Page 46 - TheGoldBug1950-51
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The Gold Bug, Feb. 20, 1951 Music Students Committee DiscuSles I College Ca/enclar I by Dottie Phillips by Phil Kable Present Recital Absence Procedure Tuesday, February 20 If you are passed by a flash of red A baritone voice, accompanied by The College Committee on Ab- Basketball, Baltimore U, home. ~ hair carrying a pile of French and its own deeper echoes, sounds high on This afternoon at 4:25 p. m., seven "eences, headed by Dr. Joseph W. Hen- Friday, February 23 English books-her major interests- the Hill. Almost every evening around music students presented piano and dren, has issued the following notice, Musical Program, Alumni Hall, that's "Wink". Even though a good. vocal selections for the February designed to clarify the policy of five- 8:15 p. m. dollar days. many of her hours are spent browsing music recital. The regulation five-dollar abse~ce Wrestling, Baltimore U, away. through books in her multi-linguistic The three who presented piano se- fine applies to the following- four sit- Saturday, February. 24 fields, she is seldom found in room 222 lections were: Elizabeth Adams, uations: (1) absence from a final ex- Basketball, Johns Hopkins U, home. Blanche Ward. The one exception be- Gavotte by Martini; Janet Hering, Sunday, February 25 ing at 10 o'clock for the nightly meet- 8.{.trabande and Courante, by Frober- amination in either semester, (2) ab- Sunday School, Baker Chapel, ing of the Procrastinators Club of gel', Aria. by Telemann and La Begue's sence on the day preceding or follow- 9:15 a.m. which she is one of its five presidents. lIfinuet; Ruth Cole, Chopin's Valse in ing the Thanksgiving holidays or (3) Chapel, Rev. C. C. Rasmussen, A Minor. the Christmas holiday, or (4) the Her tracks are indelibly laid on the spring vacation. Gettysburg Seminary, Speaker, blocks between the offices of the GOLD Vocalist Mary Bell Shawn sang Fines are payable directly to the Alumni Hall, 7 :15 p. m. BUG, which she served so capably as Think On Me by Lucius Scott and college treasurer and go into the stu- Fireside, McDaniel Lounge, editor, and the TIMES Building which Handel's "As 'When the Dove" from dent loan fund. Absences caused by 8:15 p. m. she haunted until the last copy was Ads and Galatea; Beverly Warner illness, post office employment at Monday, February 26 printed. Since her freshman year, she and Patricia Shear gave the duet La Christmas, or some unavoidable neces- Camera Club, Science Hall 310, has been an interested participant in Vierge a la Creche by Franck; June sity may be excused by the committee 7 p. m. the journalistic efforts at WMC. Her Lambert, Vaghissima SC11Ww.nza by at the regular announced meetings FTA, McDaniel Lounge, 7 p. m. talent as a writer has already been Donaudu and Nymphs and Snep- held to review such cases. Time and Tuesday, February 27 displayed, since she was one of the co- herds by Purcell; and Janet Hering, place of these meetings are posted on Basketball, Mt. St. Mary's, home. writers of dialogue for the Junior Bauer's "A Little Lane" and Handel's the bulletin boards a few days before Wednesday, February 28 Follies. Her hope is to be the first "Loscia", selected from RenaldCJ. \the meetings are held. Applicants Wrestling, Catholic U, away. woman editor of an independent news- must present written evidence such as Thursday, March 1 paper in Baltimore or at least editor a note from the doctor or notice of the of the SUN. .r Larry Bailey employer . Basketball, Towson, away. Never too busy to do anything "MEET AT It is not the policy of the committee Friday, March 2 five o'clock, melody can be heard from to excuse absence for reasons other Wrestling, Towson, away. the shower on the fourth floor of Al- than those indicated. The committee Weelevans-; Wesleyanettes, bert Norman Ward's first section. PETE',S does not consider oversleeping on a McDaniel Lounge, 6:45 p. m, The lungs behind the voice and the five-dollar day or special convenience Saturday, March 3 . melody belong to Lawrence Bailey, in transportation or holiday parties Conference of College Canterbury better known as Larry. To Get Your Eats" or social functions as valid reasons Clubs, McDaniel Lounge, Baker Larry is a Baltimorean and a grad- for absence. Chapel, 12 :30 _ 8 :30 p. m. uate of Baltimore City College. He Main St.