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4 The Gold Bug, April 3, 1951 High On The Hill le::~~~!~l~alenclar I I Club News Baseball, Mt. st. Mary's, away. Argonauts by 1I1ak:oltn Meltzer Economics Club, McDaniel Lounge, A meeting of the Argonauts will be 7 p. m. held in Lewis Hall, Room 206 on Hagerstown traditionally contrib- Friday, April 6 April 16 at 6:30 p. m. for the purpose utes fine students and leading person- Baseball, Yale, home. of electing officers for the 1951-1952 alities to Western Mar~hnd. Harry Lacrosse, Williams College, home. season and appointing committees for LeFew has certainly done more than Tennis, University of Maryland, the annual banquet. his share to uphold this tradition. A away. leader and a success in any environ- Junior Plays, Alumni Hall,~8:15 p. Economics Club ment, Harry has not forgotten his m. Tomorrow night, Mr. Angotti, of heritage, and thus a continual battle the Fairchild Aircraft Company, will rages in the first section of Albert Saturday, April 7 be the guest speaker of the Econom- Norman Ward over merits of "Hag- Baseball, Penn State, away. ics Club at the meeting to be held at erstown" and "Swamp Land" (Jer- Sunday, April 8 7:30 in McDaniel Lounge. The stu- sey). Some well informed students I Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9:15 dent body is welcome. claim that Harry rooms with a fel- a. m. low-Hagerstownite strictly for pro- Chapel, Rev. Donald Craig Kerr, Camera 'Club tection. Most of us are 'impartial in Roland Park Presbyterian At its last meeting, the Camera this controversy, but we must admit Church, Baltimore, speaker, AI- Club decided to take a field trip in that Harry's home town must have umrri Hall, 7:15 p. m. May to Caldma Park, Pennsylvania, some merits, if only because it has Fireside, .McDaniel Lounge, 8: 15 p. to allow its members to take some na- turned out a person of his high cali- ture shots. Anyone wishing to go ber. Monday, April 9 along with the club is cordially in- Some of us are laboring under the Senior Investiture, Alumni Hall, vited. delusion that Harry's major is student 8:45 a. m. government and not economics. Active Leo Latk"oum, Sonya Wine, and Harry LeFew French Club, McDaniel Lounge, Students Represent College in every facet of student affairs, Har- 6:45 p. m. ry has Been three times elected class by Dodie A~-nold by P·rank K~·alU1z Camera Club, 310 Science Hall, 7. (Continued from page I, col. 4) representative and this year he holds ing from 10 to 30 per cent obtained by the job 0'£ vice-president of the Senior Vivacious, energetic, dependable, on~V~~1 s:;~~in!::o~~~l:h:e~a~Pl~~ Tues~'a~' April 10 the presentation of a discount card in Class. To even mention a few of the full of fun-these words attempt to with a ready smile and amiable per- Tennis, Loyola, away. buying from those stores which offer many services he has rendered to the describe this petite senior from Be- school as a member of the SGA would thesda. But, actually, there are few sonality. The chances are that this Wednesday, April 11 the service. The cards are obtained by be impossible, but most recent in our words in Webster's (or anybody young man is Leo Lathrcdm or, as he Baseball, Dickinson, away. member colleges from the NSA na- are dis- minds is the most creditable job he else's) dictionary which do just that, is called by his friends, "Moe." LU~~:i:~L!~~::~~:4:1;~t:::.g, Mc- tional headquarters and either gratis tributed to the students did in heading the student part of the for none can possibly convey the ve- While Leo is nQt a constant dean's or for a nominal fee according to the Mid-Century Campaign. A staunch ,riety of sides of this gal's person- lister, he is usually near the top of his -Thursday, Apri]12 financial situation of the particular Preacher, Harry hit the top as a lead- ality. class when marks are passed out. Baseball, Drew University, home. college. ~ er once again by becoming President People are her favorite pastime and However, in the field of athletics, he