Page 55 - TheGoldBug1950-51
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Libr§ry -x-r It Western Maryland College ,-, -rote Md. ORCHESTRA CAMPUS CONCERT PERSONALITIES PAGE 1 PAGE 4 m. Vol. 28, No. 13' WESTERN MARYLANDCOLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. April 17, 1951 Fraternities Unite City College Glee CI'ub To Present Concert Choir To Sing AtAnnual Banquet In Washington Throughout the year, rival frater- On Tuesday evening, April 24, at nity members enter into debate con- 8 o'clock, the Organized Bible Class cerning the 'merits of their respective Association of Washington, D. C., will fr-aterriit.ies.v.Jokmgly, each frat man present the Western Maryland Col- boasts of his fraternity's prowess' on lege Choir in concert at the Petworth the athletic field, at cards" or with the Methodist Church. co-eds. There is a hum and competi- Mr. Alfred de Long, director, has tive rivalry for the academic and arranged a program which includes sports cups. But, at last spring is secular as well as sacred numbers. here, and the time has come for the The program will include selections by four fraternities to sit down at the Louis Pietroforte, William Simpson, same table to break bread. Yes, the senior soloists of the Choir; a selec- time for the Interfraternity Banquet tion by the reorganized girls' octet; has arrived. and the talent tussel-winning male Although the competition and ri- quartet. valry among the fraternities at The program for the evening will Western Maryland is almost always include: Then round about the starry on a friendly basis, the Interfrat Ban- The Baltimore City College Glee Club throne, Handel; All Blessed, all holy, quet is the one occasion upon which Guest artists at a student assembly complete with a menagerie of. 'sound mencements and has '" recently pre- Lord God, Katasky; 0 triumph all ye the members of all four brotherhoods to be held tomorrow at 11:30 a. m. in effects. sented many concerts upon Invitation ransomed, Beethoven; Old Ship of can get together and realize that they Alumni Hall will be the Baltimore The Glee Club will close the pro- for noted civic and religious groups in Zion, early American spiritual; Poor are all part of the larger community City College Glee Club, a seventy- gram with Lieten: To the Lambs, by the state. Wayfaring Stmnger, solo by Louis of Western 'Maryland College. In its voice, all-male chorus, trained and led Debt, and the Pilglim's Chorus, by The present officers of the Club are: Pietroforte; How LQ,vcly Is Thy third year, the Interfrat Banquet by Mrs. Blanche - Ford Bowlsbey, Wagner. After the conclusion of the Stanley Weiman, president; '!;pm Dwelling Place, Brahms; The day of promises to become a traditional af- WMC '27, director of music at Balti- concert in Alumni Hall, the singers Champness, vice-president; Leonard judgment, Arkhangelsky; and The fair with a practical motive. more City College and Baltimore Jun- will have lunch in the College Dining Kogan, secretary: and Wilbert Bie- heavens ut'e telling, Haydn. Turkey-All You Could Eat ior College. Hall and journey down to the high gel, treasurer. The group makes no Mr. deLong Directs Choir This year the arrangements for the The Club has gained considerable rec- school to present a different program charge above expenses for its con- After the intermission, the Choir festivities were made by Jay Eggly. ognition in and around Baltimore for at 1:25. A committee has been formed certs, but accepts donations toward will turn to selections of a more secu- Once again the would-be gourmands its many engagements. The current to serve as hosts while the guests are the purchase of new music. lar kind: Choral Fantasy on Nursery flocked to . Silver Run Methodist repertoire of the Club includes all on campus. Rhymes, Matthews, with piano ,duet City .College, third The Baltimore Church, notorious for its delicious and types of music from the early church oldest public high school in the coun- College Orchestra by Shirley Woodruff and Mr. Oliver music of Palestrina and Bach, through filling cuisine. The main course was Spangler; 0 What A Beautiful Morn- turkey-all you could eat. The main the classic per-iod-of Beethoven, Han- try, has had a glee club for over half ing, Rodgers; It Ain't Necessarily by Mrs. Bowlsbey in To Present Concert I features of the program included the del, and Wagner, to the spirituals, a century; but the club as it- is now So, Gershwin, with solo by Pat Bid- awarding of the Frank B. Hurt popular songs, and _novelty tunes of was organized dle; Ah, Moon of My Delight, Leh- Scholarship Cup and the performance today. 