-Red Neon Sign Boxing, Catholic U, home spent almost two years in the Army, (cancelled). most of the time with the Signal Everybody Is Welcome Basketball, Loyola, away. Corps in the Army of Occupation in WSSF Bazaar, Blanche Ward Gym, Germany. To Stop In At 7 p. m. Dean's Lister Sunday, March 4 After his discharge, he entered G.C. Murphy & Co. Margaret & Earl's Sunday School, Baker Chapel, Western Maryland and built a fine Ice 9:15 a. m. scholastic record. Continually found The Friendly Store , Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7 :15 p. m. on the "Dean's List", Larry has ex- SANDWICHES- Fireside, McDaniel Lounge, perienced difficulty in finding enough SOFT DRINKS 8:15 p. m. courses that he .can take for credit Dormitory and Ciallroom Monday, March 5 toward his economics major. Supplia FRESHMEN INVITED Argonauts, McDaniel Lounge, Lawrence admits that he spent his 6:45 p. m. freshman year studying and getting NaneJ Winkelman acquainted in the upper-class dorm in 6-10 Main Street which he lived. ' Westminstu. Md. Greeting Cards w.hich she considers important is' A staunch member of Alpha Gam- Griffin's Antiques at the end of Wink. From her station ma Tau, Larry Gifts f ~:~1:~~l~o~~a::se p:~~~ ~~et~:s :~:! has been a real work- Georgianna Galliher with his faithful er. This, combined service as treasurer during his junior in connection with her work as copy year and as chairman of the 1950 Just editor of-the ALOHA and archery Homecoming Dance, has earned him IF YOU CAN'T GET IT 164 W. Main st. representative on the WAA board. the office of vice-president for the last AT THE BOOK srons Good But, when she makes it to breakfast, semester of his senior year. Conveniently not a word is spoken until she has TRY Located near the said, "May I have a cup of coffee, GOLD BUG Business Manager Food . Hili please?" When the need arose, Larry ac- COFFMAN'S Often seen behind the office desk at cepted the job as business manager of Blanche Ward, she keeps in touch with the GOLD BUG and had a large part His latest activity is with the busi- Stationery Store the thoughts and interests of the camp- in the publication of the paper during 1950. us. Come 6 :30 p. m. and she can be found avidly' reading the evening pa- ness staff of the ALOHA as circula- Times Building per, no part of which misses her at- tion manager. tention, unless some unexpected noise occurs which always makes her jump. As to his future, wen, that is up to CREPE PAPER Even the mention of a firecracker Larry. However, his quick mind and GREETING CARDS sends her toward the ceiling. ready sense of humor will be of great value to him. What ever he does, his SCHOOL SUPPLIES Cclleets Pottery friends wish him well and are-con- At home in Baltimore, she proudly fident of his success. displays her collection of pottery and her souvenirs of days at good old Eastern. It isn't hard to tell that her favorite color is green-e-even to tooth- paste! Her first love is flying, followed closely by apricot juice and cheese on crackers. As for alarm clocks, she "can't abide them." Wink states her Ccntlnuoue 2 p. m. SaturdaY8 and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and major accomplishments as the publi- Holidays. Holldaya. Sunday Matineea: 2 and 4 cation of an 8-page issue of the GOLD Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. p. m. Evening ahow 9 p. m. Week- BUG on Homecoming to announce the Matinee 2 p. m.-Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. day show. contlnuOUIJfrom 4:80 p. m. beginning of the Mid-Century Ad- vance Campaign, and the freshman TUES., FEB. 20 WED., FEB. 20-21 days when she took care of serving KIM TUES., (Double Feature) eighteen girls breakfast at Cassell Errol Flynn Laurette Luez CAPTURE Hall and still made her 8 o'clock TATTOOED STRANGER classes. WED., THURS., Proof of her popularity and right- WALK SOFTLY, FEB. 21-22 THURS., FRI., FEB. 22-23 STRANGER ful place in Who's Who is that when (Double Feature) anyone asks for Wink-everybody Joseph Cotton Valli ~MARINE RAIDERS knows it means that gal who is tops IT'S ONLY MONEY at WMC. FRI., SAT., FEB. 23-24 EMERGENCY WEDDING Larry Parks Barbara Hale SATURDAY, FEB. 24 Meeting the gang to discuss a quiz DYNAMITE PASS -a date with the campus queen- Tim Holt or 'just killing time between classes Wescmirutu'. SUN., MON., TUES., Store at Slill~ New Modem Oro&, Store FEB. 25-26-27 SUN., MON.; FEB. 25-26 -c-Brooks Student BORN YESTERDAY water, Oklahoma is one of the fa· William Holden Nancy Holliday STORM WARNING DRUGS Ginger Rogers Ronald Reagan vorite gathering spots for students SCHOOL SUPPI:tES WED., THURS., FEB. 28 - MARCH 1 at Oklahoma A & 1\1 College. At COSMETICS GREAT ,MAN HUNT TUES., WED., FEB. 27-28 Brooks Student Store, as in college (Double Feature) Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. campus haunts everywhere, a frosty SODAS GASOLINE ALLEY bottle of Coca-Cola is always on THE TOUGHER THEY COME FRI., SAT., MARCH 2-3 hand for the pause that refreshes- Bixler and Guild TARZAN AND THE LEOPARD THURS., FRI., MARCH 1-2 Coke'belongs. WOMAN Drug Co. Johnny Weismuller Robert Ryan SECRET FURY Colbert Claudette SUN., MON., TUES., trmie-marks mean the same lhing. John and Main Sts. MARCH 4-5-6 SATURDAY, MARCH 3 aomED UNDEJtAUTHORITYOF THE COCA.COLA COMPANY IIY BED TIME FOR BONZA LIGHTNING GUNS WESTMINST¥R COCA-COLA BOTI'LING CO•• INC. Ronald Reagan Smiley Burnett o 1951,Th. Coca.CoIa COnlP,,"y
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