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(f '- J A Ii·'ss Ward MAY SPORTS oo» I~M'C' JUNIORS PRESENT FOLLIES, DANCE "9 SCHEDULES PAGE 1 PAGE 3 Z2.. Vol. 28, No. 12 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. April 3. 1951 Class OF '52 Presents,Six Juniors Slate College Playe'rs To Present Musical Comedy Sketches Annual Dance the Group OF One-Act Dramas class will The junior present annual Junior-Senior Prom, Saturday, This Friday night, the College Players will present the Junior Entitled, "Now And Then" April 14, in Gill Gymnasium. The Plays at 8 :15 p. m. In Alumni Hall, in celebration of Theater dance will last from 8:30 to 11:45 p. Month. Helen Hayes, president of the American National Theatre m., with music supplied by "The Air- and Academy, says: Now and Then, this year's Junior Follies, will be presented by men." "International Theater Month is just one example of the great the junior class on Friday, April 13 at 8 :15 p. m. The show depicts Contrary to previous custom of try- good that the theater can do. In speaking out this month for <, various phases of campus life at Western Maryland, starting back ing to keep the theme secret and then world peace through international understanding, the American in the 1890's and moving forward to the Homecoming of 1950. having it leak out, this year the jun- theater again demonstrates its value as a cultural institution and The dialogue has been written by a committee of fifteen juniors iors, under the command of Jack Lo- under the leadership of Marviua Munch. Barbara Baumgardner per, are publicizing it: Indarab-c.a a force for universal good." In keeping with the international heads the music committee, which composed the show's original composite of India and Arabia. theme, the Players will present three melodies, while the chorus is under the direction of Betty Branden- Jim Muller, decorations chairman, one-act plays from three different is being assisted by Kay McLaughlin, be[!~e of the songs from the~how who by virtue of her many years countries. by Gordon Alder- Dots and Dcehee, Begin, Tullai, Schubert are: Never Trust. Q.. Woman With a spent in India, is proving her mettle American comedy. Stu- ilIan, S~tperlJision, Dreame as technical advisor. In addition to man, is jan Not the Veil, It's Deal' Emily; It's It, and the title num- To Head SGA exotic decorations appealing to the dents in the cast are: Roger Ault, as What's Behind eyes and music to the ears, this year's the clerk; Dorothea Schmidt, as the ber, Now and Then. Mitch Tullai and Libby Schubert prom will make an additional Impres- woman; Mary Jean Rupert, as Ellen as Da- Charles Bentley; Hammaker, The flashback of bygone days be- were elected president and vice-presi- si011upon a third sense--with incense. vid Archer; Kenneth Shook, as the gins with the 1890 "Parlor Nite", dent, respectively, of the Student Oov- Refreshments at Oasis . operator; Donna Kohl, as the wait- which depicts the only co-ed social An interesting sidelight of the prom ress; and Shirley Jarvis, as the girl. event of the week at that particular et-nment Association as a result of will be the "oasis" where thirsty cam- The play takes place in a bus termi- time. The next skit gives us a picture the elections held on March 12 and 13. els and students may find refresh- of the 1910 girls' gym. The "Roaring Along with the presidential elec- ment. Chuck Hammaker promises to nel. body also voted to 20's" scene is a reflection of the fast- tion, the student constitutional amend- have the best in food and drink in no Riders to the Sea, a well-known pass three living r~stlessness of the hip flask and ments : way resembling a mirage. Weather Irish tragedy, was written by J. M. flapper days, while "Big Line Foot- 1) Elections permitting, the "oasis" will have the Synge. The setting is an island off ball" shows western Maryland at its The executive cabinet of the SGA sky for a roof, located outside the the west coast of Ireland; and the athletic prime. The skit, "Where Are gym. cast is as follows: Maurya, Mary The Men," is based upon the war shall be responsible for- conducting Chairman Sullivan stressed the Hawkins; Bartley, Paul Dawson; years when 4F's were the only avail- elections concerning the following: a. point that the prom is not closed to Cathleen, Phyllis Cromwell; Nora, able males. The Follies end up with the president and vice-president of juniors and seniors, but open to all Anna Lee Parks; women, Karin No- Western Maryland's big 1950 Home- the association, b. the class represen- who wish to attend. Ducats may be wack, Eva Lindahl, Elizabeth Schu- cabinet, c. the class tatives to the coming. officers, and d. the Homecoming Queen purchased from any member of the Pat McLaren and Dave Heiberg. bert, Beverly wamer, and Dorthea Among the many members of the junior class for the usual price of Schmidt; men, Henry Ernst, John cast are such campus personalities as and Court, the May Queen and Court. $2.00. Guest tickets will be distributed Molesworth, Don Stanton, and Paul 2) Voting Joan Brengel, Donna Kohl, Nancy In campus-wide elections, the candi- to all seniors and juniors who have Students