1935. The present membership in- The Western Maryland College mann, solo by Lou Pietroforte; Ten of four TV-struck quartets-c-one from The program will open with two cludes 61 uniformed members and 13 Little Symphony Orchestra will pre- Little Indians, traditional, sung by each fraternity. The honored guests- groups of classical numbers, includ- substitutes. The Club performs reg- sent its Twentieth Anniversary the girls' octet; "Prologue" from were President Ensor, Dean Free, and ing Adoramus Te, by Palestrina; ularly at school' assemblies and com- Spring Concert in Alumni Hall on Pagliacci, Leoncavalla, sung by Wil- four fraternity sponsors, Professor Hospodi Pomilui, by Lvovsky; The r-, Friday evening, at 8 :15 p. m. liam Simpson; Rigoietto Quartet, a Holy City, by Adams; Glorir£ Pa.tri..rc,- Hurt, Dean Makosky, Dr. Straughn, by Palestrina; and Thanks Be To Argon'auts Plan Of unusual interest, this year, will parody on the work by Verdi, to be and Dr. Marshall~ be the return of many former orches- rendered by the male quartet; I love Thee, by Handel, with Wilbert Beigel You, Porter; Stephen Foster Fa.nta- A group of lighter numbers follow, Annual Banquet as soloist. tra players (by special invitation) sia, arranged by Jacobs; "Scene and Achievement Test the American folk ballad, OldSmokcy, who will unite with the present or- Prayer" from Cavalleria Rusticana for this Twentieth Anniver- chestra 1I:Iascagni, with Society of Western The Argonaut Information Revealed with William Henning as soloist; Maryland College will climax the sea- sary Concert. by Charles Shook. solo by Mrs. They Didn't Believe Me, by Kern, with son's activities with its annual ban- The program will include the fol- The Choir will be directed by Mr. The Cooperative General Culture a solo by Russel Kierig; and Old quet. The festivities will be held in lowing numbers: Alfred de Long and accompanied on Test, to be given to all sophomores on Jonah, by Wick. the social hall of' the Evangelical Re- Prelude and Fugue in D lIfinor by the organ and piano by Mr. Oliver K. May first, is an achievement test in The City College Four, a barber- formed Church at 6 p. rn, on April 30. George Frederic Handel, freely trans- Spangler. the area of general education. It in- shop quartet which has made numer- As a special guest, Dr. Andrew G. scribed for orchestra by the late Dr. cludes five 30-minute sections in the ous appearances apart from those Truxal, president of Hood' College, Hans Kindler ; Symphony in F Major following subjects: history and social with the whole club, will offer a med- will present his views on the timely by Carl von Dittersdorf; and Con- Seniors Are Invested studies, literature, science, fine arts, subject, "Education for What?" certo No.3 in C lI1i1Wr for Piano and and mathematics. leYAo~;OO:pUl~;~~~!:.spirituals follovl In the ritual of initiation of Fel- Orchestra by Ludwig van Beethoven. In Annual Ceremony As previously announced, the re- next on the program, opening with 0- lows, 24 associate members will re- The piano concerto will be played sults of the test will not be used in Won't You Sit Down, arranged by ceive the rank of Fellowship from rep- by Miss Arleen Heggeme.ier, who is a The Annual Investiture Ceremony determining grades. The purpose of Gilliam, with Tom Champness sing- resentatives of" ,the faculty. For the newcomer to the music faculty. She for the Senior Class was conducted in the test is to furnish data which will ing the solo. The Old Ark, arranged, first time, membership as a Fellow is received her Bachelor of Music degree Alumni Hall, Monday, April 9. be used in a review of the college's by Bartholomew, will feature Wil- based on an average index of 2.2 for from Oberlin Conservatory and has At this ceremony, traditional at program of general education, which liam Biehl and Stanley Weiman as seven instead of eight semesters. As- done further study at the Diller- Western Maryland for over half a is concentrated in the first two years soloists, and will be followed by the sociates achieving a 2.2 cumulative Quaile School of Music. century, the seniors were vested with of the curriculum. Gearhart arrangement.of D'ry Boner, average in their final semester will The orchestra will be under the di- the robes they will wear when they Students who are' seniors in the r-eceive their certificates next fall. rection of Mr. Philip Royer, assistant receive their degrees at graduation. spring of 1952 will be asked to take, Another first is the formal invita- professor of music. Mr. Royer is a Following last year's precedent, Louis near the end of the spring semester, the tion to all Fellows who have been graduate of Western Maryland, and Pietroforte, 1951 senior class presi- Advanced Test of the Graduate Record Club News graduated in former years. In this he received his A.M. degree from· Co- dent, was robed by Dr. Ensor, height- Examination. Each student will take way, the Argonauts hope to strength- lumbia University. ening the meaning of the ceremony one test ill the field of his major sub- Economies Club en their ties with the Alumni. There