Page 48 - TheGoldBug1950-51
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2 The Gold Bug, March 6, 1951 \ Nominees State Aims, Campaign Underway Study? Impossiblel The campaign for 1951-1952 Stu. Ji:' Muller \ One night, I settled down ~ood and Note-Numerous memoere of the Band have requested that a column be dent Government. president is under- Although on the Hill but one eemes- early to catch up on some homework- devoted to recndtment. Since 01Lrannounced policy is to 8upport worthy activi- way. Complete platforms were offered tel', Jim Muller has achieved recogni- namely, my psychology assignment. I held this morning in at an assembly tion in many activities. Those of us tics, theJcditor herewith expresses his suppart and appreciation of those toho have found it is pretty hard to study have brought the problem to his aUention. Alumni Hall. The election will take who know of his fine record in high with two roommates, since someone is place next Monday. The basic aims school and at Baltimore Junior Col- always popping in with some bright One of the biggest problems facing small colleges is how to develop top- and capabilities of the candidates are lege where he was awarded a special idea or remark to interrupt your train ranking bands and orchestras. With the national emergency aE it is, it is set forth in the brief paragraphs faculty medal for distinguished serv- of thought. Not that I care, mind you, lik~ly that this problem will grow larger rather than smaller! • below. ice as Student Council president, but it does take a long time to get With the expansion of the instrumental program in the counties and in Roland Fleischer realize that Jim is more than capable things done. Baltimore City, most of our high schools today are proudly displaying ex- "Rc," man of the hour, is quite of handling the SGA presidency at At any rate, to get back to the sub- tremely large, well-equipped bands. The members are accustomed to five per- capable of taking over the reins of Western Maryland. ject at hand, both of my roommates iods a week (in the city and some counties) for practice during school hours SGA for next year. His sharp wit, Jim Sullivan happen to be spending this particular and frequently before and after school parade drill if necessary. winning ways, and efficiency of efforts Corinne Schofield night at the library, so I have the have reflected in his numerous and They enter Western Maryland and diversified successes. He has diatin- Here at Western Maryland condi- room all to myself. "Oh, boy," I think, other small colleges, and what do they guished himself in many fields-c-cur-, tions for the most part are good, but "I'll get a good solid night's work in". find? A very small group of players, as with everything, there are some So, lying on my bed with two pillows of varying ability and experience, r-icular as well as extra-curricular. fallacies. propped behind me, I start to read the some who practice regularly, two The personification of remarkable tal- 1. Saturday night activities are text. By a peculiar coincidence, the hours a week, because of military re- Tom Page ent and leadership ability are welded needed. chapter happens to be entitled, "The quirements, 'some who come to re- in 'his past; the continuance of these 2. Better living and study condi- Management of Learning." "Well," I hearsal when the spirit moves them, During the next week, the student attributes together with his ideas of tions for day students are needed. think, "it should prove interesting to some who have very heavy schedules body will be engaged on a minor scale beneficence for all are composite for 3. Better student - faculty school see what their views on the subject and find practice hours difficult to in an experiment in democracy. You his future. He's our man to follow, spirit is needed. are." meet, and some, who are really inter- will be called upon to elect the presi- and he's my nomination for 52's SGA 4. Better publicity and support of The first thing I learn is that the ested and are trying to make the band dent of the SGA for the coming year. president. college sponsored activities are place you study should be separated a fine organization of which' the At this time, your present SGA would .Jim Culhane needed. from your other activities, and that the im- like to call to your attention school can be proud. portance of the task which you are Jack Lambert I will attempt to improve these con- you should study in the library or at a Many prospective members look at now facing. In the future, you will be r wish to express my sincerest and ditions if I am elected. desk in a special corner of your room. the organization struggling to get most humble thanks to those of you Well, for nigh onto six years now, into shape early in the season; and by given the privilege of electing the na- who have nominated me for the presi- Elizabeth Schubert I've been doing my lessons while sit- comparison with their former groups, tion's leaders. Now, you are asked to dency of the ·SGA. I would make no I should like to see the Student ting on my bed, and I have no inten- they decide that the band will be of elect the campus leader for the next rash promises of things tliat will be ,Government become more vital to tion of changing at this late date. no value to them. What they have school year. In order to benefit in the done next year-l would say, rather, each student by carrying on the Stu- Anyway, every time I go to the li- failed to consider is, "Will I be of future from today's experiences, this that above all, I shall do my utmost dent Government Assembly and the brary to study I have to look up to value to the band?" campus election should not be lightly to make the SGA Council acutely "open" cabinet meetings. see who is coming or leaving (I'm the Due to the size of our school, we regarded. It is essential that the attri- sensitive and responsive to the needs There seems to be a need for a nosey type) and I just can't concen- cannot hope to compete with the butes of each candidate be vigorously and desires of the students. "campus" weekend of activities-this trate. larger colleges where instrumental examined before ,an actual choice is Let's all vote on election day. This includes Saturday night as well as The book goes on to say, "try to music is a major. It is to be hoped that made. It is your task to select the is democracy in action. Sunday afternoon. This is the place work uninterrupted. It takes time to in time such a program can be financed right candidate for this position. Kay McLanghlin for further cooperation between the get back to concentration on the sub- at WMC. But until that time comes, Next week an election box will be To be asked to run for the Student SGA and other campus clubs and 01'- ject once your train of thought is dis- it is vitally important that a,U stu- placed in front of Old Main bulletin Government presidency is, I feel, a ganize.tiona. turbed." At this point someone knocks dents who play instruments feel that board if the weather permits. At the very great honor. The ideal govern- I should like to keep the traditions on the door, and the girl from down it is a part of this WMC spirit we talk termination of the voting, the ballots ment is established "by the students" that are the spirit of WMC but still the hall enters. "I've just put my will be counted, and the student re- about to give their time and talents in ceiving the highest number of votes and "for the students," and its chief keep our college going forward in clothes in the wash tub to soak, and I order to make a bettRf band, not to will automatically be president. The power is hard work and clear think- 1951-1952. thought I'd talk to you for awhile." sit on the side-lines bemoaning "the candidate of the opposite sex receiv- ing. With your help I shall stand Martin Tullai So we talk for an hour or so. Even- problems of the group. ing the {lext highest number of votes ready to roll up my sleeves and get tually she goes back to her wash, and We need not feel ashamed of our will be vice-president. If a tie should in the fight to make Western Mary- In presenting Mitch Tullai as a can- I back to my book. Where was I? Oh Band when we compare it with those occur, another balloting will be con- land's "Mid-Century Boom" a rousing didate for the president of the Stu- yes-"Try to work uninterrupted." of schools of like size-we have done a ducted between candidates receiving dent Government, one can readily see "Another knock on the door- creditable job. However, most mem- the same number of votes. that his abilities are hard to surpass. another visitor. She is expecting a bers of the group and most students Let's all give this election serious Already his numerous 'capabilities phone call and talks to me till the realize that it cll:n be greatly improved along with natural leadership demand phone rings. After the call, we talk next year. Now is the time to start thought and elect the nominee who is Pins 'n Points substance for thought when casting some more. Then back to my book planning. Valuable players will grad- the best qualified for the position. your vote. 't1.s a top athlete, student again, in a slightly desperate mood by uate; new ones will enter. Those of Good luck to all candidates and may Congratulations and best wishes to and fellow citizen of WMC, he fits the this time. Another knock on the door the best man, or woman, win. you who may have neglected your in- another engaged couple-Betty Cal- bill for such a responsible position. -another visitor. My popularitYiS~ strumental practice can in most cases lander, '52 and Ernie Piatfoot! Ted Bobilin amazing me. After a while she leaves, present Band members if you cantact Woman's World I Did vou know that the math and and I start the same sentence over work from obtain help for "refresher" the drum major, Donald Smith. office? Look for them in room 212. I Sorrowecl Sits I again. have a new philosophy departments If all members begin at once to at- This is definitely a woman's world A few minutes later, one of my tend e1!ery practice, regardless of the in the field of economics, or cash de- roommates comes back from the li- sacrifice necessary, if all former in- partment. Women are known to con- WMC has all kinds of TV talent- A sturdy stand against homework, brary with some gossip for me. I read strumentalists will join with them, if trol 80'70 of the wealth in the nation- Bill Schneider appeared- on the Paul compulsory education, and hard class- the sentence again. Again I am inter- all those who have a yen for band any clever woman can needle the bal- Whiteman Show as one of the fca- room seats was taken by Pearl S. rupted by my other roommate coming music offer assistance, and all the rest ance with little effort. 