Represent Thronburg. Walker, Libby Schubert, Charlotte 'paid their class dues. Noel Coward's British Comedy Reed, Kay McLaughlin: Pat Biddle, date receiving the highest number of As usual, Pat Huddle will super- Red Peppers, by Noel Coward, is a concession, while College At Meeting Pat Huddle, Jack Molesworth, Chuck votes shall be elected. In the event vise the hat-check British comedy set on the stage and. Hammaker, and John Isaac. that there shall he a difference of less Le1'OYMerritt will count the tickets. in the dressing room of the Palace of As coordinator, Millard Lescauette than five votes between candidates, Essell Thomas beoked the orchestra Western Maryland College was rep- Varieties in a small English provin- supervises all the committees, while the president shall conduct another and last, a "clean sweep" will be resented by Bill Simpson and Betty cial town. The cast includes: Pat balloting fall- among the candidates the director 'is Roland Pleiscber. made under the "eagle-eye" of John McWilliams at the regular monthly McLaren, Lily Pepper; David Hei- ing within the limit. In all other elec- meeting of the Mason-Dixon Confer- tions, the candidate receiving the Haller. ' ence of the National Students Asso- berg, George Pepper; Paul Thron- Civil Service lists highest number of votes shall be Dr. Felix Morley ciatio~ held at ~oward University, 11. in burg, Alf; Fred Keefer, Bud Bentley; Eggly, and Kay Jay Mr. Edwards; March elected. on Sunday, Washmgton, 3) Duties They attended this meeting on the in- McLaughlin, Mabel Grace. In this Vocational Jobs a. The president and vice-president Addresses College vitation of Hood College to send ob- play are two songs and dance num- of the association shall be members of servers to the Mason-Dixon Confer- bers written by Noel Coward, Men Dr. guest the Morley was Felix Seen and Has Anybody The U. S. Civil Service Commission has just announced that there is still the college activities committee. speaker at an assembly of the school The Mason-Dixon Conference is one About Town The dance routines were b. The executive cabinet shall spon- Our Ships? an urgent need for elementary teach- sor Homecoming activities and Ma~ held yesterday morning in Alumni of the many National Students Asso- worked out by Donald Bailey. Mem- ers in the Indian service. The Commis- Day activities. Hall. ciation . (NSA) regions throughout bers of the orchestra are Marian Mar- sion announced an examination for Last week, each class elected its Dr. 'Morley is a nationally known the United States. It includes Mary- tin, Karl Yount, Elizabeth Schubert, elementary teachers in June 1950, but representatives to next year's SGA. news commentator, writer, and for- land, Delaware, and Washington, D. and Donald Smith. to date sufficient qualified candidates The freshman class elected Bob Wil- mer president of Haverford College. C. The NSA is a national organization Director of production is Miss Es- have not been recruited. son as its men's representative and He attended Haverford College; and of over 300 student bodies formed to ther Smith. On the production staff The jobs being filled from the Com- Pat Fetcho as its women's represen- upon his graduation, served in the facilitate the ready flow of ideas and are: Donald Bailey, settings and mission's examination pay $3,100 a tattve.c.Stu Abrahams was selected by British Al'my Ambulance Corps and information between campuses and J'ighting and production manager; year. Applicants will not be required the sophomores as men's represent-a- was awarded a Rhodes scholarship at dedicated to t~ose democratic ideals Charles, Haminaker, Phyllis Crom- to take a written examination. To tlve, but tbe post of women's r-epre- the close of World 'Val' I. He has of academic freedom, students rights, well, David Heiburg, stage managers; qualify, they must show successful sentative is yet to be filled. The junior served on the staffs of numerous pub- and international understanding. It is Harry McCrone, electrician; Mary completion of a full four-year course reprcsentatives will be Marvina Heat.ions, Including Ithe Philadelphia not politically affiliated, but does act Jean Rupert, Anna Lee. Parks, Pat leading to a degree fr-om an accredit- Munch and Tom Page. PUBLIC LEDGER, United Press As- as a pressure group in backing legis- McLaren, costume mistresses; Roger ed college or university, including or As the newly-elected heads of the sociation, Baltimore SUN, and the lation in line with its college program. Ault, Donna Kohl, Mary Hawkins, supplemented by 24 semester hours in Student Government Association, Washington POST. In 1936, he waa The NSA program is carried out on Paulsljewson, David Heiberg, Pat Mc- education of which 12 semester hours Mitch and Libby submit the following awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his a regional basis, each region having Laren, properties; Kenneth Shook, must be in, elementary education. Ap- statement to the student body: fine editorial writing. its own officers and program as well Shirley Jarvis, Phyllis Cromwell, plicants whose courses do not include "We are indeed honored to have Until