will be no admission charge, and placing on Lou the honor of re- ject. The tests to be given next year, The Economics Club will meet in Faculty members and all freshmen and the public is invited to attend this ceiving the vestments for his entire like the Cooperative General Culture McDaniel Lounge, Wednesday, April and sophomores with a 2.1 cumulative Twentieth Anniversary Concert. class. Tests to be given May first, will not 25, at 7.30 p. m. Mr. R. Wilson, a rep- index are being personally invited to be used to determine grades, but for resentative from the Phillip Morris the banquet, reservations priced at experimental purposes. Tobacco Company will show movies on $1.75. Army To Review ROTC Unit There will be no charge for the salesmanship and merchandising. A CGCT this year, but students will be discussion will follow. billed for the Advanced Tests of the Two Groups Plan nu~~ i:;:;t~~!a~f !~ri6o~I!~eth~o~~ Redfield, will call upon President En- sor to determine his opinion of the Graduate Record, to be given in 1952. French Club unit. The regular assembly schedule is Monsieur Creuset from Lyon, Conventions Here ~;~er:illf::!e ~l:::ntt!r~ytea:ea~~ to be followed to enable the students College Distributes France, and Mr. Erich Juhn, the di- Two regional meetings will convene ,..quarters at ~ort Mead.e, Maryland, i? of each class to be given either a rector of Burlitz School of Baltimore, on the or oral written examination New 1951 Catalogue were guests of the French Club, on on the Hill this Saturday, the Middle charge. Durmg a perlOd of appr~xl- work covered in military science dur- e asked Monday, April 9. The director Monsieur Creuset questions in French, ~:~::::~i~:o,:~f ::: ,C1t~~;~~a~:g~~~ ;~~~ ~~~;sei: :::, s~~o~c:~~~~a::! ing the year. This week, the 1951 College Cata- which he answered simply. sociatiQn of the Future Teachers of will undergo a similar inspection. To conclude the business of the day, logue has been released and, in most The students entertained the guests America. The inspection .will cover the ad- the battalion will parade at 1315 cases, has been sent home to the per- singing several French songs. Beverly The meeting of the English group ministrative functions of the military hours. Forming at the north end of son who pays the bill for each stu- Warner sang Troisieme Homme; Lois will be attended by fifty to sixty department, instructional functions, Hoffa Field, the battalion will march dent. Those students who pay their Cermac and Carol Bauer sang Au teachers fro'lli colleges of this area. and the facilities and cooperation ai- as far as the cement bleachers before own bill may obtain their catalogue in Clair du LU1Wj Winnie Spenser sang Dr. Lowell S. Ensor will welcome the forded the students by the school. In- executing an abrupt left flank move- the Registrar's office. Also, there is a Le Madelon. Refreshments were guests as the group convenes in Mc- cluded in the administrative func- ment. All companies will be halted at copy available in the library for stu- served at the end of the program. Daniel Hall at 11:15 a. m. I tions are the methods in which records midfield, and cadets shall stand at at- dent use. The first annual spring meeting of are kept and supplies distributed. tention as the band troops the line The principal change in this year's Canterbury Club the Maryland FT A will convene at All classes ordinarily held on Thurs- and returns to its position at the catalogue is in the requirements for The Canterbury Club met for din_ 1:30 p. m. in Levine Hall. Seven near- day will be changed to Wednesday in south end of the field. Following a the Bachelor of Science Degree, ex- ner at the Parish Hall of the Church by chapters and twenty-three clubs brief manual of arms given by the plained on page 36. Political science of the Ascension on Wednesday. The will be represented by their sponsors order to accommodate the inspection. battalion commander, officers will be may be taken as a major, effective this speaker was Mr. SchBdwachter. Elec- and two delegates. The plll"poseof this The Military Science classes will be called to the center directed by the fall. In addition, there have been a tions were held, and Nell Hughes was gathering is to elect state officers for observed by the inspectors and mem- cadet officer of the day. When the few minor changes in the courses in selected president; Tom Dryden, vice_ the next school year. bers of the department. At some time battalion has passed in review before biology, English, library science, president; and Jayne Hisle, secre- Mary Hawkins will be Western in the morning, the chie! of the in- the inspection team, the men will pre- Spanish, and religion. ta",_ Maryland's voting delegate. spection team, accompanied by Colonel pare for inspection in the ranks.
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