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1t:e~':~t"qolJB~ Students Produce, Direct Library WMC Concert OF Song The Western Maryland College Concert of Song, student- produced and directed, will be given next Wednesday in Alumni Hall at 8:15 p. m. This is a new type of entertainment, produced by the college Vol. 28, No. 11 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. March 6, 1951 for the benefit of the Student Fund Drive, a part of the Mid-Century The profits from the production will be added Advance Campaign. to the funds being raised on the campus by the student body. The various musical organizations Officers Club Drive Reaches that will take part in the program are the College Choir, the Glee Club, the To Sponsor Half-way Mark Little Symphony Orchestra, the origi- nal T-V Octet and Quartet, the String and vocal solo- Trio and instrumental de Long and Royer Professors ists. Military Ball oo~~::~~!~~:iri~h:te~U~0;:r~6:~~ ;:;V~:i~~ti~f i~i!hem~~'iecct~oe:t7n!:i~~ ;'1'::::' M::Yla~! Ci~~~ft:t~~va~~~ ~e~;in::.iley will supervis, the stage Intermission To Feature preaches the half-way' mark in its The program will be opened by the campaign to raise $1,500,000. College Orchestra, which will offer the Drill Team, Promenade Last November at the Homecoming Ifight Cavalry Overture by F. von Convocation, Dr. Ensor announced Suppe and the Turkigl~ March (Ruins The ROTC Officers Club will pre- the launching of the drive. In Janu- of Athens) by Ludwig von Beethoven. sent the annual Military Ball on Sat- Bill Simpson will sing Prologue to urday at 8:30 p. m.· ~:Yca~:ol~C!~v:;~~~~t~~~nC~:~ti::~un Pazliacci by Leoncavallo, followed by The dance will be held in Gill Gym- Under the chairmanship of F. Kale Hans Bauernfeind's Heiteree Spiel nasium with music provided by Bill Mathias, son of the Mayor and Mrs. rendered by a string trio, Karl Yount, Maisel's orchestra -rrom Baltimore. Joseph L. Mathias, Sr., Westminster, Betty Parsons, and Kay McLaughlin. The officer's club consists of all cadet the Carroll County organization re- Be lily Love, by N. Brodszky, will then commissioned officers of advanced THE OFFICERS CI,UB.' (not in order of appearance) Lt. Col. Robll1't D. ported a total of $394,234 in contribu- be sung by Bill Schneider. The WMC ROTC. Tickets may be purchased Ebert, lIIajor Leo J. Lathrousn.; Captains Watson D. Solomon, David M. Buffing- tions and pledges. OCtet, Carol Sause, Marilyn Hardee- from any member of the club or at ton, Brady L. K!mkle, Kendrick 11-1. McCall, and lViUw7l1 E. Rhoads, First President Ensor expressed his ap- tel', :fo Kompanek, Betty Branden- the door. Lieutenants Rwiolph J. Kraus, Sidney E. Albrittain, and Roland E. Fleisclier, preciation to the leaders of the Car- burg, Lois Cormac, Carol Bauer, Second Lieutenants William T. Bartgis, James T. Marsh, Daniel H. Hone- roll County organization on February Mary Bell Shawn, and Beverly War- Decorations Feature Insigni!!- mann, Samuel Winston, Joseph M. Barry, and Carl L. Sturgill. Not pictu,·ed.' 24 with these closing remarks, "It has ner, will offer two selections, Deep Cadet Lieut. Joseph Barry has re- Second Lt. Donald M. Smith. ... been a remarkable report. There is no Purple by Peter De Rose and Ten Lit- vealed that his decorations committee question but that we will reach our tle Indians, traditional. The orchestra is planning the theme along military final goat" will close the first half of the program lines and that there will be displayed Dr. Cook To Speak Frederick County has reported $16,- with Themes from "Romeo and Ju- some insignia of famous army units Club News 163 to date. Within the next five liet" by Peter L Tchaikowsky and as part of the new and different deco- At Assembly months, a series of individual cam- "One Fine Day" from Madame But- rations motif. Argonauts paigns will be held in Washington, by G. Puccini. The latter selec- Featured at Intermission will be a The Argonauts held the first formal D. C., on the Eastern Shore, in Wash- tion will feature Kitty Olewiler demonstration of close order drill by Dr. Robert C. Cook, of the Amen- meeting of the second semester yes- ington and Allegheny Counties, Balti- Shook, soprano', as soloist and will be the new WMC precision drill team can Genetic Association, will be the terday i~ McDaniel Lounge with Dr. more, Metropolitan New York, Phila- conducted