recently, Dr. Morley served as as carrying out the national one. Mary Hawkins, Jay Eggly, Fred two semester hours in methods of been chosen by you, the students, to radio commentator :for the "Three Keefer, furniture; and Dorothea teaching element6y grades or two act as president and vice-president of Star Extra" program, and he is at Conference at Harvard University Schmidt, Elizabeth Schubert, Eva semester hours in practice teachi!]g the Student Government Association. present the "Washington representa- The main item on the agenda at the Lindahl, Karin Nowack, and Phyllis of elementary grades must have had Actually, this is of secondary im- tive for BARRON'S WEEKLY. In March 11 meeting was the forthcom- Cromwell, scenic artists. one year of teaching at the elemen- portance; for'of greater significance 1!l40, he resigned from the Brooklyn ing Mason-Dixon Regional Congress. tary level. Applications will be ac- is the terrific spirit and 'enthusiasm Institution to become president· of It was voted that the Congress be held Admission to the production will be cepted from students who expect to displayed prior to and during the Haverford College, where he remained on April 28 and 29 at Howard Uni- free. complete the required courses within election, which convinced even the until 1945. The third printing of Dr. versity. Overnight accommodations 90 days after filing their applications. most skeptical that there is life on the Morley's book, The Power in the Peo- for the' delegates will be provided by Student Recital Held More detailed information about re- WMC campus. pie, has just been released. colleges in Washington and vicinity. quirements and other points of inter- "Since we will not take office until Western Maryland is invited to send In Music Hall Today est are given in the examination an- a later date, we are now working with observer~ to the Congress; and, al- nouncement, which can be seen in the the pres'ent SGA in order to better Band To Present though they will not have Noting priv- This afternoon at 4:25 p. m., six GOLD BUG office. Applications will orient ourselves to the various prob- ileges, they will be entitled to observe music students participated in the be accepted until further notice. lems and procedures which lie ahead. the sub-commissions and to speak in regular monthly student recital pro- The Civil Service Commission has "With your 'suggestions and your Concert Series them. The theme of the Congress will gram in Levine Hall. also announced an examination for continued cooperation, we shall en- be based on the theme of the National Pianists were Karin Nowack, who Dietetic Intern, from which intern- This week will mark t~ beginning Cqngl'ess, on the place of students in played Allegro by Friedmann Bach; ships will be fined in the Veterans deavor to make the 'SGA as efficient an of tbe annual series of pring con- the present world situation. This will Joan Grube, Church Bells Ring Adie'lt, Administration hospitals in Cali- organization as it has been in the past 'certs to be given by tbe liege Band be most pertinent in its concern with by Dushkin and Schubert's Moment fornia, New York, Illinois, and Ten- years." on Thursday evenings in the Carpe the problem of the draft." Several Musical, Opus 1;.9, No.6; Paul Daw- nessee. The salary for these jobs is Diem. Th~ programs 'Yill begin, prominent Washington officials were son, Valses, Opus 77, Nos. 1, 28, 10, $1,470 a year. given in the announcement. weather permitting, at 6:30. named as possible speakers for the 12, by Schubert; and Shirley' Wood- No written test is required for this Information and application forms Selections in the first CtnCert will ruff, Mendelssohn's Prelude i1L E mi- examination. To qualify, applicants for both tests may be obtained at include: 'The Booster, by J.b.G. Klein; keynote "address. nor and Holfften's Danre of the Shep- A report was also given in absent.ia must have a bachelor's degree and most first and second-class post offices, ~:(J~=:;ut~:;;:rb~:ra:n~:!~~~~u:~~ on the Student hCTdess. by Catholic University their college study must have includ- from Civil Service regional offices, or Discount Service in Washington. Marilyn Hardester, contralto, sang ed courses in chemistry, foods, insti- from the United States Commission, Woodpecker Sop..g; Avalon, by Al Jol- Catholic University has enlisted a Gretchaninoff's On The Steppe, and tution management, nutrition and die- Washington 25, D. C. A Civil Serv_ ;:ltt:~1011~~;c1:1a~~S~: ;~~z. March Song, by Sammond, while Josephine tetics, social sciences, and education. ice booklet, enumerating many voca- number of stores in that city to offer Kompanek, soprano, rendered The Other details about internships, re- tional opportunities in scientific and The Band, led by Don Smith, will this service. The Student Discount FiTst Violet, by Mendelssohn and quirements, and the places where ap- ~ngineering fields, is available in the close the peri(lrmance with the Alma Service is a system of discounts rang- plications should be sent are also GOLD BUG office. Mater. (Continued on page 4, col. 5) Wilson's Car-mena.
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