COLA COMPANY IY bers of the 400 yard freestyle relay Worth $5.50 - Cost $5.00 the final period, as the team concluded WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTI'LING CO .. INC team were Rogel' 'Wbite, Art Shank- its home season with a 79-53 victory. 01951,n..Co
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