Friday, April 13 of his fraternity during the first se- this is evidenced by her impressive has gained more than just a mediocre Tennis, American U., away. The Student Discount Service is mester. For the past two years the list of campus activities, which is fame. When attending Southern High Lacrosse, Penn State, home. only one of the many services and Interfraternity Council has had the headed by the fact that she has been School in South Baltimore, Leo Junior Follies, Now and Then, programs sponsored by the NSA. Oth- benefit of Harry's keen judgment and a member of the Student Government starred in football and basketball for Alumni HaH, 8 :15 p. m. ers are the International Program for creative mind. Association for three of her four three years. . Saturday, April 14 exchange students, the student art years here, and is at present its treas- Baseball, Mt. St. Mary's, home. tour, information on train rate dis- College Athlete urer; house president of McKinstry Sports Leader Tennis, Dickinson, home. counts for students, and a whole body Those who consider athletics as one Hall in her freshman year (when, let Leo entered college in September, Golf, Dickinson, home. of publications put out by the Public of the more important college func- me hasten to say, it was inhabited by 1946; but pressing matters at home Junior-Senior Prom, Gill Gym, Relations Director to serve campuses, tions cannot overlook Harry. Notor- 8:30-11:45 p. m. especially their student governments. ious as "Weak Eyes" LeFew, Harry !~~~~~;t~:~~:~r~e:r:: ~:;~~s~~o~~ ~:~n r!~:~~:re~i~ol~:g~e~~:. n~:;~:e:; Sunday, April 15 Many of these are the result of re- has been booting.the ball for the soc- Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9 :15 search done by sub-committees at the cer team for two years. Harry was ~::;~;, s~~o~ p~~:;ei~~e:~ t~:dDel~; :~~ gb~::tt;:~lOgan~~~~~.f~u~i\~O~~~!~ a.m. National Congress, which is held each also a classy little welterweight for and the Inter-Sorority Council. She' playing sports in his freshman year Chapel, Dr. Lowell S. Ensor, Speak- year in late summer. two campaigns and now in his old age also saved enough time to remain a ::f~;~t~neu~ef~i:c:t~~~t~c:~:tsi;:!~i~~ er, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. Western Maryland has been inves- he has taken up the Indian game. On Fireside, McDaniel Lounge, 8:15 p. tigating the NSA for several months the intramural football field, the sight ~:i~~t~:tn::':n~:~ f~ctt~h!r;~~:~s~ present, "Moe" is assistant coach of m. through correspondence and talks of his trotting into the game strikes as busy as she is. the football team. .,. Monday, April 16 with member colleges. It is hoped that terror into the hearts of his oppon- In her personal activities, too, peo- Whenever Leo cannot be found on IRC Meeting, McDaniel Lounge, 7 through observing the regional con- ents. Perhaps from sports we can pie play the leading role. When spring campus, he is usually at the side of his p. m. gress, we will be able to ascertain the most clearly see the unbeatable trait really hits the campus, the crowd better half, "Footsie," Argdnaut Meeting, 206 Lewis Hall, value of such an organization on our that makes Harry a success in any congregating on Old Main steps will This past winter, Leo coached West- 6:30 p. m. own campus. endeavor. In every undertaking or invariably count Sonya as one of its ern Maryland's wrestling team. AI- job, Harry enters it completely, giv- members. The Grill is one of her fa- though the season was not considered ing his aU, doing his best, never quit- vorite places; and she can always successful by many, Leo's fine spirit ting. A combination of determination, be counted on to listen to one's prob- and encouragement was appreciated Good Health Greeting Cards ability and perseverance is hard to lerna with a sympathetic ear or en- by all who were associated with him. Antiques top. gage in stimulating repartee=-wbich- When "Who's Who" selected Leo Gifts But let's not think that Harry is ever