by Bill Simpson. formed last November. The platoon is guest epeakex at a student assembly Paul S. Schilling, noted educator and delphia, and Wilmington. Roger J. commanded by Cadet Lieut. Carl Stur- next Tuesday. His topic will be "Marx- professor of systematic theology at Whiteford, prominent Washington Choir Offers Three Numbers ian Biology" and will be based upon gill and will wear parade uniforms the conflict between American and Westminster His Theological Seminary, as attorney, is the national ehairman of Following the intermission, the the Man theme "Is speaker. including white helmets, white gloves, Russia,enetics. Measure" discussed the application of the drive. Monday night, a Western Choir will offer three numbers, Choral Last white cartridge belts, and white leg- Maryland College banquet was held in Fantasy or Nursery Rhymes by Mat- gings. Also featured at the dance will Noted Genetic Lecturer the Pythagorean staterrient to the the Hall of Nations at the Washing- thews, Oh, What a Beautiful Morning be the officers' promenade. The pro- Dr. Cook was educated at the modern world. ton Hotel in the Capitol City. One by R. Rodgers, and George Gersh- gram for the evening and the ticket George Washington University and New members were inducted as as- hundred eighty-nine alumni and man's It Ain't Necessarily So. Arnold sales are being managed by Cadet the University of Maryland. In 1922, soctetee. Those eligible for entrance friends of the College gathered to Hayward will then offer Chopin's Captain David Buffington. he became assistant editor of the were: Jean Dougherty, Tobalee initiate the campaign in Washington Polonaise in A Flat Major, and will JOURNAL OF HEREDITY and has Iseocs, M. L. Mumiord, Audrey My- Cadet Lt. 0:11. Robert D. Ebert, the with this kick-off dinner. Dr. William be followed by Louis Pietroforte, who president of the Officers Club, is the since become editor. He is a noted lee- ers, Mickey Remsburg, Dotty Schmidt, W. Chase, Washington surgeon, is the will sing "Che GeUda Manina" from dance chairman. The publicity is be- turer in the field of genetics at George Louis Pietroforte, and Paul Streigle. chairman for the Washington region. La Boheme by Puccini. A violin quar- ing handled by Cadet Major Leo Washington University. He has writ- Inter Sorority The student-sponsored campaign tet consisting of Karl Yount, Betty Lathroum, while Cadet Captain Wat- ten several books, the most recent of The Bridge Tournament among the for the Advance Program on campus Parsons, Joe Luperini, and Mr. Philip son Solomon is the treasurer. Cadet which, Fertility of the Human Race, four sororities will be played at 7:30 is drawing to 'a close with the goal of Royer will offer G. n. Teleman's Con- Captain William Rhoads is in charge was published only last month. this Friday evening in McDaniel Hall. $3500 already passed. Under the lead- certo, with Marian Martin as accom- Tri Beta will sponsor a forum of the refreshments. McDaniel Lounge at 4 p. m. Here Dr. in The tournament will consist of the ership of Harry LeFew, the students panist. The TV male quartet, Lou winning team from each sorority and Cadet Captain Kendrick McCall is Cook will discuss more detailed phases the judges are Bill Hallmark and have raised $3574 to date. Although Pfetroforte, Bill Simpson, Charlie extending invitations to various local of his work in a round-table fashion. Douglass Paulson, who will also offi- formal solicitations have closed, v~i- Shook, and Don Stanton follow, sing- veterans' organizations and to the fac- oua organizations plan future proj- ing three selections, a negro spiritual, ulty. The newly-organized drill team All interested students and faculty ciate as score-keepers. A prize will be ects which will add to the total. De Al-umals A' Comin', The Sweet- was formed in order to start a chap- are invited to attend. 'awarded to the winning sorority. hca1·t of Sigma Chi by F. D. Vernon ter of Pershing Rifles, a national hon- and "Quartet" from Verti's Rigoletto. orary military society. The charter Romance will then be presented by has now been applied for, and the date Winnie Spencer. of initiation tentatively set for the The program will be closed by the afternoon of Saturday, March 10. Choir, presenting Cole Porter's I Love Twenty-one charter members will be You, Stephen Foster Choral Fan- initiated at that time. tasie arranged by Jacobs and "Scene and "Prayer" from Cavalleria Rusti- Spangler Will cana by Mascayni. stu- There are also the following dents who are directing the concert: Present Recital Harris Le Few, Student Fund Coordi- nator; Fred Keefer, production mana- gel'; Lou Pietroforte, technical ad- Mr. Oliver K. Spangler, associate viser; Betty Bachtell, musical direct- professor of music, wiU continue the or, and Mickie Rupert, 'Vomen's Stu- series of faculty recitals when he pre- dent Government president. sents a piano recital on Tuesday, Tickets may be purchased at Alum- March 27, at 8:15 p. m. in Alumni ni Hall on the night of the concert, Hall. and at Griffins'. Professor Spangler, who studied at Otterbein College and received his master's degree at Peabody Conserva- .Music Stuclents tory of Music, has made the following selections for bis program: "The Har- monious Blacksmith," a thematic air Present Recital adapted from Suite # 5 in E by Han- del; Beethoven's So-nata #14 in c The ApoUo Boys' Choir Audrey Meredith and William Simp- sharp minor, traditionally known as pride. This probably accounts for the by the Bell Telephone Company. Cli- the Moonlight Sonata; MacDowell's The Apollo Boys' Choir, which will organization's tremendous success and maxing the organization's profes- son, senior music students, presented Sonata #4,' Three P1'eludes, by De- appear in Alumni Hall on Friday, capacity concert business in all forty- sional activities are' appearances at a combined piano and voice recital Tuesday afternoon, 27, at February, Hus; Pnlude, by Gershwin; and Cho- March 30 at 8:15 p. m., was organ- eight states; also its frequent de- the Waldorf-Astoria and Town Hall pin's Scherzo in b minor, OpWJ !lQ. ized by its director, Mr. Coleman mands for return engagements. in New York; the White House and 4:15 p. m. in the Music Hall. Cooper, in 1935. It is an American Audrey, a public school music ma- The Choir is composed of twenty- National Art Gallery in Washington; jor, played two selections by Bach, Redfield A~nounces ~ve:i~~nwOo:;~:ld ~~~~~e~o~:s~h~~~;: three precociously talented young the Bach Festival in Winter Park, iUimtet (2nd French Suite) and Ga- boys between the ages of nine and Florida; and joint recitals with such votte (5th French Suite); Sonata., Summer Camp Dates !:~:~\~~u:i~~eet:eg~~~lI~n~h~i:s i~h~ fourteen. They were chosen through celebrated singers as Gladys Swarth- Opus 79, by Beethoven; Chopin's competitive auditions and reprell"ent out, Helen Traubel, and Frances Waltz in b minol', Orms 69; MacDow- Summer camp for junior ROTC stu- ~:~n;~eE~~:~::~d c~o~rep~~:: t: :~: many states. The organization is non- Yeend. . ell's To a Wild Rose; and two selec- dents will open in June, according to tivities were halted by the war. A denominational, therefore, open to any The organization has no financial tions by contemporary composers, Lieutenant Colonel Robert S. Redfield, non_sectarian, non-profit ensemble of boy whose musical and academic abil- resources except its concert proceeds Echoes from a Small Town, by Toch ity can meet the requirements. and A Giddy Girl, by Ibert: ii~~f:~SO~eofH~:~itary science and tac- ~ii:f~~gc:;::r~h:f ~e~~:::u~~di:'1~~~ During the past ten years, the Choir and unsolicited gifts froro friends who A voice major, Bill sang Oh Sleep, as a of music the recognize value Cadets will report on Saturday, a usual phase of American life., has filled over eight hundred engage- builder of character. Boys who held Why Dost Thou Leave Mel by Han- June 16, and the actual·training will The fact that the Apollo Choir has ments on artist courses. It has ap- scholarships while members of the del; With Joy, the Impatient Hus- begin the following Monday. The -surpassed all standards set by the peared with several of the nation's APollo Choir have later been awarded band7lHl-n by Haydn; and Leonca- camp, located as usual at Fort George European visitors has been firmly leading symphony orchestras and over highest honors in their respective vello's Prologue. The accompanist G. Meade, Maryland, will close on . established by America's leading all the major radio networks includ- Colleges and Universities. was Professor Oliver K. Spangler, Friday, July 27. critics, and is a matter for national ing the Great Artist Series sponsored
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