'tured soloists, and Don Heins ap- Buck in a recent lecture at Philadel- in. We eat cookies and discuss the of the ~chool develop a spirit of ap- A man works himself to death to peared on the Sports Parade as an phia's Temple University, where she gossip. Finally, at eleven o'clock, they preciation for the time and effort the become the richest tenant in the ceme- initiation stunt. likened the American school system go to bed, and I am left alone with my members are expending-the reward tery. Then his widow, or daughter, or to "A machine th~t turns out harried, psychology book. Just think! I have will be shared by all. The satisfaction sister, or other members of the dis- Congratulations to Nell Hughes, tense human beings." read three pages in five hours---surely and pride of success and accomplish- taff sex wear their fingernails down to who was elected secretary of the Ca~- a world's record for something or oth- ment is no small part of life. Let's the cuticle clipping coupons and terbury Convention for the next year. A change in ~s is evident as er. Let me see-where did I leave off? make a first-rate band a major proj- spending the cash. the Boston College skiing team termi- Dh, here it is-"Try to work uninter- nated its season by recent participa- ect-and enjoy the prestige of our Women are gifted from birth in the Who said initiation is hardest on tion in the New England Inter- rupted." You know, that's a good accomplishment. celebrated art of dispensing moolah, the pledges? How about the gal who point they have there. A shame it and the basic differences between the was hit on the head with a waste- Collegiate Ski Meet, and the Mary- doesn't work in reality. sexes lies in their respective reasons land University Sailing Club began to NOTICE! paper dn full of water? Hope you discuss plans for future regattas. for buying something. have a speedy recovery, Bev! Any college student, man or woman, A man has only one reason for buy- interested in the U, S. Navy's Reserve ing an article. He needs it. An SMU history- of religion class more imagina- Officers' Candidate Program may ob- But a woman; far of 'eight argu- Plaint OF A featured a professorless lecture re- tain information at the office of the tive, can cite anyone cently via wire-recorder. Comments Registrar or Dean Makosky. Deadline ments. were varied with the general agree- for application is Tuesday, March 20. 1. She desires a particular item be- Salt Shaker ment that recorded lectures can never cause someone says she can't have it. For some time, in fact since Sep- replace "Jive" teaching, DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE 2. It will make her look thin. tember, I have held a grudge against COPY: 3. It is positively the latest wrinkle a certain group of Western Maryland for some cunning creature to experi- Thursday, March 29 from Paris. girls. Until now I have held my out- ment with salt on pie or ice cream. I 4. Her friends can't afford it. raged feelings in check, but the time am positive-c-I have taken the trouble has come when I feel that I must to make a thorough study of this sub- 5. Nobody else possesses anything THE GOLD BUG like it. speak up to protect. the dignity of all ject-that the expression, "Pass the salt," is spoken more often than any salt shakers. 6. Everybody else has one. I reside at a table in the WMC din- 7. It's SO different. ing hall. At first, I was pleased to see other phrase at this table. And when these girls, because of a test, or a let, 8. "Just because." that I would flavor the food of the fe- ter, or just because the weather is When the average woman makes male sex. Last year, I was situated miserable, are not receptive to con- up her mind to acquire something she among the male population of the col- versation, the silence will most often needs as much as three holes in the lege, and I was looking forward to be broken by. "Pass the salt." And I head, hither, you'd better yield right serving the more gentle and delicate am passed, by various devices, none Associated Collegiate Press then without further protest. A smart counterpart of those rather unman- of which is very gentle or considerate Subscription Price $2.00 a Year male knows when he's licked. nerly, hungry creatures. But, I was of my feelings. It's a wofuan's world, all right. quickly and sadly disillusioned. I am Unfortunately, the two most con- EDITORIAL STAFF no longer fooled by a sweet face or a ststent . users of my commodity are Ediwr_in_Chief .__ Stan Bowlabey. '52 A distaff character in one of the re- soft smile. Beneath these charming seated at different ends of the table. Managing Editor Jane 'liS cent pictures illustrates my point. In News Editor____ '52 exteriors, they are nothing but nag- These two females also consume more F",,~ure Editor_____ '53 Born Ye8terday, Billy Dawn is a dumb ging women who have made me into a food than anybody else at the table, blond who's content to be pushed :~: nervous .wreek these past several and with each helping, they want COpy Editor.___ . 'S3 around as long as she's dumb. But af- ExohangeEditor_ • '53 months. I have even had to ask for a more salt. Throughout the length of Typing Editor_.___ , '53 ter acquiring a little learning, Billie Photographer . '51 not only resents her treatment, but leave of absence so that I can recuper- the meal, I am continually shuttled Cllrtooni.~,___ . '52 ate in a sanitarium. I no longer feel back and forth between these rave- acquires the upper hand over her tor- Bu.;n"". Mana!;er Jack Loper. '52 menter and puts him at her mercy, that I am able to withstand the ex- nous young ladies. By the end of the Advertising Man..gel"ll__ Mary Hawkins. '52 hausting treatment administered by meal, I am ragged. I used to enjoy fuy Ward Glasby, '52 However, every male has to admit these slave-drivers in skirts. work, but now I have to brace myself Circulation Managel"ll Pcg Brown. '51 he is entirely in accord with the poet Gren A.hburn. '53 r am given no peace from the mo- when I see the "savage horde" ap- J ames Russell Lowell's sentiment, ment they get theill plates until all proach my table. They have taken all. Joanne Althou.e. Arnold Am..... Tom Dry_ "Earth's noblest thing, a woman per- the plates are removed. I am indeed the joy out of earning a living, and to den. Tom Dougl..... Harry Grander, Anne fected." Hennen. Fred K.,.,!er, Mary Ann Kifer. Ellen lucky that salt is not used on des- think that I used to complain when I Rudolph. Lee Saunders, Bob Schnitzer. Edgar In other words, men love women. serts, although I have boon waiting served those nice young men. Shattuck. Sue Simpson.
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