you happen to prefer. Lathroum, they selected a young man To always successful. For instance he has Soc J\-lajor who is liked by all, has excellent lead- Georgianna Galliher been trying vainly for two years to ership possibility, and who is destined All outdistance his roommate in the num- As her life's work, here again her to go far in the business world. sincere interest ber of movies seen per week. Yes, ciding iactor, for in people was the de- From 164 W. Main St. Sonya has chosen Harry is a person you like to know, the profession of social work. She will Conveniently want to be with-a .good friend and a probably do case work in Montgomery SMITIf '" REIFSNIDER REXALL Located near the personable comrade. What? You say County, and I can say to future soc Incorporated Hill you don't know him? Well, just walk majors that they may look forward to LUMBER-COAL into the grill some evening and you'll the next few years when Dr. Earp WESTMINSTER, MD. see him in a bridge game, looking puz- zled and mumbling quietly to himself. will be reading "those letters" from this one of his favorite pupils. Along with her interest in people, SHEET MUSIC DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE it must not be overlooked that one POPULAR~TANDARD COPY: particular person .Interests her "the CLASSICAL Wednesday, April 11 mostest and the bestest," Most people Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and who know. Sonya know of "Beau", and Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Holidays. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 this foreigner from Washington Col- RECORDS Holiday •. p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Week- Alamedian Light lege will most assuredly have top pri- Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. day'shows continuous from 4:30 p. m. Opera Company ority on any spare (or otherwise) Choose from a Large Selection Matinee 2 p. m.-Evenin~ 7 & 9 p. m. presents time. SUN., MON., TUES., April·1, 2, 3 You see Sonya on campus many Stu's Music Shop SUN., MON., TUES., APRIL 1, 2, 3 SUGARFOOT Rudolph Friml's places at many times; and no matter 34 W. :MainSt. - Phon.e 585 ROYAL WEDDING Randolph Scott Adele Jergens ROSE MARIE how much you know her, you can al- Fred Astaire Jane Powell pleasant ways know this: that her Dances by "Hi" is truly and sincerely meant for WED., THUR., APRIL 4, 5 WED., THUR., APRIL 4, 5 Double Feature Red Shi!,!ldIndians you. '"MEET AT SEPTEMBER AFFAIR CUBAN FIREBALL Friday and Saturday Joan Fontaine Joseph· Cotton FLAME OF THE BARBARY COAST April 6-7 - 8:15 p. m. ALUMNI SUBSCRIBE TO THE FRL, SAT., APRIL 6, 7 FRI., SAT., APRIL 6, 7 GOLD BUG SILVER CITY BONANZA Baltimore Polytechnic PETE'S Dick Powell CRY DANGER Rex Allen May Ellen Kay Rhonda Fleming Auditorium Tickets: $2.00,1.50,1.00 It Pays To Look Well To Get Your Eats" SUN., MON., TUES., APRIL 8, 9, 10 SUN., MON., TUES., APRIL 8, 9, 10 LULLABY OF BROADWAY THE ENFORCER BONNEY CONCERT BUREAU Visit The Doris Day Gene Nelson Humphrey Bogart Zero Mostelle 327 N. Charles Street Main St.-Red Neon Sign or Box Office WED., TRUR., APRIL 11, 12 WED., THURS., APRIL 11, 12 Avenue Barber Shop '/ OPERATION DISASTER KING SOLOMON'S MINES John Mills Helen Sherry Stewart Granger Deborah Kerr Where The Students Go I FRI., SAT., APRIL 13, 14 13, 14 FRI., SAT., APRIL J. WM. HULL, J.w.l.r 85 Pennsylvania Avenue Jfhe 3 T's Van Johnson GUYS NAMED II-IIKE ROUGH RIDERS OF DURANGO THREE Jane Wyman Alan Lane For Over Half Century . Confectionery strN., ~TUES., SUN., MON., TUES., Expert Watch, Jewelry 166 W. Main Street APRIL 15, 16, 17 APRIL 15, 16, 17 Compliments of RAID THE MATING GREAT MISSOURI and Eye-Glass Repairing ICE CREAM Thelma Ritter SEASON MacDonald Cary Wendell Cory Gene Tierney Everhart Barber Shop SOFT DRINKS 105 W. J\\ain Street WED., THURS., APRIL 18, 19 WED., THURS., APRIL 18, 19 At The Fork DRUG SUNDRIES PAYMENT ON DEMAND ANNIE GET YOUR GUN Bette Davis Barry Sullivan